      name:  <unnamed>
       log:  /Users/baum/Documents/Chuck/    ChuckLitGov4/paper_datasets9403/lit
> gov4-6.smcl
  log type:  smcl
 opened on:  30 Nov 2009, 13:52:09

. // litgov4-6 9403 . // read case_input_file and separate PRI, SEC records . // and merge on director file . // read additional governance file, load only PRI records . // and merge on director file . // read assets file . // read CARA file (updated 9B30 for (-25, -1)) . // read blockholders file . local ts 9408

. . local in1 "case_input_file.csv"

. local in2 "additional_governance_controls_input.csv"

. local in3 "assets_7A15.dta"

. local in4 "Assets_Input_Extension.dta"

. local in5 "proxy_proxyCARA25.dta"

. local in6 "Blockholder_Holdings_input.csv"

. local ou1 "case_input_file`ts'"

. local ou2 "case_file_prisec`ts'"

. local ou3 "dirinfo_full_long`ts'"

. local extdir "/Users/baum/Documents/chuck/ ChuckLitGov4/Paper_datasets9408/ > IRRC_matched_input_revised9408"

. local ou4 "dircaseinfo_full_long`ts'"

. local ou5 "additional_governance_controls`ts'"

. local ou6 "blockholder`ts'"

. . // case_input_file handling . insheet using `in1', clear (34 vars, 565 obs)

. local v2keep year beg_class_per end_class_per sec_start sec_end filing_date st > atus settlement_amounts

. save `ou1', replace file case_input_file9408.dta saved

. preserve

. keep if action_type == "PRI" (65 observations deleted)

. tempfile ou1t

. count 500

. save `ou1t', replace (note: file /var/folders/ZP/ZPPEbXv7HgabohSkXBj2TU+++yU/-Tmp-//S_63410.00004b no > t found) file /var/folders/ZP/ZPPEbXv7HgabohSkXBj2TU+++yU/-Tmp-//S_63410.00004b saved

. restore

. preserve

. keep if action_type == "SEC1" (518 observations deleted)

. keep case_code `v2keep'

. renvars `v2keep', suffix("1")

. tempfile ou2t

. count 47

. save `ou2t', replace (note: file /var/folders/ZP/ZPPEbXv7HgabohSkXBj2TU+++yU/-Tmp-//S_63410.00004d no > t found) file /var/folders/ZP/ZPPEbXv7HgabohSkXBj2TU+++yU/-Tmp-//S_63410.00004d saved

. restore

. preserve

. keep if action_type == "SEC2" (559 observations deleted)

. keep case_code `v2keep'

. renvars `v2keep', suffix("2")

. tempfile ou3t

. count 6

. save `ou3t', replace (note: file /var/folders/ZP/ZPPEbXv7HgabohSkXBj2TU+++yU/-Tmp-//S_63410.00004f no > t found) file /var/folders/ZP/ZPPEbXv7HgabohSkXBj2TU+++yU/-Tmp-//S_63410.00004f saved

. restore

. keep if action_type == "SEC3" (563 observations deleted)

. keep case_code `v2keep'

. renvars `v2keep', suffix("3")

. tempfile ou4t

. count 2

. save `ou4t', replace (note: file /var/folders/ZP/ZPPEbXv7HgabohSkXBj2TU+++yU/-Tmp-//S_63410.00004g no > t found) file /var/folders/ZP/ZPPEbXv7HgabohSkXBj2TU+++yU/-Tmp-//S_63410.00004g saved

. . use `ou1t', clear

. desc

Contains data from /var/folders/ZP/ZPPEbXv7HgabohSkXBj2TU+++yU/-Tmp-//S_63410.00 > 004b obs: 500 vars: 34 30 Nov 2009 13:52 size: 165,500 (99.9% of memory free) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dataset str4 %9s action_type str4 %9s mtgdate str8 %9s id long %12.0g comnam str42 %42s ticker str5 %9s case_code str7 %9s year int %8.0g beg_class_per str10 %10s Beg_Class_Per end_class_per str10 %10s End_Class_Per sec_start str10 %10s SEC_start sec_end str10 %10s SEC_end filing_date str10 %10s Filing_date file_under_wi~r str3 %9s File_under_within_1yr restatement str1 %9s Restatement gaapviolation str1 %9s GAAP Violation false_forecast str1 %9s False_Forecast failure_to_di~e str1 %9s Failure_to_Disclose other str1 %9s Other primary_source str34 %34s Primary_Source drop_code str33 %33s Drop_Code status str17 %17s Status status_date str7 %9s Status_Date settlement_am~s str13 %13s Settlement_Amounts notes str73 %73s Notes v26 byte %8.0g v27 byte %8.0g v28 byte %8.0g v29 byte %8.0g v30 byte %8.0g v31 byte %8.0g v32 byte %8.0g v33 byte %8.0g v34 str4 %9s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by:

