1 00:00:31,880 --> 00:00:36,320 In Poplar in 1960, the midwives of Nonnatus House 2 00:00:36,320 --> 00:00:38,560 were on perpetual duty. 3 00:00:38,560 --> 00:00:43,600 New life arrived with every season, at every time of day. 4 00:00:43,600 --> 00:00:46,520 And in the mists and darkness of the autumn... 5 00:00:46,520 --> 00:00:48,160 Nearly there, my love. 6 00:00:48,160 --> 00:00:51,760 ..birth sparked a little light into the gloom, 7 00:00:51,760 --> 00:00:55,680 bringing mystery and hope, the unknown and the longed for... 8 00:00:55,680 --> 00:00:58,120 burning like a candle in the night. 9 00:01:01,680 --> 00:01:03,880 We've got her from here, Mr Dent. 10 00:01:03,880 --> 00:01:05,400 All right? 11 00:01:07,080 --> 00:01:08,320 That's it. 12 00:01:19,320 --> 00:01:21,920 Thank goodness the water in Bow is only off for tonight. 13 00:01:21,920 --> 00:01:23,600 We're bursting at the seams. 14 00:01:23,600 --> 00:01:26,480 - Ah, Mrs Dent. - Yes. - Let's get you settled. 15 00:01:30,240 --> 00:01:33,520 We've the delivery room ready and I've commandeered Dr Turner's office 16 00:01:33,520 --> 00:01:36,240 as a second delivery area, though I'm just wondering 17 00:01:36,240 --> 00:01:38,360 if I should call in another pair of hands? 18 00:01:38,360 --> 00:01:40,880 Delivering baby when the Luftwaffe's raining down all 19 00:01:40,880 --> 00:01:43,160 kind of carnage, that's a challenge. 20 00:01:43,160 --> 00:01:45,640 But a lack of running water and a packed ward? 21 00:01:45,640 --> 00:01:48,040 We'll take that in our stride, Mrs Turner. 22 00:01:51,000 --> 00:01:53,280 No, it can't be. 23 00:01:53,280 --> 00:01:55,400 "Goldilocks?" 24 00:01:55,400 --> 00:01:56,800 I'm sorry? 25 00:01:56,800 --> 00:01:59,440 Marion Gold? It's me, Shirley Copper. 26 00:01:59,440 --> 00:02:00,800 Well, Dent now. 27 00:02:00,800 --> 00:02:01,960 That's about right, 28 00:02:01,960 --> 00:02:05,880 I can't walk two paces without bumping into something. 29 00:02:05,880 --> 00:02:08,240 Bow Girls, '48? 30 00:02:08,240 --> 00:02:10,720 I was going out with Ian Dent and you was stepping out 31 00:02:10,720 --> 00:02:12,480 with that posh one from the Grammar. 32 00:02:12,480 --> 00:02:14,720 Oh, he fancied himself something rotten. 33 00:02:14,720 --> 00:02:16,800 What was his name? Geoffrey... 34 00:02:16,800 --> 00:02:19,360 Godfrey. My husband. 35 00:02:19,360 --> 00:02:21,040 You ain't changed a bit. 36 00:02:22,280 --> 00:02:25,520 I sent a Christmas card every year to your mum's. 37 00:02:25,520 --> 00:02:27,560 Well, if this ain't the cherry on the cake! 38 00:02:27,560 --> 00:02:29,760 This'll make the time fly by, won't it? 39 00:02:31,080 --> 00:02:34,480 Let's get you into bed, Mrs Dent, see how far along you are. 40 00:02:41,000 --> 00:02:43,840 And you've done all of this with your pinhole camera? 41 00:02:43,840 --> 00:02:47,000 Imagine what I could do with a real camera, Dad. 42 00:02:47,000 --> 00:02:50,920 Getting into the Photographic Club almost guarantees you a merit badge. 43 00:02:50,920 --> 00:02:53,680 As does making sure this bathroom is back in working order 44 00:02:53,680 --> 00:02:55,560 by the time Mum comes off duty. 45 00:02:58,440 --> 00:03:00,240 You didn't have to walk me home. 46 00:03:01,280 --> 00:03:05,640 Well, I take the safety of my volunteers very seriously. 47 00:03:05,640 --> 00:03:08,200 Anything could happen, this time of night. 48 00:03:08,200 --> 00:03:10,680 You didn't seem too bothered about Arthur Tuft. 49 00:03:10,680 --> 00:03:12,360 He lives in Limehouse. 50 00:03:12,360 --> 00:03:15,720 Well, maybe I didn't like his conversation. 51 00:03:17,360 --> 00:03:20,640 Never knew a man could make a week in Sorrento last so long. 52 00:03:26,560 --> 00:03:28,560 You should keep that locked. 53 00:03:28,560 --> 00:03:31,480 Don't be daft, I know everyone round here. 54 00:03:31,480 --> 00:03:34,160 Besides, I've got protection. 55 00:03:37,120 --> 00:03:38,880 Good night, Fred. 56 00:03:38,880 --> 00:03:40,800 Night, Vi. 57 00:03:52,840 --> 00:03:56,600 Come on, keep it coming, yes, not long now, not long. 58 00:03:56,600 --> 00:03:59,600 That's it, go on, go on! Oh, nearly there, now! 59 00:03:59,600 --> 00:04:02,760 Listen to me, in a minute I'm going to ask you 60 00:04:02,760 --> 00:04:05,520 to do some little breaths - just gentle ones. 61 00:04:05,520 --> 00:04:07,480 Like playing the flute? 62 00:04:07,480 --> 00:04:09,800 Yeah, if you like, like the flute, that's it. 63 00:04:09,800 --> 00:04:11,480 But when I ask for it, all right? 64 00:04:15,200 --> 00:04:18,520 Yes, here we come! Push, push, push, yes! 65 00:04:21,720 --> 00:04:24,840 Little breaths, please, little breaths. 66 00:04:24,840 --> 00:04:27,520 That's it. Keep it light, keep it easy. 67 00:04:27,520 --> 00:04:30,320 Good, very good. 68 00:04:30,320 --> 00:04:34,000 MARION GROANS 69 00:04:34,000 --> 00:04:37,800 - Ooo, you've got a little girl. - BABY CRIES 70 00:04:41,680 --> 00:04:44,200 You have a beautiful daughter... 71 00:04:46,680 --> 00:04:48,560 ..and every inch of her is yours. 72 00:04:50,320 --> 00:04:51,760 I love you. 73 00:04:58,000 --> 00:04:59,760 Has Goldilocks had hers yet? 74 00:04:59,760 --> 00:05:04,040 I need all your concentration. Nothing else matters. 75 00:05:04,040 --> 00:05:05,240 Another push? 76 00:05:07,200 --> 00:05:09,480 - Come on, Shirley. - I can't do it any more. 77 00:05:09,480 --> 00:05:11,080 We know you're exhausted, 78 00:05:11,080 --> 00:05:13,960 but we want Baby out and you're doing so brilliantly. 79 00:05:13,960 --> 00:05:15,480 Contraction coming. 80 00:05:15,480 --> 00:05:18,920 Come on now, Shirley, all the energy you have. 81 00:05:18,920 --> 00:05:21,360 One more push for Baby. 82 00:05:21,360 --> 00:05:22,920 That's it. 83 00:05:24,040 --> 00:05:27,360 You're so close now, Shirley. 84 00:05:27,360 --> 00:05:31,480 Push now, I know it stings. Keep pushing, it will help. 85 00:05:31,480 --> 00:05:33,680 That's it. That's it. That's it! 86 00:05:39,680 --> 00:05:41,920 You've got a daughter, Shirley. 87 00:05:58,280 --> 00:06:01,400 Now, do remember to push my borough laundry service. 88 00:06:01,400 --> 00:06:04,640 It's available to all incontinence patients. 89 00:06:04,640 --> 00:06:08,560 Bed linen washed and returned, quite free of charge. 90 00:06:08,560 --> 00:06:11,240 That's a list of all our sufferers. 91 00:06:11,240 --> 00:06:13,680 Of course, Nurse Crane. I'll do my best. 92 00:06:13,680 --> 00:06:16,720 Your best is a tick against every name on that list. 93 00:06:16,720 --> 00:06:18,320 PHONE RINGS 94 00:06:18,320 --> 00:06:21,480 I'd lead the charge with you, but I'm telephone bound this morning. 95 00:06:25,160 --> 00:06:26,920 Dad! 96 00:06:26,920 --> 00:06:29,560 I was up half the night looking for that. 97 00:06:29,560 --> 00:06:31,720 I used to take it everywhere. 98 00:06:31,720 --> 00:06:34,160 A real camera for you, Tim. 99 00:06:34,160 --> 00:06:36,240 Thank you. 100 00:06:36,240 --> 00:06:38,520 It's even got a timer. 101 00:06:38,520 --> 00:06:41,160 For the great self portrait. 102 00:06:41,160 --> 00:06:43,520 "Photographer as a young tyke." 103 00:06:45,120 --> 00:06:46,800 There's a girl. 104 00:06:46,800 --> 00:06:48,560 - BABY VOICE: - Yes! 105 00:06:48,560 --> 00:06:51,240 Yes, that's right. 106 00:06:51,240 --> 00:06:54,760 Oh! Fingers all strong like monkey paws. 107 00:06:54,760 --> 00:06:56,800 Ooh, yes. 108 00:06:58,520 --> 00:07:00,200 LOUD EXPLOSION 109 00:07:00,200 --> 00:07:02,360 Good grief! What on earth?! 110 00:07:02,360 --> 00:07:05,120 Fire in the laundry room! We need to evacuate. 111 00:07:05,120 --> 00:07:07,160 We need to go now. Take the babies. 112 00:07:07,160 --> 00:07:09,640 - That's it! - I'll get the others. BELL RINGS 113 00:07:11,920 --> 00:07:15,080 That's all right. Nothing to worry your cotton socks about. 