1 00:00:31,480 --> 00:00:34,560 - MATURE JENNY: - 'There was a rhythm to the days in Poplar. 2 00:00:34,560 --> 00:00:38,400 'Church on Sunday, clinic on a Tuesday afternoon, 3 00:00:38,400 --> 00:00:40,760 'wages paid each Friday 4 00:00:40,760 --> 00:00:44,680 'and babies born early or late and hardly ever when expected. 5 00:00:44,680 --> 00:00:47,360 'But that they would arrive was never doubted, or 6 00:00:47,360 --> 00:00:51,400 that for some there would be pain as well as joy.' 7 00:00:53,480 --> 00:00:56,520 I don't know what's happened to acting Sister Franklin! 8 00:00:56,520 --> 00:00:58,560 Clinic isn't going to get any less busy 9 00:00:58,560 --> 00:01:01,880 just because she's decided to make her grand entrance 10 00:01:01,880 --> 00:01:03,160 15 minutes late! 11 00:01:04,600 --> 00:01:06,240 Chop, chop! 12 00:01:06,240 --> 00:01:09,840 It would help if we didn't have to clear up after the youth club every time. 13 00:01:09,840 --> 00:01:11,960 We have 32 expectant 14 00:01:11,960 --> 00:01:14,040 and post natal mothers on the list today 15 00:01:14,040 --> 00:01:16,360 and 15 babies for vaccinations. 16 00:01:16,360 --> 00:01:20,720 In which case, you need to do your best work, so we nurses can do ours. 17 00:01:20,720 --> 00:01:23,840 I'll make sure all of our patients get ample time with a midwife 18 00:01:23,840 --> 00:01:25,800 and with Doctor, if they need it. 19 00:01:25,800 --> 00:01:27,400 Ample time?! 20 00:01:27,400 --> 00:01:30,280 Just keep moving them along and lining them up. 21 00:01:30,280 --> 00:01:32,520 The medical staff will decide what they need. 22 00:01:36,200 --> 00:01:39,560 If you're looking for your ashtray, it was put in the wrong box. 23 00:01:39,560 --> 00:01:43,240 Nurse Crane. Once seen, never forgotten. 24 00:01:43,240 --> 00:01:44,800 I was a midwife for ten years! 25 00:01:44,800 --> 00:01:47,320 BANGING ON DOOR All right, all right! 26 00:01:47,320 --> 00:01:50,120 Do you want me to call in the bobbies on horseback? 27 00:01:50,120 --> 00:01:53,080 Nurse Mount, take Nurse Franklin's list. 28 00:01:53,080 --> 00:01:56,960 And step to it, we can't afford any slackers today. 29 00:01:56,960 --> 00:01:58,640 - CHILD: - Come on, let's get in first. 30 00:01:59,760 --> 00:02:01,400 Good morning, ladies! 31 00:02:01,400 --> 00:02:02,720 BABY WAILS 32 00:02:02,720 --> 00:02:04,120 Good morning! 33 00:02:06,840 --> 00:02:11,320 I've been on the telephone with the Bishop's secretary for the last half an hour. 34 00:02:11,320 --> 00:02:13,120 Well, go on. Don't be a tease. 35 00:02:13,120 --> 00:02:15,920 What did the Bishop want with a lowly curate? 36 00:02:15,920 --> 00:02:18,200 Apparently, he likes the work I've been doing, 37 00:02:18,200 --> 00:02:20,520 wants to meet me in person to tell me so. 38 00:02:20,520 --> 00:02:21,840 How marvellous. 39 00:02:21,840 --> 00:02:24,600 Are we supposed to go to him or is he coming here? 40 00:02:24,600 --> 00:02:27,640 Well, he'll want to meet me too, won't he? 41 00:02:27,640 --> 00:02:29,440 I didn't actually ask him. 42 00:02:29,440 --> 00:02:31,920 Well, of course he will. I'm going to be your wife. 43 00:02:31,920 --> 00:02:34,480 Well, I think the bishop would be very foolish not to want to 44 00:02:34,480 --> 00:02:36,840 meet the best asset this lowly curate has. 45 00:02:36,840 --> 00:02:39,920 Make sure you get straight back on the telephone and tell him so. 46 00:02:42,640 --> 00:02:45,000 NURSE CRANE: Come along now. 47 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:47,520 Oh, rotten pains in my back, yeah. 48 00:02:47,520 --> 00:02:51,520 Oh, and the midwife telling me I'm not even in labour. 49 00:02:52,960 --> 00:02:56,200 Mrs Colter, please. Didn't we discuss this? 50 00:02:56,200 --> 00:02:59,040 Not upsetting these mothers with your anecdotes, 51 00:02:59,040 --> 00:03:01,320 not least of all your daughter-in-law. 52 00:03:01,320 --> 00:03:03,600 I won't have her believing any fairy stories, 53 00:03:03,600 --> 00:03:06,600 nurse, about the "miracle of childbirth". 54 00:03:06,600 --> 00:03:09,600 But you'd happily fill her head with Grimms' tales? 55 00:03:12,600 --> 00:03:15,560 - Mrs Cole? Mrs Bridget Cole? - Me. 56 00:03:25,720 --> 00:03:28,480 There's a very reliable clock on the church tower - 57 00:03:28,480 --> 00:03:31,040 I suggest you set your watch by it. 58 00:03:31,040 --> 00:03:33,320 I'm sorry, Nurse Crane. 59 00:03:33,320 --> 00:03:35,120 It's not good enough. 60 00:03:35,120 --> 00:03:38,840 As acting sister, you should be an example to the others. 61 00:03:38,840 --> 00:03:40,120 Pull your socks up! 62 00:03:42,120 --> 00:03:44,480 I sometimes think you've got as many frills inside that 63 00:03:44,480 --> 00:03:46,520 head as you've got on that cap. 64 00:03:49,480 --> 00:03:54,000 King Henry VIII, six wives he wedded - 65 00:03:54,000 --> 00:03:56,200 one died, one survived, 66 00:03:56,200 --> 00:04:00,120 two divorced, two beheaded. 67 00:04:00,120 --> 00:04:03,880 Poor Anne Boleyn was the first to have her head chopped off with 68 00:04:03,880 --> 00:04:06,200 a very sharp sword. 69 00:04:06,200 --> 00:04:09,640 - Ugh! - One good swing and off it rolled. 70 00:04:09,640 --> 00:04:13,360 What do you think you're doing?! They're five year olds! 71 00:04:14,360 --> 00:04:16,320 Mrs Bowe, what's the matter? 72 00:04:16,320 --> 00:04:18,840 She was telling him such stories. 73 00:04:18,840 --> 00:04:21,840 I'll not get him off to sleep tonight. 74 00:04:21,840 --> 00:04:25,080 I was merely nurturing our fledging historians. 75 00:04:26,160 --> 00:04:27,880 I know you were, Sister. 76 00:04:27,880 --> 00:04:31,760 But perhaps, just for now, you might help me roll some bandages? 77 00:04:37,040 --> 00:04:41,080 Your pregnancy is quite advanced for this to be your fist clinic visit, Mrs Cole. 78 00:04:41,080 --> 00:04:43,720 I haven't really had time before now - been busy working - 79 00:04:43,720 --> 00:04:45,520 and it's 'Miss'. 80 00:04:47,680 --> 00:04:50,480 Do you think that makes me a wicked woman, Sister? 81 00:04:51,720 --> 00:04:54,760 You're here as a mother-to-be and I'm here as a midwife. 82 00:04:54,760 --> 00:04:58,880 Let's leave questions of wickedness at the door, shall we? 83 00:04:58,880 --> 00:05:01,840 The first thing we'll do is take your medical history, 84 00:05:01,840 --> 00:05:05,000 then check your weight and blood pressure and baby's heartbeat. 85 00:05:05,000 --> 00:05:09,520 After that, Dr Turner will need to take a blood sample from you. 86 00:05:09,520 --> 00:05:10,880 Pass it through. 87 00:05:20,160 --> 00:05:23,400 We've got orders from Billingham's for more cable-laid rope 88 00:05:23,400 --> 00:05:26,760 and Reeks want lengths of 18 thread yarn. 89 00:05:26,760 --> 00:05:29,560 - That's what we like to hear! - Isn't it just? 90 00:05:29,560 --> 00:05:33,200 We're heading for the best summer we've had for a fair while. 91 00:05:33,200 --> 00:05:35,160 It'd mean the world to my old dad, 92 00:05:35,160 --> 00:05:38,400 seeing the business thriving, seeing it all kept alive. 93 00:05:39,400 --> 00:05:42,320 This would mean the world and all. 94 00:05:42,320 --> 00:05:44,520 Someone to follow in his footsteps 95 00:05:44,520 --> 00:05:45,800 and mine. 96 00:05:47,920 --> 00:05:50,800 Mrs Robbins, I thought I'd missed you! 97 00:05:50,800 --> 00:05:53,920 Sorry, I didn't see the time. 98 00:05:53,920 --> 00:05:56,640 This is my husband Frank. 99 00:05:56,640 --> 00:05:57,840 Pleased to meet you. 100 00:05:59,080 --> 00:06:00,760 Is everything all right? 101 00:06:00,760 --> 00:06:02,360 Oh, it's just a routine call. 102 00:06:02,360 --> 00:06:05,160 - Need to check everything's ready for the baby. - Ready? 103 00:06:05,160 --> 00:06:08,880 She's bought enough and knitted enough to kit out a full ship's crew. 104 00:06:08,880 --> 00:06:11,200 There's nothing like being prepared. 105 00:06:11,200 --> 00:06:12,560 - See ya. - See ya. 106 00:06:14,640 --> 00:06:17,960 I sometimes reckon he's the hardest working man in Poplar. 