* This Stata 6.0 program will process a IFS (quarterly) data extract produced by the data * access system, saved to file 'ifsQdata.download.php3' and loaded with 'insheet', * reformatting the data as 'wide', with each variable in a separate column. * This program does not save the resulting dataset. * C F Baum 0110 rev 0703 for tsset * * Before running this program, you must use 'insheet using...' to * read the "ifsQdata.download.php3" file into Stata. If you are using * a desktop (Mac or Windows) version of Stata, this is most easily done * by using the File->Filename... command to point to the file on your disk. * * Provide concordance for series; order in this list corresponds * to 'var1', 'var2' etc. tab ncode * Rename the data to ensure that name length limits are observed rename dataval var * Reshape the data into panel format reshape wide var,i(ccode year qtr) j(ncode) * Specify the i and t identifiers iis ccode gen date=yq(year,qtr) format date %tq tis date * describe the data as reformatted tsset ccode date summ * end of do-file; use 'save' to save the data if you wish