OECD Economic Outlook
EOY (Economic Outlook Yearly, revised July 1999) annual variables, 1960-1999
Available in Stata format over the web (BC network only):
use http://econ.bc.edu/d3/ecoutlook99.dta
YEAR | Year |
CPV | Private Consumption, Volume |
CGV | Government Consumption, Volume |
ITV | Total Fixed Investment (Excl Stockbuilding), Volume |
IGV | Government Investment, Volume |
IPV | Private Fixed Investment (Excl Stockbuilding), Volume |
IHV | Investment in Housing, Volume |
IBV | Gross Fixed Cap Form, Business Sector, Volume(Narrow Definition) |
FDDV | Final Domestic Demand, Volume |
ISKV | Stockbuilding, Private, Volume |
TDDV | Total Domestic Demand, Volume |
XGSV | Exports Goods and Services, N.A. Basis, Volume |
MGSV | Imports Goods and Services, N.A. Basis, Volume |
FBGSV | Foreign Balance, Goods & Services, N.A. Basis, Volume |
SDGDPV | Statistical Discrepancy, Real GDP |
GDPV | Gross Domestic Product (Market prices), Volume |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product (Market prices), Value |
INDPRO | Industrial Production |
CGNW | Government Consumption, Excluding Wages |
CGW | Government Consumption, Wages |
CGAA | Government Consumption, Value (Appropriation Account) |
IG | Fixed Investment, Government, Value |
RESTG | Other Capital Transactions, Government |
IGG | Gross Government Investment and Misc Capital Transactions |
IENTG | Investment of Government Enterprises |
CFKG | Consumption of Fixed Capital, Government |
KTRRG | Net Capital Transfers Received by Government |
TSUB | Subsidies |
SSPG | Social Benefits Paid by Government |
TRPG | Other Current Transfers Paid by Government |
YPEPG | Property Income Paid by Government |
YPG | Current Disbursements, Government |
TY | Total Direct Taxes |
TYH | Direct Taxes, Households |
TYB | Direct Taxes, Business |
SSRG | Social Security Contributions Received by Government |
TRRG | Other Current Transfers Received by Government |
TIND | Indirect Taxes |
YPERG | Property Income Received by Government |
YRG | Current Receipts, Government |
SAVG | Savings, Government |
NLG | Net Lending, Government |
NLGMQ | Net Lending, Government, Maastricht criterion, % GDP |
GGFL | Gross Government Debt |
GNFL | Government, Net Financial Liabilities |
WSSS | Compensation of Employees |
YOTH | Income from property and other |
TRRH | Total Transfers Received by Households |
INTDBT | Interest on Consumer Debt |
YRH | Current Receipts Households |
TRPH | Total Transfers Paid by Households |
YDH | Household Disposable Income |
CPAA | Private Consumption, Household Account Basis |
YDRH | Real Household Disposable Income |
SRATIO | Saving Ratio |
PTDD | Deflator for Total Domestic Demand |
PXGS | Export Price Good and Services, Local Currency |
PMGS | Import Price Good and Services, Local Currency |
PGDP | Deflator for GDP at Market Prices |
PCP | Deflator, Private Consumption |
PIT | Deflator for Total Investment |
PIB | Deflator for Business Investment |
WSSE | Compensation per Employee, Private Sector |
WSRE | Real Total Compensation per Employee |
RLC | Real Labour Cost |
ULC | Unit Labour Cost |
PDTY | Productivity Index |
WRMAN | Hourly Earnings in Manufacturing |
WR | Wage Rate (Business Sector) |
PSB | Capital Income Share in the Business Sector |
RORB | Rate of Return, Business Sector |
KBV | Capital Stock, Business |
GAP | Output Gap |
GDPVTR | Potential Output, Total Economy, Volume |
EE | Total Dependent Employment |
EG | Employment, Government |
ET | Total Employment |
ES | Self-Employed |
LF | Labour Force, Total |
UN | Unemployment |
UNR | Unemployment Rate |
POPT | Population, Total (Between 15 & 64 years old) |
