       log:  /Users/baum/Documents/chuck/    ChuckLitGov4/paper_datasets9408/Pro
> xy_File_Extension9408/litgov4-2.smcl
  log type:  smcl
 opened on:   8 Apr 2009, 16:01:31

. // litgov4-2 9403 . // read proxy_file_extension sheets . // for new firms . local ts 9408

. . cd "/Users/baum/Documents/chuck/ ChuckLitGov4/paper_datasets9408/Proxy_File > _Extension9408" /Users/baum/Documents/chuck/ ChuckLitGov4/paper_datasets9408/Proxy_File_Exten > sion9408/

. . local in1 "director_list-table1.csv"

. local in2 "primary_new-table1.csv"

. local in3 "proxy_list_extend-table1.csv"

. // local in4 "../case_input_file.csv" . local ou1 "dirlist`ts'"

. local ou2 "prinew`ts'"

. local ou3 "proxlext`ts'"

. // local ou4 "casefile`ts'" . . insheet using `in1', clear (41 vars, 2306 obs)

. tab rec_type

rec_type | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- DIR | 1,697 87.07 87.07 IYR | 126 6.46 93.54 MTG | 126 6.46 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,949 100.00

. drop if rec_type != "DIR" (609 observations deleted)

. desc

Contains data obs: 1,697 vars: 41 size: 658,436 (99.9% of memory free) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rec_type str3 %9s case_code str7 %9s comnam str42 %42s director_id str6 %9s lname str17 %17s fname str24 %24s yr_m1 str11 %11s yr_0 str11 %11s yr_1 str11 %11s yr_2 str11 %11s yr_3 str11 %11s yr_4 str11 %11s dp_board_dt byte %8.0g Dp_Board_Dt dp_job_dt str10 %10s Dp_Job_Dt source str5 %9s Source status_yr_m1 str11 %11s status_yr_0 str11 %11s status_yr_1 str11 %11s status_yr_2 str11 %11s status_yr_3 str11 %11s status_yr_4 str11 %11s chair_status_m1 str6 %9s Chair_status_m1 chair_status_0 str6 %9s Chair_status_0 ceo_chair_m1 str8 %9s CEO_Chair_m1 ceo_chair_0 str8 %9s CEO_Chair_0 join_board int %8.0g Join_Board age_yr_m1 byte %8.0g Age_yr_m1 age_yr0 byte %8.0g Age_yr0 age_yr1 byte %8.0g Age_yr1 audit_yr_m1 str1 %9s Audit_yr_m1 audit_yr0 str3 %9s Audit_yr0 audit_yr1 str1 %9s Audit_yr1 dual_class str12 %12s Dual_Class shares_yr_m1 str11 %11s Shares_yr_m1 shares_out_y~m1 str13 %13s Shares_Out_Yr_m1 shares_yr0 str11 %11s Shares_yr0 shares_out_yr0 str13 %13s Shares_Out_Yr0 pct_yr0 float %9.0g Pct_yr0 shares_yr1 str11 %11s Shares_yr1 shares_out_yr1 str13 %13s Shares_Out_Yr1 pct_yr1 str7 %9s Pct_yr1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: Note: dataset has changed since last saved

. su

Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- rec_type | 0 case_code | 0 comnam | 0 director_id | 0 lname | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- fname | 0 yr_m1 | 0 yr_0 | 0 yr_1 | 0 yr_2 | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- yr_3 | 0 yr_4 | 0 dp_board_dt | 0 dp_job_dt | 0 source | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- status_yr_m1 | 0 status_yr_0 | 0 status_yr_1 | 0 status_yr_2 | 0 status_yr_3 | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- status_yr_4 | 0 chair_stat~1 | 0 chair_stat~0 | 0 ceo_chair_m1 | 0 ceo_chair_0 | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- join_board | 1696 1996.837 6.562779 1948 2007 age_yr_m1 | 819 56.59585 9.904632 31 82 age_yr0 | 1614 54.03036 10.05199 24 83 age_yr1 | 1572 55.18066 10.02602 25 84 audit_yr_m1 | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- audit_yr0 | 0 audit_yr1 | 0 dual_class | 0 shares_yr_m1 | 0 shares_ou~m1 | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- shares_yr0 | 0 shares_out~0 | 0 pct_yr0 | 210 8.211714 9.493753 .1 51.9 shares_yr1 | 0 shares_ou~r1 | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- pct_yr1 | 0

