EC 316 (PH 530) Advanced Scientific Computation

Fall 2001: Profs. Baum, Broido, Straubing

Meeting Tuesday/Thursday, 1:30-2:45 P.M., Wednesday, 11:00 A.M.-12:00 M, IML (Gasson 01)

This course will be offered as four modules. The first three modules will each utilize seven class meetings. Each of the modules will be under the direction of one of the faculty members. The remaining weeks of the term (15 November-6 December) will be devoted to the development of student projects for the course, including student presentations, with all faculty members participating.

Student project proposals are due Friday, 16 November, with presentations to be made in class on Thursday, 6 December. Projects must be turned in by 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, 11 December.

A: 4 - 25 September Christopher F. Baum Modelling Timeseries with Long-Range Dependence
B: 27 September -
18 October
Howard Straubing Sound and Image Compression
C: 23 October -
13 November
David Broido Simulated Electron Annealing using the
Monte Carlo Method

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