114 00:07:15,080 --> 00:07:20,160 We have a fire and we need to leave quickly and calmly. 115 00:07:20,160 --> 00:07:25,400 Anyone who doesn't feel able to walk, say so immediately. 116 00:07:25,400 --> 00:07:26,720 Take my arm, Shirley. 117 00:07:28,400 --> 00:07:30,600 - Can you manage, Mrs Smith? - Yes, yes, yes. 118 00:07:30,600 --> 00:07:33,080 They've dropped it, haven't they? The bomb. 119 00:07:33,080 --> 00:07:34,360 ALL: What?! 120 00:07:34,360 --> 00:07:35,880 Oh, where's my baby, Sister? 121 00:07:35,880 --> 00:07:39,040 Sister Evangelina has your babies, don't worry. 122 00:07:39,040 --> 00:07:41,520 Your babies are safe. Hurry now. 123 00:07:41,520 --> 00:07:43,120 Fast as you can. 124 00:07:47,960 --> 00:07:50,120 Is anyone hurt? Where's Shelagh? 125 00:07:50,120 --> 00:07:53,680 - COUGHING: - She's getting them out. We got everyone. She's coming. 126 00:07:53,680 --> 00:07:57,040 This way, ladies. Quickly, there you are. 127 00:07:57,040 --> 00:07:58,520 Careful! 128 00:08:01,160 --> 00:08:02,720 Are you all right? 129 00:08:02,720 --> 00:08:04,880 Yes. 130 00:08:04,880 --> 00:08:06,520 There we are. 131 00:08:06,520 --> 00:08:10,160 Everyone to Nonnatus. We'll check you and your babies there. 132 00:08:13,200 --> 00:08:14,840 This way ladies. 133 00:08:23,360 --> 00:08:25,120 Do let me help you, Mrs Mills. 134 00:08:25,120 --> 00:08:29,280 Oh, no, Sister, it's good for me and Tommy would hate for anyone to see. 135 00:08:33,160 --> 00:08:35,840 Ah, I've put your egg white on the side, Sister. 136 00:08:45,160 --> 00:08:47,560 - Hello, Sister. - Hello, Mr Mills. 137 00:08:47,560 --> 00:08:49,840 Let's see to that dressing for you. 138 00:08:49,840 --> 00:08:51,400 Uh-oh! 139 00:08:54,960 --> 00:08:57,560 I'm going to roll you now, Mr Mills. 140 00:09:00,280 --> 00:09:02,080 Ah! 141 00:09:05,640 --> 00:09:07,880 I'm sorry, I know it's uncomfortable for you. 142 00:09:07,880 --> 00:09:09,160 No, not at all. 143 00:09:15,520 --> 00:09:17,360 It's looking very much better. 144 00:09:20,640 --> 00:09:23,040 I'm going to seal it with the egg white. 145 00:09:25,360 --> 00:09:26,880 Sister... 146 00:09:26,880 --> 00:09:29,560 There's a new lady and she says 147 00:09:29,560 --> 00:09:31,920 I can't do the washing for Tommy no more. 148 00:09:39,360 --> 00:09:41,600 (Is she from the Government?) 149 00:09:41,600 --> 00:09:46,000 This is Nurse Gilbert. She's with us at Nonnatus. 150 00:09:46,000 --> 00:09:47,760 I was just explaining to Mrs Mills 151 00:09:47,760 --> 00:09:50,320 about the council's new laundry service. 152 00:09:50,320 --> 00:09:54,200 Nurse Crane is very keen that anyone entitled should make good use of it. 153 00:09:54,200 --> 00:09:56,800 May I put your husband down for it, Mrs Mills? 154 00:09:56,800 --> 00:09:58,360 It's free of charge 155 00:09:58,360 --> 00:10:01,760 and you can't possibly manage like this at your age. 156 00:10:01,760 --> 00:10:04,400 Will you tell the lady she's very kind, 157 00:10:04,400 --> 00:10:06,440 but we wouldn't need a service? 158 00:10:06,440 --> 00:10:08,200 But the damp! 159 00:10:08,200 --> 00:10:10,800 It's a terrible risk to your husband. 160 00:10:10,800 --> 00:10:13,200 I see he had pneumonia this time last year. 161 00:10:13,200 --> 00:10:14,840 Thank you, Nurse Gilbert. 162 00:10:17,600 --> 00:10:20,080 So sorry to have disturbed you, Mrs Mills. 163 00:10:20,080 --> 00:10:21,720 I'll come back tomorrow. 164 00:10:25,560 --> 00:10:27,120 I don't understand. 165 00:10:27,120 --> 00:10:30,200 Surely she would benefit from the service more than anyone. 166 00:10:30,200 --> 00:10:31,960 She's so frail. 167 00:10:31,960 --> 00:10:35,040 But Mr Mills would be terribly upset if he thought he was on a list 168 00:10:35,040 --> 00:10:38,360 in a council office or at Nonnatus. 169 00:10:38,360 --> 00:10:41,360 You do know he's a relative of Fred's? 170 00:10:41,360 --> 00:10:42,960 I had no idea. 171 00:10:42,960 --> 00:10:46,520 And Mrs Mills may be frail, but her pride's strong. 172 00:10:46,520 --> 00:10:49,360 We must help her keep hold of it as long as she can. 173 00:10:49,360 --> 00:10:50,800 I just want to help. 174 00:10:50,800 --> 00:10:52,400 I see he suffers with bedsores and, 175 00:10:52,400 --> 00:10:56,240 well, this would be one thing off their plates. 176 00:10:56,240 --> 00:10:59,800 Sometimes we have to wait for our help to be asked for. 177 00:11:01,040 --> 00:11:04,280 Nurse Crane wanted a tick against every name on the list. 178 00:11:04,280 --> 00:11:08,400 Then, with the greatest of respect, Nurse Crane will have to be patient. 179 00:11:10,920 --> 00:11:15,440 Now, everyone, because we can't care for you in the Maternity Home, 180 00:11:15,440 --> 00:11:18,200 we're going to visit you daily in your own homes. 181 00:11:18,200 --> 00:11:20,840 But if there is anything that concerns you, 182 00:11:20,840 --> 00:11:22,960 you telephone us immediately. 183 00:11:22,960 --> 00:11:25,840 Your husbands are expecting you, we've informed them all. 184 00:11:25,840 --> 00:11:29,760 Er, Mr Smith will pick you up himself - he's on his way. 185 00:11:29,760 --> 00:11:33,760 Mrs Lawes? Dr Turner will see you now. Please come through. 186 00:11:33,760 --> 00:11:35,400 I thought we was goners. 187 00:11:35,400 --> 00:11:39,560 It's all been very upsetting, I must say. 188 00:11:39,560 --> 00:11:41,240 What a little darling. 189 00:11:41,240 --> 00:11:42,920 And yours. 190 00:11:42,920 --> 00:11:44,800 She's lovely, Shirley. 191 00:11:44,800 --> 00:11:47,200 Did you hear what Auntie Goldilocks said? 192 00:11:49,960 --> 00:11:51,680 Marion, are you all right? 193 00:11:56,440 --> 00:11:58,000 She's beautiful. 194 00:11:59,400 --> 00:12:00,760 Can you believe it? 195 00:12:00,760 --> 00:12:03,320 We don't see each other for years, then here we are - 196 00:12:03,320 --> 00:12:04,920 daughters on the same day. 197 00:12:04,920 --> 00:12:06,640 That's fate, that is. 198 00:12:06,640 --> 00:12:09,480 You probably don't remember Shirley from school, do you? 199 00:12:09,480 --> 00:12:11,600 Take Baby, Godfrey. 200 00:12:11,600 --> 00:12:13,240 I want to get home. 201 00:12:16,080 --> 00:12:18,320 Well, that's us, then, Shirley. 202 00:12:18,320 --> 00:12:20,400 Oh, right. You on the phone? 203 00:12:20,400 --> 00:12:24,040 I don't suppose there's much point. We're moving to Basildon. 204 00:12:24,040 --> 00:12:26,400 That's even more reason for a good old natter. 205 00:12:26,400 --> 00:12:28,840 School's a long time ago, Shirley. 206 00:12:28,840 --> 00:12:31,160 We've both got busy lives now. 207 00:12:31,160 --> 00:12:32,520 Right you are. 208 00:12:44,600 --> 00:12:46,680 - Your usual, dear? - Thank you, Miss. 209 00:12:57,640 --> 00:13:00,000 - Will there be anything else? - Oh, no, Miss. 210 00:13:00,000 --> 00:13:01,800 Thank you, you're very kind. 211 00:13:11,360 --> 00:13:14,520 MUSIC: Only the Lonely by Roy Orbison 212 00:13:14,520 --> 00:13:18,320 You sure you don't want me to stay? Delia won't mind. 213 00:13:18,320 --> 00:13:20,440 Don't be ridiculous... 214 00:13:20,440 --> 00:13:23,520 even if you do so obviously prefer her company to mine. 215 00:13:27,000 --> 00:13:29,120 Patsy, I'm quite all right. 216 00:13:29,120 --> 00:13:31,560 No-one was hurt. 217 00:13:31,560 --> 00:13:34,240 Besides, I need to read my copy of Vogue - 218 00:13:34,240 --> 00:13:37,080 there's a waiting list for it after me. 219 00:13:37,080 --> 00:13:38,880 Go! 220 00:13:38,880 --> 00:13:40,640 I'll try to be quiet coming back. 221 00:13:42,520 --> 00:13:46,080 # Only the lonely 222 00:13:46,080 --> 00:13:48,880 # Only the lonely 223 00:13:48,880 --> 00:13:51,240 # Dum-dumb-dummy doo-wah 224 00:13:51,240 --> 00:13:54,120 # Know the way I feel tonight 225 00:13:54,120 --> 00:13:57,240 # Ooh yay, yay, yay, yeah 226 00:13:57,240 --> 00:13:59,560 # Only the lonely 227 00:13:59,560 --> 00:14:01,880 # Dum-dumb-dummy doo-wah 228 00:14:01,880 --> 00:14:04,360 # Know this feeling ain't right 229 00:14:04,360 --> 00:14:06,600 # Dum-dumb-dummy doo-wah... # 230 00:14:07,800 --> 00:14:09,400 Sounds terrifying. 