. merge case_code using `ou2t', unique sort (note: you are using old merge syntax; see [R] merge for new syntax)

. tab _merge

_merge | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1 | 453 90.60 90.60 3 | 47 9.40 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 500 100.00

. drop _merge

. merge case_code using `ou3t', unique sort (note: you are using old merge syntax; see [R] merge for new syntax)

. tab _merge

_merge | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1 | 494 98.80 98.80 3 | 6 1.20 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 500 100.00

. drop _merge

. merge case_code using `ou4t', unique sort (note: you are using old merge syntax; see [R] merge for new syntax)

. tab _merge

_merge | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1 | 498 99.60 99.60 3 | 2 0.40 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 500 100.00

. drop _merge

. rename year suit_year_case

. drop v*

. desc

Contains data from /var/folders/ZP/ZPPEbXv7HgabohSkXBj2TU+++yU/-Tmp-//S_63410.00 > 004b obs: 500 vars: 49 30 Nov 2009 13:52 size: 282,500 (99.9% of memory free) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dataset str4 %9s action_type str4 %9s mtgdate str8 %9s id long %12.0g comnam str42 %42s ticker str5 %9s case_code str7 %9s suit_year_case int %8.0g beg_class_per str10 %10s Beg_Class_Per end_class_per str10 %10s End_Class_Per sec_start str10 %10s SEC_start sec_end str10 %10s SEC_end filing_date str10 %10s Filing_date file_under_wi~r str3 %9s File_under_within_1yr restatement str1 %9s Restatement gaapviolation str1 %9s GAAP Violation false_forecast str1 %9s False_Forecast failure_to_di~e str1 %9s Failure_to_Disclose other str1 %9s Other primary_source str34 %34s Primary_Source drop_code str33 %33s Drop_Code status str17 %17s Status status_date str7 %9s Status_Date settlement_am~s str13 %13s Settlement_Amounts notes str73 %73s Notes year1 int %8.0g beg_class_per1 str10 %10s Beg_Class_Per end_class_per1 str10 %10s End_Class_Per sec_start1 str10 %10s SEC_start sec_end1 str10 %10s SEC_end filing_date1 str10 %10s Filing_date status1 str17 %17s Status settlement_am~1 str13 %13s Settlement_Amounts year2 int %8.0g beg_class_per2 str10 %10s Beg_Class_Per end_class_per2 str10 %10s End_Class_Per sec_start2 str10 %10s SEC_start sec_end2 str10 %10s SEC_end filing_date2 str10 %10s Filing_date status2 str17 %17s Status settlement_am~2 str13 %13s Settlement_Amounts year3 int %8.0g beg_class_per3 str10 %10s Beg_Class_Per end_class_per3 str10 %10s End_Class_Per sec_start3 str10 %10s SEC_start sec_end3 str10 %10s SEC_end filing_date3 str10 %10s Filing_date status3 str17 %17s Status settlement_am~3 str13 %13s Settlement_Amounts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: Note: dataset has changed since last saved

. save `ou2', replace file case_file_prisec9408.dta saved

. . // additional_governance_controls handling . insheet using `in2', clear (12 vars, 555 obs)

. keep if action_type == "PRI" (55 observations deleted)

. destring insthold gindex eindex, replace force insthold contains nonnumeric characters; replaced as double (12 missing values generated) gindex contains nonnumeric characters; replaced as byte (59 missing values generated) eindex contains nonnumeric characters; replaced as byte (59 missing values generated)

. save `ou5', replace file additional_governance_controls9408.dta saved

. . // assets handling . use `in3', clear

. append using `in4'

. tempfile ou5t

. replace case_code = "COVD_01" if case_code == "COVD-01" (1 real change made)

. save `ou5t', replace (note: file /var/folders/ZP/ZPPEbXv7HgabohSkXBj2TU+++yU/-Tmp-//S_63410.00004n no > t found) file /var/folders/ZP/ZPPEbXv7HgabohSkXBj2TU+++yU/-Tmp-//S_63410.00004n saved

