      name:  <unnamed>
       log:  /Users/baum/Desktop/327regress.smcl
  log type:  smcl
 opened on:  19 Jan 2010, 09:19:57

. use http://fmwww.bc.edu/cfb/boyan/UDCL_IRRC_3,clear

. describe

Contains data from http://fmwww.bc.edu/cfb/boyan/UDCL_IRRC_3.dta obs: 25,105 vars: 117 18 Jun 2008 09:18 size: 11,297,250 (97.9% of memory free) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dnum int %8.0g industry classification code cnum str6 %6s cusip issuer code cic str3 %3s cusip issue number and check digit smbl str7 %7s stock ticker symbol spdrc str2 %2s s&p lt domest. issuer credit rating- cur spdrcf str1 %1s ftnt- s&p lt dom issuer cred rating- cur subdbt str1 %1s s&p subordinated debt rating - current spcprc str3 %3s s&p st domest. issuer credit rating- cur date int %d fiscal year data1 double %10.0g cash and short-term investments (mm$) data2 double %10.0g receivables - total (mm$) data5 double %10.0g current liabilities - total (mm$) data6 double %10.0g assets - total (mm$) data9 double %10.0g long-term debt - total (mm$) data10 double %10.0g preferred stock - liquidating value(mm$) data12 double %10.0g sales (net) (mm$) data13 float %9.0g operating income before deprec. (mm$) data14 float %9.0g depreciation and amortization (mm$) data15 float %9.0g interest expense (mm$) data16 float %9.0g income taxes - total (mm$) data17 float %9.0g special items (mm$) data18 float %9.0g income before extraordinary items (mm$) data21 float %9.0g dividends - common (mm$) data25 float %9.0g common shares outstanding (mm) data34 double %10.0g debt in current liabilities (mm$) data35 float %9.0g deferred tax & invest tax credit...(mm$) data46 float %9.0g research and development expense (mm$) data50 float %9.0g deferred taxes (income account) (mm$) data51 float %9.0g investment tax credit (income acct)(mm$) data54 float %9.0g common shares used to calculate eps (mm) data56 double %10.0g preferred stock - redemption value (mm$) data79 float %9.0g debt - convertible (mm$) data108 float %9.0g sale of common and pref. stock... (mm$) data111 double %10.0g long-term debt - issuance... (mm$) data114 double %10.0g long-term debt - reduction... (mm$) data115 float %9.0g purchase of common and pref. stock (mm$) data128 float %9.0g capital expenditures (scf) (mm$) data129 double %10.0g acquisitions (statement of cf) (mm$) data130 float %9.0g preferred stock - carrying value (mm$) data179 float %9.0g working capital (balance sheet) (mm$) data180 float %9.0g working capital change - total(soc)(mm$) data192 float %9.0g extraordinary items (mm$) data199 double %10.0g price -- fiscal year -- close ($&c) data236 float %9.0g working capital change- other... (mm$) data274 float %9.0g cash & cash equiv- increase(dec)...(mm$) data280 byte %8.0g s&p lt domestic issuer credit rating data283 int %8.0g s&p st dom. issuer credit rating- hist data301 double %10.0g changes in current debt (scf) (mm$) coname str28 %28s company name yeara float %8.0g fiscal year company str48 %48s company name blankcheck byte %8.0g blank check preferred cboard byte %8.0g classified board fairprice byte %8.0g fair price supermajor byte %8.0g supermajority to approve merger antigreen byte %8.0g antigreenmail lwcnst byte %8.0g limit ability to act by written consent lspmt byte %8.0g limit ability to call special meeting dutiesnf byte %8.0g director's duties--nonfinancial impact dualclass byte %8.0g dual class common stock uneqvote byte %8.0g unequal voting rights lachtr byte %8.0g limit ability to amend charter ppill byte %8.0g poison pill advnr byte %8.0g advance notice requirements confvote byte %8.0g confidential voting exsvchg byte %8.0g change in control provisions sparachute byte %8.0g silver parachute pparachute byte %8.0g pension parachute cumvote byte %8.0g cumulative voting labylw byte %8.0g limit ability to amend bylaws compplan byte %8.0g compensation plan with change in control cumvotess byte %8.0g substantial shareholder gparachute byte %8.0g golden parachutes oo_buscomp byte %8.0g opt out of buscomb/freezeout law oo_cashout_pa byte %8.0g opt out of control share cashout law (pa) oo_csa byte %8.0g opt out of control share acquisition law(csa) oo_duties byte %8.0g opt out of directors duties law oo_fairprice byte %8.0g opt out of fair price law oo_rprofits byte %8.0g opt out of recapture of profits law oi_bc_ga byte %8.0g opt in to buscomb/freezeout law(ga) oi_fp_ga byte %8.0g opt in to fair price law(ga) oi_csa byte %8.0g opt in to control share acquisition law(csa) exch str6 %6s stocke exchange dirind byte %8.0g director indemnification dirindc byte %8.0g indemnification contracts dirliab byte %8.0g director liability execsv byte %8.0g executive severance agreement state str2 %2s state of incorporation de_inc byte %8.0g delaware incorporation sl_buscomp byte %8.0g business combination law sl_fairprice byte %8.0g fair price law sl_csa byte %8.0g control share acquisition law sl_rprofits byte %8.0g recapture of profits law sl_cashout byte %8.0g cash out law sl_duties byte %8.0g director's duties law date1 long %d beginning day. date used to create range of time when irrc data is applicable. date2 long %d ending day. date used to create range of time when irrc data is applicable. gindex byte %8.0g governance index (gompers, ishii, metrick) secretballot byte %8.0g combined secret ballot goldenparachute byte %8.0g combined golden parachutes severance byte %8.0g combined severance page int %8.0g irrc page number yr_reinc byte %8.0g year of reincorporation ecumvote byte %8.0g eliminate cumulative voting empc byte %8.0g employee contracts scrtbt byte %8.0g secret ballot cik str10 %10s cik mergecusip byte %8.0g mergeticker byte %8.0g matched float %9.0g prsd float %9.0g TB3MS double %10.0g (mean) TB3MS CPIAUCSL double %10.0g (mean) CPIAUCSL dlead float %9.0g (mean) dlead leadinc_v double %10.0g (mean) leadinc_v infl_v double %10.0g (mean) infl_v firmid long %8.0g firmid cusip issuer code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: firmid yeara

. regress data13 data1 data6 data128

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 22571 -------------+------------------------------ F( 3, 22567) =36596.20 Model | 1.4867e+11 3 4.9556e+10 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 3.0558e+10 22567 1354116.81 R-squared = 0.8295 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.8295 Total | 1.7922e+11 22570 7940847.62 Root MSE = 1163.7

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data13 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- data1 | .025044 .002108 11.88 0.000 .0209122 .0291758 data6 | .0402924 .0003305 121.93 0.000 .0396447 .0409401 data128 | 1.022948 .0083884 121.95 0.000 1.006506 1.03939 _cons | 133.3911 8.041872 16.59 0.000 117.6284 149.1537 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

. . estat vce

Covariance matrix of coefficients of regress model

e(V) | data1 data6 data128 _cons -------------+------------------------------------------------ data1 | 4.444e-06 data6 | -5.761e-07 1.092e-07 data128 | 5.056e-06 -1.239e-06 .00007037 _cons | -.00027526 -.00007911 -.01367697 64.671705

. log close name: <unnamed> log: /Users/baum/Desktop/327regress.smcl log type: smcl closed on: 19 Jan 2010, 09:20:42 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------