We now have 600+ subscribers to this list - so PLEASE be careful about sending "unsubscribe" and other admin messages to the list and wasting the valuable time of 600 other people! If you so wish, you may unsubscribe at any time by sending an e-mail message to maiser@lists.efs.mq.edu.au with any subject in the subject line and containing the one line message UNSUBSCRIBE RATS-L. DO NOT send such admin messages to the list address RATS-L@lists.efs.mq.edu.au.
Finally, let me briefly state my policy on bounced mail. I receive about 20 bounced mail messages for each message that goes out on this list. Some of these are due to people's email disk quota being filled, some are due to people subscribing from email accounts on computers which are inaccessible for long periods (my mailer tries for 5 days), some are due to people subscribing from corrupted email accounts (ie the address they subscribe from can not be reached from outside). From time to time I endeavor to contact people who (or their postmaster) who have addresses which regularly bounce. However, I have (for obvious reasons) often found it impossible to contact such people.
If you have a colleague who thinks that they are subscribed to RATS-L but does NOT get THIS message, then please ask them to drop me a line with a fax number where they can be contacted.
Many thanks
Rob Trevor