1 00:00:36,800 --> 00:00:42,560 Your sister's "North Star" has made himself comfortable at Satis House. 2 00:00:43,760 --> 00:00:45,480 Far too comfortable. 3 00:00:45,480 --> 00:00:49,200 Trust me, Pocket's nothing more than a struggling tutor. 4 00:00:49,200 --> 00:00:50,760 Father paid for him to travel 5 00:00:50,760 --> 00:00:53,240 so that he might make something of himself. 6 00:00:53,240 --> 00:00:54,640 And has he? 7 00:00:54,640 --> 00:00:58,440 No. Far too honest for his own good. 8 00:00:58,440 --> 00:01:02,360 I wouldn't give him another thought. He'll be gone within a few days. 9 00:01:09,000 --> 00:01:10,120 Thank you, cousin. 10 00:01:12,120 --> 00:01:13,280 For? 11 00:01:13,280 --> 00:01:16,520 Getting me out riding again. I haven't been since Father died. 12 00:01:16,520 --> 00:01:18,720 I spend all my time trying to run the brewery. 13 00:01:18,720 --> 00:01:20,920 It must be a terrible responsibility. 14 00:01:20,920 --> 00:01:23,560 It's a privilege to be trusted with such a task. 15 00:01:23,560 --> 00:01:25,800 Is there anything I can do to help? 16 00:01:25,800 --> 00:01:28,120 Name it - you know I'd do anything for you. 17 00:01:29,200 --> 00:01:31,920 Well, there is something... 18 00:01:31,920 --> 00:01:34,840 ..if you are willing to change your travel plans. 19 00:01:34,840 --> 00:01:36,080 Thank you. 20 00:01:40,760 --> 00:01:42,680 His bark's worse than his bite. 21 00:01:42,680 --> 00:01:44,240 SHUTTER OPENS 22 00:01:44,240 --> 00:01:45,800 Kiss for luck? 23 00:01:52,320 --> 00:01:54,000 Ah, Mr Barbary. 24 00:01:54,000 --> 00:01:56,720 The ship containing your stock has set sail. 25 00:01:56,720 --> 00:01:58,000 Excellent! 26 00:01:59,680 --> 00:02:01,160 Many thanks, Mr Jaggers. 27 00:02:25,680 --> 00:02:28,040 DOOR OPENS 28 00:02:31,800 --> 00:02:33,120 Dodger? 29 00:02:34,440 --> 00:02:36,840 Nah. Prince Albert! 30 00:02:36,840 --> 00:02:39,760 Closest you'll get to 'im's a royal hidin'. 31 00:02:39,760 --> 00:02:42,280 What you got for me, boy? 32 00:02:42,280 --> 00:02:43,680 Chop... 33 00:02:47,920 --> 00:02:49,480 ..beer. 34 00:02:52,520 --> 00:02:53,800 Oy, that it? 35 00:02:57,280 --> 00:03:00,440 What you want the soap for? You got lice? 36 00:03:00,440 --> 00:03:02,080 You want to try vinegar. 37 00:03:02,080 --> 00:03:04,880 You want to try keepin' that out of my business. 38 00:03:04,880 --> 00:03:06,880 DODGER LAUGHS 39 00:03:06,880 --> 00:03:09,960 Tell Nancy to meet me in The Cripples, two bells, sharp! 40 00:03:26,040 --> 00:03:27,520 Soap? 41 00:03:27,520 --> 00:03:30,120 Then he wanted me to knock on Nancy's 42 00:03:30,120 --> 00:03:32,920 to tell her to meet him later. 43 00:03:32,920 --> 00:03:36,320 Follow him. See what he's up to. 44 00:03:36,320 --> 00:03:38,600 Make sure you keep out of sight. 45 00:03:41,440 --> 00:03:44,000 Let's see your pickings, then. What you got? 46 00:03:45,760 --> 00:03:47,320 The hat's mine! 47 00:03:52,800 --> 00:03:56,000 Take this to Sir Leicester Dedlock - and hurry. 48 00:03:58,240 --> 00:04:00,120 - Oh! - Excuse me! 49 00:04:06,760 --> 00:04:08,760 What the eye doesn't see... 50 00:04:25,800 --> 00:04:27,480 My usual, Mr Wegg. 51 00:04:36,000 --> 00:04:38,760 Whoa, up you go. 52 00:04:38,760 --> 00:04:41,200 What's your name? 53 00:04:41,200 --> 00:04:42,640 Tim, sir. 54 00:04:42,640 --> 00:04:44,600 How do you do, Tim? 55 00:04:44,600 --> 00:04:47,960 My name's Bucket - it's a funny name, isn't it? 56 00:04:50,080 --> 00:04:54,600 King of the castle, eh? Oh, lovely, lovely wedding, Emily. 