1 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:32,400 STREET BUSTLE 2 00:00:41,320 --> 00:00:44,880 CHURCH BELLS PEAL 3 00:00:44,880 --> 00:00:46,680 HE GASPS 4 00:00:54,840 --> 00:00:57,760 HE GULPS 5 00:01:06,400 --> 00:01:08,440 Oh... 6 00:01:13,760 --> 00:01:15,080 Morning, ladies. 7 00:01:19,480 --> 00:01:23,160 - Ain't you never wanted to get married, Fan? - Whatever for? 8 00:01:23,160 --> 00:01:24,880 To have a man about the house. 9 00:01:24,880 --> 00:01:26,680 There's nothing a man can do I can't. 10 00:01:26,680 --> 00:01:30,600 Oh, what about someone to smuggle up to at night, eh? Warm your feet on? 11 00:01:30,600 --> 00:01:32,600 I got a blanket for that. 12 00:01:32,600 --> 00:01:35,800 You can't get romantic with a blanket. 13 00:01:35,800 --> 00:01:38,840 I don't want someone slobbering all over me if that's what you mean. 14 00:01:38,840 --> 00:01:41,240 They don't all slobber. 15 00:01:41,240 --> 00:01:43,520 Oh, never met one yet that didn't. 16 00:01:43,520 --> 00:01:47,200 Breathing all over you, reeking of ale, making you red raw, 17 00:01:47,200 --> 00:01:49,920 scraping their beards all over you, and pulling you about. 18 00:01:49,920 --> 00:01:53,360 And all the time, making out like they're doing you some favour! 19 00:01:53,360 --> 00:01:56,000 Well, it don't sound very appetising when you put it like that. 20 00:01:56,000 --> 00:01:58,960 There's only thing men are good for 21 00:01:58,960 --> 00:02:00,840 and that's fighting, 22 00:02:00,840 --> 00:02:02,560 if there's a war on. 23 00:02:03,600 --> 00:02:06,680 Thins 'em out, as well, so you don't get pestered so much. 24 00:02:07,960 --> 00:02:10,120 Do you get pestered a lot, then, Fanny? 25 00:02:11,680 --> 00:02:13,920 I've never been so mortified! 26 00:02:13,920 --> 00:02:16,240 He was like a wild animal, 27 00:02:16,240 --> 00:02:18,400 standing there with his bowl! 28 00:02:18,400 --> 00:02:20,360 It's simply a testament 29 00:02:20,360 --> 00:02:22,960 to the excellent nature of your stew, my love. 30 00:02:22,960 --> 00:02:25,560 I should never have given them them dumplings. 31 00:02:25,560 --> 00:02:27,480 It was a step too far, Bumble! 32 00:02:27,480 --> 00:02:30,600 We have been thwarted by an act of kindness! 33 00:02:30,600 --> 00:02:32,120 CHATTERING 34 00:02:32,120 --> 00:02:34,120 Yes, my cherry biscuit, 35 00:02:34,120 --> 00:02:37,120 though perhaps your reward shall be in Heaven. 36 00:02:37,120 --> 00:02:39,840 - SHE SLURPS No, it will not, Bumble. - Oh... 37 00:02:39,840 --> 00:02:43,040 I have no intention of waiting that long. 38 00:02:43,040 --> 00:02:45,200 I will have you back at the business in hand. 39 00:02:45,200 --> 00:02:46,680 Today, sir! 40 00:02:46,680 --> 00:02:49,120 Raise me up, Bumble, do you hear me? 41 00:02:49,120 --> 00:02:51,000 Raise me up! 42 00:02:51,000 --> 00:02:52,320 SHELL CLATTERS 43 00:02:53,600 --> 00:02:56,200 SHE SLURPS 44 00:02:56,200 --> 00:02:57,680 Raise me up! 45 00:02:57,680 --> 00:03:00,040 BUSTLE, DOG BARKS NEARBY 46 00:03:01,920 --> 00:03:03,480 Come straight home tonight. 47 00:03:03,480 --> 00:03:06,320 - Martha and John are coming for tea. - Ah, that'll be a treat. 48 00:03:06,320 --> 00:03:09,360 They're bringing a chicken, so I'll get some vegetables on the way home. 49 00:03:09,360 --> 00:03:10,840 What's the occasion? 50 00:03:10,840 --> 00:03:12,000 Nothing. 51 00:03:12,000 --> 00:03:13,040 Oh, right. 52 00:03:13,040 --> 00:03:14,720 See you this evening. 53 00:03:14,720 --> 00:03:16,480 Just our anniversary... 54 00:03:19,160 --> 00:03:20,760 - < SCROOGE: - Cratchit! 55 00:03:21,840 --> 00:03:23,480 DOOR CLANKS 56 00:03:36,640 --> 00:03:38,600 KNOCK AT DOOR 57 00:03:40,920 --> 00:03:42,200 Go away. 58 00:03:42,200 --> 00:03:43,520 DOOR OPENS 59 00:03:44,840 --> 00:03:46,480 Didn't you hear me? 60 00:03:46,480 --> 00:03:48,840 It's your sister's wedding day, Arthur. 61 00:03:48,840 --> 00:03:50,360 You think I don't know that? 62 00:03:52,840 --> 00:03:55,920 Despite your reservations about her choice of husband, 63 00:03:55,920 --> 00:03:58,400 this is still a Havisham wedding. 64 00:03:58,400 --> 00:04:01,160 Your father would expect you to walk Amelia into church. 65 00:04:01,160 --> 00:04:03,960 An honour that now falls to an uncle she hasn't seen in ten years. 66 00:04:03,960 --> 00:04:05,800 If she's stupid enough to marry that man, 67 00:04:05,800 --> 00:04:07,760 then she has exactly what she deserves. 68 00:04:07,760 --> 00:04:11,160 I'm not here to scold you, or to hold you to account. 69 00:04:11,160 --> 00:04:12,360 What, then? 70 00:04:14,440 --> 00:04:17,440 I'd simply hoped to persuade you to be at your sister's side, 71 00:04:17,440 --> 00:04:20,840 as your father would have wanted and for the good of the Havisham name. 72 00:04:23,240 --> 00:04:24,800 I can see I am wasting my time. 73 00:04:27,440 --> 00:04:31,360 You know, Arthur, I've never thought to discuss this with you before, 74 00:04:31,360 --> 00:04:33,600 simply because... 75 00:04:33,600 --> 00:04:36,200 to do so would somehow defeat the object. 76 00:04:37,520 --> 00:04:38,920 But don't you see? 77 00:04:39,920 --> 00:04:43,520 What your father did, the provision he made for you in his will... 78 00:04:45,320 --> 00:04:47,640 It wasn't a reflection of his feeling for you. 79 00:04:48,640 --> 00:04:51,240 It wasn't a punishment. 80 00:04:51,240 --> 00:04:52,960 It was a call to arms. 81 00:04:52,960 --> 00:04:56,920 A call to his only son to go on and follow in his footsteps, 82 00:04:56,920 --> 00:04:59,240 to become the man he knew that you could be. 83 00:05:00,920 --> 00:05:04,160 He himself was a...a self-made man, 84 00:05:04,160 --> 00:05:06,600 he took great pride in being so. 85 00:05:08,760 --> 00:05:11,480 He simply wanted you to share that same feeling. 86 00:05:14,000 --> 00:05:16,080 He did what he did because he thought 87 00:05:16,080 --> 00:05:18,200 you were capable of emulating him. 88 00:05:21,600 --> 00:05:24,400 There's no greater compliment he could have paid you. 89 00:05:28,960 --> 00:05:30,480 No greater love... 90 00:05:32,280 --> 00:05:34,000 ..he could have shown. 