program drop _all mata: mata clear *! suregub CFBaum 1.0.0 23oct2007 * 1.0.0: initial release program suregub, eclass version 9.2 // from reg3.ado 6.4.1 // not supported v9 local cmdline : copy local 0 local cmdline `0' // disable options (such as constraints) if strpos("`0'",",") { di as err _n "Options not permitted" exit 198 } /* Parse (y1 x1 x2) (y2 y1 x2 x3) structure. * Pick up full varlist (flist), y-array (y`i'), independent * variables (ind`i') left-hand sides (lhslist), * equation names (eqnm`i') */ local neq = 0 /* Parse the equations ([eqname:] y1 [y2 y3 =] x1 x2 x3) * and fill in the structures required for estimation */ gettoken fulleq 0 : 0, parse(" ,[") match(paren) IsStop `fulleq' while `s(stop)' == 0 { if "`paren'" != "(" { /* must be eq */ eq ?? `fulleq' local fulleq "`r(eqname)': `r(eq)'" } parseEqn `fulleq' /* Set-up equation bookeeping structures */ local flist `flist' `depvars' `indvars' tokenize `depvars' local i 1 while "``i''" != "" { local neq = `neq' + 1 local y`neq' ``i'' local lhslist `lhslist' ``i'' local ind`neq' `indvars' local cons`neq' = ("`constan'" == "") nameEq "`eqname'" "``i''" "`eqlist'" `neq' local eqnm`neq' = "`s(eqname)'" local eqlist `eqlist' `s(eqname)' local i = `i' + 1 } gettoken fulleq 0 : 0, parse(" ,[") match(paren) IsStop `fulleq' } local 0 `"`fulleq' `0'"' if `neq' < 1 { di in red "equation(s) required" exit 198 } // generate residual series local minn = 999999 local maxn = 0 forv i=1/`neq' { local dv : word `i' of `eqlist' local eq`i' = "`dv' `ind`i''" qui { reg `dv' `ind`i'' tempvar touse`i' es eps`i' g byte `es' = e(sample) predict double `eps`i'' if `es', resid g byte `touse`i'' = cond(e(sample),1,.) su `eps`i'', meanonly local maxn = max(`maxn',r(N)) local minn = min(`minn',r(N)) } } tempname sigma matrix `sigma' = J(`neq',`neq',0) // generate pairwise correlation matrix of resids; // for comparison with sureg, use divisor N local neq1 = `neq'-1 forv i = 1/`neq1' { forv j = 2/`neq' { qui correlate `eps`i'' `eps`j'', cov mat `sigma'[`i',`i'] = r(Var_1)*(r(N)-1)/(r(N)) mat `sigma'[`j',`j'] = r(Var_2)*(r(N)-1)/(r(N)) mat `sigma'[`i',`j'] = r(cov_12)*(r(N)-1)/(r(N)) mat `sigma'[`j',`i'] = `sigma'[`i',`j'] } } mata: mm_suregub(`neq',"`eqlist'","`sigma'") di _n "Seemingly unrelated regressions for an unbalanced panel" di _n "Min obs per unit = `minn'" di "Max obs per unit = `maxn'" mat b = r(b) mat V = r(V) eret clear // mat list b // mat list V eret post b V eret local cmd "suregub" eret local minobs `minn' eret local maxobs `maxn' eret display end version 9.2 mata: void mm_suregub(real scalar neq, string scalar eqlist, string scalar ssigma) { pointer (real matrix) rowvector eq pointer (real matrix) rowvector xx pointer (real matrix) rowvector yy eq = J(1,neq,NULL) xx = J(1,neq,NULL) yy = J(1,neq,NULL) isigma = invsym(st_matrix(ssigma)) // isigma nrow = 0 ncol = 0 string rowvector coefname, eqn string matrix mstripe for(i=1;i<=neq;i++) { lt = "touse"+strofreal(i) touse = st_local(lt) st_view(tt,.,touse) le = "eq"+strofreal(i) eqv = st_local(le) vars=tokens(eqv) v = vars[|1,.|] // pull in full matrix, including missing values st_view(eqq,.,v) eq[i] = &(tt :* eqq) // matrix eq[i] is [y|X] for ith eqn eqname=v[1] stripe = v[2::cols(v)], "_cons" coefname = coefname, stripe eqn = eqn, J(1,cols(v),eqname) // form X, assuming constant term nrow = nrow + rows(*eq[i]) iota = J(rows(*eq[i]),1,1) xx[i] = &((*eq[i])[| 1,2 \ .,. |],iota) ncol = ncol + cols(*xx[i]) // form y yy[i] = &(*eq[i])[.,1] } XX = J(ncol,ncol,0) YY = J(ncol,1,0) ii = 0 for(i=1;i<=neq;i++) { i2 = cols(*xx[i]) xi = *xx[i] jj = 0 for(j=1;j<=neq;j++) { xj = *xx[j] j2 = cols(*xx[j]) yj = *yy[j] XX[| ii+1,jj+1 \ ii+i2,jj+j2 |] = isigma[i,j] :* cross(xi,xj) YY[| ii+1, 1 \ ii+i2, 1 |] = YY[| ii+1, 1 \ ii+i2, 1 |] + isigma[i,j] :* cross(xi,yj) jj = jj + j2 } ii = ii + i2 } // compute SUR beta (X' [Sigma^-1 # I] X)^-1 (X' [Sigma^-1 # I] y) vee = invsym(XX) beta = vee*YY