Hall RVALUNI3 Firm-Level Data, 1959-1991

These data are available in Stata via

use http://fmwww.bc.edu/EC-P/data/rvaluni3.dta

You should set mem 5m when accessing these data. There are 41,702 firm-year observations.

Please contact your GSA for any questions about these datasets.

   This is the documentation for the dataset used in B. H. Hall,
   "The Stock Market's Valuation of R&D Investment During the 
   1980s," AER 83 (1993): 259-264, and B. H. Hall, "Industrial
   Research During the 1980s: Did the Rate of Return Fall?,"
   BPEA Micro (1993): 289-343. 

   There are 41,702 ohservations on the dataset, containing data
   on about 3000 firms in an unbalanced panel from 1959-1991. 

   Variable definitions:

   cusip   6-digit cusip from Compustat (CNUM, more or less)
   year    two-digit year of data.
   sic     4-digit sic from Compustat (DNUM).
   sic2d   2-digit SIC category.
   gmsmp   dummy=1 if this firm was in the original (Griliches-
           Mairesse) 157-firm sample.
   logv    log of market value (debt+equity+prefstk+stassts).
   loga    log of tangible assets (p&e, inventory, and other).
   inva    inventory/assets ratio.
   otha    other/assets ratio.
   cfa     cash flow/assets ratio.
   fyr     month of fiscal year end.
   rnda    rnd/assets ratio.
   rsta    stock of rnd/assets ratio.
   adva    advertising/assets ratio.
   investa investment/assets ratio.
   logs    log of sales.
   debta   longterm debt/assets ratio.
   kgam    constructed variable (ignore)
   kfgam   constructed variable (ignore)
   netinc  net income of the firm (before xtry items).
   q       Tobin's q; exp(logv-loga). Trimmed at 5 and 95 percentile.

   All values are nominal; dollar figures are millions of dollars. 
   Stocks (including R&D stocks) are beginning of year. 

This dataset differs from the NBER-provided data in the construction of the q and sic2d variables.

A Stata dataset containing the average and median Tobin's q for 2-digit SICs by year (along with the count of firms entering the calculation, and the standard deviation across firms for that year) is available on fmrisc.bc.edu as /res0/resdata/hall/q2dig.dta.

Please contact your GSA for any questions about these datasets.

Updated: 22 May 2011