91 00:05:47,320 --> 00:05:49,400 DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES 92 00:06:02,240 --> 00:06:04,440 HE INHALES 93 00:06:08,880 --> 00:06:11,640 HE SOBS 94 00:06:18,440 --> 00:06:21,080 BUSTLE 95 00:06:23,960 --> 00:06:26,080 - Oh, come here, darling. > - WOMAN GIGGLES > 96 00:06:27,760 --> 00:06:29,880 THEY MURMUR 97 00:06:35,960 --> 00:06:38,320 It's not raining, is it? 98 00:06:38,320 --> 00:06:40,480 Please, tell me it's not raining. 99 00:06:40,480 --> 00:06:42,840 - No, Miss. - You're sure? 100 00:06:42,840 --> 00:06:45,360 As I came in, the sun was peering through the clouds. 101 00:06:46,600 --> 00:06:48,800 SHE SIGHS Of course it was. 102 00:06:50,320 --> 00:06:51,840 Thank you, Sarah. 103 00:06:54,560 --> 00:06:56,200 Miss Barbary. 104 00:06:57,480 --> 00:06:59,840 - You're here! - How could I not be? 105 00:06:59,840 --> 00:07:02,200 AMELIA CHUCKLES 106 00:07:09,800 --> 00:07:11,160 Thank you. 107 00:07:11,160 --> 00:07:13,360 HOOVES CLOP, BELLS JINGLE 108 00:07:28,680 --> 00:07:30,760 But do you love him? 109 00:07:30,760 --> 00:07:32,400 I'm fond of him. 110 00:07:33,480 --> 00:07:36,800 And as Lady Dedlock, I can do much to help the family, 111 00:07:36,800 --> 00:07:40,600 restore Father's standing, help Frances's social position. 112 00:07:40,600 --> 00:07:42,200 And James Hawdon? 113 00:07:42,200 --> 00:07:46,000 Captain Hawdon was a few months of madness, 114 00:07:46,000 --> 00:07:47,800 nothing more. 115 00:07:47,800 --> 00:07:50,400 The impetuousness of youth. 116 00:07:51,400 --> 00:07:52,920 You seem different. 117 00:07:52,920 --> 00:07:54,560 Do I? 118 00:07:57,600 --> 00:07:59,480 You're my best friend in the world. 119 00:07:59,480 --> 00:08:01,360 I want you to be as happy as I am. 120 00:08:02,440 --> 00:08:05,960 - Sir Leicester and I will build a good life. - I hope so. 121 00:08:05,960 --> 00:08:07,720 And are you happy? 122 00:08:07,720 --> 00:08:10,040 I have never known a feeling like it, 123 00:08:10,040 --> 00:08:13,200 to know I am to be Meriwether's wife. 124 00:08:13,200 --> 00:08:15,320 That I will be loved, cherished. 125 00:08:15,320 --> 00:08:16,880 It's no less than you deserve. 126 00:08:16,880 --> 00:08:18,800 SHE CHUCKLES 127 00:08:20,440 --> 00:08:21,920 My mother's. 128 00:08:23,760 --> 00:08:26,560 I've thought about her a lot since Father died, 129 00:08:26,560 --> 00:08:29,960 it's been such a worry, doing everything on my own. 130 00:08:29,960 --> 00:08:33,120 Dealing with the brewery, Satis House... 131 00:08:33,120 --> 00:08:34,640 and Arthur. 132 00:08:36,840 --> 00:08:38,440 But now I'll have a husband. 133 00:08:39,560 --> 00:08:43,000 To wake up every morning and know that I'm not alone, 134 00:08:43,000 --> 00:08:46,280 that whatever the day brings, good or bad, will be shared. 135 00:08:48,000 --> 00:08:51,200 Begging your pardon, miss, but we should start dressing you. 136 00:08:51,200 --> 00:08:52,880 Yes, we should! 137 00:08:53,920 --> 00:08:55,360 NANCY: 'Fagin!' 138 00:08:55,360 --> 00:08:57,880 You and me ain't got no cause for hard feelings. 139 00:08:57,880 --> 00:09:00,840 Bill paid you off fair and square. As for where he got the money, 140 00:09:00,840 --> 00:09:03,560 well, that's between you and him, it ain't nothing to do with me. 141 00:09:03,560 --> 00:09:05,240 He paid me with my own money, Nancy! 142 00:09:05,240 --> 00:09:07,640 There are lines that shouldn't be crossed. 143 00:09:07,640 --> 00:09:09,160 Bill Sikes, I can understand, 144 00:09:09,160 --> 00:09:11,400 I wouldn't have expected any different, 145 00:09:11,400 --> 00:09:13,640 when the cat's away the mice will play! But... 146 00:09:13,640 --> 00:09:15,120 HE SIGHS 147 00:09:17,360 --> 00:09:18,760 ..Dodger. 148 00:09:18,760 --> 00:09:21,920 You think it was him what told Bill where you kept your stash, don't ya? 149 00:09:21,920 --> 00:09:24,000 Only you and Dodger knew where it was. 150 00:09:24,000 --> 00:09:26,920 Yeah, well, a wild goose never laid a tame egg, 151 00:09:26,920 --> 00:09:28,280 HE is what YOU made him. 152 00:09:31,040 --> 00:09:33,560 But I've sent word for him to come back now he ain't wanted 153 00:09:33,560 --> 00:09:35,640 by the coppers any more. And I want him to be safe. 154 00:09:35,640 --> 00:09:37,600 I mean it, I will not have him hurt. 155 00:09:37,600 --> 00:09:39,360 So, when he's back, I'll bring him here 156 00:09:39,360 --> 00:09:42,440 - and you make your peace with him. - As though nothing ever happened?! 157 00:09:46,200 --> 00:09:47,520 HE SIGHS 158 00:09:47,520 --> 00:09:49,040 HE CHUCKLES 159 00:09:50,920 --> 00:09:52,040 Come here. 160 00:09:57,440 --> 00:09:59,200 You're an old rogue, Fagin, 161 00:09:59,200 --> 00:10:01,840 but there's a heart in there somewhere. I know there is. 162 00:10:01,840 --> 00:10:04,400 Well, keep it to yourself, my dear. 163 00:10:05,840 --> 00:10:09,160 A heart is very bad for business. 164 00:10:11,600 --> 00:10:14,400 HE TAPS 165 00:10:17,400 --> 00:10:18,880 Go, go! 166 00:10:18,880 --> 00:10:21,800 Mr Havisham and I are old friends. 167 00:10:21,800 --> 00:10:25,080 So, you found my humble abode, my dear? 168 00:10:25,080 --> 00:10:29,040 How can I help you? Do you have more items to sell, perhaps? 169 00:10:29,040 --> 00:10:31,240 Oh, no. I'm not here to sell, 170 00:10:31,240 --> 00:10:32,880 I'm here to buy. 171 00:10:34,560 --> 00:10:36,880 Keep going! Keep going. 172 00:10:36,880 --> 00:10:38,880 That's it. Lovely! 173 00:10:40,800 --> 00:10:42,040 Boy! 174 00:10:44,520 --> 00:10:48,040 You know Mr Compeyson? You've seen him with me in The Three Cripples? 175 00:10:48,040 --> 00:10:50,640 - Yes, sir. - He'll be at the tailor's. Find him and give him this. 176 00:10:50,640 --> 00:10:54,120 Tell him it's urgent, that it's vital he reads it immediately. Go! 177 00:10:56,440 --> 00:10:58,400 HUM OF CONVERSATION 178 00:11:00,960 --> 00:11:02,680 A tonic. 