st_matrix("r(b)",beta') mstripe=eqn',coefname' st_matrixcolstripe("r(b)",mstripe) st_matrix("r(V)",vee) st_matrixrowstripe("r(V)",mstripe) st_matrixcolstripe("r(V)",mstripe) } end program define parseEqn version 6 /* see if we have an equation name */ gettoken token uu : 0, parse(" =:") /* rare, pull twice if found */ gettoken token2 : uu, parse(" =:") /* rare, pull twice if found */ if index("`token2'", ":") != 0 { gettoken token 0 : 0, parse(" =:") /* sic, to set 0 */ gettoken token2 0 : 0, parse(" =:") /* sic, to set 0 */ c_local eqname `token' } else c_local eqname /* search just for "=" */ gettoken token 0 : 0, parse(" =") while "`token'" != "=" & "`token'" != "" { local depvars `depvars' `token' gettoken token 0 : 0, parse(" =") } if "`token'" == "=" { tsunab depvars : `depvars' syntax [varlist(ts)] [ , noConstant ] } else { /* assume single depvar */ local 0 `depvars' syntax varlist(ts) [ , noConstant ] gettoken depvars varlist : varlist } c_local depvars `depvars' c_local indvars `varlist' c_local constan `constan' end program define IsStop, sclass version 6 if `"`0'"' == "[" /* */ | `"`0'"' == "," /* */ | `"`0'"' == "if" /* */ | `"`0'"' == "in" /* */ | `"`0'"' == "" { sret local stop 1 } else sret local stop 0 end /* Drop all duplicate tokens from list */ program define DropDup /* : */ version 6 args newlist /* name of macro to store new list */ colon /* ":" */ list /* list with possible duplicates */ gettoken token list : list while "`token'" != "" { local fixlist `fixlist' `token' local list : subinstr local list "`token'" "", word all gettoken token list : list } c_local `newlist' `fixlist' end /* Remove all tokens in dirt from full */ * Returns "cleaned" full list in cleaned */ program define Subtract /* : */ version 6 args cleaned /* macro name to hold cleaned list */ colon /* ":" */ full /* list to be cleaned */ dirt /* tokens to be cleaned from full */ tokenize `dirt' local i 1 while "``i''" != "" { local full : subinstr local full "``i''" "", word all local i = `i' + 1 } c_local `cleaned' `full' /* cleans up extra spaces */ end /* Returns tokens found in both lists in the macro named by matches. * Duplicates must be duplicated in both lists to be considered * matches a 2nd, 3rd, ... time. */ program define Matches version 6 args matches /* macro name to hold cleaned list */ colon /* ":" */ list1 /* a list of tokens */ list2 /* a second list of tokens */ tokenize `list1' local i 1 while "``i''" != "" { local list2 : subinstr local list2 "``i''" "", /* */ word count(local count) if `count' > 0 { local matlist `matlist' ``i'' } local i = `i' + 1 } c_local `matches' `matlist' end /* Find all occurances in List of tokens in FindList and replace with * corresponding token from SubsList. Assumes FindList and SubstList * have same number of elements. */ program define Subst, sclass /* : */ version 6 args newname /* macro name to hold list after replacements */ colon /* ":" */ list /* varlist with tokens to be replaced */ fndList /* list of tokens to be replaced */ subList /* varlist with replacement tokens */ tokenize `fndList' local i 1 while "``i''" != "" { gettoken repltok subList : subList local list : subinstr local list "``i''" "`repltok'", word all local i = `i' + 1 } c_local `newname' `list' end /* determine equation name */ program define nameEq, sclass version 6 args eqname /* user specified equation name */ depvar /* dependent variable name */ eqlist /* list of current equation names */ neq /* equation number */ if "`eqname'" != "" { if index("`eqname'", ".") { di in red "may not use periods (.) in equation names: `eqname'" } local eqlist : subinstr local eqlist "`eqname'" "`eqname'", /* */ word count(local count) /* overkill, but fast */ if `count' > 0 { di in red "may not specify duplicate equation names: `eqname'" exit 198 } sreturn local eqname `eqname' exit } local depvar : subinstr local depvar "." "_", all if length("`depvar'") > 32 { local depvar "eq`neq'" } Matches dupnam : "`eqlist'" "`depvar'" if "`dupnam'" != "" { sreturn local eqname = substr("`neq'`depvar'", 1, 32) } else { sreturn local eqname `depvar' } end