1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:04,440 This is the picturesque island of Sark, 2 00:00:04,440 --> 00:00:07,360 the smallest of the main Channel Islands. 3 00:00:07,360 --> 00:00:11,760 Only 80 miles off the mainland, Sark has its own parliament, 4 00:00:11,760 --> 00:00:13,440 president and laws. 5 00:00:16,600 --> 00:00:18,520 It's a world away, 6 00:00:18,520 --> 00:00:20,640 but, being a British dependant, 7 00:00:20,640 --> 00:00:23,120 it's still part of the British Isles, 8 00:00:23,120 --> 00:00:28,120 with no cars, no street lights, but full of charm and eccentricity. 9 00:00:28,120 --> 00:00:31,320 Perhaps they thought we were professional! 10 00:00:31,320 --> 00:00:34,000 Sark has just 600 inhabitants, 11 00:00:34,000 --> 00:00:37,840 but relies on ten of thousands of visitors coming in the summer. 12 00:00:37,840 --> 00:00:40,880 Everybody is part and parcel of that tourism machine. 13 00:00:40,880 --> 00:00:43,520 There's nobody it doesn't really affect. 14 00:00:43,520 --> 00:00:44,920 LAMBS BLEAT 15 00:00:44,920 --> 00:00:48,760 As winter finally starts to relax its grip, 16 00:00:48,760 --> 00:00:52,720 all on the island can look forward to the joys of spring. 17 00:00:52,720 --> 00:00:55,360 Everybody's getting ready for the start of the new season 18 00:00:55,360 --> 00:00:57,600 and everything's springing to life again, 19 00:00:57,600 --> 00:01:00,400 so it's a really good time of celebration. 20 00:01:00,400 --> 00:01:04,040 The Easter holidays bring both churches on the island together... 21 00:01:04,040 --> 00:01:06,680 Bad weather forecast, but it's turned out well. 22 00:01:06,680 --> 00:01:09,120 ..and herald the start of the tourist season, 23 00:01:09,120 --> 00:01:11,840 fundamental to Sark's survival. 24 00:01:11,840 --> 00:01:15,200 But the one thing you can't rely on is the weather. 25 00:01:15,200 --> 00:01:18,640 It was so, so cold, it just went right through you. 26 00:01:18,640 --> 00:01:21,640 This winter's been one of the worst winters we've had. 27 00:01:54,520 --> 00:01:58,600 It's March. Across Sark, there's a feeling of anticipation. 28 00:01:58,600 --> 00:02:00,160 Bracken! 29 00:02:00,160 --> 00:02:03,920 The lambing season is about to start for shepherd Dave Scott... 30 00:02:05,160 --> 00:02:08,640 It's a vulnerable time of year, with the ewes about to lamb. 31 00:02:08,640 --> 00:02:11,680 If we get some bad weather, it can really do some damage. 32 00:02:11,680 --> 00:02:14,320 ..the Seigneurie Gardens are busy getting ready 33 00:02:14,320 --> 00:02:15,640 to open to the public... 34 00:02:15,640 --> 00:02:17,960 We've planted out these beds this winter. 35 00:02:17,960 --> 00:02:22,760 Tulip bulbs, 7,250, so that's to get the wow factor. 36 00:02:22,760 --> 00:02:25,240 ..and with Easter just a few weeks away now, 37 00:02:25,240 --> 00:02:27,640 it's a very meaningful and important time 38 00:02:27,640 --> 00:02:29,560 for both churches on the island. 39 00:02:30,760 --> 00:02:34,200 Easter, for me, is that wonderful celebration 40 00:02:34,200 --> 00:02:37,880 when we can really think about what Jesus has done for us on the cross 41 00:02:37,880 --> 00:02:40,080 to enable our lives to be transformed 42 00:02:40,080 --> 00:02:42,040 and it's the same within the community 43 00:02:42,040 --> 00:02:45,280 in that everybody's getting ready for the start of a new season 44 00:02:45,280 --> 00:02:47,720 and everything's springing to life again, 45 00:02:47,720 --> 00:02:50,520 so it's a really good time of celebration. 46 00:02:52,520 --> 00:02:56,280 Hoping for spring probably more than any others are those running 47 00:02:56,280 --> 00:02:59,200 one of the biggest tourist attractions on the island, 48 00:02:59,200 --> 00:03:00,600 the Seigneurie Gardens. 49 00:03:02,080 --> 00:03:05,440 Jo Birch is the main gardener in the Seigneurie Gardens. 50 00:03:05,440 --> 00:03:08,000 She actually organises the gardeners and what's happening 51 00:03:08,000 --> 00:03:10,400 and the plants and this sort of thing. 52 00:03:10,400 --> 00:03:12,480 I came to Sark in 1947, 53 00:03:12,480 --> 00:03:14,360 so I was three, 54 00:03:14,360 --> 00:03:18,840 but I left and then I came back 17-18 years ago. 55 00:03:22,160 --> 00:03:24,320 So this is the Millennium Rose Garden. 56 00:03:24,320 --> 00:03:27,560 All the roses have been pruned and then they've been given 57 00:03:27,560 --> 00:03:30,920 a lovely dressing of well rotted horse manure. 