Boston College Faculty Elections     2020-2021

The Athletic Advisory Board assists and advises the Director of Athletics in the exercise of institutional responsibility and control of intercollegiate athletics. The Board both advises the Director on policy issues and also initiates discussion on issues of concern to the faculty or administration. The Board has nine members: five elected from the full-time faculty, three from MCAS and two from the professional schools; and four appointed members, chosen from the faculty, academic administration or academic support staff. Members are elected or appointed to staggered three-year terms. Elected members are chosen by the entire full-time faculty. The Board is chaired by the Faculty Athletics Representative, a full-time faculty member who is appointed by and who reports to the President. No more than one representative from any department in MCAS or from any professional school may serve on the Board. Service is for the academic year.

To serve until June 2021 (terms expiring):

To serve until June 2022:

To serve until June 2023:

To be elected to serve July 2021-June 2024:

One member from MCAS (excluding the Physics and English Departments)
One member from a professional school, excluding Law

Nominees for this board include:

Last updated: 30 Mar 2021