107 00:06:17,960 --> 00:06:22,000 When it comes out, Nurse, just you make sure it's a boy. 108 00:06:22,000 --> 00:06:23,440 SHE LAUGHS 109 00:06:26,600 --> 00:06:28,160 On an invitation 110 00:06:28,160 --> 00:06:31,080 you'd put "The Right Reverend the Lord Billy Smith, 111 00:06:31,080 --> 00:06:32,680 "Bishop of wherever". 112 00:06:32,680 --> 00:06:35,600 But in person, you should call him either just "Bishop" 113 00:06:35,600 --> 00:06:37,520 or "My Lord Bishop". 114 00:06:37,520 --> 00:06:42,080 Oh. I was going to call him "Your Grace". Have I got that wrong? 115 00:06:42,080 --> 00:06:43,600 Your call, Babs! 116 00:06:43,600 --> 00:06:47,480 "Your Grace" is just for Archbishops, not that I've ever met one. 117 00:06:47,480 --> 00:06:50,680 My father's parish was in the roughest bit of Liverpool. 118 00:06:50,680 --> 00:06:54,000 When I turned 21, my godmother said I could choose 119 00:06:54,000 --> 00:06:58,240 between a holiday in Portofino or a course at Lucie Clayton. 120 00:06:58,240 --> 00:07:00,320 I'm starting to wish I'd picked the latter. 121 00:07:00,320 --> 00:07:04,200 I've never been abroad. I'd plump for Portofino every time. 122 00:07:04,200 --> 00:07:06,880 Oh, you'd hate it. They don't sell Tizer. 123 00:07:06,880 --> 00:07:08,080 THEY LAUGH 124 00:07:08,080 --> 00:07:11,720 To be frank, Trixie, I don't know why you're rolling out all these whistles and bells. 125 00:07:11,720 --> 00:07:13,800 Surely all the usual etiquettes apply. 126 00:07:13,800 --> 00:07:16,520 Don't talk with your mouth full and never discuss politics, 127 00:07:16,520 --> 00:07:17,920 money or religion. 128 00:07:17,920 --> 00:07:21,120 How can I not discuss religion? He's a bishop. 129 00:07:21,120 --> 00:07:24,160 Perhaps you should make a list of interesting things to say 130 00:07:24,160 --> 00:07:27,400 about the weather and what's going on in Somaliland. 131 00:07:27,400 --> 00:07:29,400 Why Somaliland? 132 00:07:29,400 --> 00:07:34,000 It's been in the news and clergymen love news from Africa. 133 00:07:34,000 --> 00:07:35,200 SHE SIGHS 134 00:07:36,360 --> 00:07:37,800 I need another drink. 135 00:07:53,720 --> 00:07:55,960 - WOMAN: Hello, sweetheart. - You all right, Brenda? 136 00:07:57,000 --> 00:07:58,600 Going inside, are you? 137 00:08:05,120 --> 00:08:08,680 JAZZ MUSIC PLAYS 138 00:08:11,600 --> 00:08:14,000 SHE COUGHS 139 00:08:14,000 --> 00:08:16,040 PEOPLE CHATTER 140 00:08:17,640 --> 00:08:19,680 Hello, I'm Sister Winifred. 141 00:08:19,680 --> 00:08:24,280 I think nobody here wants saving. Thanks all the same. 142 00:08:24,280 --> 00:08:26,240 No, actually, I'm the midwife. 143 00:08:26,240 --> 00:08:28,360 I'm here to see Miss Cole. 144 00:08:28,360 --> 00:08:31,720 Ah!! Bridget! Come after me, please. 145 00:08:31,720 --> 00:08:33,160 Yes, up. 146 00:08:35,800 --> 00:08:38,240 Everything here seems to be in good order. 147 00:08:38,240 --> 00:08:40,440 I'm sure I must have forgotten something. 148 00:08:40,440 --> 00:08:42,800 - MAN: - 'Where you going?!' 149 00:08:42,800 --> 00:08:45,480 It's not always so bad as this. 150 00:08:48,360 --> 00:08:52,480 Hope you remember what you said, about leaving talk of wickedness outside the door. 151 00:08:57,120 --> 00:08:59,920 Do you intend to go back to your business after baby's born? 152 00:08:59,920 --> 00:09:02,040 I never really stopped. 153 00:09:02,040 --> 00:09:05,760 I don't do the full works. 154 00:09:05,760 --> 00:09:08,560 Can't lose my regulars. 155 00:09:08,560 --> 00:09:11,280 I'm just wondering... 156 00:09:11,280 --> 00:09:15,120 Do you think this is the right kind of place to bring up a child? 157 00:09:16,880 --> 00:09:20,600 It's my home, my family. 158 00:09:20,600 --> 00:09:22,280 This baby won't ever want for love, 159 00:09:22,280 --> 00:09:24,000 isn't that what's important? 160 00:09:24,000 --> 00:09:26,040 GLASS SMASHES 161 00:09:26,040 --> 00:09:27,360 Dora! 162 00:09:30,720 --> 00:09:34,000 Dora, come away from there in your bare feet. 163 00:09:34,000 --> 00:09:37,080 Did I do that? Break that? 164 00:09:37,080 --> 00:09:38,800 It's OK. 165 00:09:38,800 --> 00:09:40,360 Who's this?! 166 00:09:40,360 --> 00:09:43,680 Dora. This is Sister Winifred, the midwife. 167 00:09:43,680 --> 00:09:46,640 She's come to check everything's ready for my little bun. 168 00:09:46,640 --> 00:09:48,600 I should have a look at that for you. 169 00:09:48,600 --> 00:09:50,920 Let the sister have a look. She's from the clinic. 170 00:09:50,920 --> 00:09:54,280 No! I'll have no doctor lock me up! 171 00:09:54,280 --> 00:09:55,760 Dora, don't be silly. 172 00:09:55,760 --> 00:09:57,560 I'll go to no hospital! 173 00:09:57,560 --> 00:09:59,440 I just want to clean the wound, Dora. 174 00:09:59,440 --> 00:10:02,880 Once they get their hands on me, they won't let me out. 175 00:10:04,360 --> 00:10:07,080 Let me. She'll be fine if I do it. 176 00:10:10,440 --> 00:10:13,760 It's probably best if you go, Sister. I'm sorry. 177 00:10:13,760 --> 00:10:16,320 She won't calm down while you're here. 178 00:10:20,640 --> 00:10:22,880 I'm sorry. 179 00:10:22,880 --> 00:10:26,880 When she gets in a state, only really me can calm her down. 180 00:10:26,880 --> 00:10:29,760 She doesn't really trust any of the other girls. 181 00:10:29,760 --> 00:10:32,400 Is she always disorientated like that? 182 00:10:32,400 --> 00:10:33,720 Comes and goes. 183 00:10:33,720 --> 00:10:36,800 But she has been getting worse, the last few months. 184 00:10:36,800 --> 00:10:39,400 Those lesions, they're known as gummas. 185 00:10:39,400 --> 00:10:42,760 - I'd like to bring Dr Turner to examine her and... - No. 186 00:10:42,760 --> 00:10:46,080 You heard how she is about doctors. It's a terror she has. 187 00:10:46,080 --> 00:10:47,840 She needs treatment. 188 00:10:47,840 --> 00:10:51,200 I think what Dora is suffering from is quite advanced syphilis. 189 00:10:53,480 --> 00:10:55,440 You knew? 190 00:10:55,440 --> 00:10:58,760 She'd had it for years, ever since I've known her. 191 00:10:58,760 --> 00:11:02,360 - You can't go on looking after her in your condition. - We're fine. 192 00:11:02,360 --> 00:11:04,520 We look after each other. 193 00:11:08,080 --> 00:11:11,480 I think we're ready. I hope we are. 194 00:11:11,480 --> 00:11:13,920 - Goodness! - Please. 195 00:11:13,920 --> 00:11:15,840 I see what your husband meant! 196 00:11:21,760 --> 00:11:26,520 And what about this beautiful little thing? Did you knit this? 197 00:11:26,520 --> 00:11:28,720 No, my mother, 198 00:11:28,720 --> 00:11:32,040 God rest her soul. Was mine when I was a baby. 199 00:11:32,040 --> 00:11:34,280 She saved it for me... 200 00:11:34,280 --> 00:11:36,280 in case I have a daughter of my own. 201 00:11:36,280 --> 00:11:38,720 Mrs Robbins, whatever your husband says, 202 00:11:38,720 --> 00:11:41,280 it's perfectly all right for you to want a little girl. 203 00:11:41,280 --> 00:11:45,360 As long as it's healthy, I don't mind what it is. 204 00:11:45,360 --> 00:11:47,320 I don't want to let Frank down. 205 00:11:47,320 --> 00:11:51,480 I really can't believe when the day comes he'll see it like that. 206 00:11:51,480 --> 00:11:54,400 We've been wanting a baby for such a long time. 207 00:11:56,640 --> 00:11:59,320 We got to thinking it was never going to happen. 208 00:11:59,320 --> 00:12:02,560 And now it has and that's just wonderful - 209 00:12:02,560 --> 00:12:04,880 boy or girl. 210 00:12:04,880 --> 00:12:06,280 Isn't it? 211 00:12:08,080 --> 00:12:10,440 I wanted to go straight round to that ropery 212 00:12:10,440 --> 00:12:13,360 and tell Mrs Robbins' husband he was being most unfair. 213 00:12:13,360 --> 00:12:16,800 It's one thing to quietly hope and quite another to go on and on 214 00:12:16,800 --> 00:12:18,760 until his wife is terrified. 