1 00:00:30,080 --> 00:00:32,800 I'm arresting you for the murder of Jacob Marley. 2 00:00:32,800 --> 00:00:35,360 - What's he on about? - It's a mistake, a stupid mistake... 3 00:00:35,360 --> 00:00:37,800 - Come along, now. - It's got to be! - I'll get Ma! - No! No, no! 4 00:00:37,800 --> 00:00:42,320 Please, please! Please, it is her wedding day. 5 00:00:53,080 --> 00:00:54,840 Now, now don't you worry, love. 6 00:00:54,840 --> 00:00:56,560 I will settle this somehow 7 00:00:56,560 --> 00:00:59,000 and I'll be back here to walk you up the aisle. 8 00:00:59,000 --> 00:01:00,360 Promise? 9 00:01:01,640 --> 00:01:03,440 Promise. 10 00:01:21,000 --> 00:01:23,280 Pa! 11 00:01:36,640 --> 00:01:37,880 So, what now? 12 00:01:45,560 --> 00:01:47,360 What are you going to do? 13 00:02:00,440 --> 00:02:02,600 I'll be needing a clean shirt. 14 00:02:03,960 --> 00:02:05,360 Yes, of course. 15 00:02:25,120 --> 00:02:28,680 On Christmas Eve, your employer, Mr Jacob Marley, 16 00:02:28,680 --> 00:02:32,760 was murdered between the hours of 9 and 10.30. 17 00:02:32,760 --> 00:02:35,320 Could you tell me where you were at that hour? 18 00:02:37,280 --> 00:02:39,760 - Out walking. - Walking? 19 00:02:39,760 --> 00:02:42,120 Looking to see if the market had left anything behind. 20 00:02:42,120 --> 00:02:45,040 I hadn't taken home what I'd hoped, you see. 21 00:02:46,040 --> 00:02:47,440 Oh? 22 00:02:48,880 --> 00:02:50,640 HE COUGHS 23 00:02:55,880 --> 00:02:56,920 Thank you. 24 00:03:01,480 --> 00:03:05,640 My wages had been docked by Mr Marley. 25 00:03:05,640 --> 00:03:07,240 Two shillings. 26 00:03:07,240 --> 00:03:10,360 Did Mr Marley explain why he did that? 27 00:03:10,360 --> 00:03:13,680 He said my work wasn't up to scratch. 28 00:03:13,680 --> 00:03:15,680 Wasn't it? 29 00:03:15,680 --> 00:03:17,200 That's what he said. 30 00:03:17,200 --> 00:03:19,600 That must have made you very angry, Bob. 31 00:03:20,800 --> 00:03:22,240 Yes. 32 00:03:24,560 --> 00:03:29,160 This walk of yours... Did you encounter anyone? 33 00:03:29,160 --> 00:03:31,480 Exchange season's greetings? 34 00:03:32,800 --> 00:03:34,800 Not that I remember. 35 00:03:34,800 --> 00:03:36,160 No-one at all? 36 00:03:36,160 --> 00:03:38,320 THINK, Bob. 37 00:03:41,600 --> 00:03:44,600 This puts us in a very difficult position, 38 00:03:44,600 --> 00:03:47,480 with no-one to vouch for your whereabouts 39 00:03:47,480 --> 00:03:49,920 at the time Mr Marley was murdered. 40 00:03:49,920 --> 00:03:55,560 A man you had good reason to be angry with, that very same day. 41 00:03:55,560 --> 00:03:57,760 You see my dilemma? 42 00:03:57,760 --> 00:04:01,840 I suppose and, yes, I was angry with him for docking my wages, 43 00:04:01,840 --> 00:04:04,000 but why would you think I would murder him? 44 00:04:12,640 --> 00:04:17,480 There was a loan, shown here in Jacob Marley's ledger, 45 00:04:17,480 --> 00:04:21,920 for the sum of £1, 18 shillings and sixpence. 46 00:04:22,920 --> 00:04:25,240 A loan to you. 47 00:04:26,560 --> 00:04:31,440 I say "was" cos some time after Mr Marley's death, 48 00:04:31,440 --> 00:04:36,280 that very same entry had been crossed out by another hand. 49 00:04:37,360 --> 00:04:39,800 Yours, I take it? 50 00:04:42,160 --> 00:04:44,680 I 'ope we ain't missed all the good seats. 51 00:04:44,680 --> 00:04:46,800 Yeah, well, if we do, we know why, don't we? 52 00:04:46,800 --> 00:04:48,440 I told you to hurry up! 53 00:04:48,440 --> 00:04:49,640 CHURCH ORGAN PLAYS 54 00:04:49,640 --> 00:04:51,160 Thanks for coming. 