1 00:00:40,040 --> 00:00:44,360 - MATURE JENNY: - 'Christmas comes at the closing of the year. 2 00:00:44,360 --> 00:00:48,160 'It is a time for reaching out, looking back, 3 00:00:48,160 --> 00:00:52,520 'finding comfort in the magic of a season that endures. 4 00:00:52,520 --> 00:00:55,680 'It is when we take stock, 5 00:00:55,680 --> 00:00:59,240 'when we measure joy and pain. 6 00:00:59,240 --> 00:01:03,960 'It is when we say this is who we are, what we have now become, 7 00:01:03,960 --> 00:01:08,560 'and when we acknowledge what we cherish most of all.' 8 00:01:09,480 --> 00:01:11,480 Philip? 9 00:01:11,480 --> 00:01:13,680 I can't find it anywhere! 10 00:01:13,680 --> 00:01:16,600 Are they in the box with the tree lights? 11 00:01:16,600 --> 00:01:19,080 I would never put it in there! 12 00:01:21,320 --> 00:01:23,040 Why would I? 13 00:01:23,040 --> 00:01:25,320 It's a china ornament! 14 00:01:25,320 --> 00:01:29,200 It doesn't go on the tree, it goes on the mantelpiece! 15 00:01:29,200 --> 00:01:32,120 Er, perhaps the holly will be enough. 16 00:01:32,120 --> 00:01:34,920 It's even got some berries on it this year. 17 00:01:34,920 --> 00:01:38,960 Anyway, I'll soon get you a nice blaze going. 18 00:01:38,960 --> 00:01:43,240 I don't know - I'm not sure if I'm a fool, or a romantic 19 00:01:43,240 --> 00:01:46,120 or a creature of routine. 20 00:01:46,120 --> 00:01:48,000 Last two. 21 00:01:48,000 --> 00:01:50,400 Once a nurse, always a nurse. 22 00:01:53,080 --> 00:01:55,000 We were so young. 23 00:01:56,240 --> 00:02:02,720 Well, Sister Monica Joan must have been 80-odd, even then. 24 00:02:02,720 --> 00:02:06,000 I think the word I'm looking for is "innocent". 25 00:02:06,000 --> 00:02:08,640 Oh, we knew things, I'd seen things, 26 00:02:08,640 --> 00:02:12,120 things I'd never seen before and never since, but... 27 00:02:13,120 --> 00:02:17,800 ..we had a way at looking the future in the eye. 28 00:02:19,760 --> 00:02:23,120 Not frightened at all, only the young do that. 29 00:02:27,440 --> 00:02:30,560 I wish I could find that ornament. 30 00:02:35,400 --> 00:02:39,800 'A Christmas card seems such a frail sort of missive. 31 00:02:39,800 --> 00:02:43,960 'A scrap of coloured paper folded to enclose 32 00:02:43,960 --> 00:02:46,720 'a scant few words of greeting 33 00:02:46,720 --> 00:02:52,400 'and if love is meant and not just included for the sake of form, 34 00:02:52,400 --> 00:02:56,400 'a little line of kisses, neat and faint 35 00:02:56,400 --> 00:02:58,800 'as the prints of birds on snow.' 36 00:02:58,800 --> 00:03:00,440 A card from Jenny. 37 00:03:00,440 --> 00:03:01,960 Lovely! 38 00:03:14,160 --> 00:03:16,040 Keep on going round! 39 00:03:16,040 --> 00:03:20,000 And round again, skipping as high as you can because we need to make sure 40 00:03:20,000 --> 00:03:22,720 those headdresses stay on during the actual performance. 41 00:03:22,720 --> 00:03:26,880 - Higher than that, please, Maxine! - I can't see where I'm going! 42 00:03:26,880 --> 00:03:30,480 Well, keep on following Beverley. Beverley, you're doing splendidly! 43 00:03:30,480 --> 00:03:31,920 Keep going. 44 00:03:33,080 --> 00:03:35,480 - Oh! - GIRLS GIGGLE 45 00:03:35,480 --> 00:03:37,600 Right, that's enough. That's enough. 46 00:03:37,600 --> 00:03:41,520 Will all snowflakes please STOP dancing and stay where you are 47 00:03:41,520 --> 00:03:44,360 until Nurse Franklin has had a look at your headdresses 48 00:03:44,360 --> 00:03:47,800 and considered the case for a few more kirby grips, perhaps? 49 00:03:47,800 --> 00:03:51,520 I strongly suspect there aren't enough kirby grips in the world. 50 00:03:51,520 --> 00:03:54,320 How are you getting along with the snow? 51 00:03:54,320 --> 00:03:57,680 - We've cut up enough for a small blizzard. - Afternoon! 52 00:03:57,680 --> 00:04:00,440 Oh, Fred! You've come about your costume. 53 00:04:00,440 --> 00:04:02,200 No. 54 00:04:02,200 --> 00:04:04,400 I've come about the leaky tap. 55 00:04:04,400 --> 00:04:07,800 Nurse Franklin, I can't believe you just did that. 56 00:04:07,800 --> 00:04:09,480 What? 57 00:04:09,480 --> 00:04:12,840 Referred to my costume when all the kiddies could hear you! 58 00:04:12,840 --> 00:04:14,800 I didn't say what the costume was. 59 00:04:14,800 --> 00:04:16,640 Well, they know I'm not in the concert! 60 00:04:16,640 --> 00:04:19,000 They know I'm not in the Ballet of the Snowflakes 61 00:04:19,000 --> 00:04:20,320 or the Donkey's Tap Dance. 62 00:04:20,320 --> 00:04:24,000 Do you want a crimson velvet Santa suit, 63 00:04:24,000 --> 00:04:27,000 or a corduroy one that's a bit more scarlet? 64 00:04:27,000 --> 00:04:28,680 You're cutting it a bit fine! 65 00:04:28,680 --> 00:04:31,680 I thought this was a fitting, not me being measured up from scratch. 66 00:04:31,680 --> 00:04:34,080 Fred, why are you making such a fuss? 67 00:04:34,080 --> 00:04:36,440 Everybody knows you're not the real Father Christmas. 68 00:04:36,440 --> 00:04:39,240 - You're just helping him out! - Exactly! 69 00:04:39,240 --> 00:04:43,320 I don't want to see any disappointed faces when I come in with my sack. 70 00:04:43,320 --> 00:04:47,360 Helping out the big fella from the North Pole is a sacred undertaking. 71 00:04:47,360 --> 00:04:49,560 To me, if not to you. 72 00:04:51,680 --> 00:04:54,320 GIRLS GIGGLE 73 00:04:57,240 --> 00:04:59,240 O Attic shape! 74 00:04:59,240 --> 00:05:01,440 Fair attitude! 75 00:05:01,440 --> 00:05:05,440 With brede of marble men and maidens overwrought 76 00:05:05,440 --> 00:05:09,120 With forest branches and the trodden weed... 77 00:05:09,120 --> 00:05:12,240 Is that Keats, Sister Monica Joan? 78 00:05:12,240 --> 00:05:14,520 There is no end to your perspicacity 79 00:05:14,520 --> 00:05:17,720 since you commenced walking out with a clergyman. 80 00:05:17,720 --> 00:05:21,640 I did not think your mind could keep abreast of his, 81 00:05:21,640 --> 00:05:23,880 but I was wrong. 82 00:05:25,160 --> 00:05:26,800 SHE GASPS 83 00:05:28,880 --> 00:05:32,680 I was just thinking what a good thing it was, that the crib was in its box 84 00:05:32,680 --> 00:05:34,400 when the bomb went off, 85 00:05:34,400 --> 00:05:37,920 - but one of the figurines must have been broken. - Oh, no. 86 00:05:37,920 --> 00:05:40,000 Run it under the tap, quickly. 87 00:05:43,760 --> 00:05:45,600 Oh! It is the sheep. 88 00:05:45,600 --> 00:05:47,600 And it is shattered. 89 00:05:48,800 --> 00:05:52,920 When will Herr Hitler cease his sport with us? 90 00:05:52,920 --> 00:05:57,560 That's Mona Woollnet done and dusted. Little boy, name of Noel. 91 00:05:57,560 --> 00:05:58,880 That's rather jolly. 92 00:05:58,880 --> 00:06:03,000 We get Noels every year. Noels, Robins, Hollies, Carols. 93 00:06:03,000 --> 00:06:04,520 You can set your watch by them. 94 00:06:04,520 --> 00:06:07,200 Why isn't the autoclave on? Look at all these instruments! 95 00:06:07,200 --> 00:06:09,080 Nurse Miller, I want this rectified. 96 00:06:09,080 --> 00:06:12,440 Sister, I'm sorry, I'm expected in Sister Julienne's office in a moment. 97 00:06:12,440 --> 00:06:14,840 Course you are. Off you pop. 98 00:06:14,840 --> 00:06:17,160 - Thank you, Sister. - Autoclave! 99 00:06:17,160 --> 00:06:19,640 After which, you can adjust your list 100 00:06:19,640 --> 00:06:22,480 because I'm breaking into this bottle of Milk of Magnesia. 101 00:06:22,480 --> 00:06:26,040 - Of course. - Patients will press snacks on you this time of year. 102 00:06:26,040 --> 00:06:30,320 I gave in to a piece of sherry log, keeps repeating on me. 103 00:06:31,320 --> 00:06:33,080 Mmm... 104 00:06:35,600 --> 00:06:36,800 And lo! 105 00:06:36,800 --> 00:06:38,400 A star was seen in the east, 106 00:06:38,400 --> 00:06:41,480 and the donkey ears were found behind the bar. 107 00:06:41,480 --> 00:06:44,880 - Where's Freddie? - I put him down for a nap. His cough's been rotten. 108 00:06:44,880 --> 00:06:46,280 Poor little soldier! 109 00:06:46,280 --> 00:06:49,240 I can smell the ale on them from here. 110 00:06:49,240 --> 00:06:52,240 Tom Hereward confessed to a bit of larking about at the youth club. 111 00:06:52,240 --> 00:06:54,480 He left the keys to the bar unattended. 112 00:06:54,480 --> 00:06:56,080 He could be arrested for that. 113 00:06:56,080 --> 00:06:59,920 "Failure to ensure the safety of minors at a place of entertainment." 114 00:06:59,920 --> 00:07:01,680 You do work so awfully hard. 115 00:07:01,680 --> 00:07:04,360 I don't want to fail my sergeant's exams again. 116 00:07:04,360 --> 00:07:07,440 Peter, you say that as if you've failed them annually 117 00:07:07,440 --> 00:07:09,920 since time immemorial! It's only been twice. 118 00:07:09,920 --> 00:07:13,200 - Twice so far. - You could get arrested for that. 119 00:07:13,200 --> 00:07:17,200 Offence against the Optimism Act, 1959. 120 00:07:17,200 --> 00:07:21,160 Chapter 1, clause 1. "Failure to demonstrate a backbone under fire." 121 00:07:26,040 --> 00:07:30,080 Nurse Miller, I know how deeply you've been considering this matter, 122 00:07:30,080 --> 00:07:34,640 and I know how much you've been questioning your heart 123 00:07:34,640 --> 00:07:37,720 and how hard you've been praying. 124 00:07:37,720 --> 00:07:41,360 How could I not, when once I asked the same questions 125 00:07:41,360 --> 00:07:43,480 and prayed the same prayers? 126 00:07:45,120 --> 00:07:49,080 I thought I'd be certain by now. It's been months. 127 00:07:49,080 --> 00:07:51,320 Sometimes it takes years. 128 00:07:51,320 --> 00:07:54,000 That's why we speak of testing our vocation, 129 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:57,280 - beginning with six months as a postulant. - I know that. 130 00:07:57,280 --> 00:08:01,560 I just... I don't know why I'm feeling this call. This longing. 