Marvin Kraus becomes chair

Marvin Kraus Following three very successful years of leading the department of economics, Prof. Peter Ireland has stepped down as chairperson, and Prof. Marvin Kraus is the department's new leader. Ireland presided over the department's move to new quarters in the Administration Building, as well as the department's authorization to fill an endowed chair, and was heavily involved with the "hat trick" that brings three new female faculty members to our ranks this year. Peter will now be able to concentrate on his research and teaching, leaving such details as the appropriate use of picture hangers in our new home to Marvin Kraus.

Marvin Kraus joined the department of economics in 1972, and received the Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in the following year. He was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 1978, and to professor in 1990. Marvin served two terms as director of graduate studies, from 1982-1987 and 1995-1999, and has been heavily involved with the graduate micro sequence. He also has taught urban economics - his own field of research - at the graduate level. His most recent publications have appeared in the Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, the Economics Bulletin, and (with Richard Arnott) the chapter on Transport Economics in Kluwer's Handbook of Transportation Science.

30 Sep 2003