215 00:12:18,760 --> 00:12:20,520 Male or female, for good or ill, 216 00:12:20,520 --> 00:12:23,600 that baby's gender was decided months ago. 217 00:12:23,600 --> 00:12:26,680 All the same, I'm baffled that anyone thinks that girls 218 00:12:26,680 --> 00:12:28,120 aren't the equal of boys. 219 00:12:28,120 --> 00:12:31,760 I don't think they are the equal of boys - I think they're better. 220 00:12:31,760 --> 00:12:35,120 But what if the girls themselves don't think they're better? 221 00:12:35,120 --> 00:12:39,520 The women I visited today are selling themselves so cheaply. 222 00:12:39,520 --> 00:12:41,920 What other wares have they to offer, 223 00:12:41,920 --> 00:12:46,400 but to live in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed, stew'd in corruption, 224 00:12:46,400 --> 00:12:49,080 honeying and making love? 225 00:12:49,080 --> 00:12:52,760 I sometimes wonder what the last two wars were for, in that respect. 226 00:12:52,760 --> 00:12:55,480 Every time the world goes up in flames, 227 00:12:55,480 --> 00:12:59,080 they draft women in to pick up the slack and then once it's over, 228 00:12:59,080 --> 00:13:02,560 it's back in your box and don't say boo! 229 00:13:02,560 --> 00:13:06,560 And now, keeping one hand under baby's bottom, 230 00:13:06,560 --> 00:13:09,960 we lower our little boy or girl into the bath. 231 00:13:12,200 --> 00:13:15,320 If you've tested the water correctly, with your elbow, 232 00:13:15,320 --> 00:13:19,000 baby shouldn't be too startled by the change in temperature. 233 00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:22,800 - QUIET SOBBING Mrs Robbins? - Sorry. 234 00:13:22,800 --> 00:13:26,240 I know it's a doll, not a real baby... 235 00:13:27,560 --> 00:13:30,360 I think everything's getting just a bit too much, isn't it? 236 00:13:30,360 --> 00:13:32,920 Hormones can be beastly things. 237 00:13:32,920 --> 00:13:34,560 Nurse Gilbert! 238 00:13:35,920 --> 00:13:39,080 I think Mrs Robbins needs a little sit down. 239 00:13:41,240 --> 00:13:46,000 - Sister, are you free to come with me on a house call? - Of course, Doctor. 240 00:13:46,000 --> 00:13:50,160 - Which patient is it? - Bridget Cole. Her blood tests came back. 241 00:13:51,560 --> 00:13:55,520 I'll have a word with Dr Turner and tell him you haven't been sleeping. 242 00:13:55,520 --> 00:13:59,240 If you're lucky, he might give you a sedative to help you sleep. 243 00:13:59,240 --> 00:14:03,680 The most important thing is that you rest and try not to worry. 244 00:14:03,680 --> 00:14:06,120 I wouldn't be surprised if he's not already thinking 245 00:14:06,120 --> 00:14:08,840 he can find some young slip of a thing instead. 246 00:14:08,840 --> 00:14:10,520 What on Earth do you mean? 247 00:14:10,520 --> 00:14:13,880 Some girl still young enough to give him...two, 248 00:14:13,880 --> 00:14:17,400 three...half a dozen sons. 249 00:14:17,400 --> 00:14:20,480 I'm sure it hasn't even crossed his mind. 250 00:14:29,640 --> 00:14:33,480 Didn't I say? Dora doesn't want to see a doctor, she just won't! 251 00:14:33,480 --> 00:14:36,600 Miss Cole, he's not here about Dora. 252 00:14:36,600 --> 00:14:39,440 Go on, Dora. Go on. 253 00:14:41,120 --> 00:14:44,400 It's about the blood sample we took at the clinic. 254 00:14:44,400 --> 00:14:48,680 Miss Cole, the result shows that you're infected with syphilis. 255 00:14:49,760 --> 00:14:52,480 I can't be. How can I? 256 00:14:52,480 --> 00:14:55,480 If it goes untreated, there are very serious consequences for you. 257 00:14:55,480 --> 00:14:56,960 I always took precautions, 258 00:14:56,960 --> 00:15:00,240 always used a proper peroxide douche after all my customers. 259 00:15:00,240 --> 00:15:03,520 The use of a douche is not enough to fight an infection like this. 260 00:15:03,520 --> 00:15:06,920 This syphilis could also endanger the life of your baby. 261 00:15:06,920 --> 00:15:09,840 We need to transfer you to the maternity home to begin 262 00:15:09,840 --> 00:15:11,520 a course of penicillin injections. 263 00:15:11,520 --> 00:15:14,920 There is a chance, if the disease is at an early stage, 264 00:15:14,920 --> 00:15:17,360 the infection may still be contagious. 265 00:15:19,280 --> 00:15:20,720 Oh, my God! 266 00:15:28,880 --> 00:15:35,000 - Good afternoon, Mr Robbins. Are you here about your wife? - No, I'm not. 267 00:15:35,000 --> 00:15:37,280 It's my father's birthday today. 268 00:15:37,280 --> 00:15:39,960 Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. 269 00:15:39,960 --> 00:15:41,960 No, it's all out in the open, Nurse. 270 00:15:44,400 --> 00:15:47,440 Frank was my father. 271 00:15:47,440 --> 00:15:50,880 His sons are me and my brothers, Bill and John. 272 00:15:53,560 --> 00:15:58,160 17th of September 1939, my dad's ship was torpedoed - 273 00:15:58,160 --> 00:16:00,000 he went down with it. 274 00:16:01,400 --> 00:16:05,280 In the spring of '45, my brothers got blown up. 275 00:16:05,280 --> 00:16:09,080 They were on a minesweeper in the Bay of Biscay. 276 00:16:09,080 --> 00:16:12,720 I ended up with three sets of medals and the family business. 277 00:16:12,720 --> 00:16:15,560 This is their memorial, most of the time. 278 00:16:16,960 --> 00:16:19,440 But on special occasions, I come here. 279 00:16:39,640 --> 00:16:42,240 I'm going to bring my son when he's old enough. 280 00:16:48,640 --> 00:16:52,520 Mr Robbins, the baby may be a boy, but may also be a girl. 281 00:16:52,520 --> 00:16:55,480 Your wife can't choose and neither can you. 282 00:16:55,480 --> 00:16:59,120 I promised my dad to carry on the business with a son. 283 00:16:59,120 --> 00:17:00,720 I need a son. 284 00:17:12,440 --> 00:17:14,320 Hello there. 285 00:17:14,320 --> 00:17:17,880 Tom, what do you think about offering the Bishop something more 286 00:17:17,880 --> 00:17:21,600 continental for afternoon tea? Or is traditional best? 287 00:17:21,600 --> 00:17:25,200 Dainty sandwiches, jam, cream scones, lots of Darjeeling? 288 00:17:25,200 --> 00:17:26,880 I could ask Barbara. 289 00:17:26,880 --> 00:17:30,120 She seems to know everything about bishops and all the etiquette. 290 00:17:30,120 --> 00:17:33,760 - Trixie... - You see, her father is a canon, he's a residentiary one, 291 00:17:33,760 --> 00:17:35,240 not an honorary one. 292 00:17:35,240 --> 00:17:37,480 Did you know there are different kinds? 293 00:17:37,480 --> 00:17:41,680 Trixie, when the Bishop comes, you just need to relax. 294 00:17:41,680 --> 00:17:44,240 Remember, he's coming primarily to speak to me. 295 00:17:44,240 --> 00:17:46,720 Now, I'm expected by the summer fete committee 296 00:17:46,720 --> 00:17:48,600 and I'm at least 20 minutes late. 297 00:17:56,320 --> 00:18:00,720 Welcome to the Poplar Ritz. Full room service and tea in constant supply. 298 00:18:02,200 --> 00:18:03,760 I'll leave you to unpack. 299 00:18:07,920 --> 00:18:12,040 I'll be back shortly to give you your first injection. 300 00:18:12,040 --> 00:18:13,920 I tried to get rid of it, you know? 301 00:18:15,520 --> 00:18:17,240 Gin and a hot bath. 302 00:18:17,240 --> 00:18:19,080 Never fails, Dora said. 303 00:18:20,240 --> 00:18:24,880 By the time I knew it hadn't worked, must have been four months gone. 304 00:18:24,880 --> 00:18:28,120 Went to a woman to have it dealt with. 305 00:18:28,120 --> 00:18:31,560 Got as far as her door, but I couldn't do it. 306 00:18:31,560 --> 00:18:33,520 Why not? 307 00:18:33,520 --> 00:18:38,680 I thought, if it's so keen to get itself born, might as well go 308 00:18:38,680 --> 00:18:41,120 and have it... 309 00:18:41,120 --> 00:18:42,760 and love it. 310 00:18:43,800 --> 00:18:45,840 Give it the love I never had. 311 00:18:48,840 --> 00:18:50,680 And now, 312 00:18:50,680 --> 00:18:54,240 I could be bringing it into the world diseased, 313 00:18:54,240 --> 00:18:57,960 - like I'm diseased. - Bridget, you're here to have treatment. 314 00:18:57,960 --> 00:19:01,480 There's a decent chance your baby will be healthy when it's born 315 00:19:01,480 --> 00:19:04,760 and that you'll be well enough to take good care of it. 316 00:19:04,760 --> 00:19:06,680 I am grateful, Sister. 