131 00:08:01,560 --> 00:08:04,440 Cynthia, you may take as long as you need to discern 132 00:08:04,440 --> 00:08:06,080 what God wills for you. 133 00:08:06,080 --> 00:08:09,160 But there will be several other postulants 134 00:08:09,160 --> 00:08:12,360 joining the order at the New Year, and there is a place for you 135 00:08:12,360 --> 00:08:15,880 - beside them, if you wish to take it up. - I see. 136 00:08:15,880 --> 00:08:19,720 If you're not ready, there will be other possibilities. 137 00:08:19,720 --> 00:08:23,720 In another 12 months, or possibly two years. 138 00:08:28,760 --> 00:08:30,520 Sister Julienne. 139 00:08:33,920 --> 00:08:36,640 Will you pray for me? 140 00:08:38,360 --> 00:08:40,200 Always. 141 00:08:50,120 --> 00:08:52,800 Go on, let me see how big yours are now. 142 00:08:57,840 --> 00:09:02,000 - Happy Christmas, Nurse. - Liqueur chocolates! How decadent. 143 00:09:03,320 --> 00:09:05,680 And a urine sample. 144 00:09:06,840 --> 00:09:08,680 You are kind(!) 145 00:09:12,920 --> 00:09:15,920 Shelagh, she's put on another pound. 146 00:09:15,920 --> 00:09:17,960 She's doing so well. 147 00:09:17,960 --> 00:09:20,920 I feel like the luckiest woman alive. 148 00:09:22,600 --> 00:09:25,400 Ah, all my prayers were answered. 149 00:09:25,400 --> 00:09:27,400 Just not in the way I expected. 150 00:09:28,400 --> 00:09:31,960 A little bird tells me that a certain young lady 151 00:09:31,960 --> 00:09:34,320 has come for her vaccinations! 152 00:09:34,320 --> 00:09:37,400 And she can come right to the front of the queue. 153 00:09:37,400 --> 00:09:40,280 Patrick, she'll catch her death of cold. 154 00:09:46,880 --> 00:09:51,120 He's years older than her. Gives me the creeps. 155 00:09:51,120 --> 00:09:53,800 Handkerchief, Denise. 156 00:09:53,800 --> 00:09:55,760 I've forgotten it. 157 00:09:57,960 --> 00:10:00,760 You think at 16 they're all grown up. 158 00:10:00,760 --> 00:10:02,920 They'll start thinking for themselves. 159 00:10:02,920 --> 00:10:04,480 Using their common sense. 160 00:10:04,480 --> 00:10:08,120 You stop asking if they've remembered their hanky. 161 00:10:09,320 --> 00:10:12,360 I haven't got mine either. You'll have to do without. 162 00:10:13,480 --> 00:10:15,000 Here you are. 163 00:10:16,000 --> 00:10:18,920 Wipe your eyes and have a good blow, old thing. 164 00:10:20,920 --> 00:10:24,440 Now, it's not often we're able to refer our mothers-to-be 165 00:10:24,440 --> 00:10:28,000 to Astor Lodge, but by all accounts it's absolutely splendid. 166 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:30,080 They only take 12 girls at a time, 167 00:10:30,080 --> 00:10:33,320 and the matron there runs it as a proper home from home. 168 00:10:33,320 --> 00:10:36,840 How long will she have it with her for? The child? 169 00:10:36,840 --> 00:10:41,440 The general rule is that the little ones are cared for by their mothers 170 00:10:41,440 --> 00:10:44,200 until the first stage of adoption goes through. 171 00:10:44,200 --> 00:10:47,320 That's usually accomplished within six weeks. 172 00:10:47,320 --> 00:10:49,320 I'm leaving mine at the hospital. 173 00:10:49,320 --> 00:10:51,560 I told the social worker - I don't want to see it, 174 00:10:51,560 --> 00:10:54,920 I don't want to touch it. I'm handing it over and that's that. 175 00:10:54,920 --> 00:10:56,680 And where's your mother? 176 00:10:58,920 --> 00:11:00,480 Yes, that's in your notes. 177 00:11:00,480 --> 00:11:03,720 Nurse Mount will accompany you on the bus, and then hand over 178 00:11:03,720 --> 00:11:06,200 all your paperwork to Sister Maltby when you arrive. 179 00:11:06,200 --> 00:11:08,800 I hope there's not a long walk at the other end. 180 00:11:08,800 --> 00:11:11,960 I've got a Dansette to carry as well as a suitcase. 181 00:11:11,960 --> 00:11:14,560 You'd think you were on your way to Butlins. 182 00:11:14,560 --> 00:11:16,360 Butlins? 183 00:11:17,800 --> 00:11:19,120 I don't think so. 184 00:11:19,120 --> 00:11:23,200 I'm more of a St Moritz girl, me, that's why I'm wearing my mink hat. 185 00:11:23,200 --> 00:11:24,720 That's never mink. 186 00:11:24,720 --> 00:11:26,400 Chocks away, I think! 187 00:11:26,400 --> 00:11:28,760 Let's not smoke in the street, Avril. 188 00:11:29,800 --> 00:11:31,720 I'd finished it, in any case. 189 00:11:31,720 --> 00:11:35,000 - Are we slipping out the side way? - I think it's for the best. 190 00:11:46,440 --> 00:11:49,520 She's never been away from home before. 191 00:11:49,520 --> 00:11:52,600 I'm still hoping nobody'll find out where she's gone. 192 00:11:54,800 --> 00:11:57,720 When Denise comes back, she can make a fresh start. 193 00:11:58,800 --> 00:12:02,440 And from experience, no-one will ask any difficult questions. 194 00:12:03,720 --> 00:12:08,280 At least she won't make the same mistake again...will she? 195 00:12:09,560 --> 00:12:11,240 I'm sure she won't. 196 00:12:15,920 --> 00:12:18,640 - < - Come get your Christmas tree! 197 00:12:20,720 --> 00:12:24,680 - < - Right, come get your Christmas tree! Freshly cut... 198 00:12:24,680 --> 00:12:26,840 What are you doing here, Sister? 199 00:12:26,840 --> 00:12:30,480 You deem me incognisant of your purpose, 200 00:12:30,480 --> 00:12:35,440 but I fear that were I to let you perform your task unsupervised, 201 00:12:35,440 --> 00:12:39,160 Nonnatus would receive a very sorry tree indeed. 202 00:12:39,160 --> 00:12:42,920 But Sister Monica Joan, Sister Julienne, she's put her foot down. 203 00:12:42,920 --> 00:12:45,720 "Nothing too ostentatious," she said. 204 00:12:45,720 --> 00:12:50,720 There is no ostentation in appropriate proportion, 205 00:12:50,720 --> 00:12:54,280 only in vulgar ornaments and excess trim. 206 00:12:54,280 --> 00:12:57,440 Look after the lady and gentleman, please, Victor. 207 00:12:57,440 --> 00:12:58,800 I require a tree. 208 00:12:58,800 --> 00:13:02,280 It should be neither too slender nor too squat, 209 00:13:02,280 --> 00:13:04,440 of equal symmetry 210 00:13:04,440 --> 00:13:06,960 and smell pleasingly of pine. 211 00:13:06,960 --> 00:13:09,760 These all smell of pine. They are pine. 212 00:13:09,760 --> 00:13:11,720 Apart from the spruces. 213 00:13:11,720 --> 00:13:15,120 Then you may exhibit them to myself and my assistant. 214 00:13:15,120 --> 00:13:18,160 Now, she can have any tree she wants. 215 00:13:18,160 --> 00:13:21,280 You helped deliver my daughter Ingrid, Sister. 216 00:13:21,280 --> 00:13:24,520 Boiling-hot weather, two doodle-bug raids. 217 00:13:24,520 --> 00:13:26,360 'Ere, my missus still laughs about 218 00:13:26,360 --> 00:13:28,800 how you had to fan her with her ration book. 219 00:13:28,800 --> 00:13:32,240 Check the ticket when she's picks one, then halve the price. 220 00:13:34,000 --> 00:13:37,320 Are these obtained from Germany or from Norway? 221 00:13:37,320 --> 00:13:41,520 I don't know, madam. I'm only casual labour. 222 00:13:41,520 --> 00:13:46,280 I would very much prefer a tree that sprang from Allied soil. 223 00:13:51,560 --> 00:13:54,680 I'm sorry about my mum. I think your hat's lovely. 224 00:13:54,680 --> 00:13:56,600 I'm particular about what I wear. 225 00:13:56,600 --> 00:14:00,160 I worked in a dress shop up Roman Road before I started showing. 226 00:14:00,160 --> 00:14:03,120 - It was my grandma's. - Come along. I'll stow the bags. 227 00:14:03,120 --> 00:14:05,360 You get on board and choose some seats. 228 00:14:05,360 --> 00:14:09,520 Oh, and your ma's right, it ain't mink. It's musquash. 229 00:14:12,440 --> 00:14:14,600 What's musquash? 230 00:14:17,120 --> 00:14:21,120 It's like a sort of weasel... only smarter. 231 00:14:23,560 --> 00:14:25,320 I'm scared now. 232 00:14:25,320 --> 00:14:29,040 I'm not. I've heard good things about these mother-and-baby homes. 233 00:14:29,040 --> 00:14:31,560 And God knows, I need a bleeding rest. 234 00:14:51,440 --> 00:14:52,840 SHE GASPS 235 00:14:52,840 --> 00:14:54,680 The parlour corner? 236 00:14:56,080 --> 00:14:59,040 It certainly is a tremendous-looking specimen... 237 00:14:59,040 --> 00:15:00,720 THEY GASP 238 00:15:00,720 --> 00:15:03,200 ..but are you sure it isn't a little big? 239 00:15:03,200 --> 00:15:05,680 I secured an advantageous price 240 00:15:05,680 --> 00:15:09,720 and increased the scale of our purchase accordingly. 241 00:15:09,720 --> 00:15:11,640 You can put it down there, mate. 242 00:15:13,200 --> 00:15:16,480 SHRIEKS OF LAUGHTER 243 00:15:16,480 --> 00:15:18,280 Isn't it wonderful? 244 00:15:20,480 --> 00:15:23,960 - Thank you very much. Thank you. - Thank you. 245 00:15:26,080 --> 00:15:27,360 (Here...) 246 00:15:27,360 --> 00:15:30,600 Bag up some of these mince pies for him. 247 00:15:30,600 --> 00:15:33,480 They'll still be sticking to his ribs come Christmas Eve. 248 00:15:33,480 --> 00:15:35,760 I don't know what Mrs B is putting in that pastry. 249 00:15:35,760 --> 00:15:37,680 Excuse me! 250 00:15:37,680 --> 00:15:39,200 Sir! 251 00:15:42,080 --> 00:15:45,200 We thought you might enjoy a few mince pies. 252 00:15:51,720 --> 00:15:55,040 They're still warm. I can feel 'em through the bag. 253 00:15:55,040 --> 00:15:57,040 Yes. 254 00:15:57,040 --> 00:15:58,280 Happy Christmas. 255 00:16:07,160 --> 00:16:10,720 Are you absolutely sure you can't just take it back to the market 256 00:16:10,720 --> 00:16:12,120 and swap it? 257 00:16:13,360 --> 00:16:14,960 Well, I can't now. 258 00:16:14,960 --> 00:16:16,840 THEY LAUGH 259 00:16:34,920 --> 00:16:38,000 You're late. You said five o'clock! 260 00:16:38,000 --> 00:16:40,400 I got a full day down the market. 261 00:16:40,400 --> 00:16:42,000 And a treat! 262 00:16:45,280 --> 00:16:47,120 I done all right. 263 00:16:47,120 --> 00:16:49,680 We'll keep some back for the meter 264 00:16:49,680 --> 00:16:51,920 and the rest is going in here. 265 00:16:51,920 --> 00:16:54,080 We'll fill it up in no time. 266 00:16:54,080 --> 00:16:56,600 We haven't got no time, though, have we? 267 00:16:56,600 --> 00:17:00,040 We've got about...four months? 