231 00:14:09,400 --> 00:14:12,480 Evangelina, terrified? You have met her, haven't you? 232 00:14:14,360 --> 00:14:15,960 Sorry. 233 00:14:15,960 --> 00:14:17,200 Just... 234 00:14:18,880 --> 00:14:20,880 ..don't know what I'd do if I lost you. 235 00:14:20,880 --> 00:14:22,360 (I'm the same.) 236 00:14:25,240 --> 00:14:27,760 I sometimes feel as if we're ghosts. 237 00:14:29,360 --> 00:14:31,680 Half with each other, but mostly without. 238 00:14:33,480 --> 00:14:37,640 I think it would be easier to do what everyone's so bloody insistent on 239 00:14:37,640 --> 00:14:41,320 and get married and just accept that you and I can never be. 240 00:14:42,600 --> 00:14:46,080 Delia, do you think I can bear it? 241 00:14:46,080 --> 00:14:48,680 I think you cope better with facades then I do. 242 00:14:51,360 --> 00:14:53,280 Can we buy two pretty girls a cake? 243 00:14:55,120 --> 00:14:56,840 We don't like cake. 244 00:14:56,840 --> 00:14:58,680 # Only the lonely 245 00:14:58,680 --> 00:15:00,520 # Dum-dumb-dummy doo-wah 246 00:15:00,520 --> 00:15:03,480 # Know the heartaches I've been through 247 00:15:03,480 --> 00:15:07,080 # Ooh yay, yay, yay, yeah... # 248 00:15:07,080 --> 00:15:09,440 You don't really want to get married, do you? 249 00:15:09,440 --> 00:15:11,800 Yes, more than anything. 250 00:15:13,680 --> 00:15:15,320 To you, you fool. 251 00:15:17,680 --> 00:15:19,040 And I can't. 252 00:15:21,000 --> 00:15:22,480 So that's that. 253 00:15:26,440 --> 00:15:29,240 # No more sorrow 254 00:15:29,240 --> 00:15:33,680 # But that's the chance 255 00:15:33,680 --> 00:15:38,200 # You've got to take 256 00:15:38,200 --> 00:15:43,080 # If your lonely heart breaks 257 00:15:43,080 --> 00:15:45,080 # Only the lonely 258 00:15:45,080 --> 00:15:47,400 # Dum-dumb-dummy doo-wah. # 259 00:15:51,600 --> 00:15:54,760 You dip a little at the bottom, Nurse Mount. 260 00:15:54,760 --> 00:15:56,400 Not for the first time. 261 00:15:56,400 --> 00:15:59,400 Do you think it's wise for the children to be carrying turnips 262 00:15:59,400 --> 00:16:00,880 with lighted candles? 263 00:16:00,880 --> 00:16:02,800 Well, it is a lantern parade. 264 00:16:02,800 --> 00:16:06,600 It is the turnips' glow that lights the way of the dead. 265 00:16:06,600 --> 00:16:08,320 Do you mean ghosts, lady? 266 00:16:08,320 --> 00:16:10,160 No, dear, of course we don't. 267 00:16:10,160 --> 00:16:12,360 Do not speak for the Pagans. 268 00:16:12,360 --> 00:16:17,560 They say Halloween is the night that the dead return to walk among us. 269 00:16:17,560 --> 00:16:20,960 - Which we have absolutely no evidence for. - You mustn't worry, dear. 270 00:16:20,960 --> 00:16:23,720 Jesus came back from the dead and did miracles. 271 00:16:23,720 --> 00:16:26,280 So is Jesus a ghost? 272 00:16:28,080 --> 00:16:29,880 I'd like to see a ghost. 273 00:16:29,880 --> 00:16:33,000 You can put your hand through them, they feel like a cloud. 274 00:16:33,000 --> 00:16:36,480 I've never touched a cloud but I bet it feels like candyfloss. 275 00:16:37,760 --> 00:16:40,000 Glenda Severs, come back at once. 276 00:16:40,000 --> 00:16:43,120 My mother's dead and I should like to see her. 277 00:16:43,120 --> 00:16:45,160 Will you bring her back for Halloween? 278 00:16:45,160 --> 00:16:46,680 Glenda Severs. 279 00:16:52,120 --> 00:16:55,440 I don't think either of us actually heard you say "no". 280 00:16:55,440 --> 00:16:58,520 Am I the authority on all in heaven and earth? 281 00:17:04,000 --> 00:17:05,520 - Fred. - Uh-huh. 282 00:17:05,520 --> 00:17:08,600 Do you think you might find the time to visit Mr Mills? 283 00:17:08,600 --> 00:17:12,360 I know he and Mrs Mills are on their own a good deal. 284 00:17:12,360 --> 00:17:15,880 I'm sure your friendly face now and then would be much appreciated... 285 00:17:15,880 --> 00:17:17,840 if you get the time. 286 00:17:17,840 --> 00:17:20,200 Oh, Sister, I'm so glad I caught you. 287 00:17:20,200 --> 00:17:22,520 I couldn't sleep last night for worrying 288 00:17:22,520 --> 00:17:25,320 about how I'd rather put my foot in it with Mr and Mrs Mills. 289 00:17:25,320 --> 00:17:26,960 You mustn't upset yourself. 290 00:17:26,960 --> 00:17:30,080 A friend of a friend, a nurse, she's making a study of bedsores 291 00:17:30,080 --> 00:17:34,480 and I thought it might be useful for you to help Mr Mills. 292 00:17:34,480 --> 00:17:38,000 She advises against cleaning the sores with hydrogen peroxide. 293 00:17:38,000 --> 00:17:40,400 She can't be suggesting we do nothing? 294 00:17:40,400 --> 00:17:43,160 She seems to have had success by simply turning the patients 295 00:17:43,160 --> 00:17:44,920 every two hours. 296 00:17:44,920 --> 00:17:47,920 Of course, I'll read these but I just don't know 297 00:17:47,920 --> 00:17:50,280 if I could manage to visit every two hours. 298 00:17:50,280 --> 00:17:52,120 Then might I help you? 299 00:17:53,440 --> 00:17:56,280 Now, how are we doing on my laundry take-up? 300 00:17:56,280 --> 00:17:59,800 G-Getting there, Nurse Crane. Pushing on. 301 00:17:59,800 --> 00:18:03,840 I believe it was you who said, "Softly, softly, catchee monkey." 302 00:18:03,840 --> 00:18:06,240 Mmm. Not too soft, mind, 303 00:18:06,240 --> 00:18:08,120 or monkey scarpers. 304 00:18:28,680 --> 00:18:30,920 I must say, I'm rather surprised. 305 00:18:30,920 --> 00:18:32,600 BABY CRIES 306 00:18:32,600 --> 00:18:34,840 She's gained a whole 2oz. 307 00:18:37,760 --> 00:18:40,880 That really is very well done... 308 00:18:40,880 --> 00:18:42,280 Jackie. 309 00:18:42,280 --> 00:18:45,840 Though if you heard Ian, you'd think she'd be called Princess. 310 00:18:49,200 --> 00:18:53,320 Oh! Glad to see you're concentrating on security. 311 00:18:53,320 --> 00:18:56,880 Well, now that you've made me all nervous, Fred... 312 00:18:56,880 --> 00:19:00,120 Sister Monica Joan is doing something with turnips 313 00:19:00,120 --> 00:19:02,480 and she wants some nice ribbon to hang them on. 314 00:19:02,480 --> 00:19:05,080 Right, well, if you're hanging them and they're hollow, 315 00:19:05,080 --> 00:19:08,560 then the half inch should be strong enough, but... 316 00:19:08,560 --> 00:19:11,320 take the inch wide, be on the safe side. 317 00:19:14,040 --> 00:19:16,240 My dad's cousin... 318 00:19:16,240 --> 00:19:18,840 he's not too good these days. 319 00:19:18,840 --> 00:19:22,480 I haven't been in as much as I should have. 320 00:19:22,480 --> 00:19:26,840 I've left things and now I don't know quite where to start. 321 00:19:27,880 --> 00:19:29,880 Fred, you just go. 322 00:19:30,880 --> 00:19:32,800 It's just, oh... 323 00:19:32,800 --> 00:19:35,640 I'm no good at the old chitchat. 324 00:19:35,640 --> 00:19:37,240 Oh, Fred. 325 00:19:40,320 --> 00:19:43,480 I had that dream again last night. 326 00:19:43,480 --> 00:19:45,360 You know, the one I get, 327 00:19:45,360 --> 00:19:48,400 the one, the one I had at the end of the war. 328 00:19:48,400 --> 00:19:50,640 When I came home? 329 00:19:50,640 --> 00:19:52,560 And I could smile again. 330 00:19:52,560 --> 00:19:55,600 We danced all night. 331 00:19:55,600 --> 00:19:58,360 - GERT GASPS - Ow, ow, ow! - Gert?! 332 00:19:58,360 --> 00:20:00,120 DOOR OPENS IN DISTANCE 333 00:20:00,120 --> 00:20:02,760 It's just old bones, that's all, dear. 334 00:20:02,760 --> 00:20:04,520 - DISTANT: - Nonnatus House calling. 335 00:20:04,520 --> 00:20:06,560 There, all fresh again. 336 00:20:06,560 --> 00:20:09,320 Now, Mr Mills, this is Nurse Gilbert. 337 00:20:09,320 --> 00:20:11,760 She has some very interesting suggestions 338 00:20:11,760 --> 00:20:13,520 as to how we might help you. 339 00:20:13,520 --> 00:20:15,800 By turning you every few hours, 340 00:20:15,800 --> 00:20:18,520 we should relieve some of the pressure on your bedsores. 