317 00:19:09,400 --> 00:19:12,120 SHE SIGHS 318 00:19:12,120 --> 00:19:16,600 I just don't understand why after such great strides in modern 319 00:19:16,600 --> 00:19:20,240 medicine, we're still treating women like Bridget Cole for syphilis. 320 00:19:20,240 --> 00:19:21,600 Well, it's largely 321 00:19:21,600 --> 00:19:25,320 because these girls refuse to ask their clients to use sheaths. 322 00:19:25,320 --> 00:19:27,800 But that doesn't make sense. 323 00:19:27,800 --> 00:19:32,560 - Has nobody explained to them? - Yes. I tried myself some years ago. 324 00:19:32,560 --> 00:19:35,680 They told me their customers don't like them 325 00:19:35,680 --> 00:19:37,760 and that was the end of the matter. 326 00:19:37,760 --> 00:19:42,680 - But surely their customers are at risk too. - Of course they are. 327 00:19:42,680 --> 00:19:46,560 Here's last year's report from the Board of Health - 328 00:19:46,560 --> 00:19:49,840 every instance of venereal disease meticulously noted. 329 00:19:51,200 --> 00:19:56,440 If I could, I'd force every man who sidles down Cable Street to read it 330 00:19:56,440 --> 00:20:00,120 and they'd still say using a sheath is like going for a paddle 331 00:20:00,120 --> 00:20:01,640 with your socks on. 332 00:20:04,560 --> 00:20:07,320 # Para bailar La Bamba 333 00:20:07,320 --> 00:20:09,840 # Para bailar La Bamba 334 00:20:09,840 --> 00:20:13,280 # Se necessita una poca de gracia 335 00:20:13,280 --> 00:20:16,120 # Una poca de gracia 336 00:20:16,120 --> 00:20:18,960 # Para mi, para it, ay arriba, ay arriba... # 337 00:20:20,160 --> 00:20:22,680 I must have cycled 20 miles today. 338 00:20:22,680 --> 00:20:25,680 I walked in from those bike sheds like John Wayne. 339 00:20:25,680 --> 00:20:28,800 I was beginning to think you'd forgotten! 340 00:20:28,800 --> 00:20:33,560 We said we'd go to the Hand and Shears to have a little brightener. 341 00:20:33,560 --> 00:20:36,080 Out of your uniform, spit-spot. 342 00:20:36,080 --> 00:20:39,720 If you're good, I'll treat you to a bitter lemon. 343 00:20:43,240 --> 00:20:45,960 - Sergeant Noakes? - Oh, evening, Sister. 344 00:20:45,960 --> 00:20:49,320 I was testing out what they say about a watched pot. 345 00:20:49,320 --> 00:20:54,360 - Oh, what's that then? - That it never boils. - Oh. 346 00:20:54,360 --> 00:20:57,600 Sergeant Noakes, how many prostitutes are there in Poplar? 347 00:20:57,600 --> 00:20:59,360 Um... 348 00:20:59,360 --> 00:21:01,720 Well, I don't know exactly. Um... 349 00:21:03,040 --> 00:21:06,520 As an educated guess, perhaps... 350 00:21:06,520 --> 00:21:08,800 Six or 700? 351 00:21:08,800 --> 00:21:11,000 Can you introduce me to some? 352 00:21:13,440 --> 00:21:16,400 And what exactly is it you plan to do, Sister? 353 00:21:16,400 --> 00:21:20,000 I'm hoping that by educating the women in these places and 354 00:21:20,000 --> 00:21:24,520 encouraging them to use sheaths, I'd be helping them protect themselves, 355 00:21:24,520 --> 00:21:27,600 meaning we won't have any more Bridget Coles. 356 00:21:27,600 --> 00:21:30,320 Might I be excused Compline? 357 00:21:30,320 --> 00:21:33,840 - You want to start tonight? - Yes. And not too late. 358 00:21:33,840 --> 00:21:37,400 Sergeant Noakes thinks we ought to try to miss their rush hour. 359 00:21:41,480 --> 00:21:45,280 I'm in your hands, Sergeant Noakes. Where shall we start? 360 00:21:45,280 --> 00:21:47,960 This way, Sister. 361 00:21:47,960 --> 00:21:49,600 You'll be all right. 362 00:21:49,600 --> 00:21:51,480 # Come on to my house, my house 363 00:21:51,480 --> 00:21:53,880 # I'm gonna give you candy 364 00:21:53,880 --> 00:21:56,160 # Come on to my house, my house 365 00:21:56,160 --> 00:22:01,280 # I'm gonna give you apple, a plum and an apricot... # 366 00:22:01,280 --> 00:22:04,480 Could I give you some information about using sheaths? 367 00:22:04,480 --> 00:22:05,920 Oh, ta. 368 00:22:05,920 --> 00:22:07,920 # Come on to my house, my house 369 00:22:07,920 --> 00:22:09,880 # I'm gonna give you... # 370 00:22:09,880 --> 00:22:12,800 Excuse me, could I give you some useful information about using 371 00:22:12,800 --> 00:22:16,720 - sheaths to prevent yourself from infection... - Get lost! 372 00:22:16,720 --> 00:22:20,320 Excuse me, could I give you some useful information about using 373 00:22:20,320 --> 00:22:23,720 - sheaths to prevent yourself from...? - Are you trying to lose me business? 374 00:22:23,720 --> 00:22:26,160 There's plenty of other girls he could go to 375 00:22:26,160 --> 00:22:28,280 if I start waving rubbers in his face. 376 00:22:35,440 --> 00:22:37,480 Binky?! Really? 377 00:22:37,480 --> 00:22:40,400 His wife calls him Binky? 378 00:22:40,400 --> 00:22:42,960 The more I hear about my Bishop, the more I like him. 379 00:22:42,960 --> 00:22:46,880 Well, this is all according to Pop, who only knows him by reputation. 380 00:22:46,880 --> 00:22:50,120 But he tells me the Bishop is teetotal and rather 381 00:22:50,120 --> 00:22:53,120 passionate about it, so don't let him know how much you like a drink! 382 00:22:53,120 --> 00:22:56,400 - How much I like a drink? - Oh, you know what I mean. 383 00:22:56,400 --> 00:22:57,840 At the end of a day, 384 00:22:57,840 --> 00:23:01,760 Patsy and I always like to guess how soon Trixie's Bar will open! 385 00:23:01,760 --> 00:23:04,840 And that's what you call it? Trixie's Bar? 386 00:23:04,840 --> 00:23:06,480 It's all said in fun, Trixie. 387 00:23:15,880 --> 00:23:18,160 Aren't you coming down for tea, Sister? 388 00:23:20,920 --> 00:23:24,320 I understand we have Battenburg cake. 389 00:23:25,480 --> 00:23:28,560 I saw them marching, like Amazons, 390 00:23:28,560 --> 00:23:32,600 banners billowing, votes for women! 391 00:23:32,600 --> 00:23:36,280 I would have joined them, had I not labours of my own. 392 00:23:42,560 --> 00:23:44,160 See how young she is. 393 00:23:45,560 --> 00:23:47,360 My 40th year. 394 00:23:52,560 --> 00:23:54,960 Such a summer it was. 395 00:23:56,120 --> 00:23:58,520 I remember women, decent women, 396 00:23:58,520 --> 00:24:03,280 wading into the Serpentine on the day of the coronation... 397 00:24:03,280 --> 00:24:05,480 for King George. 398 00:24:08,280 --> 00:24:12,600 I carried my purpose wherever it was needed, 399 00:24:12,600 --> 00:24:16,640 putting the putrid beasts of squalor and disease to the sword. 400 00:24:19,920 --> 00:24:22,360 I was so capable then... 401 00:24:23,600 --> 00:24:26,240 ..agile... 402 00:24:26,240 --> 00:24:27,960 like a swift in slight. 403 00:24:30,200 --> 00:24:32,440 At the very height of my powers. 404 00:24:37,280 --> 00:24:38,440 And now... 405 00:24:38,440 --> 00:24:40,120 SHE SCOFFS 406 00:24:42,320 --> 00:24:47,320 - Sister, you're still a valued part of Nonnatus House. - No. 407 00:24:47,320 --> 00:24:49,040 I'm a relic, 408 00:24:49,040 --> 00:24:52,960 a curiosity and a nuisance. 409 00:24:55,320 --> 00:24:58,280 They say in the newspaper we're degenerate. 410 00:24:58,280 --> 00:25:01,240 They call us common prostitutes. SHE WINCES 411 00:25:04,560 --> 00:25:08,040 And all of that makes us stick together. 412 00:25:08,040 --> 00:25:11,440 Do you want your child growing up in an environment like that? 413 00:25:11,440 --> 00:25:13,280 Not really. 414 00:25:13,280 --> 00:25:16,600 But can you see me working in an office, day after day? 415 00:25:16,600 --> 00:25:18,360 Or as a housewife? 416 00:25:18,360 --> 00:25:21,360 - I went to visit a very nice mother and baby home last week. - Oh. 417 00:25:21,360 --> 00:25:24,160 I know about those places. 418 00:25:24,160 --> 00:25:27,680 Dormitories, daily chores, lots of prayers... 