268 00:17:00,040 --> 00:17:02,120 Or five months? 269 00:17:04,160 --> 00:17:05,960 Light the fire, eh? 270 00:17:05,960 --> 00:17:08,480 Like you always do when you come home. 271 00:17:34,280 --> 00:17:36,440 It certainly seems rather desolate. 272 00:17:36,440 --> 00:17:38,320 I've never actually been before. 273 00:17:38,320 --> 00:17:40,400 Makes sense, though, don't it? 274 00:17:40,400 --> 00:17:43,080 We're being hidden away from society's gaze. 275 00:17:43,080 --> 00:17:45,480 I've been hidden away from society's gaze, anyway. 276 00:17:45,480 --> 00:17:48,760 My mum hasn't let me out without a coat on for four months! 277 00:17:50,920 --> 00:17:54,400 And not a bleedin' fairy light in sight, neither. 278 00:18:00,600 --> 00:18:03,000 BABY CRIES 279 00:18:06,480 --> 00:18:08,400 Good afternoon? 280 00:18:11,640 --> 00:18:14,360 CRYING INTENSIFIES 281 00:18:15,600 --> 00:18:17,600 That's enough, thank you. 282 00:18:17,600 --> 00:18:21,360 We don't touch other people's babies at Astor Lodge. 283 00:18:21,360 --> 00:18:23,240 Hygiene regulations. 284 00:18:23,240 --> 00:18:28,280 I'm an absolute tartar when it comes to cleanliness. Follow me. 285 00:18:28,280 --> 00:18:30,640 CRYING CONTINUES 286 00:18:39,000 --> 00:18:42,120 Your cockatiel's pulling its feathers out. 287 00:18:42,120 --> 00:18:44,960 That's a sign of illness in a bird. 288 00:18:46,440 --> 00:18:49,440 I've brought both the girls' notes, Sister Maltby. 289 00:18:49,440 --> 00:18:52,000 Avril Fox and Denise Henshaw. 290 00:18:52,000 --> 00:18:55,120 Once you're happy all the paperwork's in order, 291 00:18:55,120 --> 00:18:58,640 - I'll leave them in your charge. - Which of you is which? 292 00:18:58,640 --> 00:19:01,000 I'm Avril Fox. Miss. 293 00:19:01,000 --> 00:19:04,240 I think you'll find everyone's a "miss" here. 294 00:19:04,240 --> 00:19:08,000 And this is Denise. She has mild anaemia. 295 00:19:08,000 --> 00:19:10,560 She's been prescribed iron tablets, but I think that... 296 00:19:10,560 --> 00:19:12,480 I'll make sure she takes them. 297 00:19:12,480 --> 00:19:15,480 The midwives and doctor at the cottage hospital will assess 298 00:19:15,480 --> 00:19:17,680 her need for any further prescriptions. 299 00:19:17,680 --> 00:19:19,440 BELL TINKLES 300 00:19:19,440 --> 00:19:21,840 The labour bell! I have to get on, Nurse. 301 00:19:21,840 --> 00:19:24,440 - Thank you. - Of course. - I like to give the girls 302 00:19:24,440 --> 00:19:28,320 - my full attention once things get underway. - All right. 303 00:19:33,720 --> 00:19:36,560 Good luck. Do let us know how it goes. 304 00:19:36,560 --> 00:19:38,760 You won't hear nothing from me, Nurse. 305 00:19:38,760 --> 00:19:41,640 - I'm putting all this behind me. - That's the spirit. 306 00:19:43,000 --> 00:19:45,520 SHE GROANS 307 00:19:47,080 --> 00:19:49,680 - Which one of you is it? - It's Lena, Sister Maltby. 308 00:19:49,680 --> 00:19:52,360 Get upstairs and fetch her bag. I take it you did pack? 309 00:19:52,360 --> 00:19:54,920 How many times do I have to tell you?! 310 00:19:54,920 --> 00:19:59,000 Bags in the hall from two weeks before your due date. Hand! 311 00:20:00,800 --> 00:20:02,800 Small. 312 00:20:05,840 --> 00:20:07,800 That one looks about right. 313 00:20:09,080 --> 00:20:11,280 Spare your blushes. 314 00:20:23,120 --> 00:20:24,960 Follow me, you two. 315 00:20:27,560 --> 00:20:30,520 BABY CRIES 316 00:20:31,960 --> 00:20:35,800 Yvonne, he won't calm down if you don't put him down. 317 00:20:35,800 --> 00:20:37,440 You're there. 318 00:20:38,520 --> 00:20:40,880 - And you're there. - He knows what's coming up. 319 00:20:40,880 --> 00:20:42,880 He can taste it in my milk. 320 00:20:42,880 --> 00:20:45,080 The only thing he can taste in your milk 321 00:20:45,080 --> 00:20:48,200 is all the vitamins the National Health are paying to put down you. 322 00:20:48,200 --> 00:20:50,960 - Isn't that right, little boy? - His name's Nicholas. 323 00:20:50,960 --> 00:20:53,120 Stop indulging yourself and him. 324 00:20:53,120 --> 00:20:56,120 You're making it harder for both of you. 325 00:21:03,640 --> 00:21:07,560 Well, welcome to The Grand Hotel(!) 326 00:21:07,560 --> 00:21:10,640 Singing carols in the hospital is always my favourite. 327 00:21:10,640 --> 00:21:14,040 Look, is it childish to be excited by the thought of snow 328 00:21:14,040 --> 00:21:16,200 - for Christmas? - Yes. 329 00:21:18,360 --> 00:21:21,200 I rather think we ought to save three pennies-worth 330 00:21:21,200 --> 00:21:24,280 for Sister Winifred. We could leave them on her bed for her to find 331 00:21:24,280 --> 00:21:27,200 - after compline. - I don't think she'd actually thank us for them. 332 00:21:27,200 --> 00:21:29,040 When she went back with the nuns, 333 00:21:29,040 --> 00:21:31,880 she looked as happy to be with them as we are to be together. 334 00:21:31,880 --> 00:21:34,840 Yes, but it's hardly a normal life for a young woman! 335 00:21:34,840 --> 00:21:36,280 Or an old one, for that matter. 336 00:21:36,280 --> 00:21:38,760 One bath a week, chapel four times a day 337 00:21:38,760 --> 00:21:42,360 and black-wool stockings held up with elastic garters. 338 00:21:42,360 --> 00:21:44,960 You're talking about the things we can see, 339 00:21:44,960 --> 00:21:48,720 not what goes on behind closed doors or in her spiritual life. 340 00:21:48,720 --> 00:21:52,240 - It's what she feels called to do. - I can't argue with that. 341 00:21:52,240 --> 00:21:55,520 Yes, Tom, but you lead an ordinary life. 342 00:21:55,520 --> 00:21:58,680 You wear ordinary clothes, apart from your dog collar. 343 00:21:58,680 --> 00:22:01,880 You live in an ordinary house and you're free to do ordinary things, 344 00:22:01,880 --> 00:22:04,120 like marry, if you want to. 345 00:22:04,120 --> 00:22:06,640 I can't argue with that, either. 346 00:22:06,640 --> 00:22:10,680 But what if Sister Winifred didn't want just ordinary things? 347 00:22:10,680 --> 00:22:14,520 What if she felt called to try to live a different way? 348 00:22:14,520 --> 00:22:17,800 Cynthia, you're getting frightfully exercised by this. 349 00:22:17,800 --> 00:22:20,560 Well...perhaps that's for a reason. 350 00:22:22,720 --> 00:22:27,280 - Oh, good grief. - I'm not sure. I haven't made my final decision. 351 00:22:27,280 --> 00:22:32,000 But the one thing I do know is that grief doesn't come into it. 352 00:22:34,000 --> 00:22:38,440 I feel as though I'm on the edge of a truly great happiness. 353 00:22:41,000 --> 00:22:43,080 Did you know about this? 354 00:22:48,520 --> 00:22:51,920 Do come and talk to us about it, Cynthia. 355 00:22:56,400 --> 00:22:59,280 I promise Trixie isn't in quite such a tizz now. 356 00:22:59,280 --> 00:23:02,560 No. I don't want to discuss it. 357 00:23:08,080 --> 00:23:09,360 SHE SIGHS 358 00:23:15,800 --> 00:23:19,800 I can't believe it's what Cynthia really wants! I can't! 359 00:23:23,080 --> 00:23:26,680 If she'd even had...one boyfriend. 360 00:23:26,680 --> 00:23:30,520 If one man had so much as asked her out to the cinema 361 00:23:30,520 --> 00:23:35,560 or held her hand or taken her in his arms and kissed her, 362 00:23:35,560 --> 00:23:38,680 she wouldn't be in such a rush to throw her life away! 363 00:23:38,680 --> 00:23:42,840 Trixie, I'm as shocked as you, but having a boyfriend 364 00:23:42,840 --> 00:23:44,480 is NOT the be all and end all. 365 00:23:46,920 --> 00:23:51,200 Besides, Cynthia doesn't seem to be rushing into anything. 366 00:23:52,160 --> 00:23:54,600 Do you suppose there's no hope at all? 367 00:23:54,600 --> 00:23:58,640 The trouble is... it's our hope versus her faith... 368 00:24:00,640 --> 00:24:03,360 ..and I'm not sure that that's a fair fight. 369 00:24:06,560 --> 00:24:08,480 Colin's got a silver tree. 370 00:24:08,480 --> 00:24:10,800 His auntie sent it from America. 371 00:24:10,800 --> 00:24:12,280 She was a GI bride. 372 00:24:12,280 --> 00:24:15,720 Well, Colin and his family clearly have very modern tastes. 373 00:24:15,720 --> 00:24:18,600 - Your father and I are more traditional. - I know. 374 00:24:18,600 --> 00:24:22,640 Timothy, a silver tree would just look plain silly in our sitting room. 375 00:24:22,640 --> 00:24:24,920 But, Mum, it would save money. 376 00:24:24,920 --> 00:24:28,200 We'd be able to get the same tree out every year, 377 00:24:28,200 --> 00:24:30,520 and Angela would always be able to say, 378 00:24:30,520 --> 00:24:33,240 "This is the tree we got the first Christmas I was born." 379 00:24:33,240 --> 00:24:36,640 We're going to have a lovely spruce, and that's the end of the matter. 380 00:24:36,640 --> 00:24:38,440 If you like, you can choose some 381 00:24:38,440 --> 00:24:41,520 slightly-modern ornaments from Woolworth's later - 382 00:24:41,520 --> 00:24:45,160 just to prove we aren't lagging too far behind the times. 383 00:24:45,160 --> 00:24:47,360 Oh! Watch the baby! 384 00:24:47,360 --> 00:24:50,800 - Victor! - I'm a trained nurse. Help me to get him onto his side. 385 00:24:51,840 --> 00:24:55,240 - There's a risk that he might choke. - Some of the coal's burnt his leg. 386 00:24:56,360 --> 00:25:00,840 Let me deal with the fit. Would somebody ring for an ambulance?! 387 00:25:00,840 --> 00:25:03,440 - Harry, run to the phone box now! - It's all right. 388 00:25:03,440 --> 00:25:04,480 It's all right. 389 00:25:05,560 --> 00:25:07,560 I wish his dad could see him. 390 00:25:07,560 --> 00:25:09,080 He's got a dad? 391 00:25:09,080 --> 00:25:11,680 We wanted to get married, but we aren't 21 yet 392 00:25:11,680 --> 00:25:14,080 and our parents wouldn't sign the papers. 393 00:25:14,080 --> 00:25:15,680 What about you? 394 00:25:15,680 --> 00:25:17,400 Oh, I packed mine in. 395 00:25:17,400 --> 00:25:21,000 He used to come into my grandad's pet shop to get seed for his budgies 396 00:25:21,000 --> 00:25:23,840 but I reckon caged birds were about his limit. 