1983 Survey of Consumer Finances

SCF83 homepage at the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System

Downloadable Codebook: most easily searched with BBEdit or BBEdit Lite

Federal Reserve Bulletin article (PDF) describing SCF'83

Federal Reserve Bulletin article (PDF) describing SCF'83

Questionnaire (PDF).

Using the data in Stata

Stata format (access over the web):

. use http://econ.bc.edu/scf/83/scf83x.dta
Stata is available on the Unix systems econ.bc.edu, ecsa200.bc.edu, and goanna.bc.edu, and may be acquired for desktop systems. You need at least 25 Mb RAM to work with this file, since it is 24 Mb on disk (1,387 variables, 4,262 observations).

Using the data in SAS

The downloadable SAS version is accessible from scf83x.xpt.gz, (4Mb, gzipped SAS Transport file).

Revised: 21 July 2002