Department of Economics

EC 228 01 Econometric Methods
Prof. Baum, Mr. Chen, Fall 2012

Problem Set 4

Due at classtime, Tuesday 13 November 2012

Problem sets will not be accepted after their due dates. Please make sure your name is legible on each page of your answers.

For some of these problems (those referencing the Wooldridge datasets), you must use Stata, but will not make use of the RAW files listed in the text, as all of these data are available in Stata format over the Internet via the bcuse datasetname command in Stata. Spell the datasetname in lower case.

For each of the empirical problems, hand in a printout from Stata, annotated with your comments. The "log" icon in the Stata toolbar may be used to create a file on your N: drive, accessible from, containing both your commands and Stata's response. It may be easier to work with a text-format log; the command 'log using ps3.log' will create a text log. Use the 'Viewer' within Stata to examine and print the log.

You are encouraged to review the "Worked examples", linked to our course home page, at
which illustrate many Stata commands' use in the context of the textbook examples.

For further assistance with Stata, please consult your lab instructor.