397 00:25:24,920 --> 00:25:27,800 You'll start forming icicles if you don't get a move on! 398 00:25:27,800 --> 00:25:29,720 I'm really hot. And I've got a headache. 399 00:25:29,720 --> 00:25:31,600 WHISTLE PEEPS 400 00:25:31,600 --> 00:25:34,360 Yvonne Corless! Matron's office, please! 401 00:25:34,360 --> 00:25:37,840 You'd think we were rowing boats down Vicky Park lake. 402 00:25:37,840 --> 00:25:41,080 - "Come on, number three, your time's up." - Pronto! 403 00:25:43,640 --> 00:25:47,240 - Oh, dear. A dummy? - He cries without it. 404 00:25:47,240 --> 00:25:49,960 Miss French just called to carry out final checks. 405 00:25:49,960 --> 00:25:52,800 If you go upstairs and set his clothes on the bed, 406 00:25:52,800 --> 00:25:56,080 I'll be able to tell the parents what clothes and bedding 407 00:25:56,080 --> 00:25:57,880 to buy in ahead of his arrival. 408 00:25:57,880 --> 00:26:00,520 He's due his feed in a minute. Can I do that first? 409 00:26:00,520 --> 00:26:02,400 Set his clothes out, Yvonne, dear. 410 00:26:02,400 --> 00:26:04,160 Pronto! 411 00:26:10,680 --> 00:26:13,560 Denise ain't feeling well. She needs to see a doctor. 412 00:26:13,560 --> 00:26:17,080 I'm sure it's nothing a lie-down won't sort out. 413 00:26:17,080 --> 00:26:18,680 Up you go. 414 00:26:18,680 --> 00:26:20,680 And don't come down till teatime. 415 00:26:20,680 --> 00:26:23,320 I would never give him a dummy. 416 00:26:23,320 --> 00:26:26,160 I'd never put one in a mouth. 417 00:26:26,160 --> 00:26:28,960 Thank you. I'll ensure the doctor's made aware 418 00:26:28,960 --> 00:26:32,920 and the duty district nurse. That was the London. 419 00:26:32,920 --> 00:26:36,120 A Mr Victor McKenty has been discharged after a grand mal episode. 420 00:26:36,120 --> 00:26:38,680 He suffered burns and will need dressing changes. 421 00:26:38,680 --> 00:26:41,960 The gentleman with the seizure - he's one of our patients? 422 00:26:44,520 --> 00:26:47,280 There's heat coming off you like you're a radiator! 423 00:26:47,280 --> 00:26:51,440 - And you're covered in a rash! - Do you reckon it's my anaemia? 424 00:26:51,440 --> 00:26:53,520 Well, you're pale enough. 425 00:26:53,520 --> 00:26:56,320 But this is all over your neck... and behind your ears. 426 00:26:56,320 --> 00:26:59,280 It's like blisters! CAR ENGINE STARTS 427 00:26:59,280 --> 00:27:00,480 No. 428 00:27:00,480 --> 00:27:01,800 No! 429 00:27:06,120 --> 00:27:08,240 Nicholas! No... 430 00:27:08,240 --> 00:27:10,560 No, you can't take him! 431 00:27:10,560 --> 00:27:13,680 No! You can't take him! 432 00:27:13,680 --> 00:27:17,200 - She can't take him! She can't! - She can! You've signed the papers! 433 00:27:17,200 --> 00:27:19,560 You didn't say it would be today! 434 00:27:19,560 --> 00:27:22,600 You didn't say I wouldn't be able to say goodbye 435 00:27:22,600 --> 00:27:25,560 or feed him one last time... 436 00:27:27,200 --> 00:27:29,400 It was time for his feed. 437 00:27:29,400 --> 00:27:31,840 He'll wonder where I am. 438 00:27:34,600 --> 00:27:38,080 I've had words about indulgence with you in the past! 439 00:28:05,960 --> 00:28:08,080 I remember Victor McKenty. 440 00:28:08,080 --> 00:28:11,400 He was discharged from the Countess of Irby Mental Home, 441 00:28:11,400 --> 00:28:14,280 after the powers that be closed it down. 442 00:28:14,280 --> 00:28:18,200 1933. Aged 16 years. 443 00:28:18,200 --> 00:28:20,800 You only saw him once, in September. 444 00:28:20,800 --> 00:28:24,280 You re-prescribed phenobarbitone. He had a routine appointment 445 00:28:24,280 --> 00:28:26,920 booked for the end of November but he missed it. 446 00:28:26,920 --> 00:28:29,320 The secretary should have noticed that. 447 00:28:29,320 --> 00:28:31,440 Does he need the dose changing? 448 00:28:31,440 --> 00:28:33,160 I suspect what he really needs 449 00:28:33,160 --> 00:28:36,280 - is help in organising the routine. - Poor soul. 450 00:28:43,600 --> 00:28:46,120 Why would you do that? 451 00:28:46,120 --> 00:28:49,000 Why would you take a baby like that? 452 00:28:49,000 --> 00:28:51,640 Because it prevents distressing scenes! 453 00:28:51,640 --> 00:28:54,320 I suggest you take Yvonne a cup of tea. 454 00:28:54,320 --> 00:28:57,800 I'm going to sit here quietly and have some hot milk. 455 00:28:57,800 --> 00:29:00,560 Have one for me, while you're at it. 456 00:29:00,560 --> 00:29:03,320 And you needn't think I can't smell that gin. 457 00:29:03,320 --> 00:29:05,920 Put that receiver down this instant! 458 00:29:05,920 --> 00:29:09,840 Regulations state that residents are not permitted to make calls. 459 00:29:09,840 --> 00:29:11,920 Is that the operator? 460 00:29:11,920 --> 00:29:16,960 I want to be put through to Nonnatus House, Wick Street, Poplar. 461 00:29:17,800 --> 00:29:19,400 Pronto. 462 00:29:22,800 --> 00:29:25,480 I reckon you're going to find the regulations state 463 00:29:25,480 --> 00:29:28,640 all sorts of things - like not drinking on the job, 464 00:29:28,640 --> 00:29:30,920 like keeping the place clean, 465 00:29:30,920 --> 00:29:32,600 like making sure people get 466 00:29:32,600 --> 00:29:35,120 the doctor sent for when they're ill. 467 00:29:35,120 --> 00:29:36,680 PHONE RINGS 468 00:29:36,680 --> 00:29:38,680 Nonnatus House. Midwife speaking. 469 00:29:38,680 --> 00:29:41,560 Is that the posh one with the ginger hair or the one with the glasses? 470 00:29:41,560 --> 00:29:44,640 - The one with the glasses. - Well... 471 00:29:45,800 --> 00:29:47,720 ..I've got news for you. 472 00:29:47,720 --> 00:29:51,680 Avril was adamant that Denise Henshaw had a rash and a fever. 473 00:29:51,680 --> 00:29:55,240 They're the only two on our books, but she said some of the girls 474 00:29:55,240 --> 00:29:57,680 haven't seen a midwife or doctor for weeks. 475 00:29:57,680 --> 00:30:00,160 Do you think she might have German measles? 476 00:30:00,160 --> 00:30:01,440 Hello, old bean. 477 00:30:01,440 --> 00:30:03,440 He's coming along for the ride. 478 00:30:03,440 --> 00:30:05,480 To the mother-and-baby home? 479 00:30:05,480 --> 00:30:08,520 It's all right. I quite fancy a bit of moral contagion. 480 00:30:08,520 --> 00:30:10,280 That's enough, Tim. 481 00:30:30,800 --> 00:30:34,320 I don't think I need to change this today, Mr McKenty. 482 00:30:35,600 --> 00:30:38,360 I'll come back tomorrow and see to it then. 483 00:30:38,360 --> 00:30:41,160 In the meantime, you mustn't get the burn wet. 484 00:30:41,160 --> 00:30:44,760 We go to the public baths on Fridays. 485 00:30:44,760 --> 00:30:46,600 Can he get it wet then? 486 00:30:49,040 --> 00:30:50,640 Best not. 487 00:30:50,640 --> 00:30:54,600 We'll come each day, though, so we'll be able to tell you when it's safe. 488 00:30:55,920 --> 00:30:58,440 Dr Turner will be calling in later, 489 00:30:58,440 --> 00:31:02,280 but he's sent a new prescription for your epilepsy medicine. 490 00:31:02,280 --> 00:31:05,920 Will you be able to pop out to the chemist, Mrs McKenty? 491 00:31:05,920 --> 00:31:08,640 We're not married. 492 00:31:08,640 --> 00:31:11,080 And the prescription's too much money. 493 00:31:11,080 --> 00:31:13,280 I shouldn't have presumed. 494 00:31:13,280 --> 00:31:16,480 And I do know a shilling isn't always easy to find. 495 00:31:16,480 --> 00:31:20,160 Nancy, love, why don't you make the nurse a cup a tea? 496 00:31:26,760 --> 00:31:30,360 We've got a mince pie, if you want it? 497 00:31:31,640 --> 00:31:33,840 That would be lovely. 498 00:31:38,680 --> 00:31:40,720 She's shy. 499 00:31:42,160 --> 00:31:43,960 I'm shy, too. 500 00:31:45,760 --> 00:31:48,280 Mr McKenty, you stay right there. 501 00:31:49,400 --> 00:31:51,160 Here, let me help. 502 00:32:02,920 --> 00:32:05,360 Is someone expecting a baby? 503 00:32:06,720 --> 00:32:09,080 Don't tell her, Victor. 504 00:32:09,080 --> 00:32:10,920 Nancy... 505 00:32:10,920 --> 00:32:13,080 We've got to tell someone. 506 00:32:16,840 --> 00:32:19,680 Did you question her? Do you know how far along she is? 507 00:32:19,680 --> 00:32:23,720 I didn't dare pry! I'd already pushed things as far as I could. 508 00:32:23,720 --> 00:32:25,120 She seems very frail. 509 00:32:25,120 --> 00:32:28,320 Well, she's spent half her life locked up in the Countess of Irby, 510 00:32:28,320 --> 00:32:29,840 like him, I shouldn't wonder. 511 00:32:29,840 --> 00:32:32,840 It's criminal how they've just turned them out onto the streets. 512 00:32:32,840 --> 00:32:35,240 They're subnormal, they've been waited on hand, 513 00:32:35,240 --> 00:32:37,680 foot and finger all their lives, then all of a sudden 514 00:32:37,680 --> 00:32:40,240 they've got to manage money, cook for themselves, 515 00:32:40,240 --> 00:32:41,840 clean for themselves. 516 00:32:41,840 --> 00:32:43,720 You're on the midwifery roster. 517 00:32:43,720 --> 00:32:47,400 You go with Nurse Miller next time she makes a district call. 518 00:32:47,400 --> 00:32:50,480 See if we can talk some sense into the pair of them. 519 00:33:02,680 --> 00:33:05,200 Run the engine and turn the heater on. 520 00:33:05,200 --> 00:33:08,480 I don't want you with pneumonia for Christmas. 521 00:33:10,320 --> 00:33:12,920 Can't be any worse than polio. 522 00:33:16,480 --> 00:33:19,040 BABIES CRY 523 00:33:22,920 --> 00:33:25,000 Your colleague's upstairs already. 524 00:33:26,120 --> 00:33:28,120 What a terrible smell. 525 00:33:28,120 --> 00:33:30,480 SWITCH CLICKS ON AND OFF 526 00:33:30,480 --> 00:33:32,960 How long has the power been off? 527 00:33:32,960 --> 00:33:35,720 Some bits of the house have got it, some haven't. 528 00:33:35,720 --> 00:33:39,160 She managed to warm the milk to put in her gin, though. 