341 00:20:18,520 --> 00:20:21,200 We hope you'll be more comfortable as a result of it. 342 00:20:21,200 --> 00:20:23,360 No, no, no, no, don't trouble yourself. 343 00:20:23,360 --> 00:20:25,720 Oh, Nurse, if you could make him more comfortable... 344 00:20:25,720 --> 00:20:27,600 We'll do our best, Mrs Mills. 345 00:20:27,600 --> 00:20:29,880 In the meantime, I'm afraid you'll have to put up 346 00:20:29,880 --> 00:20:31,720 with seeing a little more of us. 347 00:20:31,720 --> 00:20:33,800 Let's pop you on your side, Mr Mills. 348 00:20:40,480 --> 00:20:42,360 (One, two, three.) 349 00:20:45,560 --> 00:20:49,040 Now then, Deborah, what have you got to be grizzling about, hey? 350 00:20:49,040 --> 00:20:51,000 BABY FUSSES 351 00:20:52,440 --> 00:20:55,400 What is it, Sister? 352 00:20:55,400 --> 00:20:58,120 There's a blueness to her lips. 353 00:20:58,120 --> 00:21:01,200 I would like Doctor to have a little look at her. 354 00:21:01,200 --> 00:21:02,960 May I use your telephone? 355 00:21:08,000 --> 00:21:10,360 My old dad loved that picture house. 356 00:21:10,360 --> 00:21:12,160 It's where he met my mum. 357 00:21:12,160 --> 00:21:14,280 Same for me and Gert. 358 00:21:14,280 --> 00:21:16,440 Oh! Oh, let me help, Mrs Mills. 359 00:21:16,440 --> 00:21:19,480 Oh, no, dear. It's just lovely you're both here. 360 00:21:22,120 --> 00:21:24,240 (She's very nice, Frederick.) 361 00:21:25,560 --> 00:21:27,680 (Yes, she is, isn't she?) 362 00:21:27,680 --> 00:21:30,320 - 50 years married, we are. - GERT GASPS QUIETLY 363 00:21:30,320 --> 00:21:32,680 Not ever apart... 364 00:21:32,680 --> 00:21:34,760 except for the war. 365 00:21:34,760 --> 00:21:36,320 That's lovely. 366 00:21:36,320 --> 00:21:39,400 And you each know what the other's thinking before you even think it. 367 00:21:39,400 --> 00:21:42,080 And you don't need to talk, even. 368 00:21:42,080 --> 00:21:45,840 Me and my Bert weren't together that long, but we was just as happy. 369 00:21:54,720 --> 00:21:58,840 I'm going to have Deborah seen by the Hospital for Sick Children. 370 00:21:58,840 --> 00:22:03,200 I can't be sure, but I'm picking up what may be a heart murmur. 371 00:22:03,200 --> 00:22:05,040 Oh, Lord. 372 00:22:05,040 --> 00:22:07,080 Oh, Mrs Smith, worrying won't help. 373 00:22:07,080 --> 00:22:09,840 Great Ormond Street has some wonderful doctors. 374 00:22:09,840 --> 00:22:13,120 The hospital has a specialist heart unit. 375 00:22:13,120 --> 00:22:15,720 Mrs Smith, we will find out what's wrong. 376 00:22:23,200 --> 00:22:24,880 Oh... 377 00:22:24,880 --> 00:22:26,880 I thought I'd save you a journey. 378 00:22:29,640 --> 00:22:31,880 Oh, Mrs Mills... 379 00:22:31,880 --> 00:22:34,160 that's why you buy the napkins? 380 00:22:34,160 --> 00:22:35,520 KNOCK AT DOOR 381 00:22:35,520 --> 00:22:37,280 Oh, that'll be the nurse. 382 00:22:37,280 --> 00:22:40,280 - UPSET: - She mustn't be troubled, she's got Tommy to care for. 383 00:22:40,280 --> 00:22:44,560 I'm sorry, Mrs Mills, but this can't pass and you'll not dissuade me. 384 00:22:44,560 --> 00:22:46,880 Oh, whatever's the matter? 385 00:22:46,880 --> 00:22:48,720 I can't worry Tommy. 386 00:22:48,720 --> 00:22:51,640 You're right and that's why you must be helped. 387 00:22:51,640 --> 00:22:53,800 Please, Mrs Mills... 388 00:22:53,800 --> 00:22:55,720 let me help you. 389 00:22:55,720 --> 00:22:57,400 Oh, I manage, Nurse. 390 00:22:57,400 --> 00:22:59,360 You don't have to manage alone. 391 00:23:02,200 --> 00:23:04,280 GERT WHIMPERS 392 00:23:05,760 --> 00:23:07,360 Oh, Mrs Mills... 393 00:23:07,360 --> 00:23:10,120 - There are dressings in the tin... - But they're for Tommy. 394 00:23:10,120 --> 00:23:12,480 I shan't take from his care. 395 00:23:12,480 --> 00:23:14,680 We have enough care for both of you. 396 00:23:14,680 --> 00:23:16,400 (I'm sorry...) 397 00:23:20,280 --> 00:23:23,640 Gert kept all that worry to herself, 398 00:23:23,640 --> 00:23:26,760 because she didn't want to upset Tommy. 399 00:23:26,760 --> 00:23:30,720 They couldn't live without each other, you can see it, can't you? 400 00:23:34,120 --> 00:23:36,040 You need a hot drink. 401 00:23:48,320 --> 00:23:50,040 You made your point. 402 00:23:53,480 --> 00:23:55,480 Turkish coffee. 403 00:23:55,480 --> 00:23:58,960 My son, Derek, brought it back from a holiday and I've been saving it. 404 00:23:58,960 --> 00:24:01,600 He says the secret's hot milk. 405 00:24:02,600 --> 00:24:04,240 And these cups... 406 00:24:04,240 --> 00:24:07,760 Well, these are what the Italians are using in Soho. 407 00:24:07,760 --> 00:24:10,160 So consider yourself spoiled. 408 00:24:14,880 --> 00:24:16,520 Gert will get good care. 409 00:24:16,520 --> 00:24:18,440 The Nonnatuns will make sure of that. 410 00:24:18,440 --> 00:24:20,640 And we'll look in on them all we can. 411 00:24:20,640 --> 00:24:22,280 Thank you for what you done. 412 00:24:24,800 --> 00:24:26,640 I should be getting back... 413 00:24:28,000 --> 00:24:31,600 I meant to put a bicycle chain on one of the bikes. 414 00:24:31,600 --> 00:24:33,480 It needs to be done before tonight. 415 00:24:35,640 --> 00:24:36,880 Fred? 416 00:24:37,880 --> 00:24:41,520 We're too old to be silly about this, aren't we? 417 00:24:41,520 --> 00:24:42,960 Now either you like me... 418 00:24:44,600 --> 00:24:46,240 ..or you don't. 419 00:24:46,240 --> 00:24:47,840 I do. 420 00:24:47,840 --> 00:24:49,800 Oh, I do. 421 00:24:49,800 --> 00:24:51,480 But I know how hard it is. 422 00:24:52,760 --> 00:24:54,280 You can't let them go... 423 00:24:55,720 --> 00:24:57,720 ..and they can't let you go either. 424 00:25:00,240 --> 00:25:04,400 Fred, I've known him since 16. 425 00:25:05,880 --> 00:25:07,560 I know. 426 00:25:07,560 --> 00:25:09,440 All your life, Vi. 427 00:25:27,400 --> 00:25:29,080 How is she? 428 00:25:29,080 --> 00:25:30,400 Please. 429 00:25:33,600 --> 00:25:37,520 Professor Gribben oversees the heart and lung unit here. 430 00:25:39,960 --> 00:25:44,280 He knows more about the infant heart than almost anyone in the world. 431 00:25:45,520 --> 00:25:47,600 Deborah couldn't be in better hands. 432 00:25:47,600 --> 00:25:49,400 But what is it? 433 00:25:49,400 --> 00:25:51,000 What's the matter with her? 434 00:25:52,440 --> 00:25:54,800 She has a heart murmur. 435 00:25:54,800 --> 00:25:56,720 What we don't know is why. 436 00:25:57,840 --> 00:26:00,600 They can't make a diagnosis without gauging 437 00:26:00,600 --> 00:26:03,800 the blood pressure within her heart. 438 00:26:03,800 --> 00:26:06,680 Deborah is in the very best place, Mrs Smith. 439 00:26:47,360 --> 00:26:49,040 KNOCK AT DOOR 440 00:26:50,400 --> 00:26:54,760 - DR TURNER: - Tim? Are you still developing or can I open the door? 441 00:26:54,760 --> 00:26:56,600 No, don't. 442 00:26:56,600 --> 00:26:58,520 I'm at a crucial stage. 443 00:26:59,960 --> 00:27:01,880 What was on there? 444 00:27:01,880 --> 00:27:03,880 I'm trying to think when it would've been. 445 00:27:05,200 --> 00:27:07,440 You must have had your finger on the lens. 446 00:27:07,440 --> 00:27:09,040 There's nothing on them. 447 00:27:24,680 --> 00:27:26,720 Sister Monica Joan, 448 00:27:26,720 --> 00:27:29,960 you've a visitor waiting on the steps. 449 00:27:29,960 --> 00:27:31,760 - Hello! - Oh, hello! 450 00:27:31,760 --> 00:27:34,440 Did you find out about my mother? Is she coming? 451 00:27:35,680 --> 00:27:38,800 Supernatural beings... 452 00:27:38,800 --> 00:27:42,880 are not mine to give assurances on behalf of. 453 00:27:42,880 --> 00:27:44,800 I've written her a letter. 