55 00:04:51,160 --> 00:04:53,720 BELL TOLLS 56 00:04:53,720 --> 00:04:59,680 And in his journal, Mr Marley had made an entry 57 00:04:59,680 --> 00:05:02,000 for the evening he was killed, 58 00:05:02,000 --> 00:05:05,480 suggesting an arranged meeting, perhaps? 59 00:05:05,480 --> 00:05:09,680 Just an initial - C. 60 00:05:12,840 --> 00:05:15,240 Cratchit? 61 00:05:18,560 --> 00:05:20,560 Where are they? 62 00:05:20,560 --> 00:05:23,320 Martha will just be wanting to make an entrance. 63 00:05:38,720 --> 00:05:43,360 The department of the detective that I represent, Bob, 64 00:05:43,360 --> 00:05:45,520 has one very clear purpose - 65 00:05:45,520 --> 00:05:49,000 to reveal the perpetrator of this murder 66 00:05:49,000 --> 00:05:52,160 by establishing the motive for it 67 00:05:52,160 --> 00:05:55,400 and the opportunity to carry it out. 68 00:05:58,120 --> 00:06:02,640 The loan you have erased from the ledger gives me a motive. 69 00:06:04,160 --> 00:06:07,560 While the entry of "C' in the victim's journal, 70 00:06:07,560 --> 00:06:10,520 added to your uncorroborated Christmas Eve walk, 71 00:06:10,520 --> 00:06:14,120 provides the opportunity. 72 00:06:19,760 --> 00:06:22,600 It's enough for a court to convict. 73 00:06:22,600 --> 00:06:24,640 I did not kill Mr Marley! 74 00:06:27,000 --> 00:06:31,520 I make no judgment on the rights or wrongs of it, Bob. 75 00:06:31,520 --> 00:06:36,160 My investigation leaves me in no doubt 76 00:06:36,160 --> 00:06:39,640 as to the nature of Jacob Marley 77 00:06:39,640 --> 00:06:43,600 and I can only imagine the strain of trying to provide for a family 78 00:06:43,600 --> 00:06:48,000 at Christmas, under the weight of a loan you couldn't afford. 79 00:06:49,760 --> 00:06:53,440 No-one would blame a man 80 00:06:53,440 --> 00:06:55,840 for buckling under the burden of all that. 81 00:06:58,160 --> 00:07:00,680 When my Emily was expecting Martha, 82 00:07:00,680 --> 00:07:04,640 we were trying to get our own place, but we didn't have the money. 83 00:07:06,120 --> 00:07:11,880 So she pressed her mother's garnet necklace into my hand, 84 00:07:11,880 --> 00:07:13,760 watched me pawn it. 85 00:07:14,800 --> 00:07:19,000 So, you see, that loan was to buy her another necklace. 86 00:07:19,000 --> 00:07:22,000 To thank her for being the best wife 87 00:07:22,000 --> 00:07:23,720 and mother a man could ever hope for. 88 00:07:23,720 --> 00:07:27,120 There's no shame in a man protecting his family, Bob. 89 00:07:29,080 --> 00:07:30,720 No shame at all. 90 00:07:34,520 --> 00:07:37,400 But a murder IS a murder 91 00:07:37,400 --> 00:07:41,800 and the evidence I have is damning. 92 00:07:44,600 --> 00:07:46,680 I'm sorry. 93 00:07:46,680 --> 00:07:48,640 Wait! Wait! 94 00:07:48,640 --> 00:07:52,120 You need to fetch Mr Scrooge, ask him to bring my ledger. 95 00:08:06,240 --> 00:08:08,120 SHE LAUGHS 96 00:08:08,120 --> 00:08:10,360 DOOR OPENS 97 00:08:10,360 --> 00:08:13,840 A gentleman for you, Miss. Mr Compeyson. 98 00:08:13,840 --> 00:08:15,360 Oh. 99 00:08:16,520 --> 00:08:18,160 Shall I show him in, then? 100 00:08:19,160 --> 00:08:21,320 Yes. Of course. 101 00:08:21,320 --> 00:08:22,840 Yes, Miss. 102 00:08:28,120 --> 00:08:29,360 Mr Compeyson, Miss. 103 00:08:29,360 --> 00:08:31,040 Thank you, Mary, that will be all. 104 00:08:40,240 --> 00:08:42,360 DOG GROWLS AND BARKS 105 00:08:42,360 --> 00:08:44,000 How can I... 106 00:08:44,000 --> 00:08:47,520 Please. I...must speak. 