Database::Append(const mNew, const asNew, const iT1);
Create(const iFreq, const iYear1, const iPeriod1, const iYear2, const iPeriod2);
Database::Deterministic(const fCseason);
Database::FindSelection(const sVar, const iLag);
Database::GetGroup(const iGroup); Database::GetGroupLag(const iGroup, const iLag1, const iLag2);
GetGroupLag returns only those with the specified lag length. If no database sample has been selected yet, the return value is a 0.
Database::GetGroupLag(const iGroup, const iLag1, const iLag2, aasNames);
Database::GetMaxLag(); Database::GetMaxGroupLag(iGroup);
Database::GetSelStart(); Database::GetSelEnd();
Database::GetVar(const sName);
Database::LoadDht(const sFilename, const iYear1, const iPeriod1, const iFreq); Database::LoadFmtVar(const sFilename); Database::LoadIn7(const sFilename); Database::LoadObs(const sFilename, const cVar,const cObs, const iYear1, const iPeriod1, const iFreq, const fOffendMis); Database::LoadVar(const sFilename, const cVar,const cObs, const iYear1, const iPeriod1, const iFreq, const fOffendMis); Database::LoadWks(const sFilename); Database::LoadXls(const sFilename);
LoadDht creates the database and loads the specified Gauss data file from disk.
LoadIn7 creates the database and loads the specified GiveWin file (which is the same as a PcGive 7 data file) from disk.
LoadFmtVar creates the database and loads the ASCII file with formatting information from disk. In GiveWin this is called `Data with load info'. Such a file is human-readable, with the data ordered by variable, and each variable preceded by a line of the type:
> name year1 period1 year2 period2 frequency
LoadObs and LoadVar create the database and load the specified human-readable data file from disk. The data is ordered by observation (LoadObs), or by variable. Since there is no information on the sample or the variable names in these files, the sample must be provided as function arguments. The variable names are set to Var1, Var2, etc., use Rename to rename the variables.
LoadWks and LoadXLS create the database and load the specified spreadsheet file from disk. A .wks or .wk1 file is a Lotus file, an .xls file is an Excel worksheet (up to version 4).
Database class can read the following types of Excel file:
Database::Remove(const sName);
Database::Rename(const sNewName, const sOldName);
Database::Renew(const mNew, const sName, const iT1);
Database::SaveIn7(const sFilename); Database::SaveFmtVar(const sFilename); Database::SaveObs(const sFilename); Database::SaveVar(const sFilename); Database::SaveWks(const sFilename); Database::SaveXls(const sFilename);
SaveIn7 saves the database as a GiveWin file.
SaveFmtVar saves the database as a formatted ASCII file. Also see under LoadFmtVar.
SaveObs and SaveVar save the database as a human-readable data file, ordered by observation, or by variable. Also see under LoadObs, LoadVar.
SaveWks and SaveXls save the database as a Lotus or Excel spreadsheet file. Also see under LoadWks, LoadXls.
Database::Select(const iGroup, const aSel);
Database::SetSample(const iYear1, const iPeriod1, const iYear2, const iPeriod2);
PcNaiveDgp::Generate(const cT);
PcNaiveDgp::GetU(); PcNaiveDgp::GetY(); PcNaiveDgp::GetZ();
GetY returns current Y as a T x n matrix (as does Generate).
GetZ returns current Z as a T x q matrix.
PcNaiveDgp::PcNaiveDgp(const cY, const cZ);
PcNaiveDgp::SetDistribution(const iEqn, const iDist, mPar1, mPar2);
PcNaiveDgp::SetFixedZ(const fSetting);
PcNaiveDgp::SetMixing(const iEqn, const iDist, mPar1, mPar2, const iT1, const iT2, const mMixParIn, const mMixParOut);
PcNaiveDgp::SetUParameter(const mLagAr, const mLagMa);
PcNaiveDgp::SetYParameter(const mLevel, const mLag, const mZpar, const vConst);
PcNaiveDgp::SetZParameter(const mLag, const vConst, const vTrend);
Sample::GetIndex(const iYear, const iPeriod);
A table is printed at the end, which gives the results, for coefficients:
virtual Simulation::Generate(const iRep, const cT, const mxT);
If the call to the Generate function fails, it is retried until a successful return (so always returning 0, or not returning a value could result in an infinite loop). The number of rejected replications is reported in the output.
The derived class must override the virtual function. It is called for every replication, and must perform the actual replication. The results from this replication are obtained by the simula class by calling GetCoefficients, GetPvalues and GetTestStatistics.
virtual Simulation::GetCoefficients(); virtual Simulation::GetPvalues(); virtual Simulation::GetTestStatistics();
Virtual functions which the derived class must override.
Simulation::SetCoefNames(const asNames) Simulation::SetTestNames(const asNames)
Simulation::Simulation(const mT, const mxT, const cRep, const fCommon, const dSeed, const mPvalue, const mTrueParam);