MONEYS | Money Stock |
IRS | Interest Rate, Short-Term |
IRL | Interest Rate, Long-Term |
EXCH | Exchange Rate ($US per local) |
EXCHEB | Nominal Effective Exchange Rate |
VLCTY | Monetary Velocity |
POP | Total Population |
GDPVD | Gross Domestic Product, Volume, 1991 Constant PPP |
GNINTP | Net Government Interest Payments |
GDPBV | Gross Domestic Product,Business (Factor Cost) Volume |
ULCB | Unit Labour Cost Business Sector |
EUFW | Unpaid Family Workers |
PPP | Purchasing Power Parities |
MNV | Non manufactured goods imports, volume, customs basis |
MMV | Imports Goods Manufactures, Volume |
MGVC | Imports of Goods, Volume, Local Currency (Customs basis) |
MGBD | Goods imports, Volume, Balance of payments basis |
MSRV | Services imports, Volume, Balance of payments basis |
XNV | Non manufactured goods exports, volume, customs basis |
XMV | Exports Goods Manufactures, Volume, Local Currency |
XGVC | Exports of Goods, Volume, Local Currency (Customs basis) |
XGVB | Goods exports, Volume, Balance of payments basis |
XSRV | Services exports, Volume, Balance of payments basis |
PMN | Import Price Non Goods Manufactures, Local Currency |
PMM | Import Price Goods Manufactures, Local Currency |
PMG | Import Price, Goods |
PMS | Import Price Services, Local Currency |
PMMD | Manufactured goods imports, unit value in US$, customs basis |
PMND | Non manufactured goods imports, unit value in US$, customs basis |
PMGD | Goods imports, unit value in US$, customs basis |
PXN | Export Price Non Goods Manufactures, Local Currency |
PXM | Export Price Goods Manufactures, Local Currency |
PXG | Export Price, Goods |
PXS | Export Price Services, Local Currency |
PXMD | Manufactured goods exports, unit value in US$, customs basis |
PXND | Non manufactured goods exports, unit value in US$, customs basis |
PXGD | Goods exports, unit value in US$, customs basis |
CBD | Current balance, $US |
CBGDPR | Current Balance as a Percentage of GDP |
MGBD | Imports of goods, balance of payments basis, $US |
MSRD | Imports Services (Excluding Factor Income) Value $US |
MSIID | Imports of Services, Factor Income, Values $US |
XGBD | Exports of goods, balance of payments basis, $US |
XSRD | Exports Services (Excluding Factor Income) Value $US |
XSIID | Exports of Services, Factor Income, Values $US |
OFTD | Official transfers, $US |
NTTROD | Net Private Transfers from Abroad, $US |
TBD | Trade balance, $US |
SPTD | Service and private transfers, $US |
INVBD | Balance on Invisibles, $US |
XNVMKT | Exports Market Growth: non manufactured goods,$US |
XNPERF | Exports Performance for non manufactured goods, Volume, Customs basis |
XMVMKT | Exports Goods Manufactures, Market Growth $US |
XMPERF | Exports Performance of Manufactures Index |
XGVMKT | Exports Market Growth : Total Goods $US |
XGPERF | Exports Performance of Total Visible Goods Index |
PXMDR | Index of Relative Export Price Manufactured Goods in a Common Currency (Overall Competitiveness) |
PXMDRA | Index of Relative Export Price Manufactured Goods in a Common Currency, Exports Weights |
ULCMDR | Index of Relative Unit Labour Cost Manufacturing Sector, Common Currency (Overall Competitiveness) |
ULCMDRA | Index of Relative Unit Labour Cost Manufacturing Sector, Common Currency, Export weights |
ULCM | Unit Labour Cost, in Manuf. Ind., Local Currency Index |
CPIDR | Index of Relative Consumer Price, Common Currency, Overall Competitiveness |
CPIDRA | Index of Relative Consumer Price, Common Currency, Export Weights |
EXCHUD | Exchange Rate, Units of Local Currency Per $US |
Updated: 31 October 2001 by baum