529 00:33:39,160 --> 00:33:41,560 The matron? Where is she? 530 00:33:41,560 --> 00:33:45,320 Legged it soon as she knew I'd blown the whistle on her. 531 00:33:45,320 --> 00:33:47,240 Follow me. 532 00:33:54,080 --> 00:33:55,560 Chickenpox. 533 00:33:55,560 --> 00:33:58,480 She'll need to be moved to a separate room and kept in isolation. 534 00:33:58,480 --> 00:34:00,640 I want to go home! 535 00:34:00,640 --> 00:34:04,240 Chickenpox can be frightfully tricky in pregnancy 536 00:34:04,240 --> 00:34:06,920 for...for mother and baby. 537 00:34:06,920 --> 00:34:10,000 SOBBING 538 00:34:10,000 --> 00:34:13,360 They took her baby and she can't stop crying. 539 00:34:18,520 --> 00:34:20,120 There, there. 540 00:34:23,600 --> 00:34:25,920 He needed feeding. 541 00:34:29,160 --> 00:34:31,040 Doctor? 542 00:34:31,040 --> 00:34:34,520 Would you mind awfully taking a look at this young lady's eye? 543 00:34:34,520 --> 00:34:37,280 I can see what the problem is from here. 544 00:34:39,680 --> 00:34:42,480 Burst a blood vessel in her eye through crying? 545 00:34:42,480 --> 00:34:45,640 I wouldn't have thought it was anatomically possible. 546 00:34:45,640 --> 00:34:49,280 Mother-and-baby homes used to be run by small charities. 547 00:34:49,280 --> 00:34:51,600 Then the councils took them over, 548 00:34:51,600 --> 00:34:55,240 now nobody knows who's supposed to be in charge, 549 00:34:55,240 --> 00:34:58,520 and you end up with a mess like this. 550 00:34:58,520 --> 00:35:03,840 Dad, did Angela come from... a mess like this? 551 00:35:03,840 --> 00:35:05,960 I hope not. 552 00:35:05,960 --> 00:35:08,960 But she did come from a girl like these. 553 00:35:14,200 --> 00:35:16,240 Ah, there you are! 554 00:35:16,240 --> 00:35:20,560 Sister Monica Joan has arranged the figurines 555 00:35:20,560 --> 00:35:24,120 in what she calls "conversational groupings". 556 00:35:24,120 --> 00:35:27,240 What in the name of goodness is the Angel Gabriel 557 00:35:27,240 --> 00:35:29,760 going to say to the ass? 558 00:35:30,760 --> 00:35:33,200 Dr Turner telephoned from Astor Lodge. 559 00:35:33,200 --> 00:35:36,000 He says until the matron is officially replaced, 560 00:35:36,000 --> 00:35:40,120 we must have a qualified midwife in place round the clock. 561 00:35:40,120 --> 00:35:43,240 - Oh, he does, does he? - I'm sending Nurse Mount. 562 00:35:43,240 --> 00:35:46,720 And Nurse Noakes has agreed to commute there by bus each day, 563 00:35:46,720 --> 00:35:50,920 - until we get proper care organised for the mothers and the babies. - Ohh. 564 00:35:50,920 --> 00:35:54,720 There's nothing wrong with my knees! It's my lumbago. 565 00:35:54,720 --> 00:35:57,120 And if it's not that, it's my indigestion. 566 00:35:57,120 --> 00:36:00,560 - Sister, do you need a doctor? - No, I do not. 567 00:36:00,560 --> 00:36:03,440 At least I'm in better shape than this poor wretch. 568 00:36:03,440 --> 00:36:06,480 Got more scars than Frankenstein's monster. 569 00:36:20,240 --> 00:36:22,280 I got this down the tip. 570 00:36:22,280 --> 00:36:26,120 I told her, Nurse, I don't think it's clean enough. 571 00:36:26,120 --> 00:36:29,320 It certainly needs a run-in with some Stardrops. 572 00:36:29,320 --> 00:36:32,800 But I've seen older prams than this giving sterling service. 573 00:36:32,800 --> 00:36:36,200 The thing is, Nancy, if you would agree to visit the doctor 574 00:36:36,200 --> 00:36:40,120 and have your pregnancy confirmed, we can look after you properly. 575 00:36:41,520 --> 00:36:44,680 I don't like doctors. Do I, Victor? 576 00:36:44,680 --> 00:36:47,000 No, love. 577 00:36:47,000 --> 00:36:48,800 They're not... 578 00:36:51,640 --> 00:36:53,720 ..kind. 579 00:36:53,720 --> 00:36:55,960 Our doctor's very kind. 580 00:36:55,960 --> 00:36:59,200 Besides, once you've filled in all your forms, 581 00:36:59,200 --> 00:37:02,240 you'll qualify for the government maternity grant. 582 00:37:02,240 --> 00:37:06,000 Baby's going to need a cot and clothes as well as a pram. 583 00:37:08,240 --> 00:37:10,520 I'll come with you, Nance. 584 00:37:10,520 --> 00:37:14,280 And so will I. We don't just want what's best for you. 585 00:37:14,280 --> 00:37:16,480 We want what's best for baby. 586 00:37:18,440 --> 00:37:22,720 Using your skill, judgment and encyclopaedic knowledge 587 00:37:22,720 --> 00:37:25,160 of the Homicide Act 1957, 588 00:37:25,160 --> 00:37:29,760 discuss the implications of the term "diminished responsibility". 589 00:37:29,760 --> 00:37:33,960 This defence is distinguishable from the defence of insanity, 590 00:37:33,960 --> 00:37:38,040 for while the former requires a substantial impairment 591 00:37:38,040 --> 00:37:42,120 of mental responsibility arising from an abnormality of the mind, 592 00:37:42,120 --> 00:37:45,280 the latter requires a defect of reason 593 00:37:45,280 --> 00:37:48,920 - arising from a disease of the mind. - Top notch. 594 00:37:48,920 --> 00:37:52,040 I don't think it's helping to try and do two things at once. 595 00:37:52,040 --> 00:37:53,800 We'd be doing three things at once 596 00:37:53,800 --> 00:37:56,840 if I was actually doing the thing that I most need to be getting done, 597 00:37:56,840 --> 00:37:59,320 and that's decorating the Christmas tree. 598 00:38:01,200 --> 00:38:03,240 BABY CRIES 599 00:38:03,240 --> 00:38:05,760 Do you reckon we're in for another sleepless night? 600 00:38:05,760 --> 00:38:09,120 I don't know. I had hoped the antibiotics would clear it. 601 00:38:09,120 --> 00:38:13,080 I'm starting to think it's this filthy city air. 602 00:38:15,600 --> 00:38:19,720 If I got my stripes, I could move us out to Redbridge or Walthamstow. 603 00:38:19,720 --> 00:38:24,280 The air would be cleaner there. He'd have a garden to play in. 604 00:38:24,280 --> 00:38:25,840 Let's see, shall we? 605 00:38:42,240 --> 00:38:44,880 Sorry, Sister. I couldn't sleep. 606 00:38:44,880 --> 00:38:46,880 Nor could I. 607 00:38:46,880 --> 00:38:49,840 I was on my way to the clinical room for some aspirin. 608 00:38:51,120 --> 00:38:52,960 For your hand? 609 00:38:52,960 --> 00:38:56,560 Pain can be a sign that a wound is healing. It passes. 610 00:38:59,480 --> 00:39:02,120 I keep thinking this will pass. 611 00:39:02,120 --> 00:39:03,640 The questioning? 612 00:39:05,280 --> 00:39:10,160 The wanting. I've never longed for anything so much in my life. 613 00:39:12,040 --> 00:39:15,240 It seems to me that if that is what you're feeling, 614 00:39:15,240 --> 00:39:17,160 the questioning is over. 615 00:39:17,160 --> 00:39:20,360 I don't know why he wants ME, Sister! 616 00:39:20,360 --> 00:39:22,440 I have nothing to give! 617 00:39:22,440 --> 00:39:28,280 Nothing to sacrifice or offer up in exchange for all his love. 618 00:39:29,800 --> 00:39:33,840 Once upon a time, I thought I knew what God had in mind for me, 619 00:39:33,840 --> 00:39:35,920 but I didn't. 620 00:39:35,920 --> 00:39:39,800 I thought I knew what love was but I didn't. 621 00:39:41,720 --> 00:39:43,760 Certainty is fleeting. 622 00:39:45,440 --> 00:39:47,840 That is why we must have faith. 623 00:39:56,160 --> 00:39:59,320 - Thank you. - All right, my love, thank you. 624 00:40:00,520 --> 00:40:02,400 Any more fares. 625 00:40:03,760 --> 00:40:05,520 Tickets. 626 00:40:09,800 --> 00:40:11,680 Ah, morning! 627 00:40:11,680 --> 00:40:14,280 One of our young ladies went into labour in the small hours. 628 00:40:14,280 --> 00:40:16,880 I sat up with her, she left in an ambulance half an hour ago 629 00:40:16,880 --> 00:40:18,800 after she'd had some tea and toast. 630 00:40:18,800 --> 00:40:21,840 Give us them sheets, Nurse. I'll get them in the laundry hamper. 631 00:40:21,840 --> 00:40:23,320 That's the spirit! 632 00:40:23,320 --> 00:40:28,120 Don't know what I would've done without Avril last night. She's the perfect marvel. 633 00:40:30,560 --> 00:40:33,680 How did you come by this scar on your tummy? 634 00:40:33,680 --> 00:40:35,520 I had an operation. 635 00:40:35,520 --> 00:40:37,720 At the Countess of Irby? 636 00:40:38,880 --> 00:40:40,760 Helped me with my monthlies. 637 00:40:40,760 --> 00:40:42,360 Were you in pain? 638 00:40:42,360 --> 00:40:43,840 No. 639 00:40:45,240 --> 00:40:48,160 They said it would help them to stay regular. 640 00:40:52,200 --> 00:40:54,960 I had it when I had the operation on my head. 641 00:41:13,800 --> 00:41:17,200 Can you remember why they did this, Miss Williston? 642 00:41:17,200 --> 00:41:19,520 Because I couldn't keep still. 643 00:41:20,600 --> 00:41:27,200 I couldn't keep still inside, in my brain, or outside in my body. 644 00:41:28,920 --> 00:41:31,480 It was like I always wanted to dance. 645 00:41:32,920 --> 00:41:34,560 And afterwards? 646 00:41:36,600 --> 00:41:39,320 Like there wasn't any music any more. 647 00:41:41,360 --> 00:41:46,160 That was the psychiatrist who supervised the closure of that hospital. 648 00:41:46,160 --> 00:41:48,840 Said his predecessors were notorious. 649 00:41:48,840 --> 00:41:51,280 Lobotomy. Leucotomy. 650 00:41:51,280 --> 00:41:53,240 A lobotomy? Without her consent? 651 00:41:53,240 --> 00:41:57,040 If she'd been committed, she wouldn't have been asked for it. 652 00:41:57,040 --> 00:41:58,920 There's a chance she wouldn't have 653 00:41:58,920 --> 00:42:01,280 understood the implications if she had. 654 00:42:06,440 --> 00:42:07,960 Ready? 655 00:42:10,720 --> 00:42:15,840 I'm afraid you aren't going to have a baby, Nancy. 656 00:42:15,840 --> 00:42:19,440 Doctor believes your monthly periods have stopped 657 00:42:19,440 --> 00:42:22,520 as part of a natural process called the menopause. 658 00:42:22,520 --> 00:42:24,640 Happens to all women, 659 00:42:24,640 --> 00:42:27,920 some time between their 40s and their 50s. 660 00:42:27,920 --> 00:42:30,320 I'm not that old. 661 00:42:31,960 --> 00:42:33,800 Doctor believes you might be. 662 00:42:33,800 --> 00:42:37,200 He's sent away for your medical records, so we can all be sure, 663 00:42:37,200 --> 00:42:39,280 but... 664 00:42:39,280 --> 00:42:43,640 he is absolutely certain that you aren't expecting. 