57 00:04:54,600 --> 00:04:58,320 Your Martha looked a picture - worth the wait. 58 00:04:58,320 --> 00:04:59,800 'Ow are the newlyweds? 59 00:04:59,800 --> 00:05:02,480 Their first day of married life at the Bagnets. 60 00:05:03,760 --> 00:05:05,000 You dropped this, sir. 61 00:05:06,400 --> 00:05:08,200 Oh, thank you. Good lad. 62 00:05:09,760 --> 00:05:10,800 Good lad. 63 00:05:12,160 --> 00:05:14,080 Honest young man you've got here. 64 00:05:14,080 --> 00:05:15,560 Takes after his father. 65 00:05:34,760 --> 00:05:36,840 Marseille! 66 00:05:47,560 --> 00:05:49,520 Somethin' changed about you, Bill? 67 00:05:49,520 --> 00:05:51,040 No. 68 00:05:51,040 --> 00:05:53,160 You've 'ad a wash. 69 00:05:53,160 --> 00:05:54,720 Yeah, and a comb! 70 00:05:54,720 --> 00:05:58,440 And you smell clean. Like a proper gent! 71 00:06:01,160 --> 00:06:02,920 You coming, girl? 72 00:06:21,360 --> 00:06:23,360 Mr Compeyson? 73 00:06:23,360 --> 00:06:26,480 My apologies for being unable to meet with you yesterday. 74 00:06:26,480 --> 00:06:28,320 Perhaps you'll call again? 75 00:06:28,320 --> 00:06:29,760 Perhaps. 76 00:06:36,120 --> 00:06:39,000 My favourites - how like you to remember, Matthew. 77 00:06:40,640 --> 00:06:43,880 Does Mr Compeyson still show an interest in the brewery? 78 00:06:43,880 --> 00:06:47,240 What he says and what he does are two very different things. 79 00:06:52,400 --> 00:06:55,680 Marseille... 80 00:06:55,680 --> 00:07:00,240 This brandy was stolen on the same night Jacob Marley was murdered. 81 00:07:00,240 --> 00:07:01,800 Any suspects? 82 00:07:01,800 --> 00:07:04,880 Couple of dockers but they had alibis for Christmas Eve, sir. 83 00:07:04,880 --> 00:07:08,680 Find out if Silas Wegg has ever troubled us. 84 00:07:09,880 --> 00:07:12,200 Small favour, Mrs Gamp. 85 00:07:12,200 --> 00:07:16,280 If that inspector comes sniffin' around again, tell him I ain't here. 86 00:07:16,280 --> 00:07:17,680 Where will you be? 87 00:07:19,680 --> 00:07:22,400 Here. Only don't tell 'im that. 88 00:07:22,400 --> 00:07:24,480 If anyone asks, we're out of brandy. 89 00:07:25,640 --> 00:07:26,880 Silas? 90 00:07:28,360 --> 00:07:31,040 Might a small favour go with a small reward? 91 00:07:37,680 --> 00:07:39,400 Ta very much, kind sir. 92 00:07:45,760 --> 00:07:47,200 What's all this in aid of? 93 00:07:48,560 --> 00:07:52,880 There's no reason why we can't 'ave ourselves a picnic. 94 00:07:52,880 --> 00:07:55,920 If I didn't know better, I'd say you was tryin' to impress me. 95 00:07:55,920 --> 00:07:57,400 Don't be daft. 96 00:08:00,800 --> 00:08:06,200 There's a sight I never thought I'd set eyes on - Bill Sikes blushing! 97 00:08:06,200 --> 00:08:08,000 Shut up and drink your ale, gal. 98 00:08:26,000 --> 00:08:27,520 That's it, sir, 99 00:08:27,520 --> 00:08:29,920 that's the loan paid back, every last penny of it. 100 00:08:29,920 --> 00:08:31,560 Hmm, well, I'm overwhelmed. 101 00:08:33,520 --> 00:08:36,040 It's, er, it's most generous of you 102 00:08:36,040 --> 00:08:39,880 to return the money that you stole from me, Cratchit. 