107 00:08:47,520 --> 00:08:50,240 Erm, there are things I had... I need to say. 108 00:08:52,040 --> 00:08:55,240 I owe you an apology. 109 00:08:55,240 --> 00:08:57,520 I should never have spoken as I did, 110 00:08:57,520 --> 00:09:02,440 should never have used those words and I can only beg your forgiveness. 111 00:09:02,440 --> 00:09:04,120 There's no need to apologise... 112 00:09:04,120 --> 00:09:06,600 You're too gracious, madam. 113 00:09:06,600 --> 00:09:09,720 Such behaviour in a gentleman is quite insupportable 114 00:09:09,720 --> 00:09:11,520 and it will never happen again. 115 00:09:13,800 --> 00:09:17,600 Now, should I be any possible use in your business affairs, 116 00:09:17,600 --> 00:09:19,520 do feel at liberty to call upon me. 117 00:09:49,520 --> 00:09:51,200 MAN GROANS 118 00:09:51,200 --> 00:09:55,440 Well, someone needed to put some fire in you, Bumble. 119 00:09:55,440 --> 00:09:58,080 I'm all eagerness to please, my angel. 120 00:09:58,080 --> 00:10:00,640 You're all prattle and chatter - all talk and no action. 121 00:10:00,640 --> 00:10:04,520 Act, Bumble, act! Make me proud - earn my gratitude. 122 00:10:04,520 --> 00:10:08,160 And how might you show it, my sweet? 123 00:10:08,160 --> 00:10:10,040 Just write the letter, Bumble! 124 00:10:10,040 --> 00:10:12,480 Win the Board - raise us up! 125 00:10:12,480 --> 00:10:17,000 Gain the position we deserve and who knows where it may lead! 126 00:10:19,200 --> 00:10:21,480 You think that I've got nothing better to do 127 00:10:21,480 --> 00:10:24,720 than to trot along over here with you during business hours! 128 00:10:24,720 --> 00:10:26,360 Well, Inspector! 129 00:10:26,360 --> 00:10:28,920 You may have plenty of time to waste, but I... 130 00:10:28,920 --> 00:10:32,720 Cratchit? What are you doing here? 131 00:10:38,880 --> 00:10:40,200 So, it was you, was it? 132 00:10:40,200 --> 00:10:44,160 When the worm turned and did for old Jacob, eh? 133 00:10:48,480 --> 00:10:50,320 The latest entry, sir. You'll see it. 134 00:10:50,320 --> 00:10:53,080 What are you talking about? What... 135 00:10:55,560 --> 00:10:57,520 On whose authorisation?! 136 00:10:57,520 --> 00:11:00,320 Mr Marley made me the loan, sir. 137 00:11:00,320 --> 00:11:02,320 And you thought to renegotiate terms 138 00:11:02,320 --> 00:11:05,040 without the agreement of the surviving partner? 139 00:11:05,040 --> 00:11:08,800 Then you must surely have consulted with Jacob Marley's ghost?! 140 00:11:08,800 --> 00:11:10,400 Hmm? Is that it? 141 00:11:10,400 --> 00:11:11,920 I just needed a month's grace. 142 00:11:11,920 --> 00:11:14,160 What exactly has he done? 143 00:11:14,160 --> 00:11:17,280 Cratchit has taken it upon himself 144 00:11:17,280 --> 00:11:21,240 to move his debt from Marley's ledger to his own, 145 00:11:21,240 --> 00:11:24,280 reducing the immediate burden and amortising it over a lengthier term. 146 00:11:24,280 --> 00:11:25,760 Reducing what he owes? 147 00:11:25,760 --> 00:11:29,120 Hmm. Increasing it, in fact - by a sparing margin. 148 00:11:31,040 --> 00:11:35,400 - It seemed right. - Right? What do you know of right? 