58 00:03:30,920 --> 00:03:34,600 And the thing we're all waiting for is the wonderful magnolia tree 59 00:03:34,600 --> 00:03:36,560 to come out and do its spring thing. 60 00:03:37,640 --> 00:03:42,200 So it's not dead as a dodo, but it needs that great burst of sunshine. 61 00:03:42,200 --> 00:03:43,520 Next month, it'll be out. 62 00:03:45,600 --> 00:03:48,200 There's a lot of jobs to do. They always say with gardening, 63 00:03:48,200 --> 00:03:51,560 "If you don't do any work in winter, you'll have nothing in the summer", 64 00:03:51,560 --> 00:03:54,280 so even though it's not much... 65 00:03:54,280 --> 00:03:57,520 It's quite hard when it's dark and cold and all wet, 66 00:03:57,520 --> 00:04:01,320 but, nevertheless, we're ready now and the ground is prepared, 67 00:04:01,320 --> 00:04:04,280 hedges are cut, stuff is coming up, 68 00:04:04,280 --> 00:04:07,960 and we just need some nice weather and Easter. 69 00:04:12,160 --> 00:04:15,520 For 24 hours, Sark is battered by a blizzard... 70 00:04:16,800 --> 00:04:18,360 ..weather so extreme, 71 00:04:18,360 --> 00:04:21,440 it shocked even those who've lived here all their lives, 72 00:04:21,440 --> 00:04:23,480 like fisherman Baz Adams. 73 00:04:25,800 --> 00:04:29,760 I would say that this winter's been one of the worst winters we've had. 74 00:04:31,400 --> 00:04:35,600 The prevailing wind was northeast and it was so, so cold, 75 00:04:35,600 --> 00:04:38,240 it just went right through you. 76 00:04:38,240 --> 00:04:42,200 Even Sark's postal system, run by Caroline Langford, 77 00:04:42,200 --> 00:04:43,880 grinds to a halt. 78 00:04:43,880 --> 00:04:47,240 It was an extraordinary blizzard and I believe the snow 79 00:04:47,240 --> 00:04:50,800 was so high down on Little Sark, it went from hedge to hedge 80 00:04:50,800 --> 00:04:52,200 and one of the few occasions 81 00:04:52,200 --> 00:04:55,080 that my postmen couldn't actually deliver, for one day, 82 00:04:55,080 --> 00:04:58,560 because it was just too deep and too dangerous for them to go out. 83 00:05:01,440 --> 00:05:05,120 But with a week before Easter, and with the snow beginning to melt, 84 00:05:05,120 --> 00:05:07,920 the lambing season is in full swing for Dave. 85 00:05:07,920 --> 00:05:10,400 We've had three lots of triplets, 86 00:05:10,400 --> 00:05:12,000 we've had ten sets of twins... 87 00:05:13,000 --> 00:05:14,880 ..and five singles, I think. 88 00:05:16,320 --> 00:05:18,960 Dave's flock is the Welsh Lleyn breed. 89 00:05:18,960 --> 00:05:22,920 He'll expect to get over 150 lambs during the season, 90 00:05:22,920 --> 00:05:25,800 but with almost 100 ewes going into labour, 91 00:05:25,800 --> 00:05:28,720 he's ready to help with any difficult births. 92 00:05:28,720 --> 00:05:31,040 - I'll have to give her a hand, this one. - OK. 93 00:05:33,560 --> 00:05:35,040 It's a big lamb. 94 00:05:38,040 --> 00:05:40,600 And the other foot isn't there, so I should be able to just... 95 00:05:40,600 --> 00:05:41,840 SHEEP BLEATS 96 00:05:41,840 --> 00:05:43,520 ..whip it out like this, hopefully. 97 00:05:45,560 --> 00:05:49,320 Just a bit more of a job for it. 98 00:05:49,320 --> 00:05:51,360 Good girl. 99 00:05:51,360 --> 00:05:53,240 SHEEP BLEATS OK. 100 00:05:53,240 --> 00:05:54,720 There we go. 101 00:05:57,920 --> 00:06:00,320 There we go. 102 00:06:00,320 --> 00:06:01,880 SHEEP BLEATS 103 00:06:06,080 --> 00:06:07,880 I'll bring him straight round. 104 00:06:09,680 --> 00:06:10,840 All right? 105 00:06:10,840 --> 00:06:12,800 I've never seen a lamb born before. 106 00:06:12,800 --> 00:06:14,600 - Well, there you go. - It's lovely, isn't it? 107 00:06:14,600 --> 00:06:15,880 DAVE CHUCKLES 108 00:06:15,880 --> 00:06:18,760 - I bet you never get bored of seeing that. - You don't, no, no. 109 00:06:18,760 --> 00:06:20,040 It's lovely. 110 00:06:27,440 --> 00:06:29,800 Has it been a good season so far? 111 00:06:29,800 --> 00:06:31,600 Yeah, so far, we're... 112 00:06:31,600 --> 00:06:35,320 Only just really kicking in now. 113 00:06:35,320 --> 00:06:37,400 But we've already got over 50 lambs. 114 00:06:46,200 --> 00:06:49,280 The first one lubricates, winds everything up. 115 00:06:50,880 --> 00:06:53,640 The second one usually pops out fairly easy. 116 00:06:55,280 --> 00:06:57,800 That's two nice-sized lambs, that. 117 00:06:57,800 --> 00:07:01,000 But just when Dave thought it was a lucky twin birth, 118 00:07:01,000 --> 00:07:02,960 out pops number three. 