419 00:25:27,680 --> 00:25:30,200 This place isn't at all like that. 420 00:25:30,200 --> 00:25:32,480 One of the midwives from Nonnatus works there 421 00:25:32,480 --> 00:25:35,960 and she's very good at setting up fresh chances for new mums. 422 00:25:35,960 --> 00:25:37,720 KNOCK AT DOOR 423 00:25:37,720 --> 00:25:39,400 The desk woman say it's OK. 424 00:25:40,880 --> 00:25:43,800 Well, all right. But you must put on this gown 425 00:25:43,800 --> 00:25:46,680 and take it off and wash your hands before you leave. 426 00:25:48,640 --> 00:25:50,680 Everybody miss you, Bridget, 427 00:25:50,680 --> 00:25:52,680 especially Dora. 428 00:25:59,560 --> 00:26:04,240 - So, Dora's going crazy since you not there. - What are you talking about? 429 00:26:04,240 --> 00:26:07,920 So, put the clothes on. I will check if the nurse is coming back. 430 00:26:11,240 --> 00:26:14,920 Tom, I'm not sure if my secretary told you why 431 00:26:14,920 --> 00:26:16,960 I wanted to meet you today. 432 00:26:16,960 --> 00:26:21,040 No. Just that you were reasonably happy with the work I've been doing. 433 00:26:21,040 --> 00:26:23,920 Very happy. Very happy indeed. 434 00:26:23,920 --> 00:26:25,600 You've shown the kind of freshness 435 00:26:25,600 --> 00:26:29,520 and vigour that the modern Church needs. 436 00:26:29,520 --> 00:26:30,880 No. 437 00:26:30,880 --> 00:26:35,440 So much so that when I heard about a parish that was coming vacant, 438 00:26:35,440 --> 00:26:40,200 not immediately, the man in the chair, an old and dear friend is 439 00:26:40,200 --> 00:26:45,040 due to retire in a year, I thought you might be just right for it. 440 00:26:46,720 --> 00:26:49,040 I see. 441 00:26:49,040 --> 00:26:51,280 Goodness! 442 00:26:51,280 --> 00:26:53,800 I... I'm very gratified, Bishop. 443 00:26:53,800 --> 00:26:55,880 It's in St Anne's, 444 00:26:55,880 --> 00:26:59,480 a pretty challenging area of poverty in Newcastle. 445 00:27:00,880 --> 00:27:03,120 Newcastle? 446 00:27:03,120 --> 00:27:06,720 I'm sorry, it's just that we had in mind a more rural home to 447 00:27:06,720 --> 00:27:08,240 bring up our children. 448 00:27:16,920 --> 00:27:20,000 I'll make another pot of tea, shall I? 449 00:27:20,000 --> 00:27:24,480 The parish has its fair share of delinquents and unfortunates, 450 00:27:24,480 --> 00:27:28,200 but I'm sure there are rough diamonds to be found. 451 00:27:33,200 --> 00:27:37,160 You'll be glad to hear Mrs Alice Ambrose has had a healthy baby girl. 452 00:27:37,160 --> 00:27:40,560 Oh, splendid! I'm afraid you won't have time for a rest. 453 00:27:40,560 --> 00:27:43,240 We've just had a call. It sounds like Mrs Colter's in labour. 454 00:27:43,240 --> 00:27:45,440 Right, off I go! 455 00:27:46,640 --> 00:27:48,640 Oh, you can sterilise when you get there. 456 00:27:48,640 --> 00:27:51,520 Was the call from June Colter or is her mother-in-law still 457 00:27:51,520 --> 00:27:55,120 - staying over? - I'm afraid it was her mother-in-law. 458 00:27:59,720 --> 00:28:03,200 Trixie, all I'm saying is it wasn't your place or mine 459 00:28:03,200 --> 00:28:04,720 to take the Bishop to task. 460 00:28:04,720 --> 00:28:08,560 He was talking about sending us to a slum district in Newcastle! 461 00:28:08,560 --> 00:28:11,280 I just said I was hoping for something less...challenging. 462 00:28:11,280 --> 00:28:13,600 And then sat there with a face like thunder for the rest 463 00:28:13,600 --> 00:28:15,000 of the afternoon. 464 00:28:15,000 --> 00:28:18,200 It was made very clear that I shouldn't talk while the men 465 00:28:18,200 --> 00:28:21,920 were discussing important matters that clearly I have no say in! 466 00:28:30,640 --> 00:28:32,640 Trixie... 467 00:28:35,440 --> 00:28:38,440 This morning, I sat with a man whose wife had died. 468 00:28:38,440 --> 00:28:42,160 She was 21 and had Hodgkins Disease. 469 00:28:42,160 --> 00:28:44,520 He wanted me to explain God's plan. 470 00:28:44,520 --> 00:28:47,720 He wanted to know why it was worth him living any more. 471 00:28:48,960 --> 00:28:53,240 That, for me, is what life in the Church is about 472 00:28:53,240 --> 00:28:57,760 and that is why I will go where the Bishop feels I can do most good. 473 00:28:57,760 --> 00:29:01,040 I understand that. Really, I do. 474 00:29:01,040 --> 00:29:05,160 But after four years in Poplar, all I want is for our children to 475 00:29:05,160 --> 00:29:08,120 grow in a place with trees and maybe no tenements. 476 00:29:09,880 --> 00:29:14,400 Trixie, when you marry me, you'll be marrying the Church. 477 00:29:14,400 --> 00:29:16,800 Be honest, have you ever wondered 478 00:29:16,800 --> 00:29:20,200 whether that's really going to suit you? 479 00:29:20,200 --> 00:29:21,560 No, I haven't. 480 00:29:22,840 --> 00:29:24,360 Have you? 481 00:29:36,440 --> 00:29:38,680 LAUGHTER AND MUSIC 482 00:29:41,400 --> 00:29:43,160 Everybody's laughing. 483 00:29:50,120 --> 00:29:52,480 Move! Move! Out my way! 484 00:29:52,480 --> 00:29:55,760 Shift it! Will you move? 485 00:29:55,760 --> 00:29:57,640 Move! Dora? 486 00:29:57,640 --> 00:30:00,400 Dora? 487 00:30:00,400 --> 00:30:02,000 It's me. Hello. 488 00:30:02,000 --> 00:30:03,200 All right? 489 00:30:04,360 --> 00:30:06,440 You all right? 490 00:30:06,440 --> 00:30:08,720 Let's get you upstairs. 491 00:30:08,720 --> 00:30:10,760 Come on, let's get you out of here. 492 00:30:10,760 --> 00:30:13,560 You should be ashamed of yourselves! Move! 493 00:30:17,160 --> 00:30:21,560 # Sometimes, we'll sigh 494 00:30:22,880 --> 00:30:26,880 # Sometimes, we'll cry 495 00:30:29,560 --> 00:30:36,960 # And we'll know why just you and I know true love ways. # 496 00:31:19,320 --> 00:31:22,840 WATER SPLASHES 497 00:31:24,320 --> 00:31:26,800 Oh! 498 00:31:26,800 --> 00:31:32,120 You're doing really well, June, but do try to relax. 499 00:31:32,120 --> 00:31:35,080 We've plenty of time before baby's ready to pop out. 500 00:31:35,080 --> 00:31:38,120 Plenty of time. You think this is proper labour, 501 00:31:38,120 --> 00:31:40,560 you've got another think coming, hasn't she, Nurse? 502 00:31:40,560 --> 00:31:43,440 Mrs Colter, could I have a word? 503 00:31:46,600 --> 00:31:49,480 I have delivered babies in many different circumstances - 504 00:31:49,480 --> 00:31:51,680 routine or complicated. 505 00:31:51,680 --> 00:31:54,600 Now, compare your own largely third-hand experiences 506 00:31:54,600 --> 00:31:57,400 and decide which of us you trust more to 507 00:31:57,400 --> 00:32:01,520 help your daughter-in-law bring your first grandchild into the world. 508 00:32:06,960 --> 00:32:08,920 Has she reached full term? 509 00:32:08,920 --> 00:32:10,640 No, she's only eight months. 510 00:32:12,200 --> 00:32:14,720 MUSIC AND CHATTER 511 00:32:14,720 --> 00:32:17,240 This way. 512 00:32:17,240 --> 00:32:19,160 She's upstairs. 513 00:32:24,800 --> 00:32:26,800 SHE MOANS IN PAIN 514 00:32:26,800 --> 00:32:29,040 Bridget. 515 00:32:30,160 --> 00:32:32,920 Sister, I'm sorry. I only came back to check on Dora. 516 00:32:32,920 --> 00:32:34,480 Let's take a look at you. 517 00:32:34,480 --> 00:32:37,440 Bridget, this is Nurse Crane, here to give us a bit of help. 518 00:32:37,440 --> 00:32:40,560 And how often are the contractions, Miss Cole? 519 00:32:40,560 --> 00:32:42,680 They feel about every bloody minute! 520 00:32:49,280 --> 00:32:50,480 Oh! 521 00:33:02,240 --> 00:33:05,000 Good, strong heartbeat. Legs up. 522 00:33:13,520 --> 00:33:16,280 She's too advanced to move her back to the maternity home. 523 00:33:16,280 --> 00:33:19,120 Bridget, we're going to have to deliver your baby here. 524 00:33:21,120 --> 00:33:23,720 - Knees down. - If she hasn't finished her treatment, 525 00:33:23,720 --> 00:33:26,400 we have to assume the syphilis is still contagious. 526 00:33:26,400 --> 00:33:28,040 I'll call for Dr Turner? 527 00:33:28,040 --> 00:33:32,640 - My back is killing me. - Well, let's get you onto your hands and knees - 528 00:33:32,640 --> 00:33:35,800 - that'll ease the pressure. - Ooh! - Here we go. There you go. - Oh! 529 00:33:47,480 --> 00:33:49,640 - BANGS DOOR - Help! Is anyone there? 530 00:33:49,640 --> 00:33:51,440 I need a midwife! 