149 00:11:35,400 --> 00:11:39,800 Jacob Marley had to be dead in order for you to do this. 150 00:11:39,800 --> 00:11:42,200 Well, if you think you have your man, Inspector, 151 00:11:42,200 --> 00:11:44,520 snap his neck and be quick about it. 152 00:11:44,520 --> 00:11:48,320 I'll have to go about finding - and training - a new clerk! 153 00:11:54,840 --> 00:11:56,480 What's keeping her? 154 00:11:56,480 --> 00:11:57,760 If I knew that... 155 00:11:58,960 --> 00:12:01,840 Keep him calm, keep everyone calm. 156 00:12:01,840 --> 00:12:03,840 How do I do that? 157 00:12:03,840 --> 00:12:06,240 Summat's definitely up. 158 00:12:36,400 --> 00:12:38,560 I've got to get Martha to the church! 159 00:12:38,560 --> 00:12:40,520 You must know that's not going to happen. 160 00:12:40,520 --> 00:12:43,800 Mr Scrooge told you I never stole... 161 00:12:43,800 --> 00:12:46,640 He also took great pains to point out 162 00:12:46,640 --> 00:12:51,000 that Mr Marley had to be dead for you to change the books 163 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:55,480 and that any further alteration could only be to avoid discovery. 164 00:12:55,480 --> 00:12:59,960 I didn't kill him. There is nothing more I can say. 165 00:12:59,960 --> 00:13:03,520 All that matters now is Martha - she is alone on her wedding day 166 00:13:03,520 --> 00:13:06,080 and I made her a promise. 167 00:13:06,080 --> 00:13:09,880 A father's promise to his little girl - that is sacred. 168 00:13:09,880 --> 00:13:12,760 I can see you are a good man. 169 00:13:12,760 --> 00:13:18,360 If you have any doubt - any doubt at all - please let me keep my promise. 170 00:13:20,200 --> 00:13:23,480 After that, well, I give you my word. 171 00:13:23,480 --> 00:13:27,600 I will be back here and you can do your worst. 172 00:13:30,160 --> 00:13:33,800 She's not coming, is she? Why's she not coming?! 173 00:13:40,880 --> 00:13:43,160 - Ma! - Why are you still here? 174 00:13:43,160 --> 00:13:44,520 He promised he'd be back. 175 00:13:44,520 --> 00:13:46,960 What's going on? Where's your father? 176 00:13:46,960 --> 00:13:48,200 The police came. 177 00:13:48,200 --> 00:13:49,400 - Why? - They took him. - Why? 178 00:13:49,400 --> 00:13:51,880 Just a few questions about Mr Marley's business. 179 00:13:51,880 --> 00:13:54,040 - Pa! - That's all. - What sort of questions? 180 00:13:54,040 --> 00:13:57,000 Nothing you need worry about. Not today of all days. 181 00:13:58,360 --> 00:14:00,760 I promised, didn't I? 182 00:14:00,760 --> 00:14:03,400 Right, come on, love, let's get you to that church. 183 00:14:03,400 --> 00:14:06,000 What could it mean? That he never actually meant it? 184 00:14:06,000 --> 00:14:07,080 So, you like him now? 185 00:14:07,080 --> 00:14:09,920 He did say he was out of his depth. 186 00:14:09,920 --> 00:14:11,240 He could be scared. 187 00:14:11,240 --> 00:14:13,800 Well, do you want to see him again? 188 00:14:13,800 --> 00:14:15,360 Yes. 189 00:14:15,360 --> 00:14:17,120 Then you know what to do. 190 00:14:17,120 --> 00:14:19,400 Take matters into my own hands. 191 00:14:19,400 --> 00:14:20,560 Boy! 192 00:14:22,560 --> 00:14:24,400 Don't turn round. 193 00:14:25,400 --> 00:14:27,280 She's here? 194 00:14:27,280 --> 00:14:29,000 - You still got the ring? - Yes! - OK. 195 00:14:29,000 --> 00:14:30,800 Look at that dress! 196 00:14:30,800 --> 00:14:32,760 It's not the best colour, is it? 197 00:14:32,760 --> 00:14:34,640 It drains her. Washes her out. 198 00:14:34,640 --> 00:14:36,320 I think she looks lovely. 