119 00:07:02,960 --> 00:07:05,200 - That was a surprise. - Yep. 120 00:07:05,200 --> 00:07:07,880 Not surprised I didn't feel it - it's a bit tiny! 121 00:07:10,400 --> 00:07:12,120 LAMB BLEATS 122 00:07:24,040 --> 00:07:25,320 Back at the Seigneurie, 123 00:07:25,320 --> 00:07:29,640 head gardener Jo Birch now has an even heavier workload - 124 00:07:29,640 --> 00:07:32,040 clearing the debris left by the blizzard. 125 00:07:34,680 --> 00:07:37,160 Well, I think we got away lightly, quite honestly. 126 00:07:37,160 --> 00:07:38,960 It was a terrible blizzard. 127 00:07:38,960 --> 00:07:42,720 And you don't get force 9 for nearly 24 hours without some damage. 128 00:07:42,720 --> 00:07:46,160 But most of the garden's OK. 129 00:07:48,000 --> 00:07:51,280 It's not devastation. It's just a set back. 130 00:07:51,280 --> 00:07:52,920 And how long till you open? 131 00:07:52,920 --> 00:07:55,040 Two weeks today, Good Friday. 132 00:07:55,040 --> 00:07:56,280 Panicking? 133 00:07:56,280 --> 00:07:59,360 No, not panicking, really. I mean, what can we do? 134 00:07:59,360 --> 00:08:02,560 We can do the best we can and clear it all up, make it look nice. 135 00:08:02,560 --> 00:08:03,800 I think it'll be fine. 136 00:08:06,520 --> 00:08:08,840 It's amazing, the powers of recovery. 137 00:08:08,840 --> 00:08:10,280 It really is, isn't it? 138 00:08:10,280 --> 00:08:13,040 Look at the roses. They were already in leaf, 139 00:08:13,040 --> 00:08:16,520 but not in bud, so they seem to be not too bad at all. 140 00:08:16,520 --> 00:08:19,440 The weather's getting better, spring is round the corner. 141 00:08:19,440 --> 00:08:21,160 You wouldn't think, looking at it now, 142 00:08:21,160 --> 00:08:24,080 what an awful scene it was on Monday and Tuesday. 143 00:08:24,080 --> 00:08:25,480 Oh, it was horrible. 144 00:08:37,520 --> 00:08:41,080 There's someone on Sark wishing for an end to winter 145 00:08:41,080 --> 00:08:43,280 perhaps more than anyone else. 146 00:08:43,280 --> 00:08:45,840 Ronaldo the horse has had a hole in his life 147 00:08:45,840 --> 00:08:48,000 since his beloved trainer, Julie, 148 00:08:48,000 --> 00:08:51,560 left for a few months' work in New Zealand. 149 00:08:51,560 --> 00:08:55,280 What Ronaldo doesn't know is that today she's back. 150 00:08:56,560 --> 00:08:58,760 - Hi! - Hello. 151 00:08:58,760 --> 00:09:00,280 Back again! 152 00:09:04,000 --> 00:09:06,040 Oh, is this Hayley? 153 00:09:06,040 --> 00:09:08,000 Oh, it is, Hayley, my workmate. 154 00:09:13,520 --> 00:09:15,960 'Well, funniest thing was, because of my loud voice, 155 00:09:15,960 --> 00:09:17,200 'as I was coming up the hill 156 00:09:17,200 --> 00:09:19,320 'she said, "Oh, I've got a surprise for you."' 157 00:09:19,320 --> 00:09:20,960 Oh, my God! 158 00:09:20,960 --> 00:09:23,240 'I went, "Oh, my God!" 159 00:09:23,240 --> 00:09:24,760 'I don't know if they care or not, 160 00:09:24,760 --> 00:09:27,320 'but I think he did recognise me, sort of.' 161 00:09:27,320 --> 00:09:29,520 - Oh! - He's grown a bit since you've gone. 162 00:09:29,520 --> 00:09:31,560 'He's probably thinking, "Oh, no! 163 00:09:31,560 --> 00:09:33,520 ' "She's back!" ' 164 00:09:33,520 --> 00:09:36,960 Julie's welcomed home by Ronaldo's owner, Helen. 165 00:09:36,960 --> 00:09:39,960 But he gets the biggest kiss. 166 00:09:39,960 --> 00:09:41,840 Oh! 167 00:09:41,840 --> 00:09:44,000 Oh, what a surprise that was. 168 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:45,440 How brilliant. 169 00:09:48,800 --> 00:09:51,920 As the seasonal staff start to arrive for the summer, 170 00:09:51,920 --> 00:09:55,200 the island's population increases significantly, 171 00:09:55,200 --> 00:09:59,200 but Julie Baker at Food Stop is always glad to see them. 172 00:09:59,200 --> 00:10:02,560 Nice to see people that have been before coming back. 173 00:10:02,560 --> 00:10:05,200 There's lots of those and, um... 174 00:10:05,200 --> 00:10:08,120 Yes, just hoping for a very good season. 175 00:10:08,120 --> 00:10:11,200 If the weather's good, then people will come, 176 00:10:11,200 --> 00:10:13,000 but you need good weather for Sark. 177 00:10:14,040 --> 00:10:16,120 The weather might not be spring-like, 178 00:10:16,120 --> 00:10:17,360 but across Sark, 179 00:10:17,360 --> 00:10:20,360 optimistic preparations for the tourists continue. 180 00:10:23,320 --> 00:10:24,800 Lovely colour. 181 00:10:26,600 --> 00:10:29,360 Right, first day back, then, eh, girlies? 