179 00:11:02,680 --> 00:11:05,040 Something for the head, sir? 180 00:11:05,040 --> 00:11:06,480 Yes. 181 00:11:06,480 --> 00:11:08,400 This will shift it. 182 00:11:12,000 --> 00:11:13,640 HE SPLUTTERS 183 00:11:13,640 --> 00:11:15,840 Best to follow it with a drop of whisky. 184 00:11:15,840 --> 00:11:17,640 Burn off the taste. 185 00:11:30,960 --> 00:11:32,000 Sir? 186 00:11:33,240 --> 00:11:36,400 From Mr Havisham, sir, said it was urgent. 187 00:11:46,200 --> 00:11:48,560 HUM OF CONVERSATION 188 00:11:53,400 --> 00:11:56,760 I couldn't get to you yesterday, we were rushed off our feet. 189 00:11:56,760 --> 00:12:00,520 An entirely unwelcome predicament for a one-legged man, I imagine(!) 190 00:12:00,520 --> 00:12:03,640 You're most understanding, Mr Scrooge(!) 191 00:12:03,640 --> 00:12:04,880 Please don't mention it. 192 00:12:04,880 --> 00:12:07,320 I have simply added a further tuppence to the debt. 193 00:12:07,320 --> 00:12:08,920 An extra day's interest. 194 00:12:08,920 --> 00:12:10,880 You old skinflint. 195 00:12:10,880 --> 00:12:12,440 Tuppence is tuppence! 196 00:12:28,440 --> 00:12:30,000 I asked for two. 197 00:12:31,560 --> 00:12:34,040 Trust me, Bill here is all you'll need. 198 00:12:52,000 --> 00:12:53,680 Mr Ebenezer Scrooge. 199 00:12:53,680 --> 00:12:54,920 Mr Fagin. 200 00:12:54,920 --> 00:12:56,680 You know me? 201 00:12:56,680 --> 00:12:58,360 By reputation, sir. 202 00:12:58,360 --> 00:12:59,760 State your purpose. 203 00:13:04,760 --> 00:13:09,600 I was very sad to hear of the demise of your partner, Jacob Marley - 204 00:13:09,600 --> 00:13:14,360 - it must have been very difficult for you, my dear. - Must it? 205 00:13:14,360 --> 00:13:16,520 It doubled your burden, did it not? 206 00:13:16,520 --> 00:13:18,880 Jacob's death was an inconvenience. 207 00:13:18,880 --> 00:13:21,680 Ah, an inconvenience... 208 00:13:21,680 --> 00:13:23,680 But, as men of commerce, 209 00:13:23,680 --> 00:13:28,000 we should know that adversity sometimes offers opportunity. 210 00:13:28,000 --> 00:13:30,920 You speak in riddles, sir. I have business to attend to. 211 00:13:30,920 --> 00:13:32,560 Then I will come to the point. 212 00:13:36,000 --> 00:13:39,720 You are now left to manage your business, alone. 213 00:13:39,720 --> 00:13:41,520 What of it? 214 00:13:41,520 --> 00:13:44,040 I have recently lost some of my capital 215 00:13:44,040 --> 00:13:48,760 and am pondering the wisdom of having all my eggs in one basket, 216 00:13:48,760 --> 00:13:50,720 as I'm sure you will understand. 217 00:13:50,720 --> 00:13:52,440 So, I have been thinking, 218 00:13:52,440 --> 00:13:54,600 perhaps I could be persuaded 219 00:13:54,600 --> 00:13:56,720 to invest in a new business. 220 00:13:57,840 --> 00:14:02,080 And if it was something already established, all the better. 221 00:14:02,080 --> 00:14:04,400 You're proposing a partnership? 222 00:14:04,400 --> 00:14:07,400 Scrooge and Fagin. 223 00:14:07,400 --> 00:14:10,360 It has a certain warmth to it, does it not, my dear? 224 00:14:12,520 --> 00:14:13,760 May I speak plainly? 225 00:14:13,760 --> 00:14:15,120 Please do. 226 00:14:15,120 --> 00:14:18,280 I have recently been relieved of one partner 227 00:14:18,280 --> 00:14:20,720 and I feel all the better for it. 228 00:14:20,720 --> 00:14:25,000 Now, if I had a desire to take on another, which I do not, 229 00:14:25,000 --> 00:14:26,520 I doubt that my first choice 230 00:14:26,520 --> 00:14:28,880 would be someone that I met in an ale house. 231 00:14:28,880 --> 00:14:30,760 Neither would it be someone 232 00:14:30,760 --> 00:14:33,120 who conducts his business from a sewer, 233 00:14:33,120 --> 00:14:35,280 with a reputation for purchasing stolen items 234 00:14:35,280 --> 00:14:36,960 from the criminal world. 235 00:14:38,680 --> 00:14:41,000 Is there any part of that which is unclear, sir? 236 00:14:42,360 --> 00:14:46,400 I'm sensing you need a little more time to think about it, hmm? 237 00:14:46,400 --> 00:14:47,600 Good day, sir. 238 00:14:53,240 --> 00:14:55,000 - COMPEYSON: - Where's Arthur Havisham? 239 00:15:01,640 --> 00:15:03,120 DOOR OPENS 240 00:15:04,080 --> 00:15:07,400 What are you playing at, Arthur? I'm in no mood for games. 241 00:15:07,400 --> 00:15:10,760 - Nor I. - So, what's so damn important you drag me here on my wedding day? 242 00:15:10,760 --> 00:15:12,720 I want you to leave my sister... 243 00:15:14,120 --> 00:15:17,880 - ..my family, alone. - Damn your eyes, I've no time to listen to this. 244 00:15:25,880 --> 00:15:28,400 Yet listen, you will. 245 00:15:30,760 --> 00:15:33,040 It's too late, Arthur, there's nothing you can do. 246 00:15:33,040 --> 00:15:36,000 And if I need to fight my way out of here, I will. 247 00:15:36,000 --> 00:15:38,120 Have Mr Compeyson sit down, would you, Bill? 248 00:15:38,120 --> 00:15:39,640 SCUFFLING 249 00:15:39,640 --> 00:15:41,320 GRUNTING 250 00:15:41,320 --> 00:15:42,840 COMPEYSON GROANS 251 00:15:45,800 --> 00:15:47,920 HE GROANS AND COUGHS 252 00:15:49,240 --> 00:15:52,360 HE PANTS 253 00:15:52,360 --> 00:15:55,840 You see, Compeyson, you forgot something very important. 254 00:15:55,840 --> 00:15:59,520 That the only thing that kept me from exposing you was self interest. 255 00:15:59,520 --> 00:16:02,040 A simple equation - if I exposed you for what you are, 256 00:16:02,040 --> 00:16:04,400 then everyone would understand my part in it. 257 00:16:04,400 --> 00:16:07,480 But your mistake was taking away everything I had. 258 00:16:08,560 --> 00:16:10,080 Including hope. 259 00:16:10,080 --> 00:16:12,560 HE PANTS 260 00:16:12,560 --> 00:16:16,880 Mr Sikes, you are a regular here at The Three Cripples, are you not? 261 00:16:16,880 --> 00:16:21,280 - I am. - Enjoy exchanging stories over an ale or two, no doubt? 262 00:16:21,280 --> 00:16:22,760 It's been known. 