. . // blockholder handling . insheet using `in6', clear (16 vars, 494 obs)

. drop if case_code == "COVD-01" (0 observations deleted)

. save `ou6', replace file blockholder9408.dta saved

. . use "`extdir'/`ou3'", clear

. // merge case_input_file, allowing case file values to override . merge case_code using `ou2', uniqusing sort update replace (note: you are using old merge syntax; see [R] merge for new syntax) variable case_code does not uniquely identify observations in the master data action_type was str3 now str4

. tab _merge

_merge | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 4 | 1,102 2.58 2.58 5 | 41,612 97.42 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 42,714 100.00

. drop _merge

. // merge additional_governance_controls . merge case_code using `ou5', uniqusing sort (note: you are using old merge syntax; see [R] merge for new syntax) variable case_code does not uniquely identify observations in the master data

. tab _merge

_merge | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 3 | 42,714 100.00 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 42,714 100.00

. drop _merge

. // merge assets . merge case_code using `ou5t', uniqusing sort (note: you are using old merge syntax; see [R] merge for new syntax) variable case_code does not uniquely identify observations in the master data

. tab _merge

_merge | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 3 | 42,714 100.00 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 42,714 100.00

. drop _merge

. // merge CARA . merge case_code using `in5', uniqusing sort (note: you are using old merge syntax; see [R] merge for new syntax) variable case_code does not uniquely identify observations in the master data

. tab _merge

_merge | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1 | 2,064 4.83 4.83 3 | 40,650 95.17 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 42,714 100.00

. tempvar ctag

. egen ctag = tag(cusip)

. list case_code comnam smpl cusip if _merge == 1 & ctag

+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | case_c~e comnam smpl cusip | |---------------------------------------------------------------| 2491. | ALMO_01 Alamosa Holdings Inc. 1 011589108 | 4159. | ATHM_01 AT HOME 0 04591910 | 4855. | AWE__01 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 0 00209A10 | 5101. | BAC__01 BANKAMERICA 0 06605010 | 6013. | BEV__01 BEVERLY ENTERPRISES 0 08785130 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| 8995. | CIEN_01 Ciena Corp. 1 171779101 | 10369. | CNST_01 Constar International, Inc. 1 21036U107 | 10903. | CORR_01 COR THERAPEUTICS 0 21775310 | 13387. | DSS__01 Quantum Corp. 1 747906204 | 13429. | DTII_01 DT INDUSTRIES 0 23333J10 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| 15541. | FHPC_01 FHP INTERNATIONAL 0 30242610 | 16909. | F____01 FORD MOTOR 0 34537010 | 16910. | F____01 FORD MOTOR 0 34537086 | 17671. | GLC__01 GALILEO INTERNATIONAL 0 36354710 | 18775. | GX___01 GLOBAL CROSSING 0 G3921A10 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| 23191. | KIND_01 Kindred Healthcare, Inc. 1 494580103 | 24031. | LF___01 LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. 1 52186N106 | 24973. | MCGC_01 MCG Capital Corp. 1 58047P107 | 27697. | NPNT_01 NORTHPOINT COMMUNICATIONS GROUP 0 66661010 | 30949. | PIN__01 AMF Bowling Inc._S1 1 03113V109 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| 31381. | PMTC_02 Parametric Technology Corp. 1 699173100 | 33319. | RBAKD01 Redback Networks, Inc. _A 1 757209507 | 34135. | RSG__01 REPUBLIC SERVICES 0 76075910 | 39337. | UAG__01 United Auto Group Inc. 1 909440109 | 42439. | XOXO_01 XO COMMUNICATIONS 0 98376410 | +---------------------------------------------------------------+

. drop _merge

. // merge blockholder . merge case_code using `ou6', uniqusing sort (note: you are using old merge syntax; see [R] merge for new syntax) variable case_code does not uniquely identify observations in the master data

. tab _merge

_merge | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1 | 486 1.14 1.14 3 | 42,228 98.86 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 42,714 100.00

. drop _merge

. . // drop cases for which drop_code defined . drop if !mi(drop_code) (2262 observations deleted)

. . // fix up class period, SEC dates . local fix1 filing_date beg_class_per end_class_per sec_start sec_end

. foreach v of local fix1 { 2. g d`v' = date(`v', "MDY", 2040) 3. format d`v' %td 4. } (29352 missing values generated) (29430 missing values generated)

