OECD Economic Outlook

EOY (Economic Outlook Yearly, revised July 1999) annual variables, 1960-1999

Country abbreviations used by OECD

Available in Stata format over the web (BC network only):

use http://econ.bc.edu/d3/ecoutlook99.dta

CPVPrivate Consumption, Volume
CGVGovernment Consumption, Volume
ITVTotal Fixed Investment (Excl Stockbuilding), Volume
IGVGovernment Investment, Volume
IPVPrivate Fixed Investment (Excl Stockbuilding), Volume
IHVInvestment in Housing, Volume
IBVGross Fixed Cap Form, Business Sector, Volume(Narrow Definition)
FDDVFinal Domestic Demand, Volume
ISKVStockbuilding, Private, Volume
TDDVTotal Domestic Demand, Volume
XGSVExports Goods and Services, N.A. Basis, Volume
MGSVImports Goods and Services, N.A. Basis, Volume
FBGSVForeign Balance, Goods & Services, N.A. Basis, Volume
SDGDPVStatistical Discrepancy, Real GDP
GDPVGross Domestic Product (Market prices), Volume
GDPGross Domestic Product (Market prices), Value
INDPROIndustrial Production
CGNWGovernment Consumption, Excluding Wages
CGWGovernment Consumption, Wages
CGAAGovernment Consumption, Value (Appropriation Account)
IGFixed Investment, Government, Value
RESTGOther Capital Transactions, Government
IGGGross Government Investment and Misc Capital Transactions
IENTGInvestment of Government Enterprises
CFKGConsumption of Fixed Capital, Government
KTRRGNet Capital Transfers Received by Government
SSPGSocial Benefits Paid by Government
TRPGOther Current Transfers Paid by Government
YPEPGProperty Income Paid by Government
YPGCurrent Disbursements, Government
TYTotal Direct Taxes
TYHDirect Taxes, Households
TYBDirect Taxes, Business
SSRGSocial Security Contributions Received by Government
TRRGOther Current Transfers Received by Government
TINDIndirect Taxes
YPERGProperty Income Received by Government
YRGCurrent Receipts, Government
SAVGSavings, Government
NLGNet Lending, Government
NLGMQNet Lending, Government, Maastricht criterion, % GDP
GGFLGross Government Debt
GNFLGovernment, Net Financial Liabilities
WSSSCompensation of Employees
YOTHIncome from property and other
TRRHTotal Transfers Received by Households
INTDBTInterest on Consumer Debt
YRHCurrent Receipts Households
TRPHTotal Transfers Paid by Households
YDHHousehold Disposable Income
CPAAPrivate Consumption, Household Account Basis
YDRHReal Household Disposable Income
SRATIOSaving Ratio
PTDDDeflator for Total Domestic Demand
PXGSExport Price Good and Services, Local Currency
PMGSImport Price Good and Services, Local Currency
PGDPDeflator for GDP at Market Prices
PCPDeflator, Private Consumption
PITDeflator for Total Investment
PIBDeflator for Business Investment
WSSECompensation per Employee, Private Sector
WSREReal Total Compensation per Employee
RLCReal Labour Cost
ULCUnit Labour Cost
PDTYProductivity Index
WRMANHourly Earnings in Manufacturing
WRWage Rate (Business Sector)
PSBCapital Income Share in the Business Sector
RORBRate of Return, Business Sector
KBVCapital Stock, Business
GAPOutput Gap
GDPVTRPotential Output, Total Economy, Volume
EETotal Dependent Employment
EGEmployment, Government
ETTotal Employment
LFLabour Force, Total
UNRUnemployment Rate
POPTPopulation, Total (Between 15 & 64 years old)
MONEYSMoney Stock
IRSInterest Rate, Short-Term
IRLInterest Rate, Long-Term
EXCHExchange Rate ($US per local)
EXCHEBNominal Effective Exchange Rate
VLCTYMonetary Velocity
POPTotal Population
GDPVDGross Domestic Product, Volume, 1991 Constant PPP
GNINTPNet Government Interest Payments
GDPBVGross Domestic Product,Business (Factor Cost) Volume
ULCBUnit Labour Cost Business Sector
EUFWUnpaid Family Workers
PPPPurchasing Power Parities
MNVNon manufactured goods imports, volume, customs basis
MMVImports Goods Manufactures, Volume
MGVCImports of Goods, Volume, Local Currency (Customs basis)
MGBDGoods imports, Volume, Balance of payments basis
MSRVServices imports, Volume, Balance of payments basis
XNVNon manufactured goods exports, volume, customs basis
XMVExports Goods Manufactures, Volume, Local Currency
XGVCExports of Goods, Volume, Local Currency (Customs basis)
XGVBGoods exports, Volume, Balance of payments basis
XSRVServices exports, Volume, Balance of payments basis
PMNImport Price Non Goods Manufactures, Local Currency
PMMImport Price Goods Manufactures, Local Currency
PMGImport Price, Goods
PMSImport Price Services, Local Currency
PMMDManufactured goods imports, unit value in US$, customs basis
PMNDNon manufactured goods imports, unit value in US$, customs basis
PMGDGoods imports, unit value in US$, customs basis
PXNExport Price Non Goods Manufactures, Local Currency
PXMExport Price Goods Manufactures, Local Currency
PXGExport Price, Goods
PXSExport Price Services, Local Currency
PXMDManufactured goods exports, unit value in US$, customs basis
PXNDNon manufactured goods exports, unit value in US$, customs basis
PXGDGoods exports, unit value in US$, customs basis
CBDCurrent balance, $US
CBGDPRCurrent Balance as a Percentage of GDP
MGBDImports of goods, balance of payments basis, $US
MSRDImports Services (Excluding Factor Income) Value $US
MSIIDImports of Services, Factor Income, Values $US
XGBDExports of goods, balance of payments basis, $US
XSRDExports Services (Excluding Factor Income) Value $US
XSIIDExports of Services, Factor Income, Values $US
OFTDOfficial transfers, $US
NTTRODNet Private Transfers from Abroad, $US
TBDTrade balance, $US
SPTDService and private transfers, $US
INVBDBalance on Invisibles, $US
XNVMKTExports Market Growth: non manufactured goods,$US
XNPERFExports Performance for non manufactured goods, Volume, Customs basis
XMVMKTExports Goods Manufactures, Market Growth $US
XMPERFExports Performance of Manufactures Index
XGVMKTExports Market Growth : Total Goods $US
XGPERFExports Performance of Total Visible Goods Index
PXMDRIndex of Relative Export Price Manufactured Goods in a Common Currency (Overall Competitiveness)
PXMDRAIndex of Relative Export Price Manufactured Goods in a Common Currency, Exports Weights
ULCMDRIndex of Relative Unit Labour Cost Manufacturing Sector, Common Currency (Overall Competitiveness)
ULCMDRAIndex of Relative Unit Labour Cost Manufacturing Sector, Common Currency, Export weights
ULCMUnit Labour Cost, in Manuf. Ind., Local Currency Index
CPIDRIndex of Relative Consumer Price, Common Currency, Overall Competitiveness
CPIDRAIndex of Relative Consumer Price, Common Currency, Export Weights
EXCHUDExchange Rate, Units of Local Currency Per $US

Updated: 31 October 2001 by baum