665 00:42:46,760 --> 00:42:49,080 She might still get pregnant. 666 00:42:49,080 --> 00:42:51,200 I might. 667 00:42:51,200 --> 00:42:55,800 If I eat right and do all the proper things, 668 00:42:55,800 --> 00:42:57,320 I still might. 669 00:42:57,320 --> 00:43:00,120 And I can look after her. 670 00:43:00,120 --> 00:43:05,440 Nancy, Doctor thinks the operation on your tummy 671 00:43:05,440 --> 00:43:09,280 was something called a tubal ligation. 672 00:43:11,280 --> 00:43:13,680 It was actually done by the doctors 673 00:43:13,680 --> 00:43:17,320 to prevent you from ever conceiving a child. 674 00:43:21,320 --> 00:43:23,480 What does "conceiving" mean? 675 00:43:25,360 --> 00:43:28,440 It means...to make and to carry. 676 00:43:36,440 --> 00:43:38,680 Have I imagined it all? 677 00:43:41,680 --> 00:43:44,640 Have I been ill in my head again? 678 00:43:44,640 --> 00:43:48,280 No. You just wanted it very much. 679 00:43:48,280 --> 00:43:52,000 And that's understandable. 680 00:43:52,000 --> 00:43:54,640 I'm so very sorry, Nancy. 681 00:43:59,960 --> 00:44:02,360 SHE WAILS 682 00:44:03,920 --> 00:44:05,520 Nancy! 683 00:44:11,400 --> 00:44:13,040 Nancy! 684 00:44:13,040 --> 00:44:14,920 I love you! 685 00:44:21,040 --> 00:44:23,400 Don't say you love me. 686 00:44:23,400 --> 00:44:27,480 Please don't say you love me. 687 00:44:27,480 --> 00:44:29,200 Don't say that. 688 00:44:31,760 --> 00:44:34,280 But I can't give you anything. 689 00:44:34,280 --> 00:44:38,560 I can't...can't fill in anything that is missing. 690 00:44:38,560 --> 00:44:42,040 You give me what you can. I give you what I can. 691 00:44:42,040 --> 00:44:44,560 My blessing is that you let me. 692 00:44:44,560 --> 00:44:49,600 I ask for no more, and we're both made whole by it. 693 00:44:59,800 --> 00:45:03,680 NUNS SING SOFTLY 694 00:45:18,280 --> 00:45:21,480 CHATTER 695 00:45:21,480 --> 00:45:26,400 # Little donkey, little donkey 696 00:45:26,400 --> 00:45:30,880 # On the dusty road 697 00:45:30,880 --> 00:45:35,720 # Got to keep on plodding onwards 698 00:45:35,720 --> 00:45:40,080 # With your precious load! # 699 00:45:40,080 --> 00:45:42,200 That was absolutely lovely, 700 00:45:42,200 --> 00:45:44,880 although I'm sure if Nurse Noakes were here, 701 00:45:44,880 --> 00:45:48,280 she would say the donkeys would be a little bit more proud. 702 00:45:48,280 --> 00:45:49,840 Mm-hm? 703 00:45:49,840 --> 00:45:52,520 You OK, Beverley? Can I see? 704 00:45:52,520 --> 00:45:55,920 - Her tooth's fallen out! - Oh, go to the kitchen, Beverley, 705 00:45:55,920 --> 00:45:57,880 and rinse your mouth out with some water. 706 00:45:57,880 --> 00:45:59,560 You can take your friend with you. 707 00:45:59,560 --> 00:46:00,800 Second verse... 708 00:46:00,800 --> 00:46:03,880 It's the cotton wool. It's just not convincing. 709 00:46:03,880 --> 00:46:06,560 I think you're worrying about nothing. 710 00:46:06,560 --> 00:46:10,840 # Been a long time, little donkey 711 00:46:10,840 --> 00:46:14,840 # Through the winter's night... # 712 00:46:14,840 --> 00:46:16,080 Don't give up now. 713 00:46:16,080 --> 00:46:20,240 # ..Don't give up now, little donkey 714 00:46:20,240 --> 00:46:24,880 # Bethlehem's in sight. # 715 00:46:24,880 --> 00:46:27,120 APPLAUSE 716 00:46:27,120 --> 00:46:29,720 That was very good, well done. 717 00:46:29,720 --> 00:46:31,720 SCREAMING 718 00:46:31,720 --> 00:46:33,640 Oh, no, it's Fred. 719 00:46:33,640 --> 00:46:37,120 What a shame. You've spoiled Fred's wonderful surprise! 720 00:46:37,120 --> 00:46:41,160 He's going to be doing such a lovely song and dance number 721 00:46:41,160 --> 00:46:44,480 at the concert. We were just trying his costume on. 722 00:46:45,680 --> 00:46:48,440 I checked on Denise and reapplied the calamine. 723 00:46:48,440 --> 00:46:51,000 The spots seem to be drying out nicely. 724 00:46:51,000 --> 00:46:54,680 Yvonne seems to be picking up a bit too. PHONE RINGS 725 00:46:54,680 --> 00:46:56,840 Astor Lodge. Acting Sister speaking. 726 00:46:56,840 --> 00:46:58,400 'It's me, Camilla.' 727 00:46:58,400 --> 00:47:00,280 This is an unexpected pleasure. 728 00:47:01,680 --> 00:47:03,760 How was Freddie when you left him? 729 00:47:03,760 --> 00:47:07,720 A bit chesty. There's a couple like him at nursery. 730 00:47:07,720 --> 00:47:09,800 I need you to test me on procedure. 731 00:47:09,800 --> 00:47:12,760 'Peter, I'm at work. I don't have any of the manuals.' 732 00:47:12,760 --> 00:47:15,720 You know them back to front and inside out, Camilla! 733 00:47:15,720 --> 00:47:18,520 This is just nerves, Peter. I promise you. 734 00:47:18,520 --> 00:47:21,800 I've got the 1872 Licensing Act going round and round in my head 735 00:47:21,800 --> 00:47:23,720 like a hamster on a wheel. 736 00:47:23,720 --> 00:47:27,280 Peter, the exam's tomorrow. I'll be home tonight. 737 00:47:27,280 --> 00:47:31,080 We'll sit in our dressing gowns with a cup of Horlicks, 738 00:47:31,080 --> 00:47:32,680 I'll test you then. 739 00:47:32,680 --> 00:47:34,800 'I love you, Camilla.' 740 00:47:34,800 --> 00:47:37,200 Chummy, have you seen outside? 741 00:47:40,120 --> 00:47:42,640 Oh, botheration! 742 00:47:44,320 --> 00:47:46,880 I rather think Wellingtons might be in order! 743 00:47:46,880 --> 00:47:49,920 Nonsense. These brogues have never been confounded. 744 00:47:49,920 --> 00:47:52,480 I'll be on that bus before you can say "knife". 745 00:47:52,480 --> 00:47:56,840 # ..The sea, the sea of love 746 00:47:56,840 --> 00:48:00,000 # I want to tell you 747 00:48:00,000 --> 00:48:05,280 # How much I love you 748 00:48:08,440 --> 00:48:10,640 # Do you remember... # 749 00:48:10,640 --> 00:48:14,240 Stop! Halt! Wait! 750 00:48:14,240 --> 00:48:17,960 # ..That's the day I knew you were my pet... # 751 00:48:17,960 --> 00:48:20,360 Ohh! Oh, God. 752 00:48:20,360 --> 00:48:25,880 # ..I want to tell you how much I love you... # 753 00:48:25,880 --> 00:48:27,160 Ow! 754 00:48:27,160 --> 00:48:29,400 BUS BELL RINGS 755 00:48:29,400 --> 00:48:31,480 Blast! Wait, please. 756 00:48:32,840 --> 00:48:36,200 I'm anxious about you going anywhere in these conditions. 757 00:48:39,240 --> 00:48:43,680 It's not a long walk to the station, and the trains are running as usual. 758 00:48:43,680 --> 00:48:46,720 I do need to tell my parents face to face. 759 00:48:46,720 --> 00:48:48,520 Of course. 760 00:48:51,720 --> 00:48:54,760 Sister, is this sheep being thrown away? 761 00:48:54,760 --> 00:48:57,040 Do you want it? 762 00:48:57,040 --> 00:49:01,200 Oh, no. I'm going to be laying possessions to one side, 763 00:49:01,200 --> 00:49:04,560 but I know someone who would love this so much. 764 00:49:08,280 --> 00:49:11,640 I desperately wanted to be at home tonight. 765 00:49:11,640 --> 00:49:13,240 Peter needs me. 766 00:49:13,240 --> 00:49:15,040 As does Freddie. 767 00:49:15,040 --> 00:49:16,920 The buses have stopped running, 768 00:49:16,920 --> 00:49:19,160 they've just announced it on the wireless. 769 00:49:19,160 --> 00:49:23,280 And much good you'd do them, dead in a ditch like Captain Oates! 770 00:49:23,280 --> 00:49:25,280 Thank you. 771 00:49:25,280 --> 00:49:27,600 (Are you ready for beddie-byes?) 772 00:49:35,040 --> 00:49:37,640 No Mama for us tonight, Freddie. 773 00:49:37,640 --> 00:49:40,680 We're looking at a boys' night in. 774 00:49:40,680 --> 00:49:44,440 MUSIC: Santa Bring My Baby Back (To Me) by Elvis Presley 775 00:49:44,440 --> 00:49:48,080 Come on, give me a twirl. I want to be twirled! 776 00:49:48,080 --> 00:49:50,240 # Please make these reindeer hurry 777 00:49:50,240 --> 00:49:52,560 # Well, the time is drawing near 778 00:49:52,560 --> 00:49:55,600 # It sure won't feel like Christmas 779 00:49:55,600 --> 00:49:57,800 # Until my baby's here 780 00:49:57,800 --> 00:49:59,840 # Fill my sock with candy 781 00:49:59,840 --> 00:50:02,320 # And a bright and shiny toy... # 782 00:50:02,320 --> 00:50:05,880 Come on! No wallflowers allowed! 783 00:50:05,880 --> 00:50:08,080 # ..And to fill my heart with joy 784 00:50:08,080 --> 00:50:10,640 # Then, Santa, hear my plea 785 00:50:10,640 --> 00:50:14,960 # Santa, bring my baby back to me 786 00:50:14,960 --> 00:50:17,640 # Please make these reindeer hurry 787 00:50:17,640 --> 00:50:20,800 # Well, the time is drawing near 788 00:50:20,800 --> 00:50:23,720 # It sure won't feel like Christmas 789 00:50:23,720 --> 00:50:25,760 # Until my baby's here 790 00:50:25,760 --> 00:50:28,400 # Fill my sock with candy... # 791 00:50:28,400 --> 00:50:31,360 Girls, here I go! 792 00:50:31,360 --> 00:50:33,160 Whoo! 793 00:50:33,160 --> 00:50:34,920 - That's it, Chummy. - Ooh! 794 00:50:34,920 --> 00:50:38,120 # ..Then, Santa, hear my plea 795 00:50:38,120 --> 00:50:41,280 # Santa, bring my baby back to me 796 00:50:41,280 --> 00:50:43,520 # Santa, bring my baby back to me 797 00:50:43,520 --> 00:50:46,240 # Santa, bring my baby back to me 798 00:50:46,240 --> 00:50:48,880 # Then, Santa, hear my plea 799 00:50:48,880 --> 00:50:55,280 # Santa, bring my baby back to me... # 800 00:50:56,520 --> 00:50:58,520 ANGUISHED WAIL 801 00:50:58,520 --> 00:51:00,040 Avril? 802 00:51:01,240 --> 00:51:03,880 MUSIC AND LAUGHTER DOWNSTAIRS 803 00:51:09,960 --> 00:51:14,120 Well, it's very much curtains up and light the lights time! 804 00:51:14,120 --> 00:51:17,280 You sure you aren't making a mistake? 805 00:51:20,640 --> 00:51:22,440 That's it. 806 00:51:22,440 --> 00:51:24,280 That's it. 807 00:51:24,280 --> 00:51:29,120 You just...you just meet that bally pain...head on, 808 00:51:29,120 --> 00:51:31,160 let it know who's boss! 809 00:51:38,120 --> 00:51:40,720 Does it get worse than this? 810 00:51:40,720 --> 00:51:42,360 Guide's honour? 811 00:51:42,360 --> 00:51:44,360 I was never in the bloody Guides! 