454 00:27:46,080 --> 00:27:47,880 You will give it to her, won't you? 455 00:27:49,760 --> 00:27:51,880 She might not recognise me, you see. 456 00:27:51,880 --> 00:27:53,600 She died when I was born. 457 00:27:53,600 --> 00:27:56,520 Glenda, dear, does your father know you're here? 458 00:27:56,520 --> 00:28:00,040 He don't care about me, he's got Maureen and the new baby. 459 00:28:00,040 --> 00:28:03,040 Besides, I've got to get back to school. 460 00:28:04,680 --> 00:28:06,080 Oh. 461 00:28:07,520 --> 00:28:11,160 How exactly do you propose communicating with the departed? 462 00:28:12,760 --> 00:28:15,800 - Leonora Severs, departed? - HE CHUCKLES 463 00:28:15,800 --> 00:28:18,560 The only place she's passed on to is Liverpool. 464 00:28:24,360 --> 00:28:28,400 This is where the hole is, between the lower two chambers. 465 00:28:28,400 --> 00:28:30,880 Please, I don't want to see that picture. 466 00:28:30,880 --> 00:28:32,480 I'm so sorry. 467 00:28:32,480 --> 00:28:36,520 I thought it might help explain what Professor Gribben is suggesting. 468 00:28:38,440 --> 00:28:40,840 I know how difficult this must be. 469 00:28:40,840 --> 00:28:42,000 Her heart... 470 00:28:43,360 --> 00:28:45,440 ..it's her soul, isn't it? 471 00:28:45,440 --> 00:28:47,320 Her nature. 472 00:28:47,320 --> 00:28:49,440 How will she be complete? 473 00:28:49,440 --> 00:28:53,720 How will she love if it's opened up, if it's changed in any way? 474 00:28:53,720 --> 00:28:56,520 Her soul won't be touched, my love. 475 00:28:56,520 --> 00:29:00,280 This is a procedure that could help the blood flow properly 476 00:29:00,280 --> 00:29:03,640 to her lungs in order that it obtain enough oxygen. 477 00:29:05,160 --> 00:29:08,160 Nothing would be done until she is at least 18 months. 478 00:29:08,160 --> 00:29:11,000 But if it can wait until then, why does she need it at all? 479 00:29:11,000 --> 00:29:13,920 It's a matter of practicality, Mrs Smith. 480 00:29:13,920 --> 00:29:16,360 She's too small. 481 00:29:16,360 --> 00:29:19,120 If she were older and you were agreeable, 482 00:29:19,120 --> 00:29:21,360 the surgeons would operate now. 483 00:29:21,360 --> 00:29:23,960 That's how much she needs it? 484 00:29:23,960 --> 00:29:26,360 Without the shunt operation, 485 00:29:26,360 --> 00:29:29,560 the fear is Deborah may not survive infancy. 486 00:29:34,040 --> 00:29:35,480 Mr Severs? 487 00:29:37,760 --> 00:29:39,680 Glenda's father? 488 00:29:39,680 --> 00:29:41,600 What's happened? Is she all right? 489 00:29:41,600 --> 00:29:44,960 Please don't be alarmed and forgive me tracking you down. 490 00:29:44,960 --> 00:29:48,080 Glenda seems to think her mother's passed away 491 00:29:48,080 --> 00:29:51,320 and is hoping her ghost will return on Halloween. 492 00:29:51,320 --> 00:29:53,200 That won't be possible, will it? 493 00:29:53,200 --> 00:29:55,600 Even if it were possible, if you follow. 494 00:29:59,440 --> 00:30:01,760 That woman... 495 00:30:01,760 --> 00:30:03,040 still wreaking havoc. 496 00:30:04,760 --> 00:30:06,520 As far as I'm concerned, 497 00:30:06,520 --> 00:30:09,120 my wife, Maureen, she's Glenda's mother now. 498 00:30:10,880 --> 00:30:14,200 It's not my business, I know, but Glenda wants to see her very much. 499 00:30:14,200 --> 00:30:16,000 See her? 500 00:30:16,000 --> 00:30:18,520 Leonora ran out on her when she was three months. 501 00:30:18,520 --> 00:30:21,440 Oh, Mr Severs, I had no idea. 502 00:30:21,440 --> 00:30:24,160 Well, it's not something a man wants to talk about, 503 00:30:24,160 --> 00:30:26,160 how his wife cheated on him. 504 00:30:27,760 --> 00:30:30,840 But I loved that little kid since the day she was born, 505 00:30:30,840 --> 00:30:33,200 just as if she were my own. 506 00:30:33,200 --> 00:30:36,240 and I'd rather she mourned a ghost than know the truth, 507 00:30:36,240 --> 00:30:39,040 that her mother never even wrote to ask after her. 508 00:30:48,880 --> 00:30:51,400 It's a nasty lesion, Mrs Mills. 509 00:30:51,400 --> 00:30:54,480 I'm going to arrange for you to be seen by a specialist. 510 00:30:54,480 --> 00:30:57,080 I just want some cream for it. 511 00:30:57,080 --> 00:30:58,920 You'll be seen at The London 512 00:30:58,920 --> 00:31:02,280 and we'll make sure Nurse Gilbert can go with you. 513 00:31:02,280 --> 00:31:04,520 I'll be in touch as soon as I can. 514 00:31:04,520 --> 00:31:06,480 Thank you, Dr Turner. 515 00:31:06,480 --> 00:31:09,400 Tommy can't manage on his own. 516 00:31:09,400 --> 00:31:11,440 No-one will be managing alone. 517 00:31:11,440 --> 00:31:13,720 Sister Mary Cynthia will look after Mr Mills 518 00:31:13,720 --> 00:31:16,520 while I'm with you at the hospital. 519 00:31:16,520 --> 00:31:18,280 (Oh, right.) 520 00:31:23,960 --> 00:31:25,560 Thought I'd find you here. 521 00:31:29,160 --> 00:31:30,760 I hate to think of her alone. 522 00:31:32,640 --> 00:31:34,640 God watches over all of us... 523 00:31:35,840 --> 00:31:37,960 ..even when we think he's forgotten. 524 00:31:39,160 --> 00:31:40,720 She's got an angel's kiss. 525 00:31:44,320 --> 00:31:47,200 The little birthmark, on her right leg. 526 00:31:47,200 --> 00:31:50,560 My granny used to call it a kiss from the angels... 527 00:31:52,720 --> 00:31:54,200 ..for protection. 528 00:31:55,720 --> 00:31:57,880 Sounds like she knew a thing or two. 529 00:32:06,360 --> 00:32:09,440 When you return from memory lane, Nurse Franklin, 530 00:32:09,440 --> 00:32:11,440 may I suggest you organise an area 531 00:32:11,440 --> 00:32:14,040 in which we can store those records securely. 532 00:32:17,160 --> 00:32:19,560 Mrs Dent wants some details for her birth book. 533 00:32:19,560 --> 00:32:20,760 Mmm. 534 00:32:22,440 --> 00:32:25,400 I'd quite forgotten little Jackie had a birth mark. 535 00:32:27,040 --> 00:32:30,000 It's faded now, but it was rather distinctive. 536 00:32:40,240 --> 00:32:42,120 SHE CLEARS HER THROAT 537 00:33:05,680 --> 00:33:07,360 SHE SIGHS 538 00:33:26,360 --> 00:33:29,000 Oh! 539 00:33:29,000 --> 00:33:30,720 SHE GROANS 540 00:33:34,640 --> 00:33:39,160 SISTER EVANGELINA GASPS FOR AIR 541 00:33:39,160 --> 00:33:40,960 Sister Evangelina? What is it? 542 00:33:43,760 --> 00:33:45,800 I've made a terrible mistake. 543 00:33:48,360 --> 00:33:51,480 I've made a dreadful, dreadful mistake. 544 00:33:51,480 --> 00:33:54,960 What could you possibly do that could cause such distress? 545 00:33:54,960 --> 00:33:57,880 The Dent baby is with the Smiths 546 00:33:57,880 --> 00:34:01,280 and the Smith baby is with the Dents. 547 00:34:01,280 --> 00:34:03,920 SHE SOBS 548 00:34:08,040 --> 00:34:10,080 All the other babies were tagged. 549 00:34:10,080 --> 00:34:14,240 It's just those two because of the fire and I had them in my arms, 550 00:34:14,240 --> 00:34:16,680 and I knew which was which! 551 00:34:16,680 --> 00:34:18,840 - SHE WHIMPERS - Thought I did! 552 00:34:20,120 --> 00:34:22,880 I muddled them up. 553 00:34:22,880 --> 00:34:25,360 I gave each baby to the wrong mother. 554 00:34:27,000 --> 00:34:28,720 What am I going to do? 555 00:34:28,720 --> 00:34:30,600 What on earth am I going to do? 556 00:34:33,600 --> 00:34:34,800 Ah! 557 00:34:39,760 --> 00:34:41,320 Thank you. 558 00:34:44,040 --> 00:34:48,080 Godfrey Smith had surgery for a broken arm a couple of years ago. 559 00:34:48,080 --> 00:34:49,720 We'll have his details. 560 00:34:49,720 --> 00:34:51,960 Yes, here we are. 561 00:34:51,960 --> 00:34:53,920 Blood group A Negative. 562 00:34:55,440 --> 00:34:58,040 And Marion Smith... 563 00:34:58,040 --> 00:35:00,520 blood group, O Negative. 564 00:35:00,520 --> 00:35:02,440 And the baby? 565 00:35:02,440 --> 00:35:05,440 Here we are. Deborah Smith. 566 00:35:05,440 --> 00:35:07,040 Blood group... 567 00:35:07,040 --> 00:35:08,320 O Positive. 568 00:35:09,520 --> 00:35:14,280 Two rhesus negative parents cannot make a rhesus positive baby. 569 00:35:14,280 --> 00:35:16,320 It is not possible. 570 00:35:16,320 --> 00:35:18,800 What of the Dents, Mrs Turner? 