1986 Survey of Consumer Finances

SCF86 homepage at the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System

Downloadable Codebook: most easily searched with BBEdit or BBEdit Lite

Federal Reserve Bulletin article (PDF) describing SCF'86

Questionnaire (PDF).

Using the data in Stata

Stata format (access over the web):

. use http://econ.bc.edu/scf/86/scf86x.dta
Stata is available on the Unix systems econ.bc.edu, ecsa200.bc.edu, and goanna.bc.edu, and may be acquired for desktop systems. You need at least 8 Mb RAM to work with this file, since it is 7 Mb on disk (579 variables, 2,822 observations).

Using the data in SAS

The downloadable SAS version is accessible from scf86x.xpt.gz, (2Mb, gzipped SAS Transport file).

Revised: 21 July 2002