. list case_code beg_class_per end_class_per if mi(dbeg_class_per) | mi(dend_cla > ss_per)

. // generate overlap indicator . g secoverlap = cond(!mi(dsec_start) & !mi(dsec_end), /// > (dsec_end >= dbeg_class_per & dsec_start <= dend_class_per), 0)

. g secalso = (!mi(dsec_start) & !mi(dsec_end))

. . tab secoverlap

secoverlap | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 0 | 31,848 78.73 78.73 1 | 8,604 21.27 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 40,452 100.00

. egen byte casetag = tag(case_code)

. tab secalso secoverlap if casetag

| secoverlap secalso | 0 1 | Total -----------+----------------------+---------- 0 | 351 0 | 351 1 | 27 95 | 122 -----------+----------------------+---------- Total | 378 95 | 473

. . // generate dismissed indicator . g byte dismissed = status == "DISMISSED"

. tab status dismissed

| dismissed Status | 0 1 | Total ------------------+----------------------+---------- ACTIVE | 1,098 0 | 1,098 DISMISSED | 0 15,582 | 15,582 SETTLED | 23,676 0 | 23,676 SETTLED (PARTIAL) | 96 0 | 96 ------------------+----------------------+---------- Total | 24,870 15,582 | 40,452

. . tab secoverlap dismissed, cell

+-----------------+ | Key | |-----------------| | frequency | | cell percentage | +-----------------+

| dismissed secoverlap | 0 1 | Total -----------+----------------------+---------- 0 | 18,576 13,272 | 31,848 | 45.92 32.81 | 78.73 -----------+----------------------+---------- 1 | 6,294 2,310 | 8,604 | 15.56 5.71 | 21.27 -----------+----------------------+---------- Total | 24,870 15,582 | 40,452 | 61.48 38.52 | 100.00

. tab secoverlap dismissed if casetag, cell

+-----------------+ | Key | |-----------------| | frequency | | cell percentage | +-----------------+

| dismissed secoverlap | 0 1 | Total -----------+----------------------+---------- 0 | 218 160 | 378 | 46.09 33.83 | 79.92 -----------+----------------------+---------- 1 | 70 25 | 95 | 14.80 5.29 | 20.08 -----------+----------------------+---------- Total | 288 185 | 473 | 60.89 39.11 | 100.00

. . g lenclassper = dend_class_per - dbeg_class_per

. g lensecper = dsec_end - dsec_start (29430 missing values generated)

. list case_code lenclassper beg_class_per end_class_per /// > if lenclassper < 1 & casetag

+---------------------------------------------+ | case_c~e lencla~r beg_cla~r end_cla~r | |---------------------------------------------| 529. | ACXM_01 0 7/23/1999 7/23/1999 | 9637. | CNST_01 0 11/14/02 11/14/02 | 19105. | HWP__01 0 9/3/2001 9/3/2001 | 28315. | PEB__01 0 2/29/2000 2/29/2000 | 37561. | UK___01 0 10/6/1999 10/6/1999 | +---------------------------------------------+

. list case_code lenclassper beg_class_per end_class_per /// > if lenclassper > 5*365 & casetag

+---------------------------------------------+ | case_c~e lencla~r beg_cla~r end_cla~r | |---------------------------------------------| 5125. | BBI__01 1827 2/14/1992 2/14/1997 | 14443. | FCAA_01 1942 3/5/1992 6/29/1997 | +---------------------------------------------+

. list case_code lensecper sec_start sec_end /// > if !mi(lensecper) & lensecper > 5*365 & casetag

+---------------------------------------------+ | case_c~e lensec~r sec_st~t sec_end | |---------------------------------------------| 6205. | BRCM_01 2555 6/1/1998 5/30/2005 | 6655. | CAG__01 2555 6/1/1998 5/30/2005 | 9451. | CMVT_01 4048 1/1/1991 1/31/2002 | 9931. | COL__01 2464 1/1/1972 9/30/1978 | 11275. | CU___01 4867 1/1/1985 4/30/1998 | |---------------------------------------------| 12241. | DOW__01 2191 1/1/1996 12/31/2001 | 12691. | DUK__01 2008 6/1/1997 11/30/2002 | 17629. | GT___01 2191 1/1/1979 12/31/1984 | 18823. | HRC__01 2417 1/1/1996 8/14/2002 | 18931. | HRC__02 2417 1/1/1996 8/14/2002 | |---------------------------------------------| 20617. | IPG__01 3194 1/1/1997 9/30/2005 | 23881. | MER__01 5843 1/1/1972 12/31/1987 | 26005. | NS___01 2007 1/1/1992 6/30/1997 | 30937. | QSFT_01 2281 1/1/2000 3/31/2006 | 32605. | SCOR_01 6518 1/1/1985 11/6/2002 | |---------------------------------------------| 35965. | THC__01 2040 6/1/1999 12/31/2004 | 36505. | TSO__01 3992 1/1/1968 12/6/1978 | 36775. | TYC__01 2374 7/1/1996 12/31/2002 | 37681. | UNH__01 4292 4/1/1994 12/31/2005 | 39373. | WMX__01 2099 1/1/1992 9/30/1997 | +---------------------------------------------+