571 00:35:18,800 --> 00:35:21,400 We only have Mrs Dent's details. 572 00:35:23,960 --> 00:35:25,400 O Positive. 573 00:35:25,400 --> 00:35:28,440 Well, that explains our rhesus positive baby. 574 00:35:30,240 --> 00:35:32,920 Debbie belongs to the Dents 575 00:35:32,920 --> 00:35:35,720 - and Jackie to the Smiths. - SHE SOBS 576 00:35:35,720 --> 00:35:38,280 This is not your mistake alone. 577 00:35:38,280 --> 00:35:42,120 We are a team and we will resolve this. 578 00:35:42,120 --> 00:35:43,960 How? 579 00:35:49,480 --> 00:35:53,440 I hear you've been rather prodded and poked today, Mrs Mills. 580 00:35:53,440 --> 00:35:55,080 I'm sorry about that. 581 00:35:55,080 --> 00:35:58,240 Oh, it's no matter, sir. 582 00:35:58,240 --> 00:36:01,200 The lesion is what we call a fungating wound. 583 00:36:02,720 --> 00:36:04,720 Are you in pain? 584 00:36:04,720 --> 00:36:06,320 Oh... 585 00:36:06,320 --> 00:36:08,480 it's not too bad, sir. 586 00:36:08,480 --> 00:36:10,440 Considerable pain, sir. 587 00:36:10,440 --> 00:36:13,120 I'm sorry, Mrs Mills, but you are. 588 00:36:13,120 --> 00:36:15,800 We'd expect that with a lesion of this type. 589 00:36:17,080 --> 00:36:19,600 I'm afraid it has revealed... 590 00:36:19,600 --> 00:36:22,240 a cancer beneath your skin, Mrs Mills. 591 00:36:25,280 --> 00:36:28,160 We'd like to perform a radical mastectomy. 592 00:36:28,160 --> 00:36:31,360 The procedure would involve removing the breast... 593 00:36:31,360 --> 00:36:32,920 Oh, God. 594 00:36:32,920 --> 00:36:35,720 ..and underlying pectoralis muscle 595 00:36:35,720 --> 00:36:39,240 and a number of underarm lymph nodes. 596 00:36:41,680 --> 00:36:43,720 That way we'll know, without doubt, 597 00:36:43,720 --> 00:36:46,000 if it's spread to the lymphatic system. 598 00:36:47,360 --> 00:36:51,320 If it's spread to the lymph nodes, we'll follow up with radiotherapy. 599 00:36:52,680 --> 00:36:54,920 I-It's an awful lot to take in. 600 00:36:54,920 --> 00:36:57,200 I think we'll need some time. 601 00:36:57,200 --> 00:36:59,880 We'd want to bring Mrs Mills in quickly. 602 00:37:01,560 --> 00:37:03,760 Am I dying, sir? 603 00:37:03,760 --> 00:37:06,040 - Without surgery, yes. - Oh. 604 00:37:07,280 --> 00:37:09,320 A-And with it, am I still dying? 605 00:37:13,040 --> 00:37:16,680 You'll have less pain and more time, Mrs Mills. 606 00:37:30,240 --> 00:37:33,160 Lightning Chance might do well tomorrow. 607 00:37:33,160 --> 00:37:35,560 Gert said no more bets. 608 00:37:35,560 --> 00:37:37,080 Quite right, too. 609 00:37:37,080 --> 00:37:38,640 She was always the brains. 610 00:37:38,640 --> 00:37:41,800 Mmm. I was the looks. 611 00:37:41,800 --> 00:37:43,560 Mmm, to be fair, 612 00:37:43,560 --> 00:37:44,920 that's Gert, too. 613 00:37:46,280 --> 00:37:49,640 - You're a lucky man, Tommy. - So are you. 614 00:37:49,640 --> 00:37:51,640 Mrs Gee's a lovely lady. 615 00:37:51,640 --> 00:37:54,000 Yes, she is. 616 00:37:54,000 --> 00:37:55,480 She is. 617 00:37:57,360 --> 00:38:01,920 I think her Bert must've been like you, cos she can't forget him. 618 00:38:01,920 --> 00:38:03,640 Well, does she have to? 619 00:38:05,880 --> 00:38:09,000 I can't compete with someone who's perfect. 620 00:38:09,000 --> 00:38:11,360 Nobody's perfect. 621 00:38:11,360 --> 00:38:13,520 Love makes us that way. 622 00:38:13,520 --> 00:38:16,360 You have to open your heart to them first. 623 00:38:21,640 --> 00:38:23,960 We'll get back and we'll put the kettle on 624 00:38:23,960 --> 00:38:26,960 and we'll have a nice cup of tea and we'll think about what to do next. 625 00:38:26,960 --> 00:38:31,240 You mustn't worry and you won't be on your own for any of it. 626 00:38:31,240 --> 00:38:34,600 Do you need to sit down, Mrs Mills? O-O-Or some water? 627 00:38:34,600 --> 00:38:36,560 I thought he'd go first. 628 00:38:36,560 --> 00:38:39,080 I always wanted it that way, 629 00:38:39,080 --> 00:38:42,040 that I should always be there for him... 630 00:38:42,040 --> 00:38:44,720 that he would never be alone. 631 00:38:45,800 --> 00:38:48,400 Oh, Nurse... 632 00:38:48,400 --> 00:38:50,080 what do I say to him? 633 00:38:50,080 --> 00:38:51,560 You mustn't think that way. 634 00:38:51,560 --> 00:38:54,960 - You must only think of getting better. - Yes. 635 00:38:54,960 --> 00:38:56,520 (Oh, Tommy.) 636 00:39:06,480 --> 00:39:08,600 I think we must come straight out with it. 637 00:39:08,600 --> 00:39:10,120 There is no way to soften the blow. 638 00:39:10,120 --> 00:39:12,040 - KNOCK AT DOOR - I think you're right. 639 00:39:14,920 --> 00:39:17,560 Are the parents on their way? 640 00:39:17,560 --> 00:39:20,400 I should face these poor people alone. 641 00:39:20,400 --> 00:39:22,080 This is not your mistake. 642 00:39:22,080 --> 00:39:23,840 And it's not your punishment. 643 00:39:23,840 --> 00:39:25,520 This must be about a resolution. 644 00:39:25,520 --> 00:39:28,440 - What will condemnation solve? - It's what I deserve. 645 00:39:28,440 --> 00:39:30,920 You deserve a medal. 646 00:39:30,920 --> 00:39:33,800 You put all those babies before your own safety. 647 00:39:33,800 --> 00:39:35,920 Because of you, all are well. 648 00:39:35,920 --> 00:39:38,080 I've destroyed two families. 649 00:39:38,080 --> 00:39:41,240 Sister Evangelina, you are my family. 650 00:39:41,240 --> 00:39:44,520 We will find a way through... all of us. 651 00:39:44,520 --> 00:39:47,320 The Smiths, the Dents and Nonnatus. 652 00:39:50,200 --> 00:39:51,920 DOOR OPENS 653 00:39:54,040 --> 00:39:56,320 I'm always saying what a small world it is. 654 00:39:56,320 --> 00:39:59,760 I'm afraid it's no coincidence that you're all here together, Mr Dent. 655 00:39:59,760 --> 00:40:01,760 Paperwork, is it? For the babies? 656 00:40:01,760 --> 00:40:03,080 Please sit down. 657 00:40:03,080 --> 00:40:05,480 Our baby's in the hospital. What's this all about? 658 00:40:05,480 --> 00:40:07,240 The hospital? 659 00:40:07,240 --> 00:40:08,840 What's wrong? 660 00:40:08,840 --> 00:40:10,920 Marion, what's wrong? 661 00:40:10,920 --> 00:40:13,440 I'm afraid we have some very... 662 00:40:13,440 --> 00:40:14,960 difficult news. 663 00:40:15,960 --> 00:40:19,800 In the evacuation following the fire in the Maternity Home, 664 00:40:19,800 --> 00:40:22,600 a very grave mistake was made. 665 00:40:25,840 --> 00:40:31,040 I didn't put the name tags on the babies before I took them out. 666 00:40:31,040 --> 00:40:34,680 I thought I knew who was who... 667 00:40:34,680 --> 00:40:36,680 but I'm afraid I didn't. 668 00:40:39,160 --> 00:40:41,560 Your babies were muddled. 669 00:40:41,560 --> 00:40:43,720 Mrs Dent... 670 00:40:43,720 --> 00:40:45,680 your baby was born with a birthmark, 671 00:40:45,680 --> 00:40:48,200 which I know you've seen is no longer there. 672 00:40:51,120 --> 00:40:52,440 Mrs Smith... 673 00:40:53,760 --> 00:40:58,800 ..baby Deborah now has a birthmark on her lower right leg, 674 00:40:58,800 --> 00:41:00,560 the size of a sixpence? 675 00:41:02,040 --> 00:41:04,360 But the nurse said it could fade, 676 00:41:04,360 --> 00:41:07,280 so it stands to reason they can come up an' all? 677 00:41:07,280 --> 00:41:09,760 For protection... 678 00:41:09,760 --> 00:41:11,520 an angel's kiss. 679 00:41:12,880 --> 00:41:16,400 We've confirmed our mistake from your blood groups. 680 00:41:18,080 --> 00:41:21,960 It's not biologically possible for Deborah to be your child. 681 00:41:24,160 --> 00:41:25,960 I can't take this in. 682 00:41:25,960 --> 00:41:29,600 We know how very distressing this is. 683 00:41:29,600 --> 00:41:32,840 I'm sorry that you are faced with the possibility of losing a child 684 00:41:32,840 --> 00:41:34,640 that you've grown to love. 685 00:41:34,640 --> 00:41:39,800 Our hope is that, because events happened relatively swiftly, 686 00:41:39,800 --> 00:41:42,760 bonds could be re-established. 