263 00:16:22,760 --> 00:16:24,640 Well, then, I have a tale for you. 264 00:16:24,640 --> 00:16:26,720 When my late father died 265 00:16:26,720 --> 00:16:29,720 and left the Havisham fortune to my sister and not to me. 266 00:16:30,720 --> 00:16:33,280 I hired Mr Compeyson here to seduce her, 267 00:16:33,280 --> 00:16:35,680 and in doing so, to bend her will to mine. 268 00:16:35,680 --> 00:16:38,120 In order that she would renounce the will 269 00:16:38,120 --> 00:16:40,600 and I be reinstated as Master of Satis House. 270 00:16:40,600 --> 00:16:43,320 Please feel free to share this with anyone who will listen. 271 00:16:44,720 --> 00:16:46,560 And so, the secret is no more... 272 00:16:48,400 --> 00:16:50,600 ..and our destinies no longer aligned. 273 00:16:51,640 --> 00:16:53,960 HE CHUCKLES 274 00:16:56,520 --> 00:16:58,400 You can't scare me off, Arthur. 275 00:16:58,400 --> 00:17:01,640 Oh, I assure you, that's the very last thing on my mind. 276 00:17:02,600 --> 00:17:04,160 Then, what do you want? 277 00:17:04,160 --> 00:17:08,040 The only thing I have left of any value - the love of my sister. 278 00:17:09,880 --> 00:17:12,840 And so, to that end, I intend to go to Satis House. 279 00:17:14,760 --> 00:17:16,960 Amelia will hear everything. 280 00:17:16,960 --> 00:17:18,920 I will sob at her feet 281 00:17:18,920 --> 00:17:21,040 and beg her forgiveness. 282 00:17:21,040 --> 00:17:22,880 And she WILL believe me. 283 00:17:22,880 --> 00:17:25,360 CHURCH BELLS PEAL 284 00:17:25,360 --> 00:17:26,760 I guarantee you, once I'm done, 285 00:17:26,760 --> 00:17:29,240 you'll never set foot in Satis House again. 286 00:17:30,520 --> 00:17:32,520 - All done. - Hm? 287 00:17:34,840 --> 00:17:36,680 You look wonderful. 288 00:17:36,680 --> 00:17:39,680 - He won't be disappointed? - Only if he's a fool. 289 00:17:39,680 --> 00:17:42,480 I don't think I've ever seen anything so beautiful, 290 00:17:42,480 --> 00:17:45,040 Miss Havisham, not even in the newspapers. 291 00:17:45,040 --> 00:17:47,520 ALL GIGGLE 292 00:17:48,840 --> 00:17:50,640 Don't do this...Arthur. 293 00:17:51,600 --> 00:17:55,400 Maybe...it was wrong of me, cutting you out of things like I did. 294 00:17:56,720 --> 00:17:58,920 It was selfish of me, I see that now. 295 00:18:00,240 --> 00:18:02,160 But we can go back to how it was. 296 00:18:02,160 --> 00:18:04,680 Just let the wedding go ahead and we can make a new plan. 297 00:18:04,680 --> 00:18:06,600 You cannot do this to me! 298 00:18:06,600 --> 00:18:08,920 Just think how close you got. 299 00:18:08,920 --> 00:18:11,480 Close enough to smell the money. 300 00:18:11,480 --> 00:18:13,400 It's not just the money... 301 00:18:17,600 --> 00:18:19,240 ARTHUR CHUCKLES 302 00:18:19,240 --> 00:18:20,720 HE LAUGHS 303 00:18:23,760 --> 00:18:24,880 It's her! 304 00:18:26,360 --> 00:18:28,280 You... You love her, don't you?! 305 00:18:28,280 --> 00:18:29,600 HE LAUGHS 306 00:18:30,600 --> 00:18:32,320 The hunter caught in his own trap! 307 00:18:32,320 --> 00:18:33,840 SCUFFLING 308 00:18:33,840 --> 00:18:35,440 HE GROANS 309 00:18:38,160 --> 00:18:42,480 In this bag are my 30 pieces of silver. 310 00:18:42,480 --> 00:18:44,560 Every penny we stole from my sister, 311 00:18:44,560 --> 00:18:47,680 I won't have the stench of it near me a second longer. 312 00:18:47,680 --> 00:18:50,720 I intend to follow in my father's footsteps, 313 00:18:50,720 --> 00:18:52,320 to begin with nothing. 314 00:18:53,600 --> 00:18:55,400 So, it's yours. 315 00:18:55,400 --> 00:18:57,160 £10,000. 316 00:19:00,840 --> 00:19:02,680 Ah! 317 00:19:02,680 --> 00:19:04,280 How predictable you are. 318 00:19:06,160 --> 00:19:07,480 There's a condition. 319 00:19:09,840 --> 00:19:12,920 - What? - Well, I knew that to win back my sister's respect, 320 00:19:12,920 --> 00:19:14,800 she will need to know the truth. 321 00:19:14,800 --> 00:19:18,120 But then, I thought how much better it would be, coming from you? 322 00:19:18,120 --> 00:19:19,720 No. 323 00:19:19,720 --> 00:19:23,720 Oh, I think you might want to reconsider. My lawyer will explain. 324 00:19:23,720 --> 00:19:26,680 You have two very clear choices, Mr Compeyson. 325 00:19:26,680 --> 00:19:29,720 To accept Mr Havisham's very generous offer 326 00:19:29,720 --> 00:19:32,840 and leave here unharmed with £10,000. 327 00:19:32,840 --> 00:19:35,960 Or you can reject his offer and be handed in to the authorities, 328 00:19:35,960 --> 00:19:38,200 where I will use my not inconsiderable influence 329 00:19:38,200 --> 00:19:41,640 to ensure you are charged with your crimes and imprisoned for them. 330 00:19:51,040 --> 00:19:53,640 You will write a full confession to Miss Havisham, 331 00:19:53,640 --> 00:19:55,240 setting out the truth - 332 00:19:55,240 --> 00:19:58,240 the entire truth, the facts. 333 00:19:58,240 --> 00:20:00,400 As cold and as heartless as they are. 334 00:20:00,400 --> 00:20:04,080 Miss out one word or try to court her favour or forgiveness in any way 335 00:20:04,080 --> 00:20:05,840 and you will not receive a penny 336 00:20:05,840 --> 00:20:07,480 and I will have you arrested. 337 00:20:08,840 --> 00:20:10,280 Do you understand? 338 00:20:16,360 --> 00:20:19,000 You will then deliver it to her in person. 339 00:20:19,000 --> 00:20:20,320 What?! 340 00:20:22,240 --> 00:20:25,240 Why would you ask me to do that? Why would you do that to her? 341 00:20:25,240 --> 00:20:27,840 If I write it all down, you'll have what you need. 342 00:20:27,840 --> 00:20:30,480 No, we will not have it said that it was written under duress, 343 00:20:30,480 --> 00:20:32,880 that you were coerced, that this was somehow false. 344 00:20:32,880 --> 00:20:35,840 She will read it and see the truth of it in your eyes. 345 00:20:35,840 --> 00:20:38,120 This is not a matter for negotiation. 346 00:20:48,600 --> 00:20:51,680 CHATTERING 347 00:21:00,800 --> 00:21:02,560 - Is the carriage here? - Yes, miss. 348 00:21:02,560 --> 00:21:04,640 SHE SIGHS I feel sick. 349 00:21:04,640 --> 00:21:07,640 You'll be fine. ..Martha, a glass of water? 