Boston College Faculty Elections     2024-2025

The Faculty Grievance Committee receives petitions from faculty members who believe they are aggrieved in a matter including but not restricted to promotion, non-reappointment (other than that specified in Chapter II, Section 11-B-2 of the Statutes), salary or benefits. The Faculty Grievance Committee is composed of five members and three alternates elected at large by the faculty from among the tenured members of the faculty. Members and alternates are elected for two-year terms. (See Chapter II, Sections 11-C and 12-C of the Statutes). Service is for the calendar year.

Procedure for Approaching the FGC with a Grievance: Any faculty member, as defined by the University Statutes, Chapter II, Section 1, may approach any member of the FGC to discuss the operation of the FGC and the process for filing a grievance. This discussion should focus on the grievance procedure, rather than the merit of the grievance. Grievance petitions are not accepted by the FGC until all other internal remedies have been tried. This usually means that the grievant has previously petitioned the appropriate academic dean. The grievant may then wish to discuss the grievance with the FGC chair before submitting a written petition. [Approved 4/13/11].  

To serve until December 31, 2024 (term expired):

To serve until December 31, 2025:

To be elected from the tenured faculty by tenured and tenure-track electors to serve until December 31, 2026:
three members

Nominees for this committee include:

Last updated: 22 Feb 2025