531 00:33:53,560 --> 00:33:57,000 - BANGING ON DOOR - I need some help! 532 00:33:59,480 --> 00:34:01,640 BANGING CONTINUES 533 00:34:02,720 --> 00:34:06,440 - I need help! - Here's a knocking indeed! 534 00:34:06,440 --> 00:34:10,480 - Is anyone there? - If a man were porter of hell-gate... 535 00:34:10,480 --> 00:34:13,640 - Oh! - What are you about? - It's you! 536 00:34:13,640 --> 00:34:16,640 This is no night to be abroad! 537 00:34:16,640 --> 00:34:18,880 Can I see a midwife? 538 00:34:18,880 --> 00:34:20,760 Please! 539 00:34:20,760 --> 00:34:23,920 This is highly untoward. 540 00:34:23,920 --> 00:34:26,560 Why did you not utilise the telephone? 541 00:34:26,560 --> 00:34:30,720 My husband took the kids to Canvey Island 542 00:34:30,720 --> 00:34:34,840 and the phone on the bottom of our street is...bust. 543 00:34:34,840 --> 00:34:37,920 SHE WHIMPERS IN PAIN 544 00:34:37,920 --> 00:34:41,160 All will be well, my dear. 545 00:34:41,160 --> 00:34:42,880 All will be well. 546 00:34:45,520 --> 00:34:48,320 I'm scared it won't be. 547 00:34:48,320 --> 00:34:50,880 I came cos my waters broke... 548 00:34:50,880 --> 00:34:52,800 and it don't look right! 549 00:34:52,800 --> 00:34:55,560 It was sort of...green coloured. 550 00:34:59,080 --> 00:35:01,760 You did well to seek assistance 551 00:35:01,760 --> 00:35:04,280 and it shall be obtained for you. 552 00:35:07,840 --> 00:35:09,720 I need a proper midwife! 553 00:35:10,920 --> 00:35:12,400 All abed? 554 00:35:16,480 --> 00:35:18,560 Will nobody attend to us? 555 00:35:19,880 --> 00:35:22,240 We are in need of assistance! 556 00:35:32,680 --> 00:35:35,880 Come with me. 557 00:35:35,880 --> 00:35:38,840 - Come where? - To a place of safety, 558 00:35:38,840 --> 00:35:41,000 where you will be cared for. 559 00:35:48,320 --> 00:35:50,400 Argh! 560 00:35:51,720 --> 00:35:55,520 - Breathe. Breathe. - It's never coming out! 561 00:35:55,520 --> 00:35:57,360 I can see the head now, Bridget. 562 00:35:57,360 --> 00:36:01,880 Slow and controlled pushes now, Bridget. Slow and controlled. 563 00:36:01,880 --> 00:36:04,200 You're in the home straight. 564 00:36:06,440 --> 00:36:11,360 No more pushing now. Let me see you blowing out those candles for me. 565 00:36:11,360 --> 00:36:13,000 The head's out. 566 00:36:15,240 --> 00:36:19,000 - Shoulders are out. You're nearly there. - Argh! 567 00:36:19,000 --> 00:36:20,840 Urgh! 568 00:36:20,840 --> 00:36:24,440 BABY CRIES 569 00:36:24,440 --> 00:36:26,680 Well done! 570 00:36:26,680 --> 00:36:28,720 My baby. 571 00:36:28,720 --> 00:36:31,120 There she is. 572 00:36:31,120 --> 00:36:34,320 You have a little girl, Bridget. 573 00:36:34,320 --> 00:36:37,120 We need to examine her and clean her. 574 00:36:39,680 --> 00:36:41,880 Dr Turner's on his way. 575 00:36:50,120 --> 00:36:53,320 Are you sure this is the right way? 576 00:36:53,320 --> 00:36:57,080 You must take your lead from Lao-Tzu, 577 00:36:57,080 --> 00:37:00,120 the Chinese philosopher. 578 00:37:00,120 --> 00:37:05,000 He has it that a journey of a thousand miles begins with 579 00:37:05,000 --> 00:37:06,920 a single step. 580 00:37:06,920 --> 00:37:10,360 This is Poplar, not bloody China! 581 00:37:10,360 --> 00:37:12,280 Indeed. 582 00:37:15,760 --> 00:37:20,240 I'm pleased to say June Colter had a large, very sweet, baby girl 583 00:37:20,240 --> 00:37:22,560 without a single complication. 584 00:37:22,560 --> 00:37:28,040 Excellent. That's two in one day. And how is her mother-in-law? 585 00:37:28,040 --> 00:37:32,640 I tried being firm with her - it seemed to work. 586 00:37:32,640 --> 00:37:36,240 Mr Robbins just called - he thinks his wife is in labour - 587 00:37:36,240 --> 00:37:39,760 but you've been on your feet since breakfast. 588 00:37:39,760 --> 00:37:43,560 Go and alert Nurse Franklin - she should be ready to take over. 589 00:37:47,880 --> 00:37:50,640 KNOCK AT DOOR 590 00:37:55,400 --> 00:37:58,560 Wakey-wakey! 591 00:37:58,560 --> 00:38:00,480 Trixie? 592 00:38:01,920 --> 00:38:03,680 Oh, Trixie! 593 00:38:19,360 --> 00:38:21,320 I'll take care of this one for you. 594 00:38:27,840 --> 00:38:29,600 Careful. 595 00:38:29,600 --> 00:38:32,720 We're in need of assistance! 596 00:38:32,720 --> 00:38:36,680 Sister Monica Joan! What's happened? 597 00:38:36,680 --> 00:38:41,120 Mrs Bowe presented herself at Nonnatus House. 598 00:38:41,120 --> 00:38:43,000 Her waters broke. 599 00:38:43,000 --> 00:38:46,600 There was... She knew there was a problem. 600 00:38:46,600 --> 00:38:49,920 You've both done exactly the right thing. 601 00:38:49,920 --> 00:38:53,400 The doctor isn't here just now, 602 00:38:53,400 --> 00:38:58,200 but we'll get Mrs Bowe out of these wet things and come up with a plan. 603 00:39:20,120 --> 00:39:23,240 Baby's heart rate is a little slow. 604 00:39:23,240 --> 00:39:25,720 I'm going to check how dilated you are, 605 00:39:25,720 --> 00:39:30,040 - but I think you're going to have to have baby here and quickly. - No! 606 00:39:32,840 --> 00:39:35,720 Fortune has favoured us, Mrs Bowe. 607 00:39:37,400 --> 00:39:40,280 Mrs Turner has delivered more babies than 608 00:39:40,280 --> 00:39:45,400 there are stars in the Great Andromeda Nebula. 609 00:39:45,400 --> 00:39:50,160 We'll need a delivery pack and clean towels from the storeroom, Sister. 610 00:39:53,080 --> 00:39:56,760 - And the breathing was normal just after the birth. - Yes. 611 00:39:56,760 --> 00:40:01,120 But now the respiration rate is over 60 and the heart rate is over 150. 612 00:40:03,360 --> 00:40:07,360 Baby's not pinking up well. It's cyanosed. 613 00:40:10,120 --> 00:40:14,080 - She looks so beautiful, doesn't she? - She does. 614 00:40:14,080 --> 00:40:16,880 Very beautiful. 615 00:40:16,880 --> 00:40:21,680 But so fragile. Oh, there can't be anything wrong with her. 616 00:40:21,680 --> 00:40:24,440 Please, don't let there be! 617 00:40:24,440 --> 00:40:27,680 Argh! 618 00:40:27,680 --> 00:40:30,880 Argh! Ah! 619 00:40:30,880 --> 00:40:35,560 Baby's head is almost here, Eileen. I know it stings, but just pant for me. 620 00:40:35,560 --> 00:40:38,640 Pant. Pant. Pant. 621 00:40:38,640 --> 00:40:41,280 All is well, my dear. 622 00:40:41,280 --> 00:40:43,280 Do as Mrs Turner says. 623 00:40:43,280 --> 00:40:45,000 Pant, Eileen. 624 00:40:45,000 --> 00:40:47,560 SHE PANTS 625 00:40:47,560 --> 00:40:50,520 - Your baby's head is born, Eileen! - Argh! 626 00:40:50,520 --> 00:40:54,160 How blessed we were to meet with Mrs Turner. 627 00:40:54,160 --> 00:40:57,120 How blessed I was to meet with y... Argh! 628 00:41:00,320 --> 00:41:04,920 Now, I think if you can give me one enormous brave push, 629 00:41:04,920 --> 00:41:09,840 we're going to be able to meet this beautiful, beautiful baby. 630 00:41:09,840 --> 00:41:11,720 I can't! 631 00:41:11,720 --> 00:41:14,720 - I can't! - Now, now. 632 00:41:14,720 --> 00:41:16,880 Be of good courage! 633 00:41:18,560 --> 00:41:21,480 - Nurse, she's through here. - Thank you, Mr Robbins. 634 00:41:23,360 --> 00:41:26,960 You're doing really well, Susan. Another big push for me. 635 00:41:26,960 --> 00:41:28,560 I can't push any more. 636 00:41:28,560 --> 00:41:30,640 You can. Just one more. 637 00:41:33,000 --> 00:41:35,840 Goodness, I can see the head, Susan! 638 00:41:35,840 --> 00:41:39,280 This little one's in quite a hurry to come and say hello to you. 639 00:41:39,280 --> 00:41:41,200 Here come the shoulders. 640 00:41:41,200 --> 00:41:44,360 Oh! BABY CRIES 641 00:41:44,360 --> 00:41:47,720 - There you are, little one. - Is it a boy? 642 00:41:52,120 --> 00:41:54,440 You have a very lovely baby. 643 00:41:55,480 --> 00:41:57,120 A beautiful daughter. 644 00:42:01,960 --> 00:42:04,120 Say hello to your little girl. 645 00:42:08,400 --> 00:42:10,560 Isn't she beautiful? 646 00:42:10,560 --> 00:42:12,520 Hello. 647 00:42:12,520 --> 00:42:14,640 That's all the hard work over. 648 00:42:14,640 --> 00:42:17,720 Now, we just have to wait for the placenta. 