350 00:21:10,280 --> 00:21:12,080 I don't want to be late. Or do I? 351 00:21:12,080 --> 00:21:14,600 You'll be there at the exact moment you're supposed to be. 352 00:21:14,600 --> 00:21:17,600 - I'll see to it. - What would I do without you? 353 00:21:25,000 --> 00:21:26,400 You're done. 354 00:21:26,400 --> 00:21:28,040 Ready? 355 00:21:41,720 --> 00:21:43,280 Wait! My shoe... 356 00:21:43,280 --> 00:21:45,240 My stocking's tied and it's pinching. 357 00:21:46,640 --> 00:21:48,640 DOOR OPENS 358 00:22:00,000 --> 00:22:01,560 Meriwether?! 359 00:22:03,920 --> 00:22:05,480 I'm sorry. 360 00:22:08,520 --> 00:22:10,920 - HE CLAPS - Staff dismissed. 361 00:22:18,080 --> 00:22:19,360 Give it to her. 362 00:22:30,360 --> 00:22:32,120 You must read it now, Sister. 363 00:23:28,240 --> 00:23:29,600 Amelia? 364 00:23:35,200 --> 00:23:36,600 All a lie. 365 00:23:39,680 --> 00:23:41,160 For my money? 366 00:23:41,160 --> 00:23:42,680 Leave us, please! 367 00:23:42,680 --> 00:23:46,040 - I will never leave you alone with my sister again. - I don't believe it! 368 00:23:46,040 --> 00:23:47,800 You've made him say these things! 369 00:23:47,800 --> 00:23:49,840 - You forced him. - Tell her. 370 00:23:52,720 --> 00:23:56,200 Yes, they forced me to come here... 371 00:23:57,520 --> 00:23:59,560 ..to write what you hold in your hand. 372 00:24:02,520 --> 00:24:04,200 But what I've written is the truth. 373 00:24:06,160 --> 00:24:07,600 Sorry. 374 00:24:10,000 --> 00:24:13,360 I've done what you asked, damn you. Now can I go? 375 00:24:15,560 --> 00:24:16,960 What's that? 376 00:24:16,960 --> 00:24:20,240 The money from the sale of the brewery shares, I won't take it. 377 00:24:21,760 --> 00:24:25,200 I said he could have it, if he came here and told you the truth. 378 00:24:26,280 --> 00:24:29,880 - You said you were sorry. - I am. - Then show me. 379 00:24:31,640 --> 00:24:34,840 - Leave without the money. - I will burn the money if I can stay - 380 00:24:34,840 --> 00:24:37,000 - for an hour alone with you. - No. 381 00:24:37,000 --> 00:24:38,480 I will hear her speak! 382 00:24:38,480 --> 00:24:40,000 I am not to be bought! 383 00:24:51,480 --> 00:24:55,480 SHE SOBS AND GRUNTS 384 00:24:56,920 --> 00:24:58,520 SHE SOBS 385 00:25:02,360 --> 00:25:03,920 Get out. 386 00:25:03,920 --> 00:25:05,800 SHE WEEPS QUIETLY 387 00:25:09,440 --> 00:25:11,640 Everything in that letter is true, 388 00:25:11,640 --> 00:25:15,080 it was as cold and as spiteful as you believe it to be. 389 00:25:15,080 --> 00:25:19,320 Every moment, every second was contrived, bent to one purpose. 390 00:25:20,960 --> 00:25:23,000 To relieve you of the Havisham fortune. 391 00:25:27,000 --> 00:25:28,360 I didn't care about you. 392 00:25:29,560 --> 00:25:31,440 Or once think beyond the money. 393 00:25:33,520 --> 00:25:36,080 But these last few weeks, as I neared what I thought I wanted, 394 00:25:36,080 --> 00:25:38,320 I saw an even greater prize before me. 395 00:25:40,640 --> 00:25:42,760 - I saw you. - HE SIGHS 396 00:25:42,760 --> 00:25:44,120 And I loved what I saw. 397 00:25:45,800 --> 00:25:49,280 As I stand here now I...I love you still, I swear it. 398 00:25:49,280 --> 00:25:50,520 You're already married. 399 00:25:50,520 --> 00:25:52,960 It was a marriage of convenience, nothing more. 400 00:25:54,040 --> 00:25:55,840 I would have freed myself from it. 401 00:25:59,000 --> 00:26:01,360 Fate throws people together in different ways. 402 00:26:01,360 --> 00:26:04,480 No-one is given a choice of how that first meeting will be. 403 00:26:04,480 --> 00:26:06,560 A sibling's fury and desire for vengeance 404 00:26:06,560 --> 00:26:09,520 may not be as palatable as a chance meeting in the park 405 00:26:09,520 --> 00:26:11,720 or an introduction through mutual friends. 406 00:26:15,480 --> 00:26:17,960 But until I knew you, I didn't know you. 407 00:26:19,760 --> 00:26:23,200 Every lie I have ever told you has become true, 408 00:26:23,200 --> 00:26:25,240 every falsehood is undone, 409 00:26:25,240 --> 00:26:26,920 every promise remade. 410 00:26:26,920 --> 00:26:29,560 Because although it was never part of my plan, 411 00:26:29,560 --> 00:26:31,760 you have stolen my heart. 412 00:26:33,520 --> 00:26:35,440 And you have broken mine. 413 00:26:35,440 --> 00:26:38,000 Then give me the slightest glimmer of hope, 414 00:26:38,000 --> 00:26:40,280 and I will stay and I will repair it. 415 00:26:41,840 --> 00:26:43,400 I love you, Amelia. 416 00:26:44,560 --> 00:26:45,880 And I loved you. 417 00:26:48,840 --> 00:26:51,000 Oh, my sweet Meriwether... 418 00:26:53,760 --> 00:26:56,200 ..there are things that can never be undone. 419 00:27:00,360 --> 00:27:04,480 You have taken all the secret things about me and tainted them. 420 00:27:06,040 --> 00:27:07,600 You have made them dirty... 421 00:27:09,040 --> 00:27:11,640 ..and now, the joy of them has turned to shame. 422 00:27:14,920 --> 00:27:17,040 You held my head to your chest... 423 00:27:18,160 --> 00:27:21,600 ..as I sobbed like a child because I missed my father. 424 00:27:21,600 --> 00:27:24,120 I cried so hard I could hardly breathe... 425 00:27:26,080 --> 00:27:28,880 And the rise and fall of your chest comforted me. 426 00:27:31,680 --> 00:27:33,360 You made me feel an equal. 427 00:27:35,960 --> 00:27:38,440 That we could face this cruel world together. 428 00:27:41,600 --> 00:27:43,000 You made me trust you. 429 00:27:45,360 --> 00:27:47,120 Made me feel safe in your arms... 430 00:27:49,440 --> 00:27:51,960 ..as if nothing bad could ever happen to me again. 431 00:27:56,320 --> 00:27:57,720 And I gave myself to you. 432 00:28:01,920 --> 00:28:03,720 Which of these can be undone? 433 00:28:03,720 --> 00:28:05,560 All of this, I swear. 434 00:28:07,920 --> 00:28:09,560 You cut too deep. 435 00:28:12,320 --> 00:28:15,560 To think that every moment I lost myself in you was false. 436 00:28:17,760 --> 00:28:20,600 I looked on you as my life and you looked on me as your prey! 437 00:28:24,640 --> 00:28:26,400 You have broken me. 438 00:28:30,880 --> 00:28:32,480 So, I want you to go. 439 00:28:33,880 --> 00:28:36,520 To leave me sitting here amidst my folly, 440 00:28:36,520 --> 00:28:39,920 surrounded by my stupidity for all the world to see. 441 00:28:41,720 --> 00:28:43,520 For my father to look down on. 442 00:28:48,280 --> 00:28:50,200 Do you think he will be proud? 