199 00:14:36,320 --> 00:14:38,280 Well, you don't have my eye, do you? 200 00:14:38,280 --> 00:14:40,160 Just one thing missing. 201 00:14:44,760 --> 00:14:46,800 Your "something borrowed". 202 00:14:51,160 --> 00:14:53,960 Right, you get in, love. We'll be right behind you. 203 00:14:56,000 --> 00:14:57,800 Pa... Before... 204 00:14:57,800 --> 00:15:02,480 Oh, like I said - a mistake. We're here now, aren't we? 205 00:15:02,480 --> 00:15:03,920 That's all that matters. 206 00:15:03,920 --> 00:15:06,480 "THE WEDDING MARCH" IS PLAYED ON ORGAN 207 00:15:10,640 --> 00:15:12,160 I'm so proud of you. 208 00:15:15,280 --> 00:15:21,560 Not sure I completely understand this detecting of yours, Mr Bucket. 209 00:15:21,560 --> 00:15:26,880 You have your man, yet let him walk away. 210 00:15:26,880 --> 00:15:29,800 He gave me his word, Mr Venus. 211 00:15:29,800 --> 00:15:32,240 Surely, he'd say anything to spare the noose 212 00:15:32,240 --> 00:15:35,160 and the dance for all to see. 213 00:15:35,160 --> 00:15:36,480 You trust him? 214 00:15:37,480 --> 00:15:39,320 I wouldn't exactly say that ... 215 00:15:39,320 --> 00:15:43,080 Well, then, why take the risk? You pity him? 216 00:15:43,080 --> 00:15:48,880 More than that. There's something about him, something honest. 217 00:15:51,040 --> 00:15:52,200 An honest killer. 218 00:15:53,200 --> 00:15:57,960 Jacob Marley was, by all reports, a bad man. 219 00:15:57,960 --> 00:16:01,200 His killer could well be a good one. 220 00:16:01,200 --> 00:16:03,400 And this you can tell from the evidence? 221 00:16:03,400 --> 00:16:08,240 I can make a strong case, but this... 222 00:16:09,440 --> 00:16:13,440 ..invites me to be circumspect. 223 00:16:13,440 --> 00:16:17,640 And will you follow your nose or the evidence? 224 00:16:17,640 --> 00:16:21,160 Without an alibi, I have no choice. 225 00:16:22,880 --> 00:16:25,080 It's not looking good for him. 226 00:16:25,080 --> 00:16:28,640 CHEERING 227 00:16:28,640 --> 00:16:30,200 I promise you this. 228 00:16:30,200 --> 00:16:34,280 I will always work hard and I won't waste money and I'll save, 229 00:16:34,280 --> 00:16:38,400 and then one day I'll have enough - enough money to buy you a watch. 230 00:16:38,400 --> 00:16:42,120 And then you need never, ever be that late again. 231 00:16:42,120 --> 00:16:44,000 - I do love you. - I know. 232 00:16:47,600 --> 00:16:51,200 APPLAUSE 233 00:16:53,400 --> 00:16:55,960 CHEERING 234 00:16:59,680 --> 00:17:01,760 It will be you next. 235 00:17:24,800 --> 00:17:26,040 But why would you say that?! 236 00:17:26,040 --> 00:17:27,720 Because it needed to be said. 237 00:17:27,720 --> 00:17:29,920 - You were doing so well. - Have a little faith, Arthur. 238 00:17:29,920 --> 00:17:33,160 Faith?! You've ruined it. She'll not want to see you now. 239 00:17:34,360 --> 00:17:36,520 A note from Miss Havisham, sir. 240 00:17:36,520 --> 00:17:38,000 Oh, thank you. 241 00:17:40,240 --> 00:17:41,520 A moment, please. 242 00:17:41,520 --> 00:17:42,560 'Course, mister. 243 00:17:45,400 --> 00:17:47,480 I am invited to discuss my investment 244 00:17:47,480 --> 00:17:50,760 in the Havisham Brewery...tonight! 245 00:17:50,760 --> 00:17:54,320 "THE SAILOR'S HORNPIPE" PLAYED ON FIDDLE 246 00:17:57,280 --> 00:17:59,040 Table! 247 00:18:02,040 --> 00:18:04,080 Keep walking. 248 00:18:08,160 --> 00:18:11,840 - Not a drop o' gin. - The Cripples, then? - Yeah. 249 00:18:13,240 --> 00:18:14,920 Just, just one thing, Fan. 250 00:18:14,920 --> 00:18:18,280 - Hmm? - I, er, I seem to have mislaid me purse. 