182 00:10:31,200 --> 00:10:34,200 Stocks Hotel is on the verge of opening up for the season... 183 00:10:34,200 --> 00:10:37,960 - Morning, all. Welcome. - ..and the manager, Paul Armorgie, 184 00:10:37,960 --> 00:10:39,800 welcomes his team of staff. 185 00:10:39,800 --> 00:10:41,640 The dawn of a new season 186 00:10:41,640 --> 00:10:43,760 as we awake from our winter slumbers. 187 00:10:43,760 --> 00:10:46,120 Welcome. Welcome back, those who were with us last year 188 00:10:46,120 --> 00:10:49,200 and the year before. Another busy summer season in prospect 189 00:10:49,200 --> 00:10:52,000 and looking forward to a busy time. 190 00:10:52,000 --> 00:10:54,440 Today, in particular, we have a group of people arriving. 191 00:10:54,440 --> 00:10:56,520 Julie's gone down with a horse and carriage 192 00:10:56,520 --> 00:10:58,120 to meet them at the top of the hill 193 00:10:58,120 --> 00:11:00,400 and they'll be here within the next half hour, 194 00:11:00,400 --> 00:11:04,160 so, literally, we're operational as from today. 195 00:11:04,160 --> 00:11:05,800 - JULIE: You on? - Yeah. 196 00:11:05,800 --> 00:11:08,800 We're delighted to see Julie back. This will be her third season with us 197 00:11:08,800 --> 00:11:11,560 and she does a cracking job, but it's very much a seasonal job 198 00:11:11,560 --> 00:11:15,440 and she works with us from Easter through until the end of October. 199 00:11:15,440 --> 00:11:19,520 It's always a concern, actually, as to whether Julie and, indeed, 200 00:11:19,520 --> 00:11:22,120 our other members of staff are able to find winter work, 201 00:11:22,120 --> 00:11:24,200 so it's always a relief that Julie... 202 00:11:24,200 --> 00:11:27,240 Julie's very enterprising, of course, and she'll always find work 203 00:11:27,240 --> 00:11:29,040 because she's so good at what she does. 204 00:11:30,640 --> 00:11:33,160 I had a brilliant time in New Zealand, 205 00:11:33,160 --> 00:11:35,040 but it's great to be back on Sark. 206 00:11:36,960 --> 00:11:40,720 Here we are coming down the avenue and it looks like... 207 00:11:40,720 --> 00:11:44,640 some sort of warzone. Everything is shut. 208 00:11:44,640 --> 00:11:45,920 No people. 209 00:11:47,320 --> 00:11:52,600 We're busy tonight. We've got some party of about 20 people, I think. 210 00:11:52,600 --> 00:11:54,200 Two of them I'm picking up now. 211 00:11:54,200 --> 00:11:58,120 They've been before, these. Mr and Mrs Weil. 212 00:11:58,120 --> 00:12:00,040 So I'm picking them up. 213 00:12:00,040 --> 00:12:04,240 They're my first customers of 2013. 214 00:12:04,240 --> 00:12:07,040 SHE IMITATES DRAMATIC MUSIC 215 00:12:08,080 --> 00:12:09,600 SHE COAXES THE HORSE 216 00:12:11,120 --> 00:12:13,880 - Does it feel like you've never been away? - It does. 217 00:12:13,880 --> 00:12:15,800 It's like yourself, you've been all that way 218 00:12:15,800 --> 00:12:18,720 and yet it's like a dream or a film, you know. 219 00:12:18,720 --> 00:12:22,760 - Yeah, but I'm glad to be back anyway. Mr and Mrs Weil? - That's us! 220 00:12:22,760 --> 00:12:25,880 - Pleased to meet you. I'm Julie. - Hi. - This is Molly. 221 00:12:25,880 --> 00:12:28,360 SHE COAXES THE HORSE 222 00:12:31,840 --> 00:12:37,120 - It's very quiet at the moment. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It was raining 20 minutes ago. 223 00:12:37,120 --> 00:12:39,560 Oh! It was lovely at home. Pretty grey, though. 224 00:12:43,280 --> 00:12:44,880 Yeah, well, we don't want rain. 225 00:12:44,880 --> 00:12:49,560 - We had enough rain last year to flood three continents. - I know! Terrible. 226 00:12:51,240 --> 00:12:55,240 With Easter just around the corner, both churches on Sark are busy 227 00:12:55,240 --> 00:12:58,120 preparing their traditional services. 228 00:12:58,120 --> 00:13:02,040 Methodist lay preacher, Karen Le Mouton, has also just learned of 229 00:13:02,040 --> 00:13:06,320 her church's decision to train her to become a fully fledged minister. 230 00:13:06,320 --> 00:13:08,680 Obviously, it's really exciting news about being 231 00:13:08,680 --> 00:13:10,400 accepted for pre-ordination, 232 00:13:10,400 --> 00:13:13,120 but in some ways I just have to park that for the time being, 233 00:13:13,120 --> 00:13:17,000 because there's still a job in hand to do and get ready for Easter. 