1 00:01:14,040 --> 00:01:15,880 LAUGHTER 2 00:01:22,240 --> 00:01:24,920 This had better be worth waking me for. 3 00:01:24,920 --> 00:01:27,520 Mr Jaggers said I was to put it direct in your hand 4 00:01:27,520 --> 00:01:29,440 and leave nothing to chance, sir. 5 00:01:34,800 --> 00:01:36,080 Boy? 6 00:01:44,280 --> 00:01:46,320 Yes! 7 00:01:46,320 --> 00:01:49,800 It means nothing to you, does it? The ruinous state our family is in. 8 00:01:49,800 --> 00:01:53,880 - Of course it does, but Papa assures me that there is a way through. - And of course, you believe him, 9 00:01:53,880 --> 00:01:56,440 because then you may continue to dance through life, 10 00:01:56,440 --> 00:01:58,520 unencumbered by bitter realities. 11 00:02:00,120 --> 00:02:01,960 Honoria? 12 00:02:01,960 --> 00:02:03,240 I trust Papa. 13 00:02:08,320 --> 00:02:09,840 DOOR OPENS 14 00:02:13,640 --> 00:02:14,880 DOOR SHUTS 15 00:02:26,400 --> 00:02:28,600 You have made me look like a liar, Papa. 16 00:02:35,240 --> 00:02:37,520 We shall be cold for the rest of the week, then. 17 00:02:37,520 --> 00:02:39,080 I will reverse our fortunes. 18 00:02:39,080 --> 00:02:41,960 And in the meantime, we shall all wrap ourselves in blankets 19 00:02:41,960 --> 00:02:45,200 and tell each other that there is nothing to worry about(!) 20 00:02:48,840 --> 00:02:51,160 Scraping, like a miser? 21 00:02:51,160 --> 00:02:54,560 Scraping, scraping, scraping!! 22 00:02:54,560 --> 00:02:57,640 You could have been married, Frances, and far away from this. 23 00:02:57,640 --> 00:02:59,680 You chose to break your engagement 24 00:02:59,680 --> 00:03:02,240 and now you are here - a mouth to feed! 25 00:03:05,400 --> 00:03:08,320 So maybe, it is you that's the problem. 26 00:03:31,120 --> 00:03:33,600 BUCKET'S BACK CRICKS HE GROANS 27 00:03:37,960 --> 00:03:40,520 CLOCK TICKS 28 00:03:45,000 --> 00:03:47,600 CLOCK STRIKES THE HOUR 29 00:03:53,520 --> 00:03:55,480 Mr Scrooge sir, it is nearly time. 30 00:03:56,520 --> 00:03:58,520 Every second has value, Cratchit. 31 00:04:03,240 --> 00:04:06,320 CLOCK STRIKES 32 00:04:09,920 --> 00:04:11,160 NOW it's time. 33 00:04:11,160 --> 00:04:13,400 CHURCH BELL TOLLS 34 00:04:16,760 --> 00:04:18,360 PALLBEARERS COUGH 35 00:04:19,360 --> 00:04:24,080 Nothing but good mahogany can keep in the stench of a putrefying corpse 36 00:04:24,080 --> 00:04:27,680 and Marley left no provision for such a coffin. 37 00:04:27,680 --> 00:04:31,280 Jacob Marley left no provision for a coffin at all, 38 00:04:31,280 --> 00:04:33,040 or, indeed, any funeral. 39 00:04:34,880 --> 00:04:37,240 It's the common pit for him, I'm afraid. 40 00:04:38,320 --> 00:04:40,760 Well, then. There's an end to it. 41 00:04:42,480 --> 00:04:46,240 Mr Scrooge, sir, are we not going along, to say a few words? 42 00:04:48,560 --> 00:04:50,440 Rest in peace, amen. 43 00:04:55,560 --> 00:04:58,080 - Oh, Mr Cratchit, sir? - Oh, John. 44 00:04:58,080 --> 00:05:00,400 There is no need for "sir" or "Mr Cratchit". 45 00:05:00,400 --> 00:05:03,360 I told you, "Mr C" or "Bob". I prefer "Bob". 46 00:05:03,360 --> 00:05:06,680 I was hoping to have a talk with you, sir - Bob, before tomorrow. 47 00:05:06,680 --> 00:05:08,280 Getting cold feet about the wedding? 48 00:05:08,280 --> 00:05:12,880 No! No, sir, my feet is blazin' hot! My feet is a furnace! 