----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- name: <unnamed> log: /Users/baum/Documents/EC327S2010/327vecm.smcl log type: smcl opened on: 10 Mar 2010, 11:33:50
. * 327 VECM . webuse txhprice,clear
. * the housing price series for Dallas and Houston appear to be I(1). . * determine the appropriate number of lags in the relationship . varsoc dallas houston
Selection-order criteria Sample: 1990m5 - 2003m12 Number of obs = 164 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |lag | LL LR df p FPE AIC HQIC SBIC | |----+----------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0 | 299.525 .000091 -3.62835 -3.61301 -3.59055 | | 1 | 577.483 555.92 4 0.000 3.2e-06 -6.9693 -6.92326 -6.85589 | | 2 | 590.978 26.991* 4 0.000 2.9e-06* -7.0851* -7.00837* -6.89608* | | 3 | 593.437 4.918 4 0.296 2.9e-06 -7.06631 -6.95888 -6.80168 | | 4 | 596.364 5.8532 4 0.210 3.0e-06 -7.05322 -6.9151 -6.71299 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Endogenous: dallas houston Exogenous: _cons
. * determine the existence of CI . vecrank dallas houston
Johansen tests for cointegration Trend: constant Number of obs = 166 Sample: 1990m3 - 2003m12 Lags = 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5% maximum trace critical rank parms LL eigenvalue statistic value 0 6 576.26444 . 46.8252 15.41 1 9 599.58781 0.24498 0.1785* 3.76 2 10 599.67706 0.00107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
. * estimate the VECM . vec dallas houston
Vector error-correction model
Sample: 1990m3 - 2003m12 No. of obs = 166 AIC = -7.115516 Log likelihood = 599.5878 HQIC = -7.04703 Det(Sigma_ml) = 2.50e-06 SBIC = -6.946794
Equation Parms RMSE R-sq chi2 P>chi2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- D_dallas 4 .038546 0.1692 32.98959 0.0000 D_houston 4 .045348 0.3737 96.66399 0.0000 ----------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- D_dallas | _ce1 | L1. | -.3038799 .0908504 -3.34 0.001 -.4819434 -.1258165 | dallas | LD. | -.1647304 .0879356 -1.87 0.061 -.337081 .0076202 | houston | LD. | -.0998368 .0650838 -1.53 0.125 -.2273988 .0277251 | _cons | .0056128 .0030341 1.85 0.064 -.0003339 .0115595 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- D_houston | _ce1 | L1. | .5027143 .1068838 4.70 0.000 .2932258 .7122028 | dallas | LD. | -.0619653 .1034547 -0.60 0.549 -.2647327 .1408022 | houston | LD. | -.3328437 .07657 -4.35 0.000 -.4829181 -.1827693 | _cons | .0033928 .0035695 0.95 0.342 -.0036034 .010389 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cointegrating equations
Equation Parms chi2 P>chi2 ------------------------------------------- _ce1 1 1640.088 0.0000 -------------------------------------------
Identification: beta is exactly identified
Johansen normalization restriction imposed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ beta | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- _ce1 | dallas | 1 . . . . . houston | -.8675936 .0214231 -40.50 0.000 -.9095821 -.825605 _cons | -1.688897 . . . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
. /* > The first estimates table contain the short-run parameters; the two > L._ce1 coefficients are the parameters in the adjustment matrix alpha. > The estimate in the Dallas equation of -0.3 says that when the average > price in Dallas is too high, it falls back toward the Houston level. The > estimate in the Houston equation of 0.5 implies that when the average > price in Dallas is too high, the average price in Houston adjusts toward > the Dallas level. > > The second estimation table contains the estimated parameters of the > cointegrating vector for this model as beta = (1, -0.868). > */ . * check for stability; in a two-variable system with one CI vector, there . * should be one unit modulus, with other roots strictly less than unity . vecstable
Eigenvalue stability condition +----------------------------------------+ | Eigenvalue | Modulus | |--------------------------+-------------| | 1 | 1 | | -.4629886 | .462989 | | .4558569 | .455857 | | -.2304741 | .230474 | +----------------------------------------+ The VECM specification imposes a unit modulus.
. * compute OIRFs from this system . irf create vec1,set(vecintro) step(24) (file vecintro.irf created) (file vecintro.irf now active) (file vecintro.irf updated)
. * graph responses to shocks in the two markets . irf graph oirf, impulse(dallas houston) response(houston) saving(vecmirf,replace) (note: file vecmirf.gph not found) (file vecmirf.gph saved)
. . log close name: <unnamed> log: /Users/baum/Documents/EC327S2010/327vecm.smcl log type: smcl closed on: 10 Mar 2010, 11:33:55 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------