. . g fileafter = dfiling_date - dbeg_class_per

. list case_code fileafter dbeg_class_per dfiling_date filing_date /// > if fileafter<=0 & casetag

. . list case_code fileafter dbeg_class_per dfiling_date filing_date if mi(fileaft > er)

. . g filingyear = yofd(dfiling_date)

. tab filingyear

filingyear | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1996 | 1,008 2.49 2.49 1997 | 4,014 9.92 12.41 1998 | 5,100 12.61 25.02 1999 | 5,712 14.12 39.14 2000 | 5,796 14.33 53.47 2001 | 5,220 12.90 66.37 2002 | 9,438 23.33 89.71 2003 | 4,080 10.09 99.79 2004 | 84 0.21 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 40,452 100.00

. drop year_filed yeara

. . desc

Contains data from /Users/baum/Documents/chuck/ ChuckLitGov4/Paper_datasets94 > 08/IRRC_matched_input_revised9408/dirinfo_full_long9408.dta obs: 40,452 vars: 141 2 Sep 2009 14:31 size: 49,958,220 (90.5% of memory free) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dircase str13 %13s caseyr str3 %9s lookup str14 %14s Lookup rectype_hide byte %8.0g Rectype_hide rec_type str3 %9s case_code str7 %9s comnam str42 %42s director_id str6 %9s lname str20 %20s fname str24 %24s yr str11 %11s dp_board_dt str8 %9s Dp_Board_Dt dp_job_dt str11 %11s Dp_Job_Dt source str11 %11s Source status_yr str11 %11s ceo_chair_m1 str8 %9s CEO_Chair_m1 ceo_chair_0 str8 %9s CEO_Chair_0 join_board int %8.0g Join_Board age_yr_m1 byte %8.0g Age_yr_m1 age_yr_0 byte %8.0g Age_yr_0 age_yr_1 byte %8.0g Age_yr_1 audit_yr_m1 str1 %9s Audit_yr_m1 audit_yr0 str3 %9s Audit_yr0 audit_yr1 str1 %9s Audit_yr1 shares_yr_m1 long %12.0g Shares_yr_m1 shares_out_y~m1 double %10.0g Shares_Out_Yr_m1 shares_yr0 long %12.0g Shares_yr0 shares_out_yr0 double %10.0g Shares_Out_Yr0 shares_yr1 long %12.0g Shares_yr1 shares_out_yr1 double %10.0g Shares_Out_Yr1 action_type str4 %9s named str4 %9s source_named str4 %9s insider_trading str4 %9s source_trading str13 %13s suit_year long %8.0g suit_year smpl byte %8.0g mtgdate str11 %11s proxy_status str42 %42s Proxy_status missing_proxy~n str52 %52s Missing_proxy_reason id long %12.0g ticker str5 %9s cusip str9 %9s year int %8.0g end_of_class_~d str11 %11s end_within_on~r str3 %9s filing_date str11 %11s Filing_date filing_within~r str3 %9s notes_codes str22 %22s notes str105 %105s Notes is_not_a_good~e str5 %9s is_not_a_good_case? goodactions byte %8.0g 1=good-actions chair_status_m1 str6 %9s Chair_status_m1 chair_status_0 str6 %9s Chair_status_0 dual_class str12 %12s Dual_Class pct_yr_0 float %9.0g Pct_yr0 