49 00:05:12,880 --> 00:05:15,480 I just thought - man to man, just us two - 50 00:05:15,480 --> 00:05:18,160 I could buy you an ale, sir, Cratchit, mister? 51 00:05:18,160 --> 00:05:21,240 - That's a splendid idea, John... - Cratchit! - ..but not right now. 52 00:05:21,240 --> 00:05:22,600 Another time. 53 00:05:24,960 --> 00:05:26,320 (Stone me...) 54 00:05:34,800 --> 00:05:36,440 Your order, sir. 55 00:05:36,440 --> 00:05:37,600 Thank you. 56 00:05:38,640 --> 00:05:40,320 You're a fine cook, madam. 57 00:05:40,320 --> 00:05:41,760 Thank you, sir. 58 00:05:46,560 --> 00:05:49,320 Can't show 'em your fear, the law. 59 00:05:49,320 --> 00:05:52,600 Cos they'll twist you - twist your words, twist it all. 60 00:05:52,600 --> 00:05:54,000 That's what they do. 61 00:05:55,000 --> 00:05:56,680 No fear. 62 00:05:56,680 --> 00:05:59,600 She'll be late. Don't be late. Go. Go! 63 00:06:02,280 --> 00:06:06,000 Be easy in yourself and in your manner - but not too easy. 64 00:06:06,000 --> 00:06:10,080 Helping the law without helping them, hm? Go. 65 00:06:10,080 --> 00:06:11,560 No fear, Nancy. 66 00:06:12,640 --> 00:06:14,240 Don't give 'em nothing! 67 00:06:34,600 --> 00:06:37,360 Champagne and Cognac for the Havisham party. 68 00:06:44,360 --> 00:06:45,840 I'll take that. 69 00:06:56,120 --> 00:06:57,840 What do you think? 70 00:06:57,840 --> 00:06:59,560 It's beautiful, Honoria. 71 00:06:59,560 --> 00:07:03,640 Isn't it perfect? You will look so lovely tonight. 72 00:07:03,640 --> 00:07:07,000 Mary told me you were awake all night - again. 73 00:07:07,000 --> 00:07:10,400 I've only had a few days to learn everything I can about the brewery. 74 00:07:10,400 --> 00:07:14,360 And now, I have it all, up here. 75 00:07:14,360 --> 00:07:18,400 So, if the shareholders want to question me about hops, or malt, 76 00:07:18,400 --> 00:07:21,640 or harvest, or import costs, or distillation, 77 00:07:21,640 --> 00:07:25,000 - I can give them chapter and verse. - It's a party, Amelia. 78 00:07:25,000 --> 00:07:27,720 No-one's going to want to talk to you about hops. 79 00:07:27,720 --> 00:07:29,560 No-one's judging you. 80 00:07:29,560 --> 00:07:32,800 I'm a woman in a man's world. Of course they'll be judging me. 81 00:07:32,800 --> 00:07:34,440 And Father, too. 82 00:07:34,440 --> 00:07:37,400 They'll think he'd lost his mind, leaving the daughter in charge. 83 00:07:37,400 --> 00:07:41,200 - But I will not have that. - Well, why shouldn't you be in charge? 84 00:07:41,200 --> 00:07:44,080 A woman rules our country, our whole Empire. 85 00:07:44,080 --> 00:07:48,120 Think of her, Queen Amelia(!) THEY GIGGLE 86 00:07:48,120 --> 00:07:51,080 That's better. Come on, I'll walk with you. 87 00:07:52,160 --> 00:07:53,640 Come along, Jip. 88 00:08:29,360 --> 00:08:31,800 I don't break bread with bluebottles. 89 00:08:45,400 --> 00:08:46,800 How did that happen? 90 00:08:48,160 --> 00:08:50,200 Oh, Marley did it. 91 00:08:50,200 --> 00:08:51,520 Why? 92 00:08:51,520 --> 00:08:53,840 Well, why does any rich man hit a poor woman? 93 00:08:53,840 --> 00:08:56,680 Because he wants to, and he knows he'll get away with it. 94 00:08:56,680 --> 00:08:58,360 Come, now. 95 00:08:58,360 --> 00:09:00,680 A man doesn't hit a woman for no reason. 96 00:09:00,680 --> 00:09:02,640 You don't know men the way I do. 97 00:09:06,720 --> 00:09:11,400 Miss Nancy, you were the last to see Jacob Marley alive. 