Syllabi for course numbers highlighted below are available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format, and may be viewed on screen and/or printed using the free Acrobat Reader. Your browser (e.g. Netscape) should recognize a .PDF file as an Acrobat file (although you may have to specify Acrobat as the appropriate "helper app" the first time you use it within Netscape).
If the instructor's name is highlighted, click it to go to his/her home page.
Micro Principles
EC131.01 | MWF 1 | Bandiera, O. |
EC131.02 | MWF 2 | Bandiera, O. |
Macro Principles
EC132.01 | MW 3* | Tresch, R. |
EC132.02 | TTh 1:30* | Petersen, H. |
EC132.03 | MWF 9 | Chen, A. |
EC132.04 | MWF 10 | Chen, A. |
EC132.05 | MWF 11 | Karakurum, K. |
EC132.06 | MWF 12 | Karakurum, K. |
EC132.07 | MWF 12 | Hansen, M. |
EC132.08 | MWF 1 | Hansen, M. |
EC132.09 | MWF 1 | Celebi, M. |
EC132.10 | MWF 2 | Celebi, M. |
EC132.11 | MWF 2 | Konan, M. |
EC132.13 | TTh 9* | Erbil, C. |
EC132.14 | TTh10:30* | Erbil, C. |
EC132.15 | TTh 12* | Waldkirch, A. |
EC132.16 | TTh 12* | Yolas, E. |
EC132.17 | TTh 1:30* | Yolas, E. |
EC132.18 | TTh 1:30* | Mead, C. |
EC132.19 | TTh 3* | Mead, C. |
EC132.20 | CANCELLED |
EC151.01 | TTh 10:30* | McGowan, R. |
EC151.02 | MWF 9 | Durand, B. |
EC151.03 | MWF 10 | Durand, B. |
EC151.04 | MWF 11 | Muurinen, J. |
EC151.05 | CANCELLED | |
EC151.06 | MWF 1 | Robotti, C. |
EC151.07 | MWF 2 | Robotti, C. |
EC151.08 | TTh 9* | Sohrabji, N. |
EC151.09 | TTh 12* | Sohrabji, N. |
EC151.10 | TTh 1:30* | Tunay, S. |
EC151.11 | TTh 3* | Tunay, S. |
EC151.12 | CANCELLED | |
EC151.13 | CANCELLED |
Statistics-CSOM Honors
EC155.01 | TTh 12* | Quinn, J. |
Microeconomic Theory
EC201.01 | TTh 12* | Belsley, D. |
EC201.02 | MW 3* | Kraus, M. |
Macroeconomic Theory
EC202.01 | TTh 9* | Peek, J. |
EC202.02 | TTh 1:30* | Baum, K. |
EC202.03 | MWF 10 | Konan, M. |
EC202.04 | MW 3* | Gakidis, H. |
Macro Theory-Honors
EC204.01 | TTh 10:30* | Schiantarelli, F. |
Independent Study | EC299.01 | By Arr. McLaughlin, F. |
Senior Thesis Research | EC498.01 | TTh 9* Petersen, H. |
Scholar of the College | EC601.01 | By Arr. McLaughlin, F. |
200-Level Elective Courses--open to non-majors who have taken Principles of Economics
EC228.01# | Econometric Methods | TTh 12* | Cox, D. |
EC229.01 | Ec. & Business Forecasting | W 4:30-7:00 | McGowan, R. |
EC232.01# | American Econ. History | TTh 3* | Anderson, J. |
EC233.01 | History of Ec. Thought | MWF 9 | McLaughlin, F. |
EC234.01# | Ec. and Catholic Social Teaching | MWF 11 | Schneider, C. |
EC246.01 | Ec. of Labor Relations | MWF 11 | McLaughlin, F. |
EC250.01 | Economics of Medical Care | MWF 12 | Muurinen, J. |
EC278.01 | Environmental Economics | TTh 10:30* | Gollop, F. |
300-Level Elective Courses--one or both theory courses prerequisites.
Additional prerequisites may apply.
EC338.01 | Law and Economics | CANCELLED | |
EC349.01 | Econ. of Human Resources | TTh 3* | Cox, D. |
EC354.01# | IO - Public Regulation | TTh 1:30* | Gollop, F. |
EC361.01 | Monetary Theory & Policy | TTh 3* | Kazemi, H. |
EC364.01# | Monetary and Fiscal Policy | TTh 12* | Munnell, A. |
EC372.01 | International Finance | TTh 1:30* | Kazemi, H. |
EC375.01#+ | Economic Development | MWF 11 | Stojanov, D. |
EC380.01 | Capital Theory and Finance | TTh 10:30* | H. Petersen |
EC393.01 | State & Local Finance | MWF 10 | Schneider, C. |
Graduate Courses
EC741.01 A | B | Microeconomic Theory II | TTh 1:30-3:30 | Arnott, R. / Bai, C. |
EC751.01 A | B | Macroeconomic Theory II | MW 10-12 | Ireland, P./Gakidis, H. |
EC760.01 A | B | Econometrics I | TTh 9* | Bai, J./Ng, S. |
EC821.01 | Time Series Econometrics | TTh 12* | Bai, J./Ng, S. |
EC822.01 | Microeconometrics | TTh 10:30* | Gottschalk, P. |
EC828.01 | Econometric Theory II | WF 10:30* | Lewbel, A. |
EC862.01 A | B | Monetary Economics II | TTh 3:30-5:30 | Peek, J. / Schiantarelli, F. |
EC865.01 | Public Sector Economics I | WF 12* | Tresch, R. |
EC885.01 | Analysis of Labor Markets | TTh 1:30* | Gottschalk, P. |
EC900.01 | 3rd Year Thesis Workshop | W 3* | Gottschalk, P./Schiantarelli, F. |
EC901.01 | 4th Year Thesis Workshop | W 3* | Gottschalk, P./Schiantarelli, F. |
EC799.01 | Readings and Research | Kraus, M. |
EC888.01 | Master Interim Study | Kraus, M. |
EC998.01 | Doctoral Comprehensives | Kraus, M. |
EC999.01 | Doctoral Continuation | Kraus, M. |