Hall Pstar Firm-Level Data, 1960-1991

These data are available in Stata via

use http://fmwww.bc.edu/EC-P/data/pstar.dta

You should set mem 5m when accessing these data. There are 27,566 firm-year observations.
Please contact your GSA for any questions about these datasets.

   This is the pstar dataset used in Hall,
   Bronwyn H., and Robert E. Hall, "The Value and Performance of U.S.
   Corporations," (BPEA 93(1)): 1-50.

  Variable definitions:

  cusip    Committee on Uniform Security Identication Procedures 
           firm code number, the first 6 digits (CNUM).
  year     2-digit year of the data (60-91).
  pstar    The PDV of dividends received on this firm's common stock in
           the future, discounted at the riskfree rate plus an overall
           risk premium (about 4 perent).
  z0       the first term in the linearized expression for z 
           (see Appendix A of the paper).
  pricef   the end of fiscal year actual price of common stock.
  divf     the dividends paid during the past fiscal year.
  rnda     rnd to assets ratio.
  adva     advertising to assets ratio.
  fyr      the month of the fiscal year close (1-12).
  ardsic   a 2 1/2 digit sic code, roughly like those in Bound, Cummins,
           Griliches, Hall, and Jaffe, "Who Does R&D and Who Patents?," 
           in Griliches (ed.), R&D, Patents, and Productivity, University
           of Chicago Press, 1984.
  exityr   the year the firm exited from the sample.
  inva     investment to assets ratio.
  cfa      cash flow to assets ratio.
  debta    long term debt to assets ratio.
  sales    sales during the year (millions $).
  netcap   book value of assets = P&E+inventories+other, adjusted
           for the effects of inflation on book values a la Brainard,
           Shoven and Weiss.
  earnsh   reported earnings per share.
  nyseamex dummy = 1 if firm is traded on NYSE or AMEX.
  h0       an instrument like that given in equation B-5 of the paper.
  h1       an instrument like that given in equation B-5 of the paper.
  vala     total market value to assets ratio ("Tobin's Q").
  oneper   one period rate of return, adjusted for non-diversifiable 
  sharef   shares of common stock outstanding (1000s).
  All values are nominal and millions of dollars except where otherwise
  noted. Stocks are end of year.

Updated: 22 May 2011