98 00:09:11,400 --> 00:09:13,280 No, that'd be his killer. 99 00:09:13,280 --> 00:09:16,000 One of the last. What did you talk about? 100 00:09:16,000 --> 00:09:19,360 Well, I weren't there for conversing with, was I? 101 00:09:19,360 --> 00:09:22,920 Mr Fagin wouldn't be happy with this now, would he? 102 00:09:22,920 --> 00:09:24,440 Being your protector. 103 00:09:25,760 --> 00:09:27,960 This ain't nothing special. 104 00:09:27,960 --> 00:09:30,360 Our lives are different from yours. 105 00:09:30,360 --> 00:09:32,440 Well, Mr Sikes would be upset. 106 00:09:32,440 --> 00:09:35,840 Him being your young man and a hothead. 107 00:09:35,840 --> 00:09:39,080 Bill dropped me home, then went out drinking. 108 00:09:39,080 --> 00:09:40,840 I didn't ask you where he went. 109 00:09:42,800 --> 00:09:45,000 Have you been tutored in your answers? 110 00:09:49,760 --> 00:09:52,800 You think Mr Sikes could kill a man? 111 00:09:52,800 --> 00:09:55,280 You pin this on Bill to get an easy result, 112 00:09:55,280 --> 00:09:56,960 you'll be missing the real felon. 113 00:09:56,960 --> 00:10:00,440 I'm not pinning anything on anyone. That is not my way. 114 00:10:00,440 --> 00:10:02,120 I just want the truth. 115 00:10:04,080 --> 00:10:05,880 You can trust me. 116 00:10:07,920 --> 00:10:09,360 You don't believe me? 117 00:10:13,720 --> 00:10:15,440 Right, Marley dies, 118 00:10:15,440 --> 00:10:18,320 and here's you, with your books and your maps and your questions, 119 00:10:18,320 --> 00:10:21,520 but girls like me are found dead every day and who cares? 120 00:10:22,520 --> 00:10:25,880 I've no cause to believe or trust the law. 121 00:10:25,880 --> 00:10:28,960 I'm going to be the one to change that, miss. 122 00:10:37,080 --> 00:10:39,160 Is there something you want to say? 123 00:10:39,160 --> 00:10:41,760 No-one's listening. It's just me and you. 124 00:10:43,840 --> 00:10:45,840 So, if there's something you want to say... 125 00:10:45,840 --> 00:10:48,240 There ain't nothing. I'm done. 126 00:10:48,240 --> 00:10:49,640 Take the pie. 127 00:10:51,200 --> 00:10:52,640 Eat it at your leisure. 128 00:10:59,600 --> 00:11:02,560 And he ain't my young man - Mr Sikes. 129 00:11:02,560 --> 00:11:04,520 I don't have a young man. 130 00:11:04,520 --> 00:11:06,240 I just have a lot of old ones. 131 00:11:15,080 --> 00:11:16,680 KNOCKS AT DOOR 132 00:11:18,360 --> 00:11:20,880 - Just one piece of cake? - The gallery at Greenwich? 133 00:11:20,880 --> 00:11:23,080 - No, we shall faint... - Very well. 134 00:11:24,520 --> 00:11:25,600 Miss Barbary? 135 00:11:26,800 --> 00:11:28,240 Miss Frances. 136 00:11:29,520 --> 00:11:31,320 Sir Leicester. 137 00:11:31,320 --> 00:11:32,720 What a surprise! 138 00:11:36,120 --> 00:11:38,040 This sounds important, Jaggers. 139 00:11:38,040 --> 00:11:39,800 - It is. - Let me guess - 140 00:11:39,800 --> 00:11:42,880 the shareholders refuse to trust my sister with their money, 141 00:11:42,880 --> 00:11:44,680 as I told you they would. 142 00:11:44,680 --> 00:11:46,760 I am ready to take my rightful place. 143 00:11:51,480 --> 00:11:54,400 Arthur, the New Year reception is going ahead 144 00:11:54,400 --> 00:11:56,480 and I would very much like you to be there. 145 00:11:56,480 --> 00:11:57,920 Oh, of course you would. 146 00:11:59,040 --> 00:12:01,360 But my absence will scream. 