       log:  /Users/baum/doc/Courses 2008-2009/EC228 F2008/ec228_f2008_day1.smcl
  log type:  smcl
 opened on:  28 Aug 2008, 11:32:13

. . // ec228_f2008_day1 cfb 28aug2008 . . // display the codebook . type http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/wooldridge/crime1.des CRIME1.DES

narr86 nfarr86 nparr86 pcnv avgsen tottime ptime86 qemp86 inc86 durat black hispan born60 pcnvsq pt86sq inc86sq

Obs: 2725

1. narr86 # times arrested, 1986 2. nfarr86 # felony arrests, 1986 3. nparr86 # property crme arr., 1986 4. pcnv proportion of prior convictions 5. avgsen avg sentence length, mos. 6. tottime time in prison since 18 (mos.) 7. ptime86 mos. in prison during 1986 8. qemp86 # quarters employed, 1986 9. inc86 legal income, 1986, $100s 10. durat recent unemp duration 11. black =1 if black 12. hispan =1 if Hispanic 13. born60 =1 if born in 1960 14. pcnvsq pcnv^2 15. pt86sq ptime86^2 16. inc86sq inc86^2

. . // read in the data . use http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/wooldridge/crime1, clear

. . // describe its contents and calculate descriptive stats . describe

Contains data from http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/wooldridge/crime1.dta obs: 2,725 vars: 16 10 Jan 2000 16:54 size: 196,200 (99.9% of memory free) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- narr86 float %9.0g nfarr86 float %9.0g nparr86 float %9.0g pcnv float %9.0g avgsen float %9.0g tottime float %9.0g ptime86 float %9.0g qemp86 float %9.0g inc86 float %9.0g durat float %9.0g black float %9.0g hispan float %9.0g born60 float %9.0g pcnvsq float %9.0g pt86sq float %9.0g inc86sq float %9.0g ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by:

. summarize

Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- narr86 | 2725 .4044037 .8590768 0 12 nfarr86 | 2725 .2333945 .5810142 0 6 nparr86 | 2725 .1255046 .4828473 0 8 pcnv | 2725 .3577872 .395192 0 1 avgsen | 2725 .6322936 3.508031 0 59.2 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- tottime | 2725 .8387523 4.607019 0 63.4 ptime86 | 2725 .387156 1.950051 0 12 qemp86 | 2725 2.309028 1.610428 0 4 inc86 | 2725 54.96705 66.62721 0 541 durat | 2725 2.251376 4.607063 0 25 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- black | 2725 .1611009 .3676915 0 1 hispan | 2725 .2176147 .4126997 0 1 born60 | 2725 .3625688 .48083 0 1 pcnvsq | 2725 .284131 .3907343 0 1 pt86sq | 2725 3.951193 22.08584 0 144 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- inc86sq | 2725 7458.933 16361.24 0 292681

. . // test H0: average sentence for blacks = avg for non-blacks . ttest avgsen, by(black)

Two-sample t test with equal variances ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group | Obs Mean Std. Err. Std. Dev. [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 | 2286 .4487752 .0587415 2.808555 .333583 .5639673 1 | 439 1.587927 .2794932 5.856033 1.038613 2.137242 ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- combined | 2725 .6322936 .0672017 3.508031 .5005221 .764065 ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- diff | -1.139152 .1815257 -1.495094 -.7832099 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ diff = mean(0) - mean(1) t = -6.2754 Ho: diff = 0 degrees of freedom = 2723

Ha: diff < 0 Ha: diff != 0 Ha: diff > 0 Pr(T < t) = 0.0000 Pr(|T| > |t|) = 0.0000 Pr(T > t) = 1.0000

. . // tabulate number of arrests . tab narr86

narr86 | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 0 | 1,970 72.29 72.29 1 | 559 20.51 92.81 2 | 121 4.44 97.25 3 | 42 1.54 98.79 4 | 12 0.44 99.23 5 | 13 0.48 99.71 6 | 4 0.15 99.85 7 | 1 0.04 99.89 9 | 1 0.04 99.93 10 | 1 0.04 99.96 12 | 1 0.04 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 2,725 100.00

. . // regression of number of arrests on legal income . regress narr86 inc86

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 2725 -------------+------------------------------ F( 1, 2723) = 101.96 Model | 72.5556076 1 72.5556076 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 1937.79155 2723 .711638468 R-squared = 0.0361 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.0357 Total | 2010.34716 2724 .738012906 Root MSE = .84359

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ narr86 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- inc86 | -.0024495 .0002426 -10.10 0.000 -.0029252 -.0019738 _cons | .5390463 .0209514 25.73 0.000 .4979641 .5801286 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

. . // consider prior convictions, unemployment, race as well . regress narr86 inc86 pcnv durat black hispan

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 2725 -------------+------------------------------ F( 5, 2719) = 36.39 Model | 126.105393 5 25.2210787 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 1884.24176 2719 .692990718 R-squared = 0.0627 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.0610 Total | 2010.34716 2724 .738012906 Root MSE = .83246

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ narr86 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- inc86 | -.0021246 .0002572 -8.26 0.000 -.0026289 -.0016203 pcnv | -.1418213 .0404691 -3.50 0.000 -.2211747 -.0624679 durat | .002914 .0036923 0.79 0.430 -.0043259 .010154 black | .3257535 .0452257 7.20 0.000 .2370734 .4144337 hispan | .1804347 .039774 4.54 0.000 .1024443 .258425 _cons | .4736218 .0322772 14.67 0.000 .4103314 .5369122 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

. . log close log: /Users/baum/doc/Courses 2008-2009/EC228 F2008/ec228_f2008_day1.smcl log type: smcl closed on: 28 Aug 2008, 11:32:14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------