103 00:08:39,880 --> 00:08:41,360 I apologise, sir. 104 00:08:42,880 --> 00:08:45,520 You think that rights your wrong, do you? 105 00:08:45,520 --> 00:08:47,000 I didn't say that, sir. 106 00:08:47,000 --> 00:08:49,440 Then allow me to say it for you, Cratchit - 107 00:08:49,440 --> 00:08:52,240 such a treacherous act will not go unpunished. 108 00:08:59,000 --> 00:09:01,240 As to what that punishment should be... 109 00:09:08,240 --> 00:09:10,440 ..I haven't decided yet. 110 00:09:16,360 --> 00:09:17,840 You were out early. 111 00:09:17,840 --> 00:09:21,080 I had something of the utmost importance to attend to. 112 00:09:21,080 --> 00:09:22,480 Voila! 113 00:09:22,480 --> 00:09:24,960 Papa! You spoil us! 114 00:09:24,960 --> 00:09:26,640 How can we afford such luxury? 115 00:09:26,640 --> 00:09:28,960 They're glazed fruits, not gold sceptres. 116 00:09:28,960 --> 00:09:30,120 I know, but... 117 00:09:30,120 --> 00:09:33,680 The stock is on its way. Mr Jaggers has confirmed it. 118 00:09:33,680 --> 00:09:35,200 But Papa, I... 119 00:09:35,200 --> 00:09:39,000 But nothing, Frances. Now, you see here - and here. 120 00:09:39,000 --> 00:09:43,120 If you turn these up, they form something called a smile. Try it. 121 00:09:57,200 --> 00:10:00,240 Look at you. You become more like a vagrant every day. 122 00:10:03,520 --> 00:10:05,160 Oh, dear Arthur! 123 00:10:07,440 --> 00:10:10,240 What a joy to see you again. 124 00:10:10,240 --> 00:10:12,200 Cousin? 125 00:10:12,200 --> 00:10:14,880 Such sad news about your father. 126 00:10:14,880 --> 00:10:17,360 I was so very fond of him. 127 00:10:17,360 --> 00:10:20,320 How did you...know I was here? 128 00:10:20,320 --> 00:10:22,000 I've come to see Mr Compeyson. 129 00:10:22,000 --> 00:10:25,760 I hadn't realised you two were friends. 130 00:10:27,760 --> 00:10:29,920 Our paths crossed at my club. 131 00:10:31,120 --> 00:10:33,400 You wish to see me? 132 00:10:33,400 --> 00:10:36,440 If you'll allow me to buy you a drink, perhaps you'll tell me 133 00:10:36,440 --> 00:10:39,320 what your interest in Miss Havisham's brewery is. 134 00:10:43,400 --> 00:10:46,400 Bill Sikes ain't the sort to partake of a picnic. 135 00:10:46,400 --> 00:10:47,680 A whatnic? 136 00:10:47,680 --> 00:10:49,880 - Picnic. - What's it mean? 137 00:10:50,960 --> 00:10:54,360 It means Sikes is up to something, my dear. 138 00:10:59,880 --> 00:11:01,600 I have a legacy to invest, 139 00:11:01,600 --> 00:11:03,640 although I should add your cousin's brewery 140 00:11:03,640 --> 00:11:05,160 isn't my only avenue of interest. 141 00:11:05,160 --> 00:11:08,840 If it were to become so, what returns would you expect? 142 00:11:13,440 --> 00:11:16,880 With respect, Mr Pocket, if I wish to discuss my investments, 143 00:11:16,880 --> 00:11:19,000 I'd prefer do it with the person in charge. 144 00:11:19,000 --> 00:11:20,600 You're talking to him. 145 00:11:20,600 --> 00:11:22,880 What? 146 00:11:22,880 --> 00:11:24,720 Your sister has persuaded me 147 00:11:24,720 --> 00:11:27,720 to delay my travels to America to help her with the brewery. 148 00:11:27,720 --> 00:11:30,320 But you don't know the first thing about running a brewery. 149 00:11:30,320 --> 00:11:34,360 I don't claim to, but Amelia has already been showing me the ropes. 150 00:11:34,360 --> 00:11:36,120 Father's barely cold in the grave 151 00:11:36,120 --> 00:11:38,560 and already it seems like she's quite the expert. 152 00:11:38,560 --> 00:11:41,920 She doesn't want to let him down, Arthur. 