Access to Economics fileserver SleekIII (revised July 2000)

You must have a fileserver account to access the fileserver; there is no Guest access. Please contact Baum for an account if you do not have one. SleekIII account names are of the form Lastname-EC (modified where necessary to be unique, not case sensitive) and passwords are up to eight case-sensitive characters. You may reset the password to your choice. You may also use your 'University username' (i.e. your email name, or fmrisc account name) to log on to SleekIII.

All materials previously residing in PersonalStorage on SleekII are accessible to their owners; most now reside on volume Sleek4. If you want your PersonalStorage folder to allow other users to have 'drop box' capabilities, select the folder, go to File->Sharing..., and give 'Everyone' the facility to 'write only (Drop Box)'.

The server upgrade allows us to grant each registered user much more space to store their materials. Please keep your usage of PersonalStorage space to no more than 100 Mb. This material is being backed up on a weekly basis.

SleekIII accessible via TCP/IP

SleekIII is accessible via TCP/IP, and that method of access is now required. In the Chooser, select AppleShare and hit the "Server IP Address" button, entering at the prompt. (this performs the same function as locating SleekIII in the Carney Hall zone used to do). The TCP/IP access method may also be used across a dialup connection via PPP (Remote Access), which did not support AppleTalk.

SleekIII now accessible via Microsoft Networking

SleekIII is now also accessible via Microsoft Networking. In the Start menu, select Find Computer and specify ec10 as the computer name. You must be logged on to the BC network with your University username in the appropriate domain. You will be prompted for your SleekIII password (the same that you would use from a Macintosh, or via FTP). You will then have access to SleekIII volumes identical to that which you enjoy from a Macintosh.

SleekIII accessible from FTP clients

You may use any FTP client (e.g. Fetch on the Macintosh, or FTP for Windows9x/NT) to access materials on SleekII. You must have a SleekII username and password. From the FTP client, open a connection to:

(In the crude, command-line Win9x FTP client, use the command 'open'; 'help' or '?' will list the available commands. Remember to specify 'binary' before transferring binary files such as word processing documents or spreadsheets).

You must specify your SleekIII username (or, more conveniently, its alias, the University username) and password when making the connection. When you log on, you will be able to access any volumes and folders (subdirectories) to which you would have access from an AppleShare or TCP/IP client.

N.B. This service may not be available from MediaOne IP addresses (or other addresses outside the BC firewall).

Last update: 3 December 1999