234 00:13:17,000 --> 00:13:21,720 The search for a permanent vicar for the Anglican St Peter's goes on, 235 00:13:21,720 --> 00:13:25,960 but locum vicars are standing in for a month at a time. 236 00:13:25,960 --> 00:13:29,960 In January, they had Neville. In February, they had Neil. 237 00:13:29,960 --> 00:13:34,320 And the vicar for March and the Easter period is Nigel Walker. 238 00:13:34,320 --> 00:13:38,040 Yes, there's another locum called Nigel, and it'll be good working 239 00:13:38,040 --> 00:13:42,200 with him and continue building on the partnership between the churches. 240 00:13:42,200 --> 00:13:46,720 And I understand he's got an exciting idea for us to try. 241 00:13:46,720 --> 00:13:50,760 This being Good Friday, Nigel has plans. 242 00:13:53,960 --> 00:13:59,440 Well, the cross is the symbol of the Christian faith, 243 00:13:59,440 --> 00:14:03,680 and, on Good Friday, 2,000-odd years ago, 244 00:14:03,680 --> 00:14:06,400 Jesus Christ died on a cross. 245 00:14:06,400 --> 00:14:08,440 - Right, are we ready, everybody? - ALL: Yes. 246 00:14:08,440 --> 00:14:10,520 Let's go. 247 00:14:11,840 --> 00:14:15,160 I think we bunch together, really. 248 00:14:25,800 --> 00:14:30,040 By taking the cross out, it actually stirs things up a bit. 249 00:14:30,040 --> 00:14:33,800 And it'll make people think, "Why are they doing it?" 250 00:14:33,800 --> 00:14:37,960 It's a bad weather forecast, but it's turned out well. 251 00:14:37,960 --> 00:14:41,080 And hopefully, maybe one or two might ask us en route. 252 00:14:41,080 --> 00:14:43,800 You never know. We'll see what happens when we go. 253 00:14:43,800 --> 00:14:45,680 I don't think they've done it here before, 254 00:14:45,680 --> 00:14:48,200 so it's going to be a new experience for a lot of people. 255 00:14:51,920 --> 00:14:55,720 And that's a prime motive of what we're doing - we want to be able 256 00:14:55,720 --> 00:15:00,640 to take Jesus out into the community and let them be challenged afresh. 257 00:15:04,480 --> 00:15:09,600 This dust sort of reminds us of what it could have been like at Calvary. 258 00:15:09,600 --> 00:15:11,400 Hello. 259 00:15:16,920 --> 00:15:20,560 It's interesting, you know, because, commerce would have been 260 00:15:20,560 --> 00:15:24,680 going on at the same time while Jesus was dying on the cross. 261 00:15:24,680 --> 00:15:27,560 - They would have been going about their regular activities. - Yes. 262 00:15:31,360 --> 00:15:34,520 I've just seen the vicar go by and he's carrying the wooden cross 263 00:15:34,520 --> 00:15:36,600 in a procession down the avenue. 264 00:15:36,600 --> 00:15:37,880 And what a lovely idea, 265 00:15:37,880 --> 00:15:41,160 because it makes us realise what Easter is really all about. 266 00:15:43,480 --> 00:15:46,440 I hope we are going to see old Basil. 267 00:15:46,440 --> 00:15:48,360 - Who? - Basil. 268 00:15:54,320 --> 00:15:57,400 Yeah, there he is. Basil! 269 00:15:57,400 --> 00:15:59,400 Is that Basil? 270 00:15:59,400 --> 00:16:01,200 Where's old Basil? 271 00:16:09,520 --> 00:16:12,160 He said he'd be very busy. 272 00:16:12,160 --> 00:16:14,280 You'll get a mixed reaction. 273 00:16:14,280 --> 00:16:17,720 I spoke to some people who think we're a bunch of nuts. 274 00:16:20,400 --> 00:16:24,560 For some perhaps older people, it may remind them of their childhood 275 00:16:24,560 --> 00:16:28,200 and Sunday school and all the days when they used to go to church. 276 00:16:28,200 --> 00:16:31,880 Something has been lost down the years. 277 00:16:31,880 --> 00:16:34,200 And it might just trigger something. 278 00:16:34,200 --> 00:16:38,040 - Hello. - Hello. - Do you know why we're walking? 279 00:16:38,040 --> 00:16:42,120 Today is really special, because it's Good Friday. 280 00:16:42,120 --> 00:16:46,320 That's why we've got a holiday, to remember Jesus's death on the cross. 281 00:16:46,320 --> 00:16:49,800 - So well done, you three! Brilliant! - Well done! 282 00:16:49,800 --> 00:16:52,720 It was interesting that it was the children who actually stopped 283 00:16:52,720 --> 00:16:54,360 and said, "What's all this? 284 00:16:54,360 --> 00:16:58,040 "What are you doing?" So, sometimes we can learn things from children, 285 00:16:58,040 --> 00:17:02,080 because they are sort of straightaway curious and asking questions. 286 00:17:02,080 --> 00:17:03,800 Mrs Brown, if you take it in... 287 00:17:08,480 --> 00:17:11,480 I think Mary will invite everybody back to the vicarage. 288 00:17:13,480 --> 00:17:16,680 I think it went OK. I mean, slightly quicker... 