812 00:51:44,360 --> 00:51:47,800 Well, it does get a smidgen more intense, 813 00:51:47,800 --> 00:51:49,880 but not for very long. 814 00:51:49,880 --> 00:51:53,520 You can hold my hand when we get to the sharp end. 815 00:51:53,520 --> 00:51:56,160 I don't want to hold your hand. 816 00:51:56,160 --> 00:51:58,760 I just want to go to the hospital. 817 00:51:58,760 --> 00:52:00,680 You're out of luck there, I'm afraid. 818 00:52:00,680 --> 00:52:02,720 The ambulance can't get through 819 00:52:02,720 --> 00:52:04,880 so you'll just have to make do with us two! 820 00:52:07,160 --> 00:52:10,440 BABY GRIZZLES 821 00:52:10,440 --> 00:52:12,240 BABY COUGHS 822 00:52:18,960 --> 00:52:21,480 COUGHING GETS LOUDER 823 00:52:27,760 --> 00:52:30,360 Freddie? 824 00:52:30,360 --> 00:52:33,000 It's OK, ssh, ssh. It's OK, ssh, ssh. 825 00:52:42,120 --> 00:52:43,880 You can let it out, you know. 826 00:52:43,880 --> 00:52:46,760 There'll be absolutely no mention in despatches 827 00:52:46,760 --> 00:52:48,920 for keeping a stiff upper lip. 828 00:52:48,920 --> 00:52:51,760 You can squeal like a stuck pig, if you like. 829 00:52:51,760 --> 00:52:53,640 No-one'll hear you. 830 00:52:58,600 --> 00:53:00,720 My mother used to say that. 831 00:53:03,760 --> 00:53:06,400 I learned how to stay as quiet as a mouse. 832 00:53:08,520 --> 00:53:11,120 Funny thing was... 833 00:53:11,120 --> 00:53:13,720 I did it to please her at first... 834 00:53:15,680 --> 00:53:17,640 ..then I knew I never would. 835 00:53:19,960 --> 00:53:22,680 I started to do it out of spite. 836 00:53:24,120 --> 00:53:25,680 Do what? 837 00:53:29,400 --> 00:53:31,800 Bite my tongue. 838 00:53:31,800 --> 00:53:33,600 Not cry. 839 00:53:35,680 --> 00:53:40,000 She'd get bored quicker, hit me less. 840 00:53:42,800 --> 00:53:45,600 No-one's going to hit you now, old thing. 841 00:53:47,480 --> 00:53:49,280 Guide's honour? 842 00:53:51,040 --> 00:53:52,760 Absolutely. 843 00:53:56,680 --> 00:54:02,360 I shouldn't make you tell me the truth. I've lied and lied. 844 00:54:03,800 --> 00:54:06,800 That's of no consequence at all just now. 845 00:54:28,040 --> 00:54:31,000 I never knew my grandparents. 846 00:54:31,000 --> 00:54:33,800 They didn't have a pet shop. 847 00:54:37,320 --> 00:54:40,240 My mum dumped me in Dr Barnardo's, 848 00:54:40,240 --> 00:54:43,640 left me there with all the other little bastards. 849 00:54:55,880 --> 00:54:57,880 Mrs Torpy. 850 00:54:59,320 --> 00:55:01,040 Mrs Torpy! 851 00:55:03,520 --> 00:55:05,520 Hello? 852 00:55:07,440 --> 00:55:10,400 BABY COUGHS 853 00:55:12,640 --> 00:55:14,720 SHE GROANS 854 00:55:14,720 --> 00:55:16,480 (It's OK. 855 00:55:16,480 --> 00:55:18,080 (There we go. 856 00:55:18,080 --> 00:55:19,720 (Well done.) 857 00:55:21,480 --> 00:55:22,960 That's it. 858 00:55:24,280 --> 00:55:26,360 Breathe. 859 00:55:33,560 --> 00:55:35,200 Well done. 860 00:55:35,200 --> 00:55:37,600 Baby's head's well on its way. 861 00:55:37,600 --> 00:55:40,920 Did you hear that, Avril? The finish line's in sight. 862 00:55:40,920 --> 00:55:44,400 It looks like it's a compound presentation. 863 00:55:44,400 --> 00:55:46,640 Avril, listen to me. 864 00:55:46,640 --> 00:55:49,160 Now, all will be well, 865 00:55:49,160 --> 00:55:51,720 but it looks like baby's wanting to be born 866 00:55:51,720 --> 00:55:54,000 with his hand held up against his head. 867 00:55:54,000 --> 00:55:56,720 - I just want this to be over. - I know. 868 00:55:56,720 --> 00:56:00,040 It's a rotten business, but if you do as we tell you, 869 00:56:00,040 --> 00:56:01,600 it really won't be much longer. 870 00:56:01,600 --> 00:56:03,760 BABY COUGHS 871 00:56:03,760 --> 00:56:05,880 It's going to be all right. 872 00:56:05,880 --> 00:56:08,120 Ssh-ssh-ssh. 873 00:56:13,280 --> 00:56:15,800 - OPERATOR: - 'Fire, Police and Ambulance. 874 00:56:15,800 --> 00:56:17,880 - 'Which service do you require.' - Ambulance. 875 00:56:17,880 --> 00:56:20,240 I've a 14-month-old baby who can't breathe. 876 00:56:20,240 --> 00:56:22,720 'We are advised that due to adverse weather, 877 00:56:22,720 --> 00:56:26,120 'it is taking up to 90 minutes for ambulances to...' 878 00:56:26,120 --> 00:56:28,560 - SHE SOBS - Not too hard, Avril. 879 00:56:28,560 --> 00:56:30,440 We need nice, steady pushes. 880 00:56:30,440 --> 00:56:31,920 I can't... 881 00:56:31,920 --> 00:56:33,800 Yes, you can. 882 00:56:35,400 --> 00:56:36,760 Good girl, Avril. 883 00:56:40,800 --> 00:56:43,400 BABY COUGHS 884 00:56:50,080 --> 00:56:52,920 It's Freddie. I don't know what to do. 885 00:56:54,560 --> 00:56:55,880 Whatever is the matter? 886 00:56:55,880 --> 00:56:58,840 The child has croup. I have seen it a thousand times. 887 00:56:58,840 --> 00:57:02,040 And the best remedy for the malady is steam - 888 00:57:02,040 --> 00:57:06,600 equal child of engineering and of nature. 889 00:57:14,280 --> 00:57:17,400 Ssh-ssh. It's OK. 890 00:57:17,400 --> 00:57:20,200 BABY CRIES 891 00:57:20,200 --> 00:57:22,080 Good girl, Avril! Good girl! 892 00:57:22,080 --> 00:57:24,440 That's it. That's it. 893 00:57:24,440 --> 00:57:26,200 Am I doing it wrong? 894 00:57:26,200 --> 00:57:29,400 No. Believe me, if you were on stage at the Albert Hall 895 00:57:29,400 --> 00:57:32,520 the audience would be on their feet and cheering! 896 00:57:32,520 --> 00:57:34,720 I want the baby to be all right. 897 00:57:34,720 --> 00:57:36,680 I don't want it to be hurt. 898 00:57:38,920 --> 00:57:43,200 SHE SCREAMS 899 00:57:43,200 --> 00:57:44,760 That's it. 900 00:57:48,480 --> 00:57:50,080 Well done. 901 00:57:53,080 --> 00:57:56,480 - Bravo, Avril! Bravo. - Well done. 902 00:57:56,480 --> 00:57:58,520 Well done! 903 00:58:24,560 --> 00:58:26,680 It's a little girl. 904 00:58:28,520 --> 00:58:31,840 She looks rather like Ma, if I'm not very much mistaken. 905 00:58:31,840 --> 00:58:34,360 Be a sport and take a peek. 906 00:58:34,360 --> 00:58:36,360 You worked so hard. 907 00:58:38,280 --> 00:58:40,080 No. 908 00:58:45,280 --> 00:58:47,920 The fever has broken. 909 00:58:47,920 --> 00:58:50,000 May the Lord be praised. 910 00:58:50,000 --> 00:58:51,640 Did you hear that? Come here. 911 00:58:58,360 --> 00:59:00,760 I've had two hours' sleep. 912 00:59:00,760 --> 00:59:03,480 I can move mountains on two hours' sleep. 913 00:59:03,480 --> 00:59:06,800 So can you, you're no stranger to the night shift. 914 00:59:08,160 --> 00:59:09,840 There! You'll do. 915 00:59:09,840 --> 00:59:13,920 Now, we will be fine until you get back. 916 00:59:13,920 --> 00:59:16,880 Remember, one stripe, two stripes, three stripes - 917 00:59:16,880 --> 00:59:19,240 none of it's worth tuppence ha'penny, 918 00:59:19,240 --> 00:59:21,240 compared with what you've got already. 919 00:59:22,760 --> 00:59:24,240 I know. 920 00:59:24,240 --> 00:59:25,880 Thank you. 921 00:59:33,560 --> 00:59:35,280 I don't want to see her. 922 00:59:37,880 --> 00:59:41,520 If I believed that, I wouldn't be standing here, 923 00:59:41,520 --> 00:59:44,080 holding your beautiful daughter in my arms. 924 00:59:44,080 --> 00:59:46,600 She's not going to be my beautiful daughter. 925 00:59:46,600 --> 00:59:49,600 She's going to be somebody else's beautiful daughter. 926 00:59:49,600 --> 00:59:52,440 Or else she can go in a home, like I did. 927 00:59:52,440 --> 00:59:57,000 Avril, you can give us a bravura performance of not caring 928 00:59:57,000 --> 01:00:01,320 if you like, but last night when the chips were down, you did 929 01:00:01,320 --> 01:00:04,640 everything you could to bring this baby safely into the world. 930 01:00:04,640 --> 01:00:07,040 You did everything YOU could. 931 01:00:08,960 --> 01:00:11,920 You carried her inside you for nine months. 932 01:00:11,920 --> 01:00:14,800 Your body sheltered her and nourished her. 933 01:00:14,800 --> 01:00:17,480 It still could, if you wanted to feed her. 934 01:00:19,400 --> 01:00:21,200 What for? 935 01:00:21,200 --> 01:00:24,040 We're both on our own now, might as well get used to it. 936 01:00:24,040 --> 01:00:27,320 Avril, you're going to be together for weeks. 937 01:00:27,320 --> 01:00:29,360 I just wanted a nice life. 938 01:00:29,360 --> 01:00:31,080 A happy life... 939 01:00:32,280 --> 01:00:34,840 ..with proper things in it, like other people had. 940 01:00:34,840 --> 01:00:38,840 And a home - with a small "H", not a capital letter. 941 01:00:40,160 --> 01:00:44,040 You wanted love, that's not unreasonable. 942 01:00:44,040 --> 01:00:45,800 I thought I had it... 943 01:00:45,800 --> 01:00:47,320 with him - 944 01:00:47,320 --> 01:00:49,840 the one I went to bed with. 945 01:00:49,840 --> 01:00:51,560 And I was wrong. 946 01:00:52,960 --> 01:00:55,760 Love doesn't always come in the package one expects, 947 01:00:55,760 --> 01:01:01,120 and this little one was born reaching out for your hand. 948 01:01:05,640 --> 01:01:07,840 Well... 949 01:01:07,840 --> 01:01:09,920 more fool her. 950 01:01:16,000 --> 01:01:18,160 (It's all right.) 951 01:01:23,000 --> 01:01:26,080 You may turn over your paper and begin. 952 01:01:34,640 --> 01:01:37,000 BABY CRIES 953 01:01:41,760 --> 01:01:43,840 Any news from Peter? 954 01:01:43,840 --> 01:01:46,800 Not yet. I think he'll still be in the exam. 955 01:01:46,800 --> 01:01:49,680 I asked Avril if she'd like to feed baby. 956 01:01:49,680 --> 01:01:52,680 She gave me my marching orders, in no uncertain terms. 957 01:01:52,680 --> 01:01:56,120 It's bally wrong, you know - locking girls away like this 958 01:01:56,120 --> 01:01:58,600 and then forcing them to make their choice. 959 01:01:58,600 --> 01:02:01,000 But it isn't a choice, that's the thing. 960 01:02:01,000 --> 01:02:04,760 Places like this make the shame and the stigma even worse. 