443 00:28:50,200 --> 00:28:51,360 Amelia... 444 00:28:53,520 --> 00:28:55,400 Please make him go. 445 00:29:14,160 --> 00:29:15,880 SHE SOBS 446 00:29:21,000 --> 00:29:22,760 SHE GASPS 447 00:29:24,320 --> 00:29:26,240 Stupid shoe! 448 00:29:27,800 --> 00:29:29,440 I'll have to have it seen to. 449 00:29:29,440 --> 00:29:31,160 Will you look at it for me? 450 00:29:31,160 --> 00:29:33,560 - Yes, of course I will. - We have time... 451 00:29:37,280 --> 00:29:39,360 Only I... 452 00:29:39,360 --> 00:29:42,360 I don't think I will be getting married today after all. 453 00:29:42,360 --> 00:29:43,920 Amelia... 454 00:29:46,600 --> 00:29:47,960 I'm so sorry. 455 00:29:50,000 --> 00:29:52,160 It hurts so much, 456 00:29:52,160 --> 00:29:54,000 I fear I shall go mad. 457 00:29:55,960 --> 00:29:59,000 - Let me help you upstairs, get you out of this dress. - No. 458 00:29:59,000 --> 00:30:00,800 - Amelia, please, come with me. - No! 459 00:30:01,920 --> 00:30:03,640 I don't wish to change! 460 00:30:05,440 --> 00:30:08,360 Don't you see? I must wear it until my heart has healed itself. 461 00:30:11,920 --> 00:30:15,240 Until then, I will wear it to remind me of my foolishness. 462 00:30:15,240 --> 00:30:16,680 He's gone. 463 00:30:16,680 --> 00:30:17,960 HE LAUGHS 464 00:30:17,960 --> 00:30:19,720 Finally. 465 00:30:23,480 --> 00:30:24,720 You hated me that much? 466 00:30:31,560 --> 00:30:34,000 I never meant for it to go this far, 467 00:30:34,000 --> 00:30:35,440 I swear it. 468 00:30:37,160 --> 00:30:38,520 I was just so angry... 469 00:30:39,960 --> 00:30:41,800 ..and I wanted to get back at you. 470 00:30:41,800 --> 00:30:44,760 When he came, he just twisted everything. 471 00:30:44,760 --> 00:30:46,200 Ah. 472 00:30:48,120 --> 00:30:49,720 You all knew? 473 00:30:49,720 --> 00:30:51,720 TEARFULLY: Everybody knew. 474 00:30:51,720 --> 00:30:53,480 No. Not until today. 475 00:30:55,880 --> 00:30:58,280 Don't you see? He's gone now. 476 00:30:58,280 --> 00:31:01,880 We can be together again, I can help you. We can do it together. 477 00:31:01,880 --> 00:31:04,920 Everything together. As it should be. Hmm? 478 00:31:06,640 --> 00:31:08,200 I'm your brother. 479 00:31:09,600 --> 00:31:11,200 I don't have a brother. 480 00:31:17,480 --> 00:31:19,080 I want everyone to leave. 481 00:31:20,120 --> 00:31:22,400 - Get them out! - Amelia... - Get him away from me! 482 00:31:22,400 --> 00:31:24,840 - Amelia? - Perhaps we should leave her alone. - Get out! 483 00:31:24,840 --> 00:31:27,240 - Get out! - Arthur. - Get out! - Come on. - Get out! Get out! 484 00:31:27,240 --> 00:31:29,520 Get out! Get out! Get out! 485 00:31:29,520 --> 00:31:33,400 SHE SCREAMS 486 00:31:33,400 --> 00:31:35,640 SHE SOBS LOUDLY 487 00:31:35,640 --> 00:31:37,680 DOOR CLOSES 488 00:31:37,680 --> 00:31:41,560 AMELIA'S SCREAMS ECHO 489 00:31:55,640 --> 00:31:58,720 SEA BIRDS CALL 490 00:31:58,720 --> 00:32:01,640 MEN SHOUT NEARBY 491 00:32:05,160 --> 00:32:06,920 Nance! 492 00:32:06,920 --> 00:32:08,520 Ah, Dodger! 493 00:32:08,520 --> 00:32:10,320 You all right, darlin'? 494 00:32:16,000 --> 00:32:20,000 What's done is done, no doubt with bad on both sides. 495 00:32:21,120 --> 00:32:24,080 People like you and me need to stick together, Dodger, 496 00:32:24,080 --> 00:32:26,640 all we poor have is each other. 497 00:32:26,640 --> 00:32:29,440 We take care of each other because no-one else will do it for us, 498 00:32:29,440 --> 00:32:32,400 - will they, my dear? - I wouldn't have told 'em nothing if you hadn't. 499 00:32:32,400 --> 00:32:34,760 I know, my dear, that's why you're back 500 00:32:34,760 --> 00:32:36,960 in your rightful place at my side. 501 00:32:38,080 --> 00:32:40,160 So, it's done. Hmm? All forgotten? 502 00:32:43,320 --> 00:32:45,760 - It is on my side. - Then we'll shake on it, my dear. 503 00:32:45,760 --> 00:32:47,200 THEY SPIT 504 00:32:48,560 --> 00:32:51,080 Now! There's just a little... 505 00:32:51,080 --> 00:32:52,680 Shoo! Get off! 506 00:32:52,680 --> 00:32:56,320 A little bit of business to deal with while you're here. 507 00:32:56,320 --> 00:32:57,840 What sort of business? 508 00:32:57,840 --> 00:33:02,040 There were others what had their eye on it, but I kept your bunk. 509 00:33:02,040 --> 00:33:05,000 - Trouble is, you're three weeks behind on your rent. - Fagin! 510 00:33:05,000 --> 00:33:07,880 What? You'd rather I'd have given his bunk away? 511 00:33:09,600 --> 00:33:11,000 Better get to work, then. 512 00:33:15,400 --> 00:33:16,600 Dodger! 513 00:33:25,280 --> 00:33:27,440 You're my very best boy, 514 00:33:27,440 --> 00:33:29,080 it's a pleasure to have you back. 515 00:33:34,520 --> 00:33:38,640 HE TAKES DEEP BREATH 516 00:33:38,640 --> 00:33:40,040 What? 517 00:33:46,840 --> 00:33:49,200 TENTATIVE FOOTSTEPS APPROACH 518 00:33:54,480 --> 00:33:55,680 Leave it! 519 00:33:56,960 --> 00:33:58,520 No-one is to touch anything. 520 00:34:00,240 --> 00:34:01,840 Leave me. Close the gates. 521 00:34:03,080 --> 00:34:04,960 Admit no-one. Do you understand? 522 00:34:08,720 --> 00:34:10,440 Pardon me, miss? 523 00:34:10,440 --> 00:34:11,720 DOOR CLOSES > 524 00:34:11,720 --> 00:34:13,480 Are you all right? 525 00:34:19,040 --> 00:34:21,480 CHURCH BELLS TOLL 526 00:34:25,600 --> 00:34:28,280 CLANKING, HINGES SQUEAK 527 00:34:32,000 --> 00:34:34,320 GATES CLANG 528 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:47,200 Hey! 529 00:35:19,040 --> 00:35:22,240 FIRE CRACKLES 530 00:35:25,040 --> 00:35:26,640 DOOR OPENS 531 00:35:26,640 --> 00:35:28,800 BULL'S-EYE WHINES 532 00:35:31,240 --> 00:35:34,840 - How did it go? - Well, he ain't best pleased with you, 533 00:35:34,840 --> 00:35:37,200 but he's taken Dodger back all right. 534 00:35:37,200 --> 00:35:39,160 I ain't worried about Fagin. 