251 00:18:18,280 --> 00:18:22,720 - Yeah, well, don't think I'll be standing you drinks all night! - No. 252 00:18:28,960 --> 00:18:31,480 A bit o' quiet, please. 253 00:18:31,480 --> 00:18:33,080 Speech! 254 00:18:33,080 --> 00:18:38,000 Oh, I suppose, as the father of the bride... 255 00:18:42,040 --> 00:18:45,080 Well, this is just the beginning for the two of you. 256 00:18:47,280 --> 00:18:50,920 What's to come won't be easy. 257 00:18:50,920 --> 00:18:54,600 It'll be hard, it'll be cold. 258 00:18:54,600 --> 00:18:57,200 But there's one thing that keeps you warm. 259 00:18:58,480 --> 00:19:01,040 Gets you through it. That's each other. 260 00:19:03,360 --> 00:19:04,960 Bound together. 261 00:19:08,600 --> 00:19:11,280 Soon, you'll have your own little 'uns. 262 00:19:11,280 --> 00:19:13,640 Maybe even your own little girl. 263 00:19:13,640 --> 00:19:18,480 And you'll hold her in your arms, terrified you'll drop her. 264 00:19:18,480 --> 00:19:20,680 And then... 265 00:19:20,680 --> 00:19:24,600 One day, well, she's not your little girl any more, 266 00:19:24,600 --> 00:19:31,520 she's all grown up, so pretty and your heart'll go again. 267 00:19:34,400 --> 00:19:38,000 And you're giving her away - the proudest pa in the whole wide world. 268 00:19:40,400 --> 00:19:44,960 And you wonder where all the time went. All those years. 269 00:19:48,160 --> 00:19:50,240 So...so remember. 270 00:19:50,240 --> 00:19:55,360 Always. Hold on to those moments - 271 00:19:55,360 --> 00:19:58,760 every hour, every day. 272 00:20:01,800 --> 00:20:03,960 To the bride and groom! 273 00:20:03,960 --> 00:20:06,960 - ALL: - Bride and groom! - APPLAUSE 274 00:20:11,080 --> 00:20:13,920 He's coming. 275 00:20:13,920 --> 00:20:16,960 Something is in the air - even Frances has an admirer. 276 00:20:18,560 --> 00:20:20,600 Miss Havisham, Honoria. There you are. 277 00:20:20,600 --> 00:20:24,120 I have the honour of presenting Sir Leicester Dedlock - 278 00:20:24,120 --> 00:20:25,760 a gentleman in whose charming company 279 00:20:25,760 --> 00:20:27,960 I spent many a happy hour while I was in the country. 280 00:20:27,960 --> 00:20:29,960 You flatter me, Miss Barbary. 281 00:20:29,960 --> 00:20:32,680 I rather think it was your presence that brightened our days. 282 00:20:34,200 --> 00:20:36,080 Might we join you, ladies? 283 00:20:36,080 --> 00:20:37,560 Oh, I must be going, I'm afraid. 284 00:20:37,560 --> 00:20:39,560 I have a business meeting to prepare for. 285 00:20:39,560 --> 00:20:41,240 Good luck. 286 00:20:42,400 --> 00:20:43,760 Thank you. 287 00:20:59,720 --> 00:21:02,480 I seen the same thing with old Mr Wemmick. 288 00:21:02,480 --> 00:21:05,760 Grey, it was, like death. He lost the leg, of course. 289 00:21:05,760 --> 00:21:08,200 Well, I warned him, did he listen? 290 00:21:08,200 --> 00:21:11,640 They never do, do they? I mean, I've tried my best. 291 00:21:11,640 --> 00:21:16,120 Maybe Mr Wegg has no need of his other leg? 292 00:21:16,120 --> 00:21:19,920 I suppose - if you've the time - 293 00:21:19,920 --> 00:21:24,000 there's no harm in taking another look, is there? 294 00:21:24,000 --> 00:21:26,880 Oh? So long as it ain't no impogician. 295 00:21:26,880 --> 00:21:29,360 Step right this way if you would, Mrs Gamp. 296 00:21:33,520 --> 00:21:39,520 Oh! I think you'll be most appreciative, my cherry blossom. 