961 01:02:06,960 --> 01:02:09,640 Avril was illegitimate, 962 01:02:09,640 --> 01:02:11,960 she grew up in a home. 963 01:02:11,960 --> 01:02:13,880 All she needs is love. 964 01:02:15,440 --> 01:02:17,240 She needs love so badly 965 01:02:17,240 --> 01:02:20,040 she ended up bringing a daughter of her own into the world. 966 01:02:20,040 --> 01:02:22,480 - She daren't even look at her... - KNOCK AT DOOR 967 01:02:22,480 --> 01:02:24,360 ..never mind love her. 968 01:02:24,360 --> 01:02:26,000 Excuse me, Nurse, 969 01:02:26,000 --> 01:02:29,680 only I just went past Denise's room and she was crying. 970 01:02:42,480 --> 01:02:44,720 I want my mum. 971 01:02:49,800 --> 01:02:51,840 I want my mum. 972 01:02:51,840 --> 01:02:54,120 Shall we see if we can get her on the telephone? 973 01:02:54,120 --> 01:02:56,880 I...I don't think she wants to know. 974 01:02:56,880 --> 01:02:59,400 Oh, I'm sure that's not the case. 975 01:03:00,560 --> 01:03:02,600 Come on. There we are. 976 01:03:08,560 --> 01:03:10,720 I wondered where you'd got to. 977 01:03:12,120 --> 01:03:13,920 You look sad. 978 01:03:13,920 --> 01:03:16,240 I couldn't be happier. 979 01:03:17,520 --> 01:03:19,840 For us. 980 01:03:19,840 --> 01:03:22,920 Our daughter started life as someone else's child. 981 01:03:22,920 --> 01:03:25,760 How can we ever forget that? 982 01:03:27,440 --> 01:03:29,440 I forget it a hundred times a day! 983 01:03:30,720 --> 01:03:32,080 Then I remember, 984 01:03:32,080 --> 01:03:35,280 and my heart breaks for the poor wee girl who gave her up. 985 01:03:36,480 --> 01:03:38,440 And it's Christmas. 986 01:03:39,520 --> 01:03:41,920 She'll be thinking, "Is she loved?" 987 01:03:58,760 --> 01:04:01,040 Can I hold her? 988 01:04:04,600 --> 01:04:06,040 She's your baby. 989 01:04:06,040 --> 01:04:08,240 There's no need to ask. 990 01:04:11,720 --> 01:04:15,320 The young madam's just been indulging in a spot of luncheon. 991 01:04:34,400 --> 01:04:36,680 It's like we fit into each other. 992 01:04:39,200 --> 01:04:41,680 Like we're two pieces of a puzzle. 993 01:04:43,480 --> 01:04:46,560 I don't want her thinking I didn't want to know. 994 01:04:51,320 --> 01:04:53,880 How will I ever give her up? 995 01:04:55,920 --> 01:04:58,520 She might need me one day. 996 01:04:59,760 --> 01:05:01,600 She needs you now. 997 01:05:04,080 --> 01:05:07,000 There's no law that says you can't keep her. 998 01:05:08,240 --> 01:05:09,600 No. 999 01:05:11,960 --> 01:05:13,720 There isn't, is there? 1000 01:05:17,960 --> 01:05:20,680 We do all understand that this letter 1001 01:05:20,680 --> 01:05:23,440 may never reach the baby's first mother. 1002 01:05:23,440 --> 01:05:26,720 It may be that all the adoption society will do is 1003 01:05:26,720 --> 01:05:29,240 keep it on file, in case she ever makes enquiries. 1004 01:05:29,240 --> 01:05:32,200 - I still think we ought to try. - Very well. 1005 01:05:32,200 --> 01:05:35,960 "Your daughter is now known as Angela Julienne 1006 01:05:35,960 --> 01:05:38,040 "and she is ten weeks old. 1007 01:05:38,040 --> 01:05:41,240 "She has blonde hair, she has an older brother, Timothy, 1008 01:05:41,240 --> 01:05:42,440 "and our family lives..." 1009 01:05:42,440 --> 01:05:44,960 ..in a flat with a natural Christmas tree. 1010 01:05:48,320 --> 01:05:51,280 GENERAL HUBBUB 1011 01:05:56,480 --> 01:05:58,840 Shall we take our seats? 1012 01:06:14,560 --> 01:06:16,840 LAUGHTER 1013 01:06:18,600 --> 01:06:20,640 APPLAUSE 1014 01:06:20,640 --> 01:06:23,480 PIANO MUSIC PLAYS 1015 01:06:23,480 --> 01:06:27,400 # When Santa got stuck up the chimney 1016 01:06:27,400 --> 01:06:29,760 # He began to shout 1017 01:06:29,760 --> 01:06:32,960 # You girls and boys won't get any toys 1018 01:06:32,960 --> 01:06:35,080 # If you don't pull me out 1019 01:06:35,080 --> 01:06:37,400 # My beard is black... 1020 01:06:37,400 --> 01:06:39,560 # My nose is tickly too 1021 01:06:39,560 --> 01:06:42,600 # When Santa got stuck up the chimney 1022 01:06:42,600 --> 01:06:44,560 # Achoo, achoo, achoo! # 1023 01:06:44,560 --> 01:06:46,120 APPLAUSE 1024 01:06:46,120 --> 01:06:48,080 Merry Christmas! 1025 01:06:48,080 --> 01:06:49,840 Thank you for looking after me. 1026 01:06:49,840 --> 01:06:53,320 - All part of the service! - No, thank you, Nurse. 1027 01:07:00,040 --> 01:07:01,600 Bye, everyone. 1028 01:07:01,600 --> 01:07:03,440 - Bye. - Bye, Yvonne. 1029 01:07:03,440 --> 01:07:09,720 # I dream tonight of a place I love 1030 01:07:09,720 --> 01:07:16,080 # Even more than I usually do 1031 01:07:17,120 --> 01:07:21,760 # And although I know 1032 01:07:21,760 --> 01:07:26,400 # It's a long road back 1033 01:07:29,000 --> 01:07:33,600 # I promise you... # 1034 01:07:33,600 --> 01:07:35,400 Is he all right? 1035 01:07:35,400 --> 01:07:37,680 Chickenpox didn't hurt him? 1036 01:07:37,680 --> 01:07:40,680 Doctor's been. Says he's fine. 1037 01:07:40,680 --> 01:07:46,720 # ..I'll be home for Christmas... # 1038 01:07:49,640 --> 01:07:53,880 I should have made sure you caught it when you were a little girl. 1039 01:07:53,880 --> 01:07:56,800 I always did everything I could to protect you. 1040 01:07:56,800 --> 01:07:59,440 It's all right, Mum. 1041 01:08:05,200 --> 01:08:07,920 He's my first grandchild. 1042 01:08:10,680 --> 01:08:14,440 There'll be others. But he'll always be the first. 1043 01:08:14,440 --> 01:08:16,480 He'll always be my first. 1044 01:08:23,680 --> 01:08:25,880 You can change your mind. 1045 01:08:28,800 --> 01:08:30,960 If I did, 1046 01:08:30,960 --> 01:08:33,080 I'd be doing what I want most now. 1047 01:08:34,480 --> 01:08:36,440 Not what's best. 1048 01:08:36,440 --> 01:08:38,960 Not for him or for me. 1049 01:08:42,640 --> 01:08:44,440 I know. 1050 01:08:49,360 --> 01:08:50,880 I know. 1051 01:08:53,240 --> 01:08:56,080 And I'll think about him every Christmas. 1052 01:09:12,480 --> 01:09:17,200 - MATURE JENNY: - 'If not every wish can be granted at Christmas, 1053 01:09:17,200 --> 01:09:21,680 'it is still a time of generosity and gentleness, 1054 01:09:21,680 --> 01:09:27,120 'of gathering together and closing out the world, 1055 01:09:27,120 --> 01:09:30,680 'and amongst all the glitter and the gifts, one precious thing 1056 01:09:30,680 --> 01:09:33,080 'shines brighter than the rest, 1057 01:09:33,080 --> 01:09:37,160 'and that is the simple act of sharing all we have, 1058 01:09:37,160 --> 01:09:40,800 'and the season made complete.' 1059 01:09:40,800 --> 01:09:43,520 - Oh! Where did it go? - CRACKER POPS 1060 01:09:48,440 --> 01:09:51,400 LAUGHTER 1061 01:09:51,400 --> 01:09:54,400 - TV: - 'Never in the field...' 1062 01:09:54,400 --> 01:09:56,520 LAUGHTER 1063 01:10:13,000 --> 01:10:15,360 Pass. 1064 01:10:23,000 --> 01:10:24,920 Can't believe I'm doing this. 1065 01:10:26,040 --> 01:10:27,800 It's New Year's Eve! 1066 01:10:27,800 --> 01:10:29,400 We could be out having high jinks 1067 01:10:29,400 --> 01:10:31,840 with the junior doctors at the London. 1068 01:10:31,840 --> 01:10:33,840 But we're here, though, aren't we? 1069 01:10:34,920 --> 01:10:38,000 Waving Cynthia off for six months in the Mother House! 1070 01:10:38,000 --> 01:10:39,920 And I'm so glad. 1071 01:10:46,360 --> 01:10:49,600 I decided when I saw you I was going to say, "Ready?", 1072 01:10:49,600 --> 01:10:52,160 as if it was your wedding day. 1073 01:10:55,120 --> 01:10:58,680 But there's no need for me to ask that at all, is there? 1074 01:11:02,000 --> 01:11:04,480 And I'm coming back. 1075 01:11:04,480 --> 01:11:07,360 They've already told me I'm coming back here. 1076 01:11:11,080 --> 01:11:13,760 But they might change your name. 1077 01:11:13,760 --> 01:11:15,960 You might be called something else. 1078 01:11:15,960 --> 01:11:17,960 Be somebody else. 1079 01:11:19,160 --> 01:11:20,960 But you won't. 1080 01:11:23,800 --> 01:11:28,720 # If I take the wings of the morning 1081 01:11:30,880 --> 01:11:34,840 # And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea... # 1082 01:11:34,840 --> 01:11:38,920 - MATURE JENNY: - 'Sometimes Christmas is made more exquisite 1083 01:11:38,920 --> 01:11:41,400 'by the change it brings. 1084 01:11:41,400 --> 01:11:45,400 'New beginnings, accepted with grace, 1085 01:11:45,400 --> 01:11:48,720 'become beloved memories 1086 01:11:48,720 --> 01:11:51,720 'and their beauty shines for ever. 1087 01:11:53,280 --> 01:11:56,880 'Dear faces under glass.' 1088 01:12:08,040 --> 01:12:09,720 Oh, look! 1089 01:12:09,720 --> 01:12:12,160 Snow! 1090 01:12:12,160 --> 01:12:13,920 Philip! 1091 01:12:20,520 --> 01:12:22,920 Ah, perfect. 1092 01:12:24,720 --> 01:12:27,360 And now... 1093 01:12:27,360 --> 01:12:30,680 something to make it all truly complete. 1094 01:12:37,840 --> 01:12:41,600 Well, it wouldn't be Christmas without this, would it? 1095 01:12:47,720 --> 01:12:50,880 SHE CHUCKLES SOFTLY 1096 01:12:50,880 --> 01:12:55,760 Oh, it gets more delicate with every year that passes. 1097 01:12:55,760 --> 01:12:59,040 - Doesn't get any better looking, though, does it? - No! 1098 01:12:59,040 --> 01:13:01,720 - MATURE JENNY: - 'If we are lucky, we find love. 1099 01:13:01,720 --> 01:13:05,640 'If we're blessed, we understand its meaning. 1100 01:13:05,640 --> 01:13:09,320 'The bird-print kisses at the bottom of a card 1101 01:13:09,320 --> 01:13:12,480 'will not vanish like the snow but will endure.' 1102 01:13:12,480 --> 01:13:16,560 You know you should get it down on paper. 1103 01:13:16,560 --> 01:13:18,160 What? 1104 01:13:19,600 --> 01:13:21,480 Write my memoirs? 1105 01:13:22,560 --> 01:13:25,200 I think you should consider it. 1106 01:13:26,400 --> 01:13:28,080 I will... 1107 01:13:30,000 --> 01:13:32,400 ..after Christmas. 1108 01:13:37,720 --> 01:13:43,960 # I'll hang my heart on a Christmas tree 1109 01:13:43,960 --> 01:13:49,440 # And wish on a silver star 1110 01:13:51,360 --> 01:13:56,800 # That from this night you will always be 1111 01:13:56,800 --> 01:14:00,240 # As close to me as you are... #