535 00:35:43,120 --> 00:35:45,040 What are these for? 536 00:35:45,040 --> 00:35:47,360 They ain't for anything, just to look pretty. 537 00:35:47,360 --> 00:35:49,760 - You spent money on 'em? - Only a farthing. 538 00:35:49,760 --> 00:35:52,360 They'll look nice in a jug on the windowsill. 539 00:35:53,800 --> 00:35:56,760 Yeah, well, I work hard for my money, girl, 540 00:35:56,760 --> 00:35:58,760 I don't want it wasted on no flowers. 541 00:36:00,520 --> 00:36:02,000 Now make me something to eat. 542 00:36:16,880 --> 00:36:19,000 - Can I fetch you some tea? - No, thank you. 543 00:36:20,360 --> 00:36:21,760 You can sit with me though. 544 00:36:28,640 --> 00:36:30,960 You're worried about Amelia Havisham. 545 00:36:32,800 --> 00:36:34,240 It's so sad. 546 00:36:36,280 --> 00:36:38,440 People can be so cruel, can't they? 547 00:36:39,760 --> 00:36:43,080 - Perhaps they don't always mean to be. - Do you think? 548 00:36:44,960 --> 00:36:48,560 Sometimes people can do the wrong thing with the best intentions... 549 00:36:49,800 --> 00:36:52,560 ..or the right of something isn't seen straightaway. 550 00:36:54,280 --> 00:36:56,000 Love is so difficult, isn't it? 551 00:36:57,680 --> 00:36:59,160 Brings such pain. 552 00:37:00,960 --> 00:37:03,480 I sometimes think we'd be better off without it. 553 00:37:06,840 --> 00:37:10,600 Though I think it's nice to know you have BEEN loved, isn't it? 554 00:37:11,960 --> 00:37:13,200 Yes. 555 00:37:15,640 --> 00:37:17,120 My baby... 556 00:37:18,960 --> 00:37:20,640 ..did you bury her nearby? 557 00:37:22,240 --> 00:37:23,920 In a quiet cemetery. 558 00:37:25,160 --> 00:37:27,320 The location I must keep secret. 559 00:37:27,320 --> 00:37:29,840 - I couldn't bear to see it. - I know. 560 00:37:32,600 --> 00:37:36,120 You've been so kind to me. I'm almost afraid to ask. 561 00:37:37,520 --> 00:37:39,040 Ask what? 562 00:37:39,040 --> 00:37:41,880 I want her to know that she was loved. 563 00:37:41,880 --> 00:37:43,480 She will know. 564 00:37:46,800 --> 00:37:50,120 I'm leaving for Chesney Wold tomorrow, 565 00:37:50,120 --> 00:37:51,960 there is much to arrange. 566 00:37:54,320 --> 00:37:59,360 But... I need you to take this to her for me. 567 00:38:01,280 --> 00:38:04,080 It's a... It's just a silly thing. 568 00:38:06,360 --> 00:38:08,720 But it was given to me by her father. 569 00:38:11,160 --> 00:38:13,600 It's all I have left of him. 570 00:38:15,600 --> 00:38:18,440 - Honoria, I... - Please, just bury it with her. 571 00:38:20,240 --> 00:38:22,040 She must feel so alone. 572 00:38:23,920 --> 00:38:27,120 This will tell her that she was loved. 573 00:38:30,480 --> 00:38:31,760 Promise me. 574 00:38:38,960 --> 00:38:41,040 FLAME ROARS 575 00:38:52,040 --> 00:38:56,080 RAUCOUS DRUNKEN LAUGHTER 576 00:39:12,480 --> 00:39:15,160 The baby's mother wants this to be with the child. 577 00:39:29,040 --> 00:39:31,280 DRINK SLOSHES 578 00:39:33,800 --> 00:39:39,160 AMELIA'S SCREAMS ECHO 579 00:39:45,040 --> 00:39:47,440 HE WHIMPERS 580 00:39:51,880 --> 00:39:53,920 HE SOBS 581 00:39:55,480 --> 00:39:58,480 It was terrible, the sound of her heart breaking. 582 00:39:58,480 --> 00:40:00,320 It just goes to show, 583 00:40:00,320 --> 00:40:03,800 it don't matter how much money you've got, it don't make you happy. 584 00:40:03,800 --> 00:40:05,920 Well said, Mrs C! 585 00:40:05,920 --> 00:40:07,400 Coal, Ma. 586 00:40:07,400 --> 00:40:09,080 Oh, thanks, darlin'. 587 00:40:09,080 --> 00:40:10,880 Oh, something smells good! 588 00:40:10,880 --> 00:40:12,720 It's a chicken, big as a goose! 589 00:40:12,720 --> 00:40:15,560 Not quite, but there's plenty to go round. 590 00:40:18,400 --> 00:40:20,360 Good day? 591 00:40:20,360 --> 00:40:21,960 It is now. 592 00:40:24,200 --> 00:40:25,880 Happy anniversary. 593 00:40:25,880 --> 00:40:28,800 APPLAUSE 594 00:40:28,800 --> 00:40:30,960 Bob, you shouldn't have! 595 00:40:30,960 --> 00:40:33,080 Commit this to memory, boys, when a woman says, 596 00:40:33,080 --> 00:40:35,640 "You shouldn't have!" What she really means is, 597 00:40:35,640 --> 00:40:38,720 "God help you if you didn't!" ALL LAUGH 598 00:40:38,720 --> 00:40:40,160 It's lovely. 599 00:40:40,160 --> 00:40:43,080 It's got a farthing in it, too. For luck. 600 00:40:43,080 --> 00:40:44,680 Here's yours. 601 00:40:46,040 --> 00:40:47,440 Oh...! 602 00:40:49,080 --> 00:40:51,520 Perfect. ALL CHATTER 603 00:40:51,520 --> 00:40:55,160 I hope as perfect as the last 19 years have been. 604 00:40:59,320 --> 00:41:01,880 I know what you're up to, Mrs Emily Cratchit. 605 00:41:01,880 --> 00:41:03,320 And what might that be? 606 00:41:04,920 --> 00:41:06,840 You want me to carve the chicken! 607 00:41:06,840 --> 00:41:10,960 Caught red-handed! Right everybody, round the table, come on, let's eat. 608 00:41:13,680 --> 00:41:15,480 Can you find some space, Tim? 609 00:41:19,640 --> 00:41:22,000 Nice to have you home. 610 00:41:22,000 --> 00:41:23,360 Ready. 611 00:41:23,360 --> 00:41:26,000 ALL EXCLAIM 612 00:41:26,000 --> 00:41:29,960 APPLAUSE 613 00:41:29,960 --> 00:41:33,600 PIANO PLAYS, LOW CONVERSATION 614 00:41:34,920 --> 00:41:37,320 Not at this time of day, not with my disposition! 615 00:41:39,560 --> 00:41:42,040 What's this? What's this? BULL'S-EYE SLOBBERS 616 00:41:42,040 --> 00:41:45,560 Daisy! Up and get the empties from Mr Pickwick! 617 00:41:50,280 --> 00:41:51,880 My tankard's empty, girl. 618 00:41:54,560 --> 00:41:56,200 So's mine. 619 00:41:59,720 --> 00:42:02,360 You heard me. BULL'S-EYE GROWLS 620 00:42:09,600 --> 00:42:12,800 You know you've always got a home to come back to? 621 00:42:13,960 --> 00:42:16,000 Yeah, but I've got a new home now, Fagin. 622 00:42:17,320 --> 00:42:20,080 Bill Sikes is not an easy man to deal with. 623 00:42:21,640 --> 00:42:23,480 I can handle him, don't you worry. 624 00:42:25,640 --> 00:42:28,120 LAUGHTER AND CHATTER 625 00:42:30,280 --> 00:42:31,520 Mr Bucket! 626 00:42:33,160 --> 00:42:36,040 Mr Venus! May I join you? 627 00:42:36,040 --> 00:42:37,120 Please! 