147 00:12:03,960 --> 00:12:06,680 You think anyone will invest in a woman? 148 00:12:06,680 --> 00:12:08,000 In you? 149 00:12:09,240 --> 00:12:13,120 If you have a brewery at all within six months, I will be surprised, 150 00:12:13,120 --> 00:12:16,720 and you will have no-one except yourself to blame! 151 00:12:20,840 --> 00:12:23,640 I wonder if you might allow us some privacy? 152 00:12:30,360 --> 00:12:32,480 Now, you are going to give me a talk. 153 00:12:33,480 --> 00:12:36,200 But what can she do? 154 00:12:36,200 --> 00:12:39,320 Take away my meagre 10%? 155 00:12:39,320 --> 00:12:41,760 It is guaranteed to me, she has no leverage. 156 00:12:41,760 --> 00:12:44,520 You're quite correct. Your sister cannot take away your money. 157 00:12:44,520 --> 00:12:46,200 - Exactly. - I can. 158 00:12:48,560 --> 00:12:50,480 Your father's will. 159 00:12:50,480 --> 00:12:52,480 I urge you to read the codicil. 160 00:12:55,360 --> 00:12:58,320 Should you behave in a way that is damaging to the property - 161 00:12:58,320 --> 00:12:59,760 by which is meant the business - 162 00:12:59,760 --> 00:13:02,640 I am empowered to take away the means by which you live 163 00:13:02,640 --> 00:13:04,280 and cede them to your sister. 164 00:13:06,120 --> 00:13:07,440 All monies. 165 00:13:08,960 --> 00:13:10,360 You see his signature. 166 00:13:13,520 --> 00:13:15,280 You forced him to this! 167 00:13:15,280 --> 00:13:17,880 No, your father was never forced into anything. 168 00:13:17,880 --> 00:13:21,280 You will attend the reception. You will stand by your sister. 169 00:13:21,280 --> 00:13:24,840 You will act in a manner appropriate to your name and status. 170 00:13:26,160 --> 00:13:29,000 ..Or you'll cut me off without a penny? 171 00:13:29,000 --> 00:13:30,440 Let me go destitute? 172 00:13:30,440 --> 00:13:32,440 Or I will exercise the codicil. 173 00:13:34,760 --> 00:13:36,240 Get yourself cleaned up. 174 00:13:37,440 --> 00:13:39,200 Wash out your mouth. 175 00:13:39,200 --> 00:13:42,440 You stink of brandy and it is not yet ten of the clock. 176 00:13:51,440 --> 00:13:52,960 DOOR SLAMS 177 00:13:55,360 --> 00:13:56,840 He'll do as he's told. 178 00:14:00,800 --> 00:14:04,720 Really? Did you say that? Tell me everything. 179 00:14:04,720 --> 00:14:07,440 I have charge of them for the day. 180 00:14:07,440 --> 00:14:12,240 I had intended the Gallery at Greenwich. It's fascinating. 181 00:14:12,240 --> 00:14:14,680 But they have no interest in our naval history. 182 00:14:14,680 --> 00:14:17,360 Pester me instead for cakes and hats. 183 00:14:17,360 --> 00:14:20,560 They are lucky girls to have such a benevolent uncle. 184 00:14:24,080 --> 00:14:27,120 You are much missed from the county, Miss Barbary. 185 00:14:27,120 --> 00:14:28,520 I was most distressed 186 00:14:28,520 --> 00:14:31,680 when I learned you were not to be a permanent neighbour. 187 00:14:33,080 --> 00:14:37,160 For a man to make promises of matrimony, then to break them? 188 00:14:37,160 --> 00:14:40,200 I have shunned him completely from my house and company. 189 00:14:42,520 --> 00:14:45,160 Sir Leicester, I have told my family 190 00:14:45,160 --> 00:14:47,720 it was I who broke off the engagement. 191 00:14:47,720 --> 00:14:50,200 I couldn't bear for them to know the truth. 192 00:14:51,480 --> 00:14:54,000 I... I would never dream... 