Sanjay Chugh presents short course on search and frictions in labor markets

Prof. Sanjay Chugh of the University of Maryland presented a four-lecture short course on "The Macroeconomic and Policy Consequences of Search and Matching Frictions in Labor Markets" to BC graduate students and faculty in April 2010. The broad aim of the mini-course was to provide an introduction to modern labor-search theory, based on framework developed by Dale Mortensen of Northwestern University, and Christopher Pissarides of the London School of Economics in the 1990s. Given the central role of labor markets in macroeconomic analysis, familiarity with what has recently become the dominant framework for thinking about many labor issues is of prime importance for macroeconomists of all types. As it is a field in which we have interested students but no specialist faculty, Chugh's presentation was a very valuable exposure to this important field.

25 July 2010