153 00:11:41,920 --> 00:11:45,400 And although the business means everything to her, so do you. 154 00:11:46,960 --> 00:11:49,280 It's true. She wants you to come home. 155 00:11:51,000 --> 00:11:54,720 I have little reason to return, even less now. 156 00:11:56,240 --> 00:12:01,360 Well, this is an excellent opportunity for me to ask you 157 00:12:01,360 --> 00:12:04,520 about the business, instead of me bothering Miss Havisham. 158 00:12:04,520 --> 00:12:06,440 More drinks! 159 00:12:06,440 --> 00:12:08,000 No, no, I'm fine. 160 00:12:09,960 --> 00:12:13,080 I insist. I'm only too grateful for your advice. 161 00:12:21,040 --> 00:12:22,600 KNOCK ON DOOR 162 00:12:24,040 --> 00:12:25,400 We're expecting visitors? 163 00:12:25,400 --> 00:12:27,880 I invited Sir Leicester for afternoon tea. 164 00:12:31,520 --> 00:12:34,080 Sir Leicester? 165 00:12:34,080 --> 00:12:35,720 Miss Barbary. 166 00:12:35,720 --> 00:12:38,000 - Mr Barbary. - Please. 167 00:12:39,000 --> 00:12:42,480 Your sister is conspicuous by her absence. 168 00:12:42,480 --> 00:12:46,680 She's due home from the shop any minute. 169 00:13:01,680 --> 00:13:03,040 James! 170 00:13:03,040 --> 00:13:05,760 - Erm, I wanted to ask you something. - The answer's yes. 171 00:13:05,760 --> 00:13:07,960 You don't know what I'm going to ask yet. 172 00:13:07,960 --> 00:13:12,000 Whatever it is, yes, yes, yes. 173 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:13,680 There's an old saying. 174 00:13:13,680 --> 00:13:17,720 The truer the love line, the longer the love lasts. 175 00:13:17,720 --> 00:13:22,400 And I can see that your love for one very lucky man 176 00:13:22,400 --> 00:13:25,720 will last... 177 00:13:27,720 --> 00:13:29,520 ..forever. 178 00:13:32,920 --> 00:13:35,200 What trade are you in, Barbary? 179 00:13:36,880 --> 00:13:37,920 Textiles. 180 00:13:38,960 --> 00:13:41,480 Textiles? 181 00:13:41,480 --> 00:13:42,880 Oh... 182 00:13:44,840 --> 00:13:46,320 Fascinating. 183 00:13:46,320 --> 00:13:49,000 Where's Father, Rose? I've brought a visitor to see him. > 184 00:13:49,000 --> 00:13:50,320 Do excuse me. 185 00:13:53,400 --> 00:13:54,800 Captain Hawdon? 186 00:13:54,800 --> 00:13:56,240 He's come to meet Father. 187 00:13:57,880 --> 00:14:00,000 I'm afraid he's unwell. 188 00:14:00,000 --> 00:14:01,840 Well, he seemed fine before. 189 00:14:01,840 --> 00:14:05,360 I know, but trust me, now is not a good time. 190 00:14:05,360 --> 00:14:06,880 I'm quite concerned. 191 00:14:06,880 --> 00:14:09,280 I can see him when he's in better spirits. 192 00:14:09,280 --> 00:14:11,600 - No, but... - Just go to him. Until tomorrow. 193 00:14:17,040 --> 00:14:19,160 I'll explain later, but for now... 194 00:14:22,120 --> 00:14:23,960 - Father... - We have a visitor. 195 00:14:25,800 --> 00:14:29,280 It's an honour to meet you again, Miss Honoria. 196 00:14:29,280 --> 00:14:31,160 Likewise, Sir Leicester. 197 00:14:47,960 --> 00:14:50,640 If I may say, Miss Honoria, you have... 198 00:14:52,800 --> 00:14:59,000 ..a fine colour, despite toiling all day in a dress shop. 199 00:15:01,640 --> 00:15:05,280 I do hope you find time for deserved recreation? 200 00:15:05,280 --> 00:15:06,920 On Sundays, yes. 201 00:15:06,920 --> 00:15:08,960 After attending church, of course. 202 00:15:12,120 --> 00:15:16,080 My offer to you and your sister to ride at Chesney Wold still stands. 203 00:15:16,080 --> 00:15:19,680 I'm sure we'll act on your kind offer soon, won't we, sister? 