pct_yr_1 str7 %9s Pct_yr1 proxy_date str11 %11s Proxy_Date permno long %12.0g __00000D float %11.0g __00000D group(case_code caseyr) __00000C float %9.0g dataset str4 %9s suit_year_case int %8.0g beg_class_per str10 %10s Beg_Class_Per end_class_per str10 %10s End_Class_Per sec_start str10 %10s SEC_start sec_end str10 %10s SEC_end file_under_wi~r str3 %9s File_under_within_1yr restatement str1 %9s Restatement gaapviolation str1 %9s GAAP Violation false_forecast str1 %9s False_Forecast failure_to_di~e str1 %9s Failure_to_Disclose other str1 %9s Other primary_source str34 %34s Primary_Source drop_code str33 %33s Drop_Code status str17 %17s Status status_date str7 %9s Status_Date settlement_am~s str13 %13s Settlement_Amounts year1 int %8.0g beg_class_per1 str10 %10s Beg_Class_Per end_class_per1 str10 %10s End_Class_Per sec_start1 str10 %10s SEC_start sec_end1 str10 %10s SEC_end filing_date1 str10 %10s Filing_date status1 str17 %17s Status settlement_am~1 str13 %13s Settlement_Amounts year2 int %8.0g beg_class_per2 str10 %10s Beg_Class_Per end_class_per2 str10 %10s End_Class_Per sec_start2 str10 %10s SEC_start sec_end2 str10 %10s SEC_end filing_date2 str10 %10s Filing_date status2 str17 %17s Status settlement_am~2 str13 %13s Settlement_Amounts year3 int %8.0g beg_class_per3 str10 %10s Beg_Class_Per end_class_per3 str10 %10s End_Class_Per sec_start3 str10 %10s SEC_start sec_end3 str10 %10s SEC_end filing_date3 str10 %10s Filing_date status3 str17 %17s Status settlement_am~3 str13 %13s Settlement_Amounts insthold double %10.0g insown_date str9 %9s cboard byte %8.0g dualclas byte %8.0g uneqvote byte %8.0g gindex byte %10.0g eindex byte %10.0g index_match str1 %9s year_reported int %8.0g Year_Reported total_assets float %9.0g Total_Assets company_name str42 %42s Company_Name cara double %10.0g ctag byte %8.0g tag(cusip) companyname str42 %42s Company Name sumblks float %9.0g numblks byte %8.0g sumaflin float %9.0g sumout float %9.0g sumesop float %9.0g sumdir float %9.0g sumoff float %9.0g numaflin byte %8.0g numout byte %8.0g numesop byte %8.0g numdir byte %8.0g numoff byte %8.0g dfiling_date float %td dbeg_class_per float %td dend_class_per float %td dsec_start float %td dsec_end float %td secoverlap float %9.0g secalso float %9.0g casetag byte %8.0g tag(case_code) dismissed byte %8.0g lenclassper float %9.0g lensecper float %9.0g fileafter float %9.0g filingyear float %9.0g -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: Note: dataset has changed since last saved