193 00:14:54,000 --> 00:14:55,240 No, never. 194 00:14:58,680 --> 00:15:02,560 Well, the blasted fool would have made a sorry excuse for a husband. 195 00:15:02,560 --> 00:15:06,240 But a lady like yourself, my dear Miss Barbary, 196 00:15:06,240 --> 00:15:09,320 why, any man would be proud to call you his wife. 197 00:15:10,520 --> 00:15:11,840 Be comforted. 198 00:15:15,280 --> 00:15:17,240 If you are free tomorrow, Sir Leicester, 199 00:15:17,240 --> 00:15:19,240 perhaps you'd like to come for tea? 200 00:15:20,280 --> 00:15:23,080 It would be my very great pleasure, Miss Barbary. 201 00:15:27,960 --> 00:15:30,360 Are you mad? The Havisham party is far too public. 202 00:15:30,360 --> 00:15:32,400 We cannot be seen together. I forbid it. 203 00:15:32,400 --> 00:15:35,120 No, no, Arthur. The reception is the perfect opportunity. 204 00:15:35,120 --> 00:15:38,080 - Get me an invitation, I'll be... - Who do you think you are?! 205 00:15:38,080 --> 00:15:39,800 Damn you! 206 00:15:39,800 --> 00:15:43,240 You do not give me orders! I am master here! 207 00:15:47,720 --> 00:15:49,360 Know your place! 208 00:16:05,560 --> 00:16:06,960 Well, my dear? 209 00:16:08,280 --> 00:16:09,840 Well, nothing. 210 00:16:09,840 --> 00:16:11,560 I told him nothing, he got nothing. 211 00:16:13,280 --> 00:16:14,800 Who's this from? 212 00:16:14,800 --> 00:16:16,000 Just lifted it. 213 00:16:26,120 --> 00:16:28,120 Mr Scrooge has received your request 214 00:16:28,120 --> 00:16:31,040 for a further loan to cover the shipping costs of your stock. 215 00:16:31,040 --> 00:16:33,200 I cannot say why he has not answered yet. 216 00:16:33,200 --> 00:16:36,120 Go back to him, tell him I demand an answer now! 217 00:16:36,120 --> 00:16:38,880 Demanding makes a man look needy. 218 00:16:38,880 --> 00:16:41,680 Mr Scrooge will answer in due course. 219 00:16:41,680 --> 00:16:44,560 - I do not have due course! - DOOR OPENS 220 00:16:44,560 --> 00:16:45,920 DOOR SHUTS 221 00:16:49,520 --> 00:16:50,800 Miss Barbary. 222 00:16:54,120 --> 00:16:56,360 Frances... 223 00:16:56,360 --> 00:16:59,680 my behaviour towards you was disgraceful. 224 00:16:59,680 --> 00:17:01,560 Forgive me, please? 225 00:17:01,560 --> 00:17:03,840 You shouldn't even have to ask, Papa. 226 00:17:05,240 --> 00:17:07,880 We have a visitor tomorrow. A friend. 227 00:17:08,920 --> 00:17:12,480 We shall pile coal on the fire and drink good Assam tea. 228 00:17:13,520 --> 00:17:15,000 I look forward to it. 229 00:17:32,960 --> 00:17:34,960 What are you doing, John? 230 00:17:34,960 --> 00:17:37,880 Surprise for Martha. Don't say nothing to her. 231 00:17:45,840 --> 00:17:47,520 There's young ladies here, miss, 232 00:17:47,520 --> 00:17:49,800 wanting to see the early spring modes. 233 00:17:49,800 --> 00:17:51,840 They've asked to see the white ballgown. 234 00:17:51,840 --> 00:17:53,240 Oh, your wedding dress! 235 00:17:54,240 --> 00:17:56,920 It's so pretty. Is it nearly finished? 236 00:17:56,920 --> 00:17:58,240 Nearly. 237 00:18:00,480 --> 00:18:01,960 Have you seen the fans? 238 00:18:01,960 --> 00:18:03,560 Oh, they're exquisite! 239 00:18:05,680 --> 00:18:08,120 Miss Barbary will be with you all shortly. 240 00:18:10,800 --> 00:18:12,560 You have to have a fan for the ball. 241 00:18:12,560 --> 00:18:15,600 And in fact, these shoes go perfectly with your new dress. 