204 00:15:19,680 --> 00:15:20,840 If we're able to. 205 00:15:24,760 --> 00:15:27,760 Would you excuse me, Sir Leicester? 206 00:15:27,760 --> 00:15:30,360 I must...change. 207 00:15:39,520 --> 00:15:43,880 As I say, Pocket, I can't be certain where I'll invest next, but... 208 00:15:43,880 --> 00:15:45,880 one thing is certain. 209 00:15:47,200 --> 00:15:52,360 Miss Havisham is fortunate to have a man like you to help steer the ship. 210 00:15:52,360 --> 00:15:55,960 You've only known me for a few hours. 211 00:15:55,960 --> 00:15:58,800 Well, in that time I can see you're a good man. 212 00:15:58,800 --> 00:16:02,120 Honest. True. 213 00:16:06,400 --> 00:16:08,640 More drinks! 214 00:16:08,640 --> 00:16:10,720 We haven't finished these yet, Arthur. 215 00:16:10,720 --> 00:16:12,840 Come on, Pocket. Drink up. 216 00:16:12,840 --> 00:16:15,120 Don't tell me there's a lily-liver among us! 217 00:16:15,120 --> 00:16:17,600 Three large whiskies please and er... 218 00:16:17,600 --> 00:16:19,960 HE WHISPERS 219 00:16:19,960 --> 00:16:21,400 - ..keep the change. - Thanks. 220 00:16:26,080 --> 00:16:28,880 I owe you an apology, Compeyson. 221 00:16:28,880 --> 00:16:30,640 About what? 222 00:16:30,640 --> 00:16:33,560 Miss Havisham. She's very dear to me. 223 00:16:33,560 --> 00:16:36,040 And she's also an extremely wealthy young woman. 224 00:16:36,040 --> 00:16:38,600 And there are certain men who'd take advantage of that fact. 225 00:16:38,600 --> 00:16:41,200 You think I'm such a man? 226 00:16:41,200 --> 00:16:47,400 I had to be certain of your motives. That's why I came to see you. 227 00:16:47,400 --> 00:16:50,040 And do you trust me, now? 228 00:16:50,040 --> 00:16:52,560 I'm relieved to say, 229 00:16:52,560 --> 00:16:55,680 yes, I do. 230 00:16:55,680 --> 00:16:58,080 Then you're a fool, Pocket. 231 00:16:59,480 --> 00:17:01,120 Sorry? 232 00:17:01,120 --> 00:17:03,480 Of course I intend to seduce Miss Havisham 233 00:17:03,480 --> 00:17:06,320 and steal her entire fortune - 234 00:17:06,320 --> 00:17:08,480 every last penny of it. 235 00:17:25,040 --> 00:17:27,080 You had me there, Compeyson! 236 00:17:27,080 --> 00:17:28,400 Hook, line and sinker! 237 00:17:35,560 --> 00:17:38,280 Silas Wegg was charged with assault two years ago. 238 00:17:38,280 --> 00:17:40,320 A drunk tried to rob him as he slept. 239 00:17:40,320 --> 00:17:42,360 He split the man's head open. 240 00:17:42,360 --> 00:17:44,320 Didn't use a cosh, did he? 241 00:17:44,320 --> 00:17:46,120 In a manner. His wooden leg. 242 00:18:04,040 --> 00:18:06,520 Where do you think you're going, Cratchit? 243 00:18:18,400 --> 00:18:21,240 What...what...what's this, my turtle dove? 244 00:18:21,240 --> 00:18:23,440 The letter to the Board, from you. 245 00:18:25,280 --> 00:18:26,680 Sign. 246 00:18:26,680 --> 00:18:31,200 I appear to have invited Mr Gradgrind to dinner. 247 00:18:31,200 --> 00:18:33,320 How clever of you, Bumble. 248 00:18:33,320 --> 00:18:38,560 And...and it seems he's going to have a "feast fit for a king"? 249 00:18:38,560 --> 00:18:40,360 Ingenious! 250 00:18:40,360 --> 00:18:42,800 See, you can be intelligent when I put your mind to it. 251 00:18:42,800 --> 00:18:43,960 Sign! 252 00:18:52,280 --> 00:18:54,040 Mr Wegg about? 