628 00:42:38,240 --> 00:42:40,040 Please. 629 00:42:40,040 --> 00:42:42,400 Good to see you, my friend. 630 00:42:42,400 --> 00:42:44,800 Likewise, Mr Venus, likewise. 631 00:42:44,800 --> 00:42:46,840 Are you just, er, passing through? 632 00:42:46,840 --> 00:42:48,440 In a sense. 633 00:42:48,440 --> 00:42:50,880 Though my visit is convivial, 634 00:42:50,880 --> 00:42:54,440 it is also, in part, of a professional nature. 635 00:42:55,600 --> 00:42:59,240 Two budgies slain with but a single missile, as it were. 636 00:43:00,840 --> 00:43:02,600 You are doing more detectiving? 637 00:43:03,600 --> 00:43:06,040 Indeed I am, Mr Venus. 638 00:43:07,320 --> 00:43:09,960 - My superiors have given me a new case. - Oh! 639 00:43:11,160 --> 00:43:14,200 A man found murdered, 640 00:43:14,200 --> 00:43:17,240 stabbed through the heart 641 00:43:17,240 --> 00:43:20,080 in a room with no windows 642 00:43:20,080 --> 00:43:23,560 and the door firmly closed from the inside! 643 00:43:26,880 --> 00:43:28,200 Tell me more. 644 00:43:29,360 --> 00:43:33,040 Well, it would not be ethically appropriate for me to reveal... 645 00:43:33,040 --> 00:43:35,440 APPLAUSE AND CHATTER 646 00:43:43,120 --> 00:43:45,800 INDISTINCT CONVERSATION 647 00:43:51,680 --> 00:43:53,440 Goodnight, Mr Scrooge! 648 00:43:53,440 --> 00:43:55,440 (Humbug!) 649 00:43:55,440 --> 00:43:59,160 Well, it sounds like a right old do of a wedding, by all accounts, 650 00:43:59,160 --> 00:44:01,320 people screaming and shouting, 651 00:44:01,320 --> 00:44:03,680 and she never even got to the carriage. 652 00:44:03,680 --> 00:44:05,320 Oh, I knew he was trouble, 653 00:44:05,320 --> 00:44:07,560 his eyes were too close together. 654 00:44:07,560 --> 00:44:09,920 How come you never mentioned it before? 655 00:44:09,920 --> 00:44:13,160 Well, I may not have said it. But I thought it. 656 00:44:13,160 --> 00:44:17,600 Hmm, how very astute of you Miss Biggetywitch. 657 00:44:17,600 --> 00:44:21,000 Oh, be quiet, Bumble! 658 00:44:21,000 --> 00:44:22,760 Get me another drink. 659 00:44:22,760 --> 00:44:25,920 Yes, my little love pudding. 660 00:44:25,920 --> 00:44:28,760 HE CHUCKLES AND GRUMBLES 661 00:44:28,760 --> 00:44:30,600 FANNY BELCHES 662 00:44:35,840 --> 00:44:37,800 Your sherry, Mr Bucket. 663 00:44:37,800 --> 00:44:40,680 PIANO INTRODUCTION 664 00:44:40,680 --> 00:44:43,400 CHEERING AND APPLAUSE 665 00:44:45,400 --> 00:44:54,520 # I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls 666 00:44:54,520 --> 00:45:00,240 - # With vassals and serfs at my side - At my side... 667 00:45:01,400 --> 00:45:08,120 # And of all who assembled within those walls 668 00:45:08,120 --> 00:45:13,480 # That I was the hope and the pride 669 00:45:14,560 --> 00:45:21,560 # I had riches all too great to count 670 00:45:21,560 --> 00:45:27,040 # And a high ancestral name 671 00:45:27,040 --> 00:45:34,920 # But I also dreamt which pleased me most 672 00:45:34,920 --> 00:45:39,880 # That you loved me still the same 673 00:45:39,880 --> 00:45:46,120 # That you loved me, you love me still the same 674 00:45:46,120 --> 00:45:53,520 - ALL: - # That you love me, you love me still 675 00:45:53,520 --> 00:46:01,040 # The same 676 00:46:03,640 --> 00:46:10,080 # I dreamt that suitors sought my hand 677 00:46:10,080 --> 00:46:15,640 # That knights upon bended knee 678 00:46:15,640 --> 00:46:22,720 # And with vows no maiden heart could withstand 679 00:46:22,720 --> 00:46:28,760 # They pledged their faith to me 680 00:46:28,760 --> 00:46:34,880 # And I dreamt that one of that noble host 681 00:46:34,880 --> 00:46:41,120 # Came forth my hand to claim 682 00:46:41,120 --> 00:46:48,800 # But I also dreamt which charmed me most 683 00:46:48,800 --> 00:46:53,640 # That you loved me still the same 684 00:46:53,640 --> 00:46:59,800 # That you love me, you love me still the same 685 00:46:59,800 --> 00:47:01,960 # That you love me 686 00:47:01,960 --> 00:47:08,640 # You love me still 687 00:47:08,640 --> 00:47:15,600 # The same. # 688 00:47:15,600 --> 00:47:23,600 CHEERING AND APPLAUSE 689 00:47:24,760 --> 00:47:29,120 CROWD: Aw. 690 00:47:29,120 --> 00:47:31,280 APPLAUSE FADES 691 00:47:35,360 --> 00:47:39,440 CLOCK TICKS 692 00:47:47,040 --> 00:47:50,480 WIND WHISTLES, FLAME GUTTERS 693 00:47:53,520 --> 00:47:55,840 FLAME GUTTERS 694 00:47:55,840 --> 00:47:57,160 GROANING 695 00:47:57,160 --> 00:47:58,200 FIZZING 696 00:47:59,960 --> 00:48:02,280 CHAINS JANGLE, HEAVY SCRAPING 697 00:48:02,280 --> 00:48:03,960 - MARLEY: - Ebenezer... 698 00:48:03,960 --> 00:48:06,760 CHAINS JANGLE, HEAVY SCRAPING 699 00:48:06,760 --> 00:48:08,440 Ebenezer... 700 00:48:08,440 --> 00:48:10,480 JANGLING AND SCRAPING GETS LOUDER 701 00:48:10,480 --> 00:48:12,800 Ebenezer... 702 00:48:12,800 --> 00:48:15,960 STREET BUSTLE, CHATTER 703 00:48:15,960 --> 00:48:18,880 DOG BARKS NEARBY 704 00:48:25,120 --> 00:48:26,560 You hungry? 705 00:48:29,720 --> 00:48:31,240 Got any lodgings? 706 00:48:33,920 --> 00:48:35,320 Money? 707 00:48:36,520 --> 00:48:38,080 Then why you been crying? 708 00:48:39,160 --> 00:48:41,800 I saw a ghost...at the window. 709 00:48:43,480 --> 00:48:45,280 A ghost, eh? 710 00:48:45,280 --> 00:48:48,640 - You'll be needing some lodgings tonight? - Yes, please. 711 00:48:48,640 --> 00:48:50,000 Come on, then. 712 00:48:58,320 --> 00:49:02,720 Jack Dawkins is me name, but people call me the Artful Dodger. 713 00:49:02,720 --> 00:49:04,960 - What's yours? - Oliver. 714 00:49:04,960 --> 00:49:06,240 Oliver, eh? 715 00:49:06,240 --> 00:49:07,760 I know a respectable old gentleman 716 00:49:07,760 --> 00:49:09,560 what'll give you lodgings for nothin'. 717 00:49:09,560 --> 00:49:11,160 And won't ask you for the change - 718 00:49:11,160 --> 00:49:13,920 that is, if any gentleman he knows introduces ya. 719 00:49:13,920 --> 00:49:16,960 ACCORDION PLAYS, LAUGHTER, CHATTER 720 00:49:20,800 --> 00:49:22,560 DOOR SLAMS 721 00:49:22,560 --> 00:49:25,000 ACCORDION PLAYS FAINTLY 722 00:49:25,000 --> 00:49:27,280 MUSIC FADES