687 00:41:42,760 --> 00:41:46,960 You gave our baby to them while we've been to hell with theirs? 688 00:41:46,960 --> 00:41:49,360 And we've given our love to yours. 689 00:41:50,800 --> 00:41:52,200 Please. 690 00:41:53,520 --> 00:41:55,480 Tell me what's wrong with my baby? 691 00:41:55,480 --> 00:41:57,880 Deborah has a heart condition 692 00:41:57,880 --> 00:42:01,120 that stops her blood receiving enough oxygen. 693 00:42:03,040 --> 00:42:06,320 I wish I could say you have all the time in the world, 694 00:42:06,320 --> 00:42:10,800 but a decision will need to be made over Deborah's surgery. 695 00:42:10,800 --> 00:42:12,800 Surgery? 696 00:42:12,800 --> 00:42:14,600 But she's just a tot. 697 00:42:14,600 --> 00:42:17,200 She needs a great deal of care. 698 00:42:17,200 --> 00:42:19,880 She's very delicate. 699 00:42:19,880 --> 00:42:21,480 She needs her mother. 700 00:42:21,480 --> 00:42:23,480 She needs someone capable. 701 00:42:23,480 --> 00:42:25,080 And you think I'm not? 702 00:42:25,080 --> 00:42:27,360 You never took anything seriously. 703 00:42:27,360 --> 00:42:30,040 Not school, or life. 704 00:42:30,040 --> 00:42:34,160 And I can't imagine you with a baby with a heart that does not work. 705 00:42:37,200 --> 00:42:38,840 Oh, come along, Godfrey. 706 00:42:40,120 --> 00:42:43,600 I've got to be home in case the hospital telephones, not here. 707 00:42:47,160 --> 00:42:49,880 This is an awful lot to take in. 708 00:42:49,880 --> 00:42:52,320 Go home, Mr and Mrs Dent, 709 00:42:52,320 --> 00:42:56,360 where you may have peace to think matters over. 710 00:43:00,480 --> 00:43:02,760 I can't see the good of it. 711 00:43:02,760 --> 00:43:04,960 The operation, I mean. 712 00:43:04,960 --> 00:43:08,000 I'd be away, I wouldn't know for how long. 713 00:43:08,000 --> 00:43:10,080 I don't want to be away. 714 00:43:10,080 --> 00:43:11,600 I want to be here for you. 715 00:43:13,160 --> 00:43:15,600 You must have the operation, Gert. 716 00:43:15,600 --> 00:43:17,720 But it might all be for nothing. 717 00:43:17,720 --> 00:43:20,080 They might not get the cancer out. 718 00:43:20,080 --> 00:43:22,200 We'll pray that they do. 719 00:43:23,960 --> 00:43:26,080 I don't want to lose you... 720 00:43:26,080 --> 00:43:29,080 not until every last fight's lost. 721 00:43:30,600 --> 00:43:32,840 We go through what we go through together. 722 00:43:32,840 --> 00:43:34,560 We live for one another, Gert. 723 00:43:36,240 --> 00:43:39,720 Be with me as long as ever you can, please. 724 00:43:43,240 --> 00:43:44,560 Mmm. 725 00:43:45,600 --> 00:43:47,240 Her little heart's not working. 726 00:43:49,520 --> 00:43:51,720 And we're not in the hospital with her. 727 00:43:53,720 --> 00:43:55,200 I can't hardly take it. 728 00:44:01,240 --> 00:44:03,320 How can I love Jackie so much? 729 00:44:05,480 --> 00:44:07,520 She ain't even mine. 730 00:44:07,520 --> 00:44:09,320 She's my world. 731 00:44:10,880 --> 00:44:13,040 I never knew happiness like it. 732 00:44:14,720 --> 00:44:17,480 Everything's different now she's in our lives. 733 00:44:19,240 --> 00:44:21,360 I keep thinking... 734 00:44:21,360 --> 00:44:22,960 are they kind? 735 00:44:22,960 --> 00:44:25,760 Do they love her? The way we love Jackie, I mean. 736 00:44:29,040 --> 00:44:30,880 It can't be made right, can it? 737 00:44:33,560 --> 00:44:36,440 Whatever we do, we've lost our little baby. 738 00:44:41,800 --> 00:44:44,000 They say God works in mysterious ways. 739 00:44:45,480 --> 00:44:47,240 He tests us with pain. 740 00:44:48,400 --> 00:44:50,880 And yet, he's sparing us. He... 741 00:44:50,880 --> 00:44:52,680 He's giving us another chance. 742 00:44:55,080 --> 00:44:58,280 Course, it will hurt in the short term, 743 00:44:58,280 --> 00:45:01,280 but in the long run, we'll forget all of this. 744 00:45:01,280 --> 00:45:04,320 We're blessed. We can have our baby back. 745 00:45:04,320 --> 00:45:06,800 Our baby is in Great Ormond Street. 746 00:45:06,800 --> 00:45:08,320 She's not. 747 00:45:08,320 --> 00:45:09,640 She's with those fools. 748 00:45:09,640 --> 00:45:11,360 You said it yourself! 749 00:45:11,360 --> 00:45:13,120 - And, well, she's perfect. - Stop it! 750 00:45:13,120 --> 00:45:16,080 Don't ask me to bring up a child who's not even mine, who... 751 00:45:16,080 --> 00:45:18,920 - who won't even live beyond infancy. - She will live. 752 00:45:18,920 --> 00:45:21,480 - She'll have the surgery and she'll live. - She's not ours. 753 00:45:21,480 --> 00:45:22,920 Shirley can't look after her. 754 00:45:22,920 --> 00:45:24,480 Not like I can. 755 00:45:32,080 --> 00:45:34,880 SOFT CRYING 756 00:45:39,000 --> 00:45:41,160 Useless, useless! 757 00:45:42,800 --> 00:45:44,920 - SOBBING: - You fool! 758 00:45:48,120 --> 00:45:50,760 My thoughts exactly. 759 00:45:50,760 --> 00:45:55,280 I have always found that drainer an exercise in precarious balance. 760 00:46:03,200 --> 00:46:05,200 I never liked this china. 761 00:46:08,280 --> 00:46:09,640 Whereas... 762 00:46:12,160 --> 00:46:15,160 ..YOU are irreplaceable... 763 00:46:15,160 --> 00:46:17,560 and we would be so lost without you. 764 00:46:19,160 --> 00:46:22,480 SISTER EVANGELINA CRIES 765 00:46:36,400 --> 00:46:39,720 - You need to wrap up, the mist's coming in. - Ow! 766 00:46:42,080 --> 00:46:43,560 Oh, promise me, Sister. 767 00:46:43,560 --> 00:46:45,720 Promise me you'll look after him. 768 00:46:45,720 --> 00:46:50,200 I promise. And already, his bedsore is looking a good deal better. 769 00:46:50,200 --> 00:46:52,520 Think only of getting well, Mrs Mills. 770 00:46:56,320 --> 00:47:00,120 We live for each other, we always have. 771 00:47:00,120 --> 00:47:02,200 We will have more time, Tommy. 772 00:47:03,560 --> 00:47:05,360 Hurry back to me. 773 00:47:06,600 --> 00:47:08,320 - Hmm? - Yes. 774 00:47:35,960 --> 00:47:40,120 Pack, and non-pack, remember what we do with our lanterns? 775 00:47:43,080 --> 00:47:44,840 Where is she? Where's Mother? 776 00:47:44,840 --> 00:47:47,280 Glenda, dear child. 777 00:47:47,280 --> 00:47:49,600 I cannot bring your mother to you. 778 00:47:52,440 --> 00:47:55,800 But your father's here and he very much wants to see you. 779 00:47:55,800 --> 00:47:58,960 - He don't care about me. - Don't talk that way. 780 00:48:01,080 --> 00:48:02,640 Glenda. Glenda! 781 00:48:04,600 --> 00:48:06,960 I came to see you, didn't I? 782 00:48:06,960 --> 00:48:08,920 See this parade you're part of. 783 00:48:12,360 --> 00:48:14,400 I'm sorry you miss your mum. 784 00:48:16,960 --> 00:48:19,480 She'd have wanted to see you tonight. 785 00:48:19,480 --> 00:48:22,080 She'd have loved you so much. 786 00:48:24,280 --> 00:48:27,000 Why don't you talk about her? 787 00:48:27,000 --> 00:48:28,680 It hurts. 788 00:48:30,200 --> 00:48:32,600 But I will, love, when you're older. 789 00:48:32,600 --> 00:48:34,760 I wanted her to watch over me. 790 00:48:36,240 --> 00:48:38,440 That's my job, you see. 791 00:48:38,440 --> 00:48:40,360 And your mum... 792 00:48:40,360 --> 00:48:44,240 made me promise her that, just before she passed on. 793 00:48:44,240 --> 00:48:50,400 She said, "My little girl is the most precious thing in the world 794 00:48:50,400 --> 00:48:54,840 "and you're to treasure her every single minute of every day." 795 00:48:56,840 --> 00:48:58,480 And I do. 796 00:48:58,480 --> 00:49:00,960 But I'm sorry for the times you don't see it. 797 00:49:13,320 --> 00:49:14,680 We're not dead... 798 00:49:16,040 --> 00:49:17,640 ..and we won't live as we were. 799 00:49:19,200 --> 00:49:21,800 We'll find a way to be together, I promise you. 800 00:49:27,560 --> 00:49:29,520 I'm on first watch tonight. 801 00:49:31,200 --> 00:49:33,000 Oh, you're staying? 802 00:49:33,000 --> 00:49:35,320 We're to look after you until Mrs Mills can. 803 00:49:35,320 --> 00:49:36,600 That was our promise. 