649 00:42:17,720 --> 00:42:20,400 - KNOCK ON DOOR - Nurse? Is everything all right? 650 00:42:25,320 --> 00:42:27,920 BABY CRIES 651 00:42:30,960 --> 00:42:34,680 Look at her. Now, wasn't she worth all that hard work? 652 00:42:36,160 --> 00:42:38,200 Aren't you...? 653 00:42:38,200 --> 00:42:39,920 Aren't you just? 654 00:42:44,640 --> 00:42:47,600 - I thought I was going to lose her. - No. 655 00:42:47,600 --> 00:42:50,360 Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God. 656 00:42:50,360 --> 00:42:54,000 I'm going to have a thank you list as long as my arm. 657 00:42:54,000 --> 00:42:58,080 I looked straight past you when you opened the door - 658 00:42:58,080 --> 00:43:01,480 - I shouldn't have. - Oh, it's no matter. 659 00:43:02,640 --> 00:43:06,320 I've been struggling for a name for this little madam. 660 00:43:06,320 --> 00:43:08,240 Everything I liked, 661 00:43:08,240 --> 00:43:11,920 I heard being yelled out in the street by somebody else's mother. 662 00:43:13,480 --> 00:43:16,520 I want something...special. 663 00:43:18,640 --> 00:43:20,520 Like er... 664 00:43:22,040 --> 00:43:24,600 Yours might do the trick... 665 00:43:24,600 --> 00:43:26,800 as long as we drop the Joan. 666 00:43:26,800 --> 00:43:30,680 I had an aunt called Joan - I couldn't stand her. 667 00:43:30,680 --> 00:43:32,760 You're going to call the baby Monica? 668 00:43:38,320 --> 00:43:39,560 It is an honour... 669 00:43:43,400 --> 00:43:45,160 ..unearned. 670 00:43:45,160 --> 00:43:47,200 No, it ain't. 671 00:43:47,200 --> 00:43:49,800 It goes lovely with her surname. 672 00:43:51,000 --> 00:43:52,920 Don't it? 673 00:43:54,240 --> 00:43:57,160 Miss Monica Anne Bowe. 674 00:44:05,480 --> 00:44:08,880 I was hoping the injection of Ergometrine would do the job, 675 00:44:08,880 --> 00:44:12,240 but the placenta doesn't seem to want to come. 676 00:44:12,240 --> 00:44:14,840 What's happening in there? Is everything all right? 677 00:44:14,840 --> 00:44:17,440 Don't tell him it's a girl, not yet, 678 00:44:17,440 --> 00:44:19,160 please! 679 00:44:19,160 --> 00:44:20,600 I won't, 680 00:44:20,600 --> 00:44:22,440 I promise. 681 00:44:22,440 --> 00:44:24,440 But I do need to speak to him, Susan. 682 00:44:31,840 --> 00:44:36,040 - You need to make a telephone call, Mr Robbins. - What's going on? 683 00:44:36,040 --> 00:44:40,160 Call Dr Turner and tell him that your wife has a retained placenta. 684 00:44:45,960 --> 00:44:48,920 The ambulance will take you to the hospital, Mrs Robbins. 685 00:44:48,920 --> 00:44:51,000 They'll take good care of you there. 686 00:44:51,000 --> 00:44:53,360 She'll be all right, won't she? 687 00:44:53,360 --> 00:44:55,240 They'll give her a general anaesthetic. 688 00:44:55,240 --> 00:44:58,840 Everything will be easier once she's there. 689 00:44:58,840 --> 00:45:00,920 And the baby? 690 00:45:00,920 --> 00:45:02,440 Is it a boy? 691 00:45:03,960 --> 00:45:05,920 Tell me, what is it? 692 00:45:05,920 --> 00:45:09,160 You have a very beautiful baby daughter, Mr Robbins. 693 00:45:15,640 --> 00:45:18,960 Frank, please... 694 00:45:18,960 --> 00:45:22,280 Just look at her, at least. 695 00:45:22,280 --> 00:45:24,280 Frank... 696 00:45:29,240 --> 00:45:32,840 How could you turn your back on your own newborn daughter? 697 00:45:32,840 --> 00:45:34,160 Are you listening to me? 698 00:45:34,160 --> 00:45:36,600 Nurse Gilbert, I'm going to drive you home. 699 00:45:36,600 --> 00:45:38,480 He can't treat his wife like that! 700 00:45:38,480 --> 00:45:41,520 You have had a long and exhausting day. 701 00:45:41,520 --> 00:45:44,200 We can collect your bicycle in the morning. 702 00:45:44,200 --> 00:45:47,040 There is nothing more for you to do here. 703 00:46:08,840 --> 00:46:13,160 The London called, about booking in Mrs Robbins. 704 00:46:13,160 --> 00:46:17,000 They told me that you and not Nurse Franklin were the nurse attending. 705 00:46:17,000 --> 00:46:21,440 - Sorry, Sister. - You didn't help the problem by hiding it. 706 00:46:21,440 --> 00:46:24,080 APPROACHING VOICES 707 00:46:24,080 --> 00:46:27,680 There's no need for anyone else to know about this. 708 00:46:27,680 --> 00:46:30,440 You look exhausted. 709 00:46:30,440 --> 00:46:32,760 Go and get some rest. 710 00:46:32,760 --> 00:46:35,560 I'll get Nurse Franklin into her bed. 711 00:46:37,440 --> 00:46:40,680 From a grand total of ten deliveries, 712 00:46:40,680 --> 00:46:45,320 which I'm reliably informed is the most in one day since 1957... 713 00:46:45,320 --> 00:46:46,880 GASPS 714 00:46:46,880 --> 00:46:51,040 ..Sister Winifred delivered two. I also delivered two - twins. 715 00:46:51,040 --> 00:46:54,720 Sister Julienne and Nurse Mount only managed one each. 716 00:46:54,720 --> 00:46:59,000 - GIGGLES - But an exhausting three babies, all girls, 717 00:46:59,000 --> 00:47:01,600 were brought into the world by Nurse Gilbert. 718 00:47:01,600 --> 00:47:03,600 - THEY APPLAUD - Oh, bravo! 719 00:47:03,600 --> 00:47:06,520 Not forgetting our very own Sister Monica Joan, 720 00:47:06,520 --> 00:47:09,680 who so ably assisted Mrs Turner. 721 00:47:09,680 --> 00:47:11,720 - Hurray! - Hurray! THEY APPLAUD 722 00:47:11,720 --> 00:47:14,880 Although, I do seem to have forgotten Nurse Franklin. 723 00:47:14,880 --> 00:47:18,760 - Where's she disappeared to now? - She's upstairs, resting. 724 00:47:18,760 --> 00:47:21,560 A little under the weather. 725 00:47:21,560 --> 00:47:26,880 The way Mrs Turner tells the tale, all credit goes to you, Sister. 726 00:47:27,920 --> 00:47:32,520 But now, it's time everyone went up to their beds. 727 00:47:32,520 --> 00:47:34,360 Tomorrow is another day. 728 00:47:42,840 --> 00:47:45,000 Thank you. 729 00:47:56,400 --> 00:48:00,360 The perineum was intact and there was minimal blood loss. 730 00:48:00,360 --> 00:48:04,760 But Patrick, I was so nervous. I still can't believe I did it. 731 00:48:04,760 --> 00:48:07,680 I can! You were always the most accomplished 732 00:48:07,680 --> 00:48:09,760 midwife at Nonnatus House. 733 00:48:09,760 --> 00:48:14,000 - Skills like that don't just vanish when you retire. - I suppose not. 734 00:48:14,000 --> 00:48:17,320 It was as though everything I'd ever learned or known was 735 00:48:17,320 --> 00:48:19,920 there at the flick of a switch. 736 00:48:19,920 --> 00:48:22,800 I sometimes think you're wasted as my receptionist. 737 00:48:22,800 --> 00:48:24,280 No, I'm not. 738 00:48:24,280 --> 00:48:27,920 When I let somebody else take over your office you were in utter 739 00:48:27,920 --> 00:48:29,920 chaos within weeks. 740 00:48:29,920 --> 00:48:34,240 There are plenty of other midwives in the world. 741 00:48:34,240 --> 00:48:37,440 But I only have...one wife. 742 00:48:46,400 --> 00:48:49,400 This, Angela, is them doing their mushy stuff. 743 00:48:49,400 --> 00:48:51,400 You really need to get used to it. 744 00:48:59,040 --> 00:49:03,280 I feel foolish and so selfish for what I did last night. 745 00:49:04,920 --> 00:49:08,840 A few days ago, it felt like everything was in place. 746 00:49:08,840 --> 00:49:12,800 I'm sure things are not as terrible as you might feel they are. 747 00:49:12,800 --> 00:49:15,240 The wedding was all planned. 748 00:49:15,240 --> 00:49:18,400 The Bishop was delighted with what Tom was doing. 749 00:49:19,680 --> 00:49:21,600 Tom's a good committed man. 750 00:49:23,000 --> 00:49:25,200 And what am I? 751 00:49:25,200 --> 00:49:28,600 Nurse Franklin, you make a great contribution to our work - 752 00:49:28,600 --> 00:49:31,440 one slip cannot alter that. 753 00:49:31,440 --> 00:49:33,160 Perhaps he's right. 754 00:49:33,160 --> 00:49:36,120 Perhaps I'd never make a good curate's wife. 755 00:49:37,600 --> 00:49:41,920 I'd never had a row with him before about anything... 756 00:49:41,920 --> 00:49:43,320 not really. 757 00:49:45,040 --> 00:49:50,360 Felt like it was all starting to fall apart. 758 00:49:50,360 --> 00:49:51,400 I had a drink. 