289 00:17:16,680 --> 00:17:20,280 We'd hoped perhaps to have a few more conversations with odd people 290 00:17:20,280 --> 00:17:23,280 meeting in the street, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. 291 00:17:23,280 --> 00:17:26,840 It's cold and perhaps people are not out as they might otherwise 292 00:17:26,840 --> 00:17:29,680 have been if it had been a really warm day. 293 00:17:32,440 --> 00:17:35,440 Checking the weather forecast more than most 294 00:17:35,440 --> 00:17:37,640 is Jo of the Seigneurie Gardens. 295 00:17:37,640 --> 00:17:39,240 She now just has a few days left 296 00:17:39,240 --> 00:17:42,640 for final preparations before opening to the public. 297 00:17:42,640 --> 00:17:46,040 We just need a week of sunshine, or at least higher temperatures, 298 00:17:46,040 --> 00:17:49,640 and I think a lot of these lovely plants will come out. 299 00:17:49,640 --> 00:17:52,600 They're so ready. They just... 300 00:17:52,600 --> 00:17:54,800 don't like to put their heads above the ground. 301 00:17:54,800 --> 00:17:56,040 But look at the primroses. 302 00:17:56,040 --> 00:17:58,680 They seem to come out and flower whatever. 303 00:17:58,680 --> 00:18:01,240 I think even the vine is beginning to plump up a little bit. 304 00:18:01,240 --> 00:18:05,960 And look at the magnolias. Really within a gnat's whisker of being out. 305 00:18:05,960 --> 00:18:08,680 So we're waiting. We're waiting. 306 00:18:08,680 --> 00:18:11,440 - Waiting for spring. - Waiting for spring. 307 00:18:11,440 --> 00:18:14,280 Unfortunately, I don't think Easter weekend is going to be great, 308 00:18:14,280 --> 00:18:16,360 but, you know, you never know. 309 00:18:16,360 --> 00:18:18,560 We're going to open anyhow. 310 00:18:18,560 --> 00:18:22,280 And what's the priority for getting the gardens ready? 311 00:18:22,280 --> 00:18:25,640 I think making it all nice and clean and tidy - fresh notices... 312 00:18:25,640 --> 00:18:28,080 Sweep out the spiders. 313 00:18:28,080 --> 00:18:29,960 The path is in good shape. 314 00:18:29,960 --> 00:18:33,880 It's just making the place tidy and ready for the season, really. 315 00:18:33,880 --> 00:18:37,040 We need to put benches out so people can sit down and... 316 00:18:37,040 --> 00:18:39,080 Turn on the fountains. 317 00:18:39,080 --> 00:18:41,240 We need to take the net off the fish pond, 318 00:18:41,240 --> 00:18:44,760 because the heron was eating all the fish. But anyway, that'll happen. 319 00:18:44,760 --> 00:18:47,520 No, I think we're ready to go, really. 320 00:18:47,520 --> 00:18:49,520 We'd like the season to start. 321 00:18:57,680 --> 00:19:00,040 The first Easter sunshine arrives 322 00:19:00,040 --> 00:19:04,400 and Julie prepares Ronaldo for his first job of the season. 323 00:19:04,400 --> 00:19:06,120 Who needs a horse? 324 00:19:06,120 --> 00:19:07,480 SHE LAUGHS 325 00:19:09,840 --> 00:19:13,520 Well, today, we've got a wedding and we're using both the carriages. 326 00:19:13,520 --> 00:19:17,560 This is Ron's first actual performance! 327 00:19:17,560 --> 00:19:20,680 Hayley is driving him in the wagonette, with four guests. 328 00:19:20,680 --> 00:19:24,040 Anyway, he's all done now and I've done his tail. 329 00:19:24,040 --> 00:19:27,920 He was four yesterday. It was his birthday. He had a party. 330 00:19:27,920 --> 00:19:29,720 He's on Facebook! 331 00:19:29,720 --> 00:19:33,760 He's got balloons and streamers and he had stuff in his hair. 332 00:19:33,760 --> 00:19:38,000 He had a bath photograph with a bucket of water going over his head. 333 00:19:38,000 --> 00:19:42,440 Here comes the hairspray. He had conditioner and everything yesterday. 334 00:19:43,760 --> 00:19:46,800 Right, five to one. We'll start putting his gear on. 335 00:19:51,480 --> 00:19:54,000 This is his new collar. 336 00:19:55,200 --> 00:19:57,960 Just arrived a few days ago. 337 00:19:57,960 --> 00:20:00,840 I mean, it's only an occasion because we are making it one. 338 00:20:00,840 --> 00:20:04,800 It's just another day to him, you know. Carriage, get fed after. 339 00:20:04,800 --> 00:20:06,600 That's all he thinks about! 340 00:20:16,440 --> 00:20:19,880 Ronald, stop chewing your reins! 341 00:20:21,000 --> 00:20:27,240 - It's the one for the album! - The boy and his slaves. Eh, mate? 342 00:20:27,240 --> 00:20:29,640 RONALDO WHINNIES 343 00:20:29,640 --> 00:20:31,720 See there. 344 00:20:32,760 --> 00:20:33,840 Right. 