cMaxx data sets
This is a list of datasets made available by Prof. Christopher Maxwell. Each of these data sets is readable by Stata--running on the desktop, or on a Unix server--over the
Web. You need only copy the line given below each dataset into your Stata command
window or Stata do-file.
If the bcuse command is not available, install it with the Stata command
ssc install bcuse
After loading the data into Stata, use save to make a copy of the data on
your own machine if you wish.
Please report any problems accessing these data to baum.
- GENLMILLS: N=5,197, daily data on General Mills stock prices, 1992-2012
bcuse genlmills
- MLBTEAMS: N=2,715, panel data on Major League Baseball teams, 1871-2012
bcuse mlbteams
- MLBWINS: N=1,344, Major League Baseball data for 1960-2011
bcuse mlbwins
- NBASHOTS11: N=199,119, National Basketball League data for 2011
- NFLPOINTS: N=2,808, National Football League data for 2001-2011
bcuse nflpoints
- PITCHFX12A: N=705,087, Major League Baseball data on pitches
- PITCHFX12B: N=377,026, Major League Baseball data on pitches
- SOVDEBT01: N=108, S&P Sovereign Debt data, 2010
bcuse sovdebt01
- SOVDEBT02: N=113, S&P Sovereign Debt panel data, 2010
bcuse sovdebt02
- STATECRIME: N=3,825, state-level crime panel data, 1930-2004
bcuse statecrime
- USSTEEL: N=5,202, daily data on US Steel stock prices, 1992-2012
bcuse ussteel
Last updated: 2013/04/06