804 00:49:47,240 --> 00:49:50,520 Hello, Fred. It's nice to see you. 805 00:49:50,520 --> 00:49:54,360 - What's all this, you having a clear out? - Yeah, well, I'm packing it in. 806 00:49:54,360 --> 00:49:56,520 I mean, I've just been pottering along 807 00:49:56,520 --> 00:49:59,000 and I can't see the point any more. 808 00:49:59,000 --> 00:50:01,840 My son's suggested I stay with him in Plymouth. 809 00:50:01,840 --> 00:50:03,640 For your holidays? 810 00:50:03,640 --> 00:50:06,520 SHE SIGHS Bit longer than that, Fred. 811 00:50:06,520 --> 00:50:09,520 I mean, what's to be here for, eh? 812 00:50:13,880 --> 00:50:15,200 I'm after a padlock. 813 00:50:16,800 --> 00:50:18,640 Oh. Er... 814 00:50:26,720 --> 00:50:30,160 I could let you have a bit off the price on this one, cos... 815 00:50:32,880 --> 00:50:34,240 Fred? 816 00:50:34,240 --> 00:50:36,360 I don't want you going to Plymouth. 817 00:50:36,360 --> 00:50:39,000 Don't want you going anywhere unless it's with me. 818 00:50:39,000 --> 00:50:42,880 I don't care if I have to share you with Bert, or the memory of him. 819 00:50:42,880 --> 00:50:44,120 Violet... 820 00:50:45,840 --> 00:50:47,400 ..I wish we were a pair. 821 00:50:49,680 --> 00:50:51,600 I wish you'd marry me. 822 00:50:51,600 --> 00:50:53,480 Well, why don't you ask me, then? 823 00:50:54,920 --> 00:50:56,480 I just did. 824 00:50:56,480 --> 00:50:58,280 Oh, yeah! 825 00:50:58,280 --> 00:51:00,520 Well, then... 826 00:51:00,520 --> 00:51:02,400 yes. 827 00:51:02,400 --> 00:51:03,840 Yes! 828 00:51:06,720 --> 00:51:09,880 You know I said I'd give you a bit off the price of that padlock? 829 00:51:09,880 --> 00:51:11,920 It's cos I don't have the key. 830 00:51:14,960 --> 00:51:16,440 Well... 831 00:51:16,440 --> 00:51:19,400 we'll have to stay here forever, then, won't we? 832 00:51:21,480 --> 00:51:24,600 There's nothing more you could have done, my love. 833 00:51:24,600 --> 00:51:27,040 I have to make sure it never happens again. 834 00:51:27,040 --> 00:51:29,960 The Maternity Home must be above error. 835 00:51:29,960 --> 00:51:33,120 We have the name tags, the identification records. 836 00:51:39,160 --> 00:51:40,800 I couldn't love Angela more. 837 00:51:42,680 --> 00:51:44,400 Not even if I'd given birth to her. 838 00:51:47,480 --> 00:51:49,800 It's the same as I feel about Timothy. 839 00:51:52,240 --> 00:51:55,400 And if you were in Marion or Shirley's place? 840 00:51:55,400 --> 00:51:57,760 If you had the choice? 841 00:51:57,760 --> 00:52:01,120 So different, what those poor parents are facing. 842 00:52:01,120 --> 00:52:02,880 Angela is ours. 843 00:52:04,160 --> 00:52:07,720 There are a billion other babies out there, but I don't think of them. 844 00:52:07,720 --> 00:52:09,040 Only of her. 845 00:52:10,120 --> 00:52:12,760 It's not about reason, or logic. 846 00:52:14,880 --> 00:52:17,680 (We shouldn't be talking like this in front of her.) 847 00:52:19,960 --> 00:52:22,000 Oh, do you have to? 848 00:52:22,000 --> 00:52:26,000 Not strictly, but it embarrasses you and that keeps us entertained. 849 00:52:26,000 --> 00:52:29,640 I feel rather different about saving your bacon now, Mum. 850 00:52:29,640 --> 00:52:31,280 Ooh. 851 00:52:31,280 --> 00:52:35,680 Well, perhaps we'll feel different about your pocket money on Saturday. 852 00:52:38,760 --> 00:52:41,920 You photograph each baby when it's born. 853 00:52:41,920 --> 00:52:44,840 That way, no-one will ever lose their mothers 854 00:52:44,840 --> 00:52:46,480 and you won't have to feel rotten 855 00:52:46,480 --> 00:52:50,160 - about something that wasn't your fault. - Oh, Tim. 856 00:52:50,160 --> 00:52:51,880 Thank you. 857 00:52:51,880 --> 00:52:56,960 Now my finger definitely won't be over the lens this time. 858 00:52:58,360 --> 00:53:02,680 So we have the chance... 859 00:53:05,280 --> 00:53:08,080 ..of a picture worth keeping. 860 00:53:16,520 --> 00:53:18,960 Say "cheese". 861 00:53:18,960 --> 00:53:21,080 Cheese. 862 00:53:30,800 --> 00:53:33,040 She will live, won't she? 863 00:53:34,440 --> 00:53:36,080 They don't make promises. 864 00:53:37,240 --> 00:53:39,240 She'll need so much care, Shirley. 865 00:53:41,480 --> 00:53:43,000 We were friends once. 866 00:53:43,000 --> 00:53:44,720 We're not children any more. 867 00:53:46,240 --> 00:53:48,400 Deborah may not live. 868 00:53:48,400 --> 00:53:50,200 Why would you take that on? 869 00:53:50,200 --> 00:53:53,000 Because I carried her for nine months 870 00:53:53,000 --> 00:53:55,680 and I loved her more with every day. 871 00:53:57,040 --> 00:53:59,480 I don't want another minute without my baby. 872 00:53:59,480 --> 00:54:01,720 JACKIE FUSSES 873 00:54:08,000 --> 00:54:10,080 You carried Jackie. 874 00:54:10,080 --> 00:54:12,000 How could you be without her? 875 00:54:12,000 --> 00:54:13,320 I can't think that way. 876 00:54:15,160 --> 00:54:17,080 It isn't right, what's happened, 877 00:54:17,080 --> 00:54:19,560 but it's happened and we have to just go on with it. 878 00:54:19,560 --> 00:54:21,880 JACKIE CRIES 879 00:54:23,040 --> 00:54:24,520 I don't want a choice. 880 00:54:25,800 --> 00:54:28,840 I don't want to wonder and I don't want to compare. 881 00:54:30,320 --> 00:54:32,400 I want to love what feels like mine. 882 00:54:36,760 --> 00:54:38,840 You can't even stop her crying. 883 00:54:50,800 --> 00:54:52,720 You couldn't manage Deborah. 884 00:54:56,680 --> 00:54:58,600 I can't let her down. 885 00:54:58,600 --> 00:55:00,560 She needs me. 886 00:55:00,560 --> 00:55:03,000 JACKIE CRIES LOUDER 887 00:55:10,200 --> 00:55:11,800 They both need us. 888 00:55:13,360 --> 00:55:16,280 Do you think I could bear to lose Jackie? 889 00:55:16,280 --> 00:55:18,360 The thought of it makes me ill. 890 00:55:32,360 --> 00:55:34,560 This ain't in my head, Marion. 891 00:55:34,560 --> 00:55:36,360 This is in my heart. 892 00:55:37,560 --> 00:55:39,800 I need to be with my baby. 893 00:55:53,920 --> 00:55:56,000 I'm sorry, what I said... 894 00:55:56,000 --> 00:55:57,280 the other night. 895 00:55:58,760 --> 00:56:01,320 Truth is, I always wanted to be like you. 896 00:56:02,960 --> 00:56:05,400 You always seemed happy. 897 00:56:05,400 --> 00:56:07,040 It's because I was. 898 00:56:09,040 --> 00:56:10,720 I had my best friend. 899 00:56:39,120 --> 00:56:42,800 We go forward, Sister. Together... 900 00:56:45,160 --> 00:56:46,640 ..as a family. 901 00:57:08,040 --> 00:57:12,560 Light will often pierce the darkness when we least expect it. 902 00:57:12,560 --> 00:57:16,400 And if we're fortunate, when we need it most... 903 00:57:17,960 --> 00:57:20,120 ..science can pave the way. 904 00:57:20,120 --> 00:57:23,080 But we need human hands to guide us 905 00:57:23,080 --> 00:57:27,200 and love to illuminate the path that lies ahead. 906 00:57:29,960 --> 00:57:31,760 Hi. Ah! 907 00:57:34,680 --> 00:57:36,360 Oh! 908 00:57:48,080 --> 00:57:51,120 TRIXIE: The one thing that makes me feel better... 909 00:57:51,120 --> 00:57:53,640 is a glass of Scotch. 910 00:57:53,640 --> 00:57:56,160 I'm aware there are better times for me to be going off 911 00:57:56,160 --> 00:57:58,160 to do a fortnight's course at The London. 912 00:57:58,160 --> 00:58:00,160 Have you managed to prepare any food for Neil? 913 00:58:00,160 --> 00:58:02,240 - I can't face boiling milk. - SHE RETCHES 914 00:58:02,240 --> 00:58:05,080 Oh, this is more than morning sickness, Mrs Turner! 915 00:58:05,080 --> 00:58:09,160 The boiler has died from inattention. 916 00:58:09,160 --> 00:58:12,320 I may yet suffer the same fate. 917 00:58:12,320 --> 00:58:15,000 - PATSY: - Oh, Delia. You don't want to end up in some... 918 00:58:15,000 --> 00:58:17,920 filthy hole, living cheek by jowl with a lot of students. 919 00:58:17,920 --> 00:58:20,840 - FRED: - Did you get the letter about my lady friend? 920 00:58:20,840 --> 00:58:23,440 Yes, Dad, I did.