759 00:49:53,040 --> 00:49:55,120 Then I couldn't stop. 760 00:49:58,120 --> 00:50:00,840 I used to hear my father telling the whole world 761 00:50:00,840 --> 00:50:03,240 he didn't have a problem with drink. 762 00:50:03,240 --> 00:50:06,920 - Have you spoken to Mr Hereward about this? - No. 763 00:50:06,920 --> 00:50:09,440 Please. He mustn't find out. 764 00:50:09,440 --> 00:50:12,560 Are you sure that's how you want your marriage to begin - 765 00:50:12,560 --> 00:50:15,720 with a deception, a secret? 766 00:50:15,720 --> 00:50:19,360 He won't want to marry me if he found out. What man would? 767 00:50:20,960 --> 00:50:23,320 Think very carefully. 768 00:50:23,320 --> 00:50:27,120 A secret can be a very corrosive thing between a man and wife. 769 00:50:31,520 --> 00:50:33,680 She's such a beautiful thing. 770 00:50:35,240 --> 00:50:38,320 I can see she has Frank's eyes. 771 00:50:38,320 --> 00:50:40,640 When she smiles, she's a Robbins, she really is. 772 00:50:45,560 --> 00:50:49,560 Oh, he's driving me mad, him and his stupid promise. 773 00:50:49,560 --> 00:50:52,440 Mr Robbins lost his father and two brothers in the war. 774 00:50:52,440 --> 00:50:55,800 He made a promise to their memory that a son of his would 775 00:50:55,800 --> 00:50:57,640 carry on the family name. 776 00:50:57,640 --> 00:50:59,920 He'll come round, Susan. 777 00:50:59,920 --> 00:51:02,800 He's not even held her. 778 00:51:02,800 --> 00:51:07,080 He's hardly even looked at her, his own daughter. 779 00:51:07,080 --> 00:51:11,120 Mrs Robbins, it won't do your health any good to allow yourself to 780 00:51:11,120 --> 00:51:13,080 get so anxious about this. 781 00:51:13,080 --> 00:51:16,000 I keep looking at the suitcase on the top of that wardrobe 782 00:51:16,000 --> 00:51:19,720 and I keep thinking, "Will I come home one day to find my 783 00:51:19,720 --> 00:51:23,320 "things are packed and him telling me he doesn't want to see her?" 784 00:51:23,320 --> 00:51:25,160 Of course he won't. 785 00:51:29,320 --> 00:51:31,720 I can't apologise for the Bishop... 786 00:51:32,920 --> 00:51:36,680 ..or his plans for a parish for me in Newcastle. 787 00:51:36,680 --> 00:51:40,200 I know that, now. 788 00:51:40,200 --> 00:51:42,400 Then, what? 789 00:51:42,400 --> 00:51:47,560 - You were right to say that I wouldn't make a good wife. - I didn't say that. 790 00:51:47,560 --> 00:51:51,240 To be a curate's wife is a challenging thing. I... 791 00:51:51,240 --> 00:51:53,360 I wanted you to be sure. 792 00:51:55,200 --> 00:51:56,920 And I'm not. 793 00:51:59,680 --> 00:52:01,280 Tom... 794 00:52:02,600 --> 00:52:04,960 ..the truth is, 795 00:52:04,960 --> 00:52:08,040 I can't live up to what you and the Church expect of me. 796 00:52:12,000 --> 00:52:15,280 And so I can't keep the promise that this ring represents. 797 00:52:20,000 --> 00:52:21,200 Trixie, what are you doing? 798 00:52:51,960 --> 00:52:54,280 Trixie... 799 00:52:58,040 --> 00:52:59,760 Trixie! 800 00:53:04,600 --> 00:53:06,520 Bridget? 801 00:53:06,520 --> 00:53:08,680 - Is everything all right? - Oh. 802 00:53:08,680 --> 00:53:10,440 Look at me. 803 00:53:10,440 --> 00:53:12,440 I'm crying every time I look at her. 804 00:53:13,880 --> 00:53:15,680 She's a beautiful little girl. 805 00:53:16,880 --> 00:53:19,560 I'm glad to hear, so far, she seems healthy. 806 00:53:19,560 --> 00:53:22,840 I am the luckiest mummy in the world, aren't I? 807 00:53:28,560 --> 00:53:30,920 And when this little girl grows up? 808 00:53:30,920 --> 00:53:32,640 Will she follow in the family business? 809 00:53:32,640 --> 00:53:36,120 Are you here to tell me off, or to check on my baby? 810 00:53:36,120 --> 00:53:37,440 I'm sorry. 811 00:53:38,560 --> 00:53:42,160 I'm glad to hear your treatment's working, too. 812 00:53:42,160 --> 00:53:44,840 I owe you a lot, Sister. 813 00:53:44,840 --> 00:53:46,320 Thank you. 814 00:53:46,320 --> 00:53:48,040 You could do something for me. 815 00:53:49,600 --> 00:53:53,560 You could help stop what happened to you happening to the other girls. 816 00:54:03,160 --> 00:54:05,920 I'm not so fond of paperwork either, Mr Robbins. 817 00:54:07,520 --> 00:54:09,600 Doctor. 818 00:54:09,600 --> 00:54:11,640 My wife send you? 819 00:54:11,640 --> 00:54:15,760 - Did she tell you I was being a terrible father? - No. 820 00:54:15,760 --> 00:54:17,920 I came because I'm a father myself. 821 00:54:18,960 --> 00:54:21,200 Good for you. 822 00:54:21,200 --> 00:54:22,360 Any sons? 823 00:54:23,640 --> 00:54:25,640 One. 824 00:54:25,640 --> 00:54:28,880 And I promised his mother, before she died, 825 00:54:28,880 --> 00:54:30,520 I would always keep him safe. 826 00:54:33,680 --> 00:54:36,600 I'm sorry...for your loss... 827 00:54:38,240 --> 00:54:40,720 ..but this isn't your business. 828 00:54:40,720 --> 00:54:43,800 Last year, he was almost taken from me... 829 00:54:43,800 --> 00:54:45,200 by polio. 830 00:54:46,360 --> 00:54:50,040 So, you see, I know a bit about family promises. 831 00:54:51,040 --> 00:54:53,320 I've let my father down. 832 00:54:53,320 --> 00:54:55,880 By your own measure, yes. 833 00:54:55,880 --> 00:54:58,160 But do you really think your father would care 834 00:54:58,160 --> 00:55:00,040 more for the sign above this door 835 00:55:00,040 --> 00:55:02,120 than the happiness of your family? 836 00:55:03,200 --> 00:55:04,520 About his grandchild? 837 00:55:06,120 --> 00:55:09,200 I needed a son... 838 00:55:09,200 --> 00:55:10,560 not a girl. 839 00:55:10,560 --> 00:55:12,720 Times are changing, Mr Robbins. 840 00:55:13,760 --> 00:55:16,040 There are women in Parliament, already. 841 00:55:17,240 --> 00:55:19,760 By the time the two of us are in the ground, 842 00:55:19,760 --> 00:55:21,840 this world will be unrecognisable. 843 00:55:26,240 --> 00:55:29,720 We have to be proud of our children... 844 00:55:29,720 --> 00:55:31,640 and give them all the love we have. 845 00:55:34,840 --> 00:55:37,920 Your daughter needs you. 846 00:55:37,920 --> 00:55:38,960 Go to her. 847 00:55:40,280 --> 00:55:41,680 Be a proud father to her. 848 00:56:06,400 --> 00:56:08,560 BABY STIRS 849 00:56:46,840 --> 00:56:48,360 That's your grandfather. 850 00:56:49,680 --> 00:56:52,520 He taught me everything I know about cables, 851 00:56:52,520 --> 00:56:53,880 yarns and hawsers. 852 00:56:55,360 --> 00:56:58,320 No rope, no Navy. 853 00:56:59,840 --> 00:57:01,280 No Navy, no Empire. 854 00:57:04,160 --> 00:57:06,720 My grandfather used to say that to me when... 855 00:57:16,360 --> 00:57:19,800 I thought it was time to tell my daughter how important this place is... 856 00:57:25,080 --> 00:57:26,520 ..for our family. 857 00:57:28,000 --> 00:57:31,160 Big smile, and... 858 00:57:31,160 --> 00:57:35,560 'The longest nights are seldom seen approaching. 859 00:57:35,560 --> 00:57:39,200 'The storms may not be heard until they break, 860 00:57:39,200 --> 00:57:41,160 'like life itself. 861 00:57:41,160 --> 00:57:44,600 'Challenges and change are there to be confronted... 862 00:57:45,600 --> 00:57:49,640 '..and we must weather them - alone or together, 863 00:57:49,640 --> 00:57:52,520 'watching for the sunlight 864 00:57:52,520 --> 00:57:54,880 'and waiting for the dawn.' 865 00:58:03,440 --> 00:58:05,280 Hello. 866 00:58:05,280 --> 00:58:06,880 Can I help? 867 00:58:06,880 --> 00:58:08,840 She doesn't speak English. 868 00:58:08,840 --> 00:58:12,040 This is a happy day, Sister Mary Cynthia. 869 00:58:12,040 --> 00:58:13,280 Welcome home. 870 00:58:13,280 --> 00:58:15,680 I'm not sure it's a good idea, Patrick. 871 00:58:15,680 --> 00:58:17,760 You're looking terribly tired as it is. 872 00:58:17,760 --> 00:58:20,640 We can help with the birth and after - all free. 873 00:58:20,640 --> 00:58:23,440 Oh, sorry, can you translate all that? 874 00:58:23,440 --> 00:58:24,760 Of course! 875 00:58:24,760 --> 00:58:27,760 It's like something you could see after a car accident, 876 00:58:27,760 --> 00:58:30,960 or some other great force, such as an assault.