297 00:21:46,720 --> 00:21:49,200 Is this the best you can do, Bumble? 298 00:21:49,200 --> 00:21:52,360 Ramblings, meanderings... 299 00:21:52,360 --> 00:21:56,240 Some element of circumlocution, my honey pot, is... 300 00:21:56,240 --> 00:22:00,760 Such shaky, spidery scrawl! How is that meant to impress? 301 00:22:00,760 --> 00:22:02,680 How is that meant to elevate?! 302 00:22:02,680 --> 00:22:09,720 Oh? Perhaps it's the weight of expectation, my pudding. 303 00:22:09,720 --> 00:22:11,080 I can only do my best. 304 00:22:11,080 --> 00:22:14,840 Your best is never good enough, is it, Bumble? 305 00:22:14,840 --> 00:22:16,600 You offer hope of satisfaction, 306 00:22:16,600 --> 00:22:20,560 but, once again, I'm left to minister to my own needs! 307 00:22:28,640 --> 00:22:32,280 I'd better get this back where it belongs before I break it. 308 00:22:32,280 --> 00:22:35,360 Now, what can I do? 309 00:22:36,520 --> 00:22:39,400 You, my girl, can tell me where your father is 310 00:22:39,400 --> 00:22:41,240 and what's really been going on. 311 00:22:47,960 --> 00:22:51,080 DOOR CREAKS LOUDLY 312 00:22:55,560 --> 00:22:57,560 This gives me no pleasure, Bob. 313 00:22:57,560 --> 00:22:59,000 I see that, Inspector. 314 00:22:59,000 --> 00:23:02,560 And, well, considering everything, you've been very decent. 315 00:23:17,600 --> 00:23:22,080 Oh! Look away, Silas, this ain't going to be pretty. 316 00:23:23,840 --> 00:23:25,880 Keep looking away. 317 00:23:31,680 --> 00:23:35,000 Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, mortification! 318 00:23:36,400 --> 00:23:39,960 Oh, God! I'm not going to lose it, am I? 319 00:23:39,960 --> 00:23:41,320 I can't lose it! 320 00:23:41,320 --> 00:23:43,880 Don't worry, Silas. You've got me, ain't you? 321 00:23:43,880 --> 00:23:45,320 I know what I'm doing. 322 00:23:45,320 --> 00:23:47,120 What will you need? 323 00:23:47,120 --> 00:23:49,600 It's dirty work, you know, turns the stomach, 324 00:23:49,600 --> 00:23:52,360 perhaps a little gin before I start? 325 00:23:52,360 --> 00:23:54,360 And Fanny could use one too. 326 00:23:55,680 --> 00:23:57,040 I need to see the inspector NOW. 327 00:23:57,040 --> 00:23:59,680 Look, I'm not going anywhere until you get me the Inspector. 328 00:23:59,680 --> 00:24:02,640 - Calm down, madam. - You get me the inspector, do you hear me?! 329 00:24:04,960 --> 00:24:06,560 - Mrs Cratchit. - Where is he? 330 00:24:06,560 --> 00:24:08,800 You can't think that Bob done this! 331 00:24:10,680 --> 00:24:14,920 I have ample evidence, motive and opportunity, madam - 332 00:24:14,920 --> 00:24:19,160 and your husband has no alibi for the time Mr Marley was killed. 333 00:24:19,160 --> 00:24:21,240 He was at home with me. 334 00:24:21,240 --> 00:24:24,640 By his own admission, not all night. 335 00:24:26,800 --> 00:24:29,480 He went out, er, but he was... He was back by nine. 336 00:24:29,480 --> 00:24:32,640 I'd just brought the coal in and I heard the bells chime. 337 00:24:32,640 --> 00:24:36,080 When's he supposed to have killed Mr Marley? 338 00:24:36,080 --> 00:24:37,800 Between nine and half past ten. 339 00:24:37,800 --> 00:24:39,680 Well, he can't have, then, can he? 340 00:24:41,400 --> 00:24:46,760 Apparently not, if I'm to believe your word - the word of a wife. 341 00:24:46,760 --> 00:24:49,440 You have to. 342 00:24:51,400 --> 00:24:54,440 He's a good man, he's a kind man. 343 00:24:54,440 --> 00:24:56,360 There's no violence in him. 344 00:24:56,360 --> 00:24:59,520 He's never raised a hand - not even his voice in all our years. 