253 00:18:54,040 --> 00:18:57,640 Oh, wait there, Inspector, there was something he told me 254 00:18:57,640 --> 00:18:59,160 not to tell you. 255 00:18:59,160 --> 00:19:00,960 What was it? 256 00:19:02,360 --> 00:19:05,160 No - sorry - I... 257 00:19:05,160 --> 00:19:07,680 it's...gone... 258 00:19:29,840 --> 00:19:32,080 Off somewhere, Mr Wegg? 259 00:19:33,280 --> 00:19:38,080 How is it that you're in possession of cognac stolen from the vessel, 260 00:19:38,080 --> 00:19:41,920 the St Marie, which docked here on Christmas Eve? 261 00:19:41,920 --> 00:19:46,360 Ahh, the pain - terrimenjous, it is. 262 00:19:46,360 --> 00:19:48,640 Ow, the agony of it! 263 00:19:48,640 --> 00:19:52,800 Perhaps you'd be more comfortable in the station? 264 00:19:52,800 --> 00:19:55,360 I bought it off a froggy sailor. 265 00:19:55,360 --> 00:19:57,240 I never knew it was snide! 266 00:19:57,240 --> 00:19:59,800 - Where? - The docks. 267 00:19:59,800 --> 00:20:05,160 So, you were at the docks the night Jacob Marley was murdered? 268 00:20:05,160 --> 00:20:07,680 The man you were indebted to. 269 00:20:07,680 --> 00:20:09,400 What's that got to do with brandy? 270 00:20:09,400 --> 00:20:12,480 Did Marley see you with it? 271 00:20:12,480 --> 00:20:15,360 Perhaps you thought he'd report you? 272 00:20:15,360 --> 00:20:18,240 You panicked and lashed out at him? 273 00:20:18,240 --> 00:20:21,680 It wouldn't be the first time you've used violence, would it? 274 00:20:21,680 --> 00:20:23,080 Pa's late. 275 00:20:23,080 --> 00:20:25,680 - Hello, hello. - Hooray, he's back! 276 00:20:27,120 --> 00:20:29,800 I've kept your food warm. 277 00:20:33,320 --> 00:20:35,160 Good news or bad? 278 00:20:35,160 --> 00:20:36,480 Bad. 279 00:20:36,480 --> 00:20:39,800 He wants me to work late, every night for the same money. 280 00:20:39,800 --> 00:20:41,800 What's the good news? 281 00:20:41,800 --> 00:20:43,080 I still have a job. 282 00:20:52,760 --> 00:20:56,840 My sister's delighted with your visit, Sir Leicester. 283 00:20:56,840 --> 00:20:59,280 She hides her delight very well. 284 00:20:59,280 --> 00:21:01,920 She's extremely shy in betraying her emotions 285 00:21:01,920 --> 00:21:04,320 with a gentleman as distinguished as you. 286 00:21:06,280 --> 00:21:09,400 So I would not make a fool of myself, 287 00:21:09,400 --> 00:21:11,960 were I to pursue an interest? 288 00:21:11,960 --> 00:21:14,240 She'd be thrilled to see you again, sir! 289 00:21:14,240 --> 00:21:16,480 Goodnight. 290 00:21:20,600 --> 00:21:24,040 For the last time, I am marrying Captain Hawdon 291 00:21:24,040 --> 00:21:26,040 and that is the end of it. 292 00:21:26,040 --> 00:21:28,760 What kind of marriage will you have to a penniless soldier 293 00:21:28,760 --> 00:21:31,200 compared to one with a wealthy baronet? 294 00:21:31,200 --> 00:21:34,160 A kind I fear you'll never know. A happy one. 295 00:22:01,240 --> 00:22:04,400 Right. Well, if that's all... 296 00:22:04,400 --> 00:22:08,520 It isn't. You've only given me half a statement. 297 00:22:09,520 --> 00:22:11,040 That's all I can remember. 298 00:22:12,200 --> 00:22:15,840 Perhaps a night in the cells might jog your memory. 299 00:22:18,440 --> 00:22:22,120 I did see Marley... 300 00:22:23,840 --> 00:22:26,520 ..briefly, an' he wasn't alone. 301 00:22:26,520 --> 00:22:28,080 Who was with him? 302 00:22:28,080 --> 00:22:31,280 Gent. Distinguished sort. 303 00:22:32,800 --> 00:22:36,920 Seemed him and Marley had some sort of a set-to. Don't know what about. 