. su

Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- dircase | 0 caseyr | 0 lookup | 0 rectype_hide | 30402 3 0 3 3 rec_type | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- case_code | 0 comnam | 0 director_id | 0 lname | 0 fname | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- yr | 0 dp_board_dt | 0 dp_job_dt | 0 source | 0 status_yr | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- ceo_chair_m1 | 0 ceo_chair_0 | 0 join_board | 38580 1994.947 7.23421 1948 2007 age_yr_m1 | 24042 57.32144 9.360519 26 92 age_yr_0 | 29442 56.516 9.579468 24 93 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- age_yr_1 | 25458 57.17299 9.309276 25 94 audit_yr_m1 | 0 audit_yr0 | 0 audit_yr1 | 0 shares_yr_m1 | 24066 1799367 1.64e+07 0 7.20e+08 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- shares_ou~m1 | 26868 2.78e+08 5.85e+08 6546716 5.03e+09 shares_yr0 | 26232 2267773 2.12e+07 0 7.20e+08 shares_out~0 | 29706 3.43e+08 7.75e+08 2531250 7.16e+09 shares_yr1 | 22314 2271542 2.97e+07 0 1.38e+09 shares_ou~r1 | 25716 3.90e+08 8.90e+08 5893250 7.33e+09 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- action_type | 0 named | 0 source_named | 0 insider_tr~g | 0 source_tra~g | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- suit_year | 40452 1.5 1.707846 -1 4 smpl | 40452 .2484426 .4321151 0 1 mtgdate | 0 proxy_status | 0 missing_pr~n | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- id | 30402 15862.09 76693.38 2 1015340 ticker | 0 cusip | 0 year | 40452 2001.21 2.678177 1994 2007 end_of_cla~d | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- end_within~r | 0 filing_date | 0 filing_wit~r | 0 notes_codes | 0 notes | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- is_not_a_g~e | 0 goodactions | 18074 .5606949 .4963162 0 1 chair_stat~1 | 0 chair_stat~0 | 0 dual_class | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- pct_yr_0 | 1242 8.295942 9.51543 .1 51.9 pct_yr_1 | 0 proxy_date | 0 permno | 10050 70417.75 24201.78 10137 90014 __00000D | 40452 1513.764 868.5002 1 3000 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- __00000C | 40452 .5603678 .4963485 0 1 dataset | 0 suit_year_~e | 40452 1999.833 2.070282 1996 2004 beg_class_~r | 0 end_class_~r | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- sec_start | 0 sec_end | 0 file_under~r | 0 restatement | 0 gaapviolat~n | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- false_fore~t | 0 failure_to~e | 0 other | 0 primary_so~e | 0 drop_code | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- status | 0 status_date | 0 settlement~s | 0 year1 | 4542 2000.099 2.177815 1996 2006 beg_class_~1 | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- end_class_~1 | 0 sec_start1 | 0 sec_end1 | 0 filing_date1 | 0 status1 | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- settlement~1 | 0 year2 | 582 2000.608 2.581105 1996 2005 beg_class_~2 | 0 end_class_~2 | 0 sec_start2 | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- sec_end2 | 0 filing_date2 | 0 status2 | 0 settlement~2 | 0 year3 | 186 1999.484 2.968712 1996 2002 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- beg_class_~3 | 0 end_class_~3 | 0 sec_start3 | 0 sec_end3 | 0 filing_date3 | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- status3 | 0 settlement~3 | 0 insthold | 39150 60.66518 21.00327 5.88 97.26 insown_date | 0 cboard | 40452 .5606645 .4963123 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- dualclas | 40452 .1189558 .3237405 0 1 uneqvote | 40452 .0047464 .068731 0 1 gindex | 35658 8.883224 2.547877 3 16 eindex | 35658 2.215716 1.318256 0 6 index_match | 0 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- year_repor~d | 40452 2000.07 1.991045 1995 2004 total_assets | 40452 24233.11 94425.13 17.5 1097190 company_name | 0 cara | 38706 -.108592 .8767532 -3.332586 4.650977 ctag | 40452 .0119648 .1087287 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- companyname | 0 sumblks | 40452 25.62663 21.6587 0 97.5 numblks | 40452 2.332542 1.676743 0 8 sumaflin | 40452 1.815653 7.939834 0 97.4 sumout | 40452 13.94432 14.14834 0 72.9 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- sumesop | 40452 .4584233 2.191891 0 21.25 sumdir | 40452 5.014358 14.80203 0 96.37 sumoff | 40452 4.393876 12.10598 0 96.25 numaflin | 40452 .1207357 .428818 0 4 numout | 40452 1.628597 1.553382 0 8 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- numesop | 40452 .0496885 .2173033 0 1 numdir | 40452 .2625334 .704206 0 6 numoff | 40452 .2709878 .6042917 0 4 dfiling_date | 40452 14834.73 726.1497 13174 16121 dbeg_class~r | 40452 14290.59 754.4534 11732 15937 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- dend_class~r | 40452 14781.25 752.0943 12548 16118 dsec_start | 11100 13252.92 2381.923 2922 15431 dsec_end | 11022 14505.42 2023.707 6847 16891 secoverlap | 40452 .2126965 .4092198 0 1 secalso | 40452 .2724711 .4452364 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- casetag | 40452 .0116929 .1075009 0 1 dismissed | 40452 .3851973 .4866479 0 1 lenclassper | 40452 490.6577 400.1628 0 1942 lensecper | 11022 1261.444 1124.437 89 6518 fileafter | 40452 544.1373 375.8293 7 1826 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- filingyear | 40452 2000.116 1.981716 1996 2004

. save "`extdir'/`ou4'", replace file /Users/baum/Documents/chuck/ ChuckLitGov4/Paper_datasets9408/IRRC_matche > d_input_revised9408/dircaseinfo_full_long9408.dta saved

. . log close name: <unnamed> log: /Users/baum/Documents/Chuck/ ChuckLitGov4/paper_datasets9403/lit > gov4-6.smcl log type: smcl closed on: 30 Nov 2009, 13:52:12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------