. list in 1/2

+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | rec_type | case_c~e | comnam | direct~d | lname | | DIR | AAM__01 | Aames Financial Corp. | E00101 | Burroughs | |--------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | fname | yr_m1 | yr_0 | yr_1 | yr_2 | yr_3 | yr_4 | dp_boa~t | | Bobbie J. | | PROXY | | | | | . | |--------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | dp_job~t | source | statu~m1 | status~0 | statu~_1 | status~2 | | | | | EMP | | | |----------+---------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------| | status~3 | status~4 | chair_~1 | chair_~0 | ceo_ch~1 | ceo_ch~0 | | | | | | | | |----------+---------------------------------+-----------+-----------| | join_b~d | age_y~m1 | age_yr0 | age_yr1 | audit~m1 | audit_~0 | | 1991 | . | 59 | 60 | | N | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------| | audit~r1 | dual_c~s | shares.. | shares.. | sh~s_yr0 | shares_o~0 | | N | | | | 36,585 | 15,837,091 | |--------------------------------+-----------------------------------| | pct_yr0 | sh~s_yr1 | shar~t_yr1 | pct_yr1 | | . | | 27,774,575 | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2. | rec_type | case_c~e | comnam | direct~d | lname | | DIR | AAM__01 | Aames Financial Corp. | E00102 | Cerrell | |--------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | fname | yr_m1 | yr_0 | yr_1 | yr_2 | yr_3 | yr_4 | dp_boa~t | | Joseph R. | | PROXY | | | | | . | |--------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | dp_job~t | source | statu~m1 | status~0 | statu~_1 | status~2 | | | | | IND | | | |----------+---------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------| | status~3 | status~4 | chair_~1 | chair_~0 | ceo_ch~1 | ceo_ch~0 | | | | | | | | |----------+---------------------------------+-----------+-----------| | join_b~d | age_y~m1 | age_yr0 | age_yr1 | audit~m1 | audit_~0 | | 1992 | . | 61 | 62 | | Y | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------| | audit~r1 | dual_c~s | shares.. | shares.. | sh~s_yr0 | shares_o~0 | | Y | | | | 17,749 | 15,837,091 | |--------------------------------+-----------------------------------| | pct_yr0 | sh~s_yr1 | shar~t_yr1 | pct_yr1 | | . | 42,750 | 27,774,575 | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

. save `ou1', replace file dirlist9408.dta saved

. . insheet using `in2', names clear (10 vars, 1697 obs)

. desc

Contains data obs: 1,697 vars: 10 size: 222,307 (99.9% of memory free) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- action_type str3 %9s case_code str7 %9s comnam str42 %42s director_id str6 %9s lname str19 %19s fname str24 %24s named str3 %9s source_named str3 %9s insider_trading str3 %9s source_trading str13 %13s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: Note: dataset has changed since last saved

. su

Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- action_type | 0 case_code | 0 comnam | 0 director_id | 0 lname | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- fname | 0 named | 0 source_named | 0 insider_tr~g | 0 source_tra~g | 0

. list in 1/2

+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | action~e | case_c~e | comnam | direct~d | lname | | PRI | AAM__01 | Aames Financial Corp. | E00101 | Burroughs | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| | fname | named | source~d | inside~g | source~g | | Bobbie J. | Y | COM | N | COM | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2. | action~e | case_c~e | comnam | direct~d | lname | | PRI | AAM__01 | Aames Financial Corp. | E00102 | Cerrell | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| | fname | named | source~d | inside~g | source~g | | Joseph R. | N | COM | N | COM | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

. save `ou2', replace file prinew9408.dta saved

. . insheet using `in3', clear (15 vars, 756 obs)

. desc

Contains data obs: 756 vars: 15 size: 143,640 (99.9% of memory free) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lookup str10 %10s source str8 %9s mtgdate str11 %11s proxy_status str8 %9s Proxy_status proxy_date str11 %11s Proxy_Date missing_proxy~n str52 %52s Missing_proxy_reason id byte %8.0g comnam str42 %42s ticker str5 %9s case_code str7 %9s cusip str9 %9s permno long %12.0g year int %8.0g filing_date str11 %11s Filing_date suityear byte %8.0g Suit-Year -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: Note: dataset has changed since last saved

. su

Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- lookup | 0 source | 0 mtgdate | 0 proxy_status | 0 proxy_date | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- missing_pr~n | 0 id | 0 comnam | 0 ticker | 0 case_code | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- cusip | 0 permno | 756 71806.39 23260.75 10137 90014 year | 756 2001.675 3.069602 1994 2007 filing_date | 0 suityear | 756 1.5 1.708956 -1 4

. list in 1/2

+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | lookup | source | mtgdate | proxy_~s | proxy_date | missin~n | | AAM__01_-1 | NO PROXY | NO PROXY | NO PROXY | NO PROXY | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | id | comnam | ticker | case_c~e | cusip | permno | | . | Aames Financial Corp. | AAM | AAM__01 | 00253G108 | 77162 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | year | filing_d~e | suityear | | 1995 | 9-Sep-1997 | -1 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+

+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2. | lookup | source | mtgdate | proxy_~s | proxy_date | missin~n | | AAM__01_0 | PROXY | 12-Nov-1996 | OK | 17-Oct-1996 | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | id | comnam | ticker | case_c~e | cusip | permno | | . | Aames Financial Corp. | AAM | AAM__01 | 00253G108 | 77162 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | year | filing_d~e | suityear | | 1996 | 9-Sep-1997 | 0 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+

. tab year

year | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1994 | 4 0.53 0.53 1995 | 12 1.59 2.12 1996 | 28 3.70 5.82 1997 | 40 5.29 11.11 1998 | 51 6.75 17.86 1999 | 58 7.67 25.53 2000 | 61 8.07 33.60 2001 | 86 11.38 44.97 2002 | 98 12.96 57.94 2003 | 86 11.38 69.31 2004 | 75 9.92 79.23 2005 | 68 8.99 88.23 2006 | 61 8.07 96.30 2007 | 28 3.70 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 756 100.00

. rename suityear suit_year

. tab suit_year

Suit-Year | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- -1 | 126 16.67 16.67 0 | 126 16.67 33.33 1 | 126 16.67 50.00 2 | 126 16.67 66.67 3 | 126 16.67 83.33 4 | 126 16.67 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 756 100.00

. save `ou3', replace file proxlext9408.dta saved

. . log close log: /Users/baum/Documents/chuck/ ChuckLitGov4/paper_datasets9408/Pro > xy_File_Extension9408/litgov4-2.smcl log type: smcl closed on: 8 Apr 2009, 16:01:31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------