304 00:22:36,920 --> 00:22:39,360 Left 'em to it. 305 00:22:39,360 --> 00:22:42,480 Any other details about this "gent"? 306 00:22:43,560 --> 00:22:45,800 Well, it was dark... 307 00:22:47,320 --> 00:22:50,880 ..but as he passes me, I sees something glint 308 00:22:50,880 --> 00:22:52,800 in the dim glow of a lamp. 309 00:22:54,800 --> 00:22:56,320 I remember now. 310 00:22:56,320 --> 00:22:57,520 What was it? 311 00:22:57,520 --> 00:22:59,000 A badge. 312 00:23:00,600 --> 00:23:05,520 Flower shaped. Reddish hue, I believe. 313 00:23:06,760 --> 00:23:11,600 And Marley said a name - Barney? 314 00:23:11,600 --> 00:23:13,520 Barnaby or something? 315 00:23:15,160 --> 00:23:16,320 Barnaby? 316 00:23:19,320 --> 00:23:22,400 - Hold up, no, not tonight. - Well, I 'ave to. You know I do. 317 00:23:26,080 --> 00:23:30,200 Here. Don't want it crumpled. Gent gave it me. 318 00:23:31,320 --> 00:23:32,760 Proper surprise an' all, 319 00:23:32,760 --> 00:23:35,120 cos he ain't the sort to give a girl a rose. 320 00:23:35,120 --> 00:23:37,680 Maybe you don't know 'im as well as you think. 321 00:23:49,440 --> 00:23:51,040 I should go. 322 00:23:52,120 --> 00:23:54,640 Ah! A game of three-in-one before you do. 323 00:23:54,640 --> 00:23:57,760 Whoever downs the most wins the money. 324 00:24:02,720 --> 00:24:06,160 On the count of three - one - two - three. 325 00:24:14,120 --> 00:24:16,480 I'm out. I'm out. 326 00:24:17,600 --> 00:24:18,920 After you. 327 00:24:43,520 --> 00:24:46,600 You...you can pull out, Pocket. Just say the word. 328 00:24:48,400 --> 00:24:49,640 Pour. 329 00:24:56,240 --> 00:24:58,920 One - two - three! 330 00:25:07,160 --> 00:25:08,840 Bravo, cousin! 331 00:25:08,840 --> 00:25:10,440 Damn you, sir. 332 00:25:10,440 --> 00:25:12,440 Bravo. 333 00:25:12,440 --> 00:25:13,920 Fair play. 334 00:25:15,120 --> 00:25:17,560 How about we double it with a game of dares? 335 00:25:17,560 --> 00:25:19,840 Well, that's if you're up to it, Pocket? 336 00:25:19,840 --> 00:25:21,560 More than up to it! 337 00:25:42,120 --> 00:25:44,080 Barbary. 338 00:25:58,400 --> 00:26:00,880 You don't have to go through with this, Pocket. 339 00:26:00,880 --> 00:26:03,720 No, no, no, I am a man of my word! 340 00:26:03,720 --> 00:26:07,000 I accepted a dare, so a dare it is! 341 00:26:07,000 --> 00:26:09,640 Good man. Your choice. 342 00:26:09,640 --> 00:26:10,800 Anything. 343 00:26:12,560 --> 00:26:14,160 Anything? 344 00:26:32,440 --> 00:26:33,600 You're both insane. 345 00:26:33,600 --> 00:26:35,120 THEY LAUGH 346 00:26:36,320 --> 00:26:37,800 Heads. 347 00:26:44,240 --> 00:26:45,600 You first, Compeyson. 348 00:26:57,000 --> 00:26:58,600 Go on, Compeyson, old chap. 349 00:27:05,440 --> 00:27:06,920 THEY CHEER 350 00:27:10,000 --> 00:27:11,440 Ready, Pocket? 351 00:27:11,440 --> 00:27:12,480 Ready! 352 00:27:42,120 --> 00:27:43,280 Aah! 353 00:27:43,280 --> 00:27:44,920 Ah! Help! 354 00:27:44,920 --> 00:27:46,440 Help! 355 00:27:46,440 --> 00:27:49,840 Compeyson! Compeyson! Help him, Compeyson! 356 00:27:51,440 --> 00:27:52,760 Compeyson! 357 00:28:02,240 --> 00:28:05,240 I don't know what to say - another second... 358 00:28:05,240 --> 00:28:07,360 You scared us out of our wits, Pocket! 359 00:28:08,560 --> 00:28:12,280 You saved my life. I can't thank you enough! 360 00:28:15,960 --> 00:28:17,400 The least I could do.