FRINGE.DES annearn hrearn exper age depends married tenure educ nrtheast nrthcen south male white union office annhrs ind1 ind2 ind3 ind4 ind5 ind6 ind7 ind8 ind9 vacdays sicklve insur pension annbens hrbens annhrssq beratio lannhrs tenuresq expersq lannearn peratio vserat Obs: 616 1. annearn annual earnings, $ 2. hrearn hourly earnings, $ 3. exper years work experience 4. age age in years 5. depends number of dependents 6. married =1 if married 7. tenure years with current employer 8. educ years schooling 9. nrtheast =1 if live in northeast 10. nrthcen =1 if live in north central 11. south =1 if live in south 12. male =1 if male 13. white =1 if white 14. union =1 if union member 15. office =1 if office worker 16. annhrs annual hours worked 17. ind1 =1 if industry == 1 18. ind2 =1 if industry == 2 19. ind3 20. ind4 21. ind5 22. ind6 23. ind7 24. ind8 25. ind9 26. vacdays $ value of vac. days 27. sicklve $ value of sick leave 28. insur $ value of employee insur 29. pension $ value of employee pension 30. annbens vacdays+sicklve+insur+pension 31. hrbens hourly benefits, $ 32. annhrssq annhrs^2 33. beratio annbens/annearn 34. lannhrs log(annhrs) 35. tenuresq tenure^2 36. expersq exper^2 37. lannearn log(annearn) 38. peratio pension/annearn 39. vserat (vacdays+sicklve)/annearn