242 00:18:15,600 --> 00:18:20,880 Oh, I forgot - Captain Hawdon came by and left you this. 243 00:18:28,680 --> 00:18:30,200 SHE GIGGLES 244 00:18:38,920 --> 00:18:41,480 Mesdemoiselles et Monsieur... 245 00:18:41,480 --> 00:18:44,080 an example from our early spring modes. 246 00:18:49,680 --> 00:18:51,360 Doesn't she look exquisite? 247 00:18:54,640 --> 00:18:56,560 It's beautiful, isn't it? 248 00:18:56,560 --> 00:18:58,840 That is divine, look at the detail. 249 00:18:58,840 --> 00:19:01,240 Yes, and look at the shoulder... 250 00:19:28,040 --> 00:19:29,640 What are you waiting for? 251 00:19:36,120 --> 00:19:37,480 Go home, Cratchit. 252 00:19:44,880 --> 00:19:47,480 If you recall Mr Scrooge, sir, 253 00:19:47,480 --> 00:19:49,680 tomorrow, my Martha is getting married. 254 00:19:49,680 --> 00:19:52,080 And you are taking a day's unpaid leave of absence. 255 00:19:52,080 --> 00:19:54,080 Yes, yes, I remember. Now, get out! 256 00:19:55,840 --> 00:19:57,760 DOOR OPENS 257 00:19:57,760 --> 00:19:59,120 DOOR SHUTS 258 00:20:28,640 --> 00:20:32,080 Inspector. Don't look, pretend to be doing something else. 259 00:20:36,880 --> 00:20:39,120 There was shouting, that night. 260 00:20:40,480 --> 00:20:42,440 It was before I went to meet Marley. 261 00:20:42,440 --> 00:20:46,400 And him and Mr Scrooge, rowing in the street. 262 00:20:46,400 --> 00:20:47,560 What about? 263 00:20:48,600 --> 00:20:51,720 All I heard was, "Jaggers shall settle it." 264 00:20:53,080 --> 00:20:55,480 It's why Marley was so riled. 265 00:20:55,480 --> 00:20:58,040 And that can't come from me, Inspector. It just can't. 266 00:20:58,040 --> 00:21:00,520 I understand, miss. You can trust me. 267 00:21:13,880 --> 00:21:17,400 - SHOP BELL RINGS - I forgot my newspaper. 268 00:21:17,400 --> 00:21:19,120 It's under your arm, sir. 269 00:21:21,800 --> 00:21:24,600 So it is. How foolish of me. 270 00:21:27,800 --> 00:21:29,080 The young lady... 271 00:21:30,440 --> 00:21:32,360 ..you called her Miss Barbary? 272 00:21:32,360 --> 00:21:36,280 I'm acquainted with Miss Barbary, a Miss Frances. 273 00:21:36,280 --> 00:21:40,480 - I wondered...? - Yes, indeed, sir, they are sisters. 274 00:21:40,480 --> 00:21:42,680 Our young lady is Miss Honoria. 275 00:21:42,680 --> 00:21:43,920 Honoria... 276 00:21:45,400 --> 00:21:46,600 Well... 277 00:21:47,920 --> 00:21:49,600 Small world. 278 00:22:03,200 --> 00:22:04,680 For you. 279 00:22:04,680 --> 00:22:08,040 It's only tiny, but I saw it and I thought, "That is for the bride" 280 00:22:08,040 --> 00:22:10,360 and I had to get it. 281 00:22:10,360 --> 00:22:12,640 It's your "something new", Martha. 282 00:22:12,640 --> 00:22:14,960 And when I get married, you can lend it to me 283 00:22:14,960 --> 00:22:17,480 and it can be my "something borrowed". 284 00:22:17,480 --> 00:22:19,760 I'll treasure it. Thank you! 285 00:22:20,960 --> 00:22:22,240 Come on. 286 00:22:32,680 --> 00:22:35,680 I can't buy you no wedding present, Martha. 287 00:22:35,680 --> 00:22:38,640 But I thought, well... 288 00:22:40,800 --> 00:22:42,560 It's us. 289 00:22:42,560 --> 00:22:45,680 Oh, John! They're so lovely. 290 00:22:45,680 --> 00:22:47,000 Yeah? 291 00:23:19,400 --> 00:23:21,920 CLOCK CHIMES THE HOUR 292 00:23:40,880 --> 00:23:42,800 I knew nothing about the codicil. 293 00:23:43,800 --> 00:23:45,600 I honestly knew nothing. 