345 00:24:59,520 --> 00:25:02,000 My husband isn't a murderer! 346 00:25:08,200 --> 00:25:10,680 Madam, there's a caller for you. 347 00:25:10,680 --> 00:25:12,000 Thank you, Mary. 348 00:25:19,680 --> 00:25:22,200 We'll be seeing more of Sir Leicester, then? 349 00:25:22,200 --> 00:25:26,080 Definitely. A man of his means and influence makes an ideal suitor. 350 00:25:26,080 --> 00:25:27,480 You're sure of his interest? 351 00:25:27,480 --> 00:25:29,040 Certain. 352 00:25:29,040 --> 00:25:32,320 He's eager to call on you officially and discuss the matter with Papa. 353 00:25:32,320 --> 00:25:33,960 - Me?! - Of course. 354 00:25:33,960 --> 00:25:37,000 I have my duties and you have yours. 355 00:25:37,000 --> 00:25:40,120 It's an ideal match and he has a genuine affection for you. 356 00:25:40,120 --> 00:25:41,680 Yes, but James... 357 00:25:41,680 --> 00:25:45,440 Is wholly unsuitable. His prospects are as poor as his character. 358 00:25:45,440 --> 00:25:47,600 His hoped for promotion a fantasy. 359 00:25:47,600 --> 00:25:50,000 Sir Leicester's wealth and connections 360 00:25:50,000 --> 00:25:52,280 will prove invaluable in restoring our name 361 00:25:52,280 --> 00:25:54,120 and interests to their rightful state. 362 00:25:54,120 --> 00:25:56,640 His timely arrival can only be the work of providence. 363 00:26:21,680 --> 00:26:24,080 Better go before I change my mind. 364 00:26:43,920 --> 00:26:45,480 Mr Compeyson! 365 00:26:45,480 --> 00:26:46,800 Miss Havisham. 366 00:26:46,800 --> 00:26:49,160 This is my dear cousin, Matthew Pocket, 367 00:26:49,160 --> 00:26:51,480 - just returned from his travels. - Sir. 368 00:26:51,480 --> 00:26:55,000 I heard the sad news of Mr Havisham and came as soon as I could. 369 00:26:55,000 --> 00:26:56,760 How fortunate for your cousin. 370 00:26:56,760 --> 00:26:59,160 Mr Pocket is my oldest friend. 371 00:26:59,160 --> 00:27:02,120 You could say he's my North Star. We have much to discuss. 372 00:27:02,120 --> 00:27:04,160 I know we were supposed to meet, I'm sorry. 373 00:27:04,160 --> 00:27:06,720 Think nothing of it. Another time. 374 00:27:08,280 --> 00:27:09,800 Mr Pocket. 375 00:27:10,800 --> 00:27:12,680 DOG BARKS 376 00:27:17,040 --> 00:27:23,760 # Home! Home! Home, sweet home! 377 00:27:23,760 --> 00:27:32,840 # There's no place like home, no There's no place like home... # 378 00:27:32,840 --> 00:27:34,520 Where did you two get to, then? 379 00:27:38,240 --> 00:27:39,840 What's this? 380 00:27:39,840 --> 00:27:43,080 The necklace. Nell opened up so I could sell it. 381 00:27:43,080 --> 00:27:45,200 - Oh, but... - No. 382 00:27:45,200 --> 00:27:47,360 It was a lovely thought, 383 00:27:47,360 --> 00:27:50,360 but I won't be in debt to Scrooge, not for baubles. 384 00:27:51,400 --> 00:27:55,280 So? Another name off your list, Mr Bucket? 385 00:27:55,280 --> 00:27:59,000 It suits my purpose for now, Mr Venus, that's all. 386 00:28:00,680 --> 00:28:06,640 His wife just lied to give him an alibi and that's rather interesting. 387 00:28:08,160 --> 00:28:10,560 Let Bob Cratchit enjoy the moment. 388 00:28:11,640 --> 00:28:16,840 I have him in my sights and if he is Jacob Marley's killer... 389 00:28:16,840 --> 00:28:20,320 You will have your man! 390 00:28:23,840 --> 00:28:26,320 THEY CHUCKLE