Executing Stat/Transfer for UNIX on fmrisc.bc.edu, econ.bc.edu

You may now execute Stat/Transfer version 6 on fmrisc.bc.edu or econ.bc.edu with the stattransfer command. Help is available from within the program. For instance, having retrieved one of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago's bank condition files from http://www.frbchi.org/rcri/sub_files.html (in .zip form; use UNIX unzip to extract contents):

$ stattransfer -v sub9712.xpt sub9712.dta
Transferring from SAS Transport File: sub9712.xpt
Input file has 621 variables
Transferring to Stata: sub9712.dta

10268 cases were transferred

The resulting .dta file is then usable in Stata. This facility may be very useful for those files that are too large to comfortably work with in the Windows environment; for instance, this file from the Chicago Fed is a 51 Mb SAS file, which generates a 26 Mb Stata dataset.

For additional information...

For the UNIX Stat/Transfer manual (PDF format)

For an account on fmrisc.bc.edu, please contact baum.

C F Baum Revised: 12 October 2001