345 00:20:36,360 --> 00:20:40,640 Oh, I'm so proud of him. After all that time and all that work. 346 00:20:40,640 --> 00:20:44,160 I said to the people, "You're the first people 347 00:20:44,160 --> 00:20:48,160 "he's actually taken out." I said, "To you, he's just a horse, 348 00:20:48,160 --> 00:20:51,160 "but the story behind him, for me, it's just brilliant." 349 00:20:51,160 --> 00:20:53,840 He just comes out, Mr Cool. 350 00:20:53,840 --> 00:20:56,800 I took him out and it was like he'd done it for 20 years. 351 00:20:56,800 --> 00:21:01,080 In he went, got his lunch, that was it. Never looked back. 352 00:21:07,280 --> 00:21:11,120 Over at Dave's lambing shed, there are a lot of proud mums 353 00:21:11,120 --> 00:21:14,400 and over 100 newborn lambs now. 354 00:21:14,400 --> 00:21:18,120 Feeding time. We were hoping to avoid it this year, but... 355 00:21:19,440 --> 00:21:22,760 As usual, we've had a few ewes that have... 356 00:21:22,760 --> 00:21:25,960 got sick and, er... 357 00:21:27,120 --> 00:21:29,280 ..whilst they were all recovering, 358 00:21:29,280 --> 00:21:33,360 they don't eat for a couple of days and their milk dries up. 359 00:21:33,360 --> 00:21:35,520 We've got to help a few of them out. 360 00:21:35,520 --> 00:21:37,000 SHEEP BLEAT 361 00:21:37,000 --> 00:21:39,600 We've got a few hungry babies out there. 362 00:21:39,600 --> 00:21:41,600 LOUD BLEATING 363 00:21:43,920 --> 00:21:45,240 Hello! 364 00:21:46,240 --> 00:21:48,360 OK, guys, who's first? 365 00:21:48,360 --> 00:21:50,480 Who's first? 366 00:21:50,480 --> 00:21:52,440 You're all a bit peckish, aren't you? 367 00:21:54,160 --> 00:21:55,640 Now then... 368 00:21:55,640 --> 00:21:57,960 One there... And who else have we got? 369 00:21:59,320 --> 00:22:00,960 There we go. 370 00:22:02,920 --> 00:22:05,360 If we could get them all connected up... 371 00:22:05,360 --> 00:22:07,920 LOUD SUCKING 372 00:22:13,400 --> 00:22:16,120 The most I've done is four bottles at once. 373 00:22:16,120 --> 00:22:17,920 Wow. 374 00:22:19,240 --> 00:22:21,320 I think you've had enough, mate. 375 00:22:23,960 --> 00:22:26,320 Yes, it...it is very satisfying. 376 00:22:28,400 --> 00:22:30,640 It's lovely when you... 377 00:22:30,640 --> 00:22:34,320 You know, the lambs go out of the shed and they're nicely covered 378 00:22:34,320 --> 00:22:37,080 and you can put them on a nice patch of grass. 379 00:23:08,720 --> 00:23:10,920 It's Easter Sunday. 380 00:23:10,920 --> 00:23:15,080 Traditionally, the very beginning of Sark's tourist season. 381 00:23:15,080 --> 00:23:18,440 But until the boats come in, they can only hope - 382 00:23:18,440 --> 00:23:20,440 nay, pray - for a good season ahead. 383 00:23:21,960 --> 00:23:25,440 At the Methodist Chapel, Karen Le Mouton is putting 384 00:23:25,440 --> 00:23:28,680 the finishing touches to her interpretation of Easter. 385 00:23:28,680 --> 00:23:32,440 We've got various activities to do with eggs, obviously, 386 00:23:32,440 --> 00:23:35,560 but trying to put the Christian message into the eggs. 387 00:23:35,560 --> 00:23:37,800 Obviously, Holy Week is a very busy time, 388 00:23:37,800 --> 00:23:42,840 because we try to depict all the events leading up to Easter Sunday, 389 00:23:42,840 --> 00:23:47,280 and obviously today is the combination of a busy week, yes. 390 00:23:47,280 --> 00:23:50,760 Locum vicar Nigel, at the Anglican St Peter's, 391 00:23:50,760 --> 00:23:53,280 will be presenting a more traditional version. 392 00:23:53,280 --> 00:23:54,720 BELL RINGS 393 00:23:54,720 --> 00:23:57,280 Well, the service today is an Easter Communion. 394 00:23:57,280 --> 00:24:02,520 It'll be extra joyful, obviously, because of the event. 395 00:24:02,520 --> 00:24:06,240 And I hope very much that people will really grasp 396 00:24:06,240 --> 00:24:08,600 when we say those words, "Jesus is risen," 397 00:24:08,600 --> 00:24:10,920 they will come back with a great response - 398 00:24:10,920 --> 00:24:12,680 "He is risen from the dead." 399 00:24:12,680 --> 00:24:15,520 # This joyful Eastertide 400 00:24:15,520 --> 00:24:21,160 # What need is there for grieving? 401 00:24:21,160 --> 00:24:24,320 # Cast all your cares aside 402 00:24:24,320 --> 00:24:30,160 # And be not unbelieving. # 403 00:24:30,160 --> 00:24:33,800 - Jesus is risen! - ALL: He is risen indeed! 404 00:24:33,800 --> 00:24:36,480 Hallelujah! 405 00:24:37,760 --> 00:24:42,760 And after Easter comes sunshine and a full boat of tourists. 