Ideas in Mathematics
MATH1007.01: MWF 1PM
MATH1007.02: MWF 2PM
Cushing 335
Fall, 2016

Professor: Robert Gross
Office: 515 Maloney Hall, 617-552-3758
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday, noon–1; Friday, 3–5; and by appointment.
Class home page:
Required Text: Excursions in Modern Mathematics, by Peter Tannenbaum

Prerequisites: “Ideas in Mathematics” does not have any prerequisites. It does have an “anti-prerequisite”: This course is not open to students who have completed their Mathematics Core Curriculum Requirement without permission of the Department Chair.

About This Class
This course is designed to introduce the student to the spirit, beauty, and vitality of mathematics. The emphasis is on development of ideas rather than problem solving skills. This semester, the course will begin with Part 3, Growth, and then continue with some of Part 5, Statistics, before concluding with Part 1, Social Choice.

Exams, Homework, and Grading
There will be three in-class examinations, tentatively scheduled for Monday, October 3; Friday, November 4; and Wednesday, December 7. The final examination for MATH1007.01 is scheduled for Tuesday, December 20, at 12:30PM. The final examination for MATH1007.02 is scheduled for Thursday, December 15, at 12:30PM. The final examination times are chosen by the Registrar and will not change. The complete final examination schedule is available at
Your final grade will be a weighted average of three in-class examinations (weighted 18%, 20%, and 22%, respectively), written homework and class participation (10%), and the comprehensive final examination (30%).

There will be no makeup examinations without documentation from a Dean. If you have a reason for missing an examination (other than an emergency), then you should let me know before the examination time, and eventually verify the reason.

There will be weekly problem sets. While I expect that students will discuss homework problems with their colleagues, each student must submit his or her own work. You must submit your homework on time, at the start of class. You must staple multiple sheets together; a paper clip is not acceptable. Ripped, folded, and torn sheets will not be receive any credit.

Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is central to the mission of higher education. Please observe the highest standards of academic integrity in this course. Please review the standards and procedures that are published in the university catalog and on the web, at:
Make sure that the work you submit is in accordance with university policies. If you have any questions, please consult with me. Violations will be reported to the Deans’ Office and reviewed by the College’s Committee on Academic Integrity. This could result in failure in the course or even more severe sanctions.

Math tutoring is available through the Connors Family Learning Center, O’Neill Library. You must make an appointment in advance.

In addition, the Mathematics Department provides tutoring on a walk-in basis in Maloney 560. The tutoring service usually begins during the second week of classes; the schedule is posted on fifth floor of Maloney Hall.