294 00:23:58,520 --> 00:24:01,080 We used to be such friends once, Arthur. 295 00:24:03,280 --> 00:24:04,840 Such happy friends. 296 00:24:07,360 --> 00:24:09,120 I miss that so much, don't you? 297 00:24:12,520 --> 00:24:14,360 Can we not be friends again? 298 00:24:15,360 --> 00:24:17,840 Because neither of us are happy now, are we? 299 00:24:26,200 --> 00:24:29,520 DOOR OPENS GUESTS MURMUR AND CHATTER 300 00:24:37,400 --> 00:24:40,120 - Good evening. - Good evening. - Good evening. 301 00:24:40,120 --> 00:24:43,320 Marley wanted to leave the partnership with Scrooge. 302 00:24:43,320 --> 00:24:45,880 You made no mention of this when we spoke. 303 00:24:45,880 --> 00:24:48,240 Then it seemed robbery was the motive. 304 00:24:49,520 --> 00:24:52,920 It would not have been appropriate for me to infer some other agenda. 305 00:24:52,920 --> 00:24:55,280 Why did Marley want to leave? 306 00:24:55,280 --> 00:24:58,680 If it made him angry, why did he want to part ways? 307 00:24:58,680 --> 00:25:00,160 He gave me no reason. 308 00:25:00,160 --> 00:25:04,520 And it's not so unusual to want to dissolve a long partnership. 309 00:25:04,520 --> 00:25:05,880 I myself... 310 00:25:07,200 --> 00:25:08,720 ..consider it often. 311 00:25:16,760 --> 00:25:19,040 GUESTS CHATTER 312 00:26:01,640 --> 00:26:03,680 What? 313 00:26:03,680 --> 00:26:05,760 What are you doing here? 314 00:26:05,760 --> 00:26:07,160 Looking. 315 00:26:07,160 --> 00:26:08,480 How did you get in? 316 00:26:09,480 --> 00:26:11,400 Through the front door. 317 00:26:11,400 --> 00:26:14,120 Get out. Get out now. 318 00:26:14,120 --> 00:26:15,600 Why are you crying? 319 00:26:18,400 --> 00:26:20,160 I'm not. 320 00:26:20,160 --> 00:26:21,360 - AMELIA: - Arthur? 321 00:26:22,560 --> 00:26:25,080 Oh, God. Oh, God... 322 00:26:25,080 --> 00:26:26,400 Arthur? 323 00:26:26,400 --> 00:26:30,240 Not a word. Don't breathe, don't move. 324 00:26:30,240 --> 00:26:32,480 DOOR OPENS 325 00:26:32,480 --> 00:26:33,800 Are you unwell? 326 00:26:35,200 --> 00:26:36,920 I just needed a moment. 327 00:26:38,280 --> 00:26:42,800 Yes. They're all very kind, but one does feel a little on show. 328 00:26:42,800 --> 00:26:44,600 ORCHESTRA TUNES UP 329 00:26:44,600 --> 00:26:47,520 It's time for the dancing. You should go. 330 00:26:49,560 --> 00:26:52,640 Arthur, this argument of ours... 331 00:26:52,640 --> 00:26:55,680 ..Is at an end. 332 00:26:58,440 --> 00:27:01,680 We should begin the dancing together. Come. 333 00:27:01,680 --> 00:27:04,120 LIVELY MUSIC BEGINS 334 00:27:38,120 --> 00:27:40,480 I don't recall inviting you, sir. 335 00:27:40,480 --> 00:27:42,080 No, a friend brought me. 336 00:27:43,080 --> 00:27:44,480 I have a small legacy, 337 00:27:44,480 --> 00:27:47,680 which he suggested I might want to invest here. 338 00:27:47,680 --> 00:27:49,240 Well, in that case, 339 00:27:49,240 --> 00:27:53,160 I can arrange to give you more information about the brewery. 340 00:27:53,160 --> 00:27:55,400 I didn't know you were the director. 341 00:27:56,440 --> 00:27:59,520 I'm happy to go to a party organised by a woman, 342 00:27:59,520 --> 00:28:01,280 but...invest in your business? 343 00:28:03,120 --> 00:28:04,280 HE SNIGGERS 344 00:28:04,280 --> 00:28:06,960 I might as well set fire to my money. 345 00:28:06,960 --> 00:28:09,560 Goodnight, Miss Havisham.