406 00:24:42,760 --> 00:24:45,880 We are always very grateful when the weather turns nice 407 00:24:45,880 --> 00:24:49,040 and visitors start coming back, because it's vital for 408 00:24:49,040 --> 00:24:53,000 the shipping company, for the shops, for the cafes, for everybody. 409 00:24:53,000 --> 00:24:54,920 That's how we make our living, really. 410 00:25:02,400 --> 00:25:05,280 - JO: - Winter was long and it wasn't very nice. 411 00:25:05,280 --> 00:25:08,160 Now we've got some visitors coming back. 412 00:25:08,160 --> 00:25:11,440 Amazingly, nature does its thing - all the flowers have come out, 413 00:25:11,440 --> 00:25:13,080 the birds are going like mad 414 00:25:13,080 --> 00:25:16,600 and we're well on the way to a good season, I think. 415 00:25:16,600 --> 00:25:19,360 Certainly, the gardens look lovely. They are full of colour. 416 00:25:19,360 --> 00:25:24,600 The magnolia tree is out and we're all systems go, I think. 417 00:25:24,600 --> 00:25:27,920 The majority of Clark's economy relies on the visitors 418 00:25:27,920 --> 00:25:31,320 who come here. They are the island's lifeblood. 419 00:25:33,440 --> 00:25:36,480 Everybody is part and parcel of the tourism machine. 420 00:25:36,480 --> 00:25:39,280 There's nobody it doesn't really affect. 421 00:25:39,280 --> 00:25:43,720 Because, you know, if you work in a hotel, you spend your money in shops. 422 00:25:43,720 --> 00:25:45,760 It all comes full circle. 423 00:25:53,720 --> 00:25:57,040 Hungry tourists will need lobsters and crabs to eat 424 00:25:57,040 --> 00:26:00,680 and Baz's boat is ready for the new fishing season. 425 00:26:00,680 --> 00:26:03,840 Baz going down to the harbour on his tractor, pulling his boat, 426 00:26:03,840 --> 00:26:05,560 that's a sure sign of spring. 427 00:26:32,520 --> 00:26:33,880 Lovely job. 428 00:26:36,880 --> 00:26:40,080 All right, mate, thank you! 429 00:26:44,120 --> 00:26:45,800 It's nice to get back on the sea. 430 00:26:45,800 --> 00:26:48,000 Do you think it's going to be a good season? 431 00:26:48,000 --> 00:26:50,320 I hope so. I hope so. 432 00:26:50,320 --> 00:26:52,080 Back! 433 00:26:52,080 --> 00:26:54,320 HE WHISTLES Here! Oi! Heel! 434 00:26:54,320 --> 00:26:56,080 LAMB BLEATS 435 00:26:56,080 --> 00:26:58,960 Dave's lambs are almost a month old now. 436 00:26:58,960 --> 00:27:01,080 Lie down. Lie down. 437 00:27:01,080 --> 00:27:03,160 Hello, number 13! 438 00:27:03,160 --> 00:27:05,080 But some need more attention than others. 439 00:27:05,080 --> 00:27:06,880 Hello, number 10. 440 00:27:06,880 --> 00:27:10,920 Guess which one the bottle fed lamb is. 441 00:27:10,920 --> 00:27:13,600 HE CHUCKLES 442 00:27:13,600 --> 00:27:16,920 You always want more, you guys, don't you? 443 00:27:19,160 --> 00:27:21,600 Yeah, no, it's all going very well. 444 00:27:21,600 --> 00:27:27,080 The grass is growing, I've sewn my barley... So, um... 445 00:27:27,080 --> 00:27:29,200 Yeah, no, things are good at the moment. 446 00:27:31,280 --> 00:27:33,760 - HE WHISTLES - Here! Come here! 447 00:27:40,400 --> 00:27:42,360 In the days to come... 448 00:27:42,360 --> 00:27:44,560 The dog can see the rabbit now. 449 00:27:44,560 --> 00:27:47,760 ..volunteers gather to clear a path down to the island's 450 00:27:47,760 --> 00:27:51,200 favourite beach after it's closed by a landslide. 451 00:27:51,200 --> 00:27:55,080 It's one of the nice things about living in Sark, actually, isn't it? 452 00:27:55,080 --> 00:27:58,480 You make a little cry for help and everybody turns up. 453 00:27:59,760 --> 00:28:01,560 Let's get to work! 454 00:28:01,560 --> 00:28:05,040 The community spirit also extends to the emergency services, 455 00:28:05,040 --> 00:28:08,440 who have their own training days down at the harbour. 456 00:28:08,440 --> 00:28:10,920 They are what this island has got as an emergency service. 457 00:28:10,920 --> 00:28:12,440 There's nothing else. 458 00:28:14,640 --> 00:28:16,400 Hopefully, we're never needed. 459 00:28:17,760 --> 00:28:19,480 But we're here for them. 460 00:28:19,480 --> 00:28:20,920 - WOMAN: - Oh, my goodness! 461 00:28:20,920 --> 00:28:22,880 This volunteer culture 462 00:28:22,880 --> 00:28:26,960 is the foundation of Sark's community services. 463 00:28:26,960 --> 00:28:30,360 But sometimes that means going way beyond the call of duty. 464 00:28:30,360 --> 00:28:34,840 Right, then, we need big, cheesy laughs and smiles. Yay! 465 00:28:34,840 --> 00:28:36,520 That's great. 466 00:28:36,520 --> 00:28:38,400 Are you done? LAUGHTER