Web Server Statistics for Virtual Data Center

Program started on Fri, Aug 13 2010 at 2:21 PM.
Analyzed requests from Thu, Jul 01 2010 at 10:02 AM to Sat, Jul 31 2010 at 11:20 AM (30.05 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

Successful requests: 400
Average successful requests per day: 13
Successful requests for pages: 101
Average successful requests for pages per day: 3
Failed requests: 1,369
Distinct files requested: 44
Distinct hosts served: 56
Corrupt logfile lines: 1
Unwanted logfile entries: 1,412,912
Data transferred: 4.019 megabytes
Average data transferred per day: 136.950 kilobytes

Weekly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each week.

Each unit (+) represents 2 requests for pages or part thereof.

week beg.: #pages: #reqs:  Mbytes: 
---------: ------: -----: -------: 
Jun/27/10:      9:    14:   0.077: +++++
Jul/ 4/10:     17:    81:   0.612: +++++++++
Jul/11/10:     16:   136:   1.503: ++++++++
Jul/18/10:     32:   105:   0.702: ++++++++++++++++
Jul/25/10:     27:    64:   1.123: ++++++++++++++
Busiest week: week beginning Jul/18/10 (32 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 1 request for a page.

day: #pages: #reqs:  Mbytes: 
---: ------: -----: -------: 
Sun:     15:    64:   0.429: +++++++++++++++
Mon:     11:    60:   0.679: +++++++++++
Tue:     13:    27:   0.692: +++++++++++++
Wed:     10:    31:   0.260: ++++++++++
Thu:     25:    80:   0.729: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri:     14:    46:   0.182: ++++++++++++++
Sat:     13:    92:   1.046: +++++++++++++

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 1 request for a page.

hour: #pages: #reqs:  Mbytes: 
----: ------: -----: -------: 
   0:      0:     0:   0.000: 
   1:      4:     4:   0.004: ++++
   2:      4:     7:   0.031: ++++
   3:      2:     2:   0.004: ++
   4:      2:     2:   0.004: ++
   5:      3:    13:   0.035: +++
   6:      3:     3:   0.006: +++
   7:      2:     2:   0.004: ++
   8:      2:     2:   0.004: ++
   9:      2:     7:   0.029: ++
  10:      5:    24:   0.183: +++++
  11:      9:    47:   1.008: +++++++++
  12:      5:    29:   0.213: +++++
  13:      9:    40:   0.419: +++++++++
  14:      2:    11:   0.064: ++
  15:      6:    16:   0.134: ++++++
  16:      8:    20:   0.140: ++++++++
  17:      4:    13:   0.152: ++++
  18:      3:     8:   0.038: +++
  19:      2:     2:   0.004: ++
  20:      6:    67:   0.972: ++++++
  21:      5:    38:   0.335: +++++
  22:      7:    12:   0.056: +++++++
  23:      6:    31:   0.170: ++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#pages: %pages: #reqs:  %reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes: domain
------: ------: -----: ------: -------: ------: ------
    18: 17.82%:   207: 51.75%:   2.899: 72.13%: .edu (US Higher Education)
    31: 30.69%:    80: 20.00%:   0.596: 14.85%: .net (Networks)
    21: 20.79%:    82: 20.50%:   0.469: 11.67%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
    23: 22.77%:    23:  5.75%:   0.041:  1.03%: .com (Commercial)
     4:  3.96%:     4:  1.00%:   0.008:  0.21%: .ru (Russia)
     3:  2.97%:     3:  0.75%:   0.002:  0.05%: .de (Germany)
     1:  0.99%:     1:  0.25%:   0.002:  0.05%: .in (India)

Organization Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

This report lists the organizations of the computers which requested files.

Listing the top 20 organizations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#pages: %pages: #reqs:  %reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes: organization
------: ------: -----: ------: -------: ------: ------------
    18: 17.82%:   207: 51.75%:   2.899: 72.13%: bc.edu
     0:       :    37:  9.25%:   0.274:  6.83%: 10
    20: 19.80%:    20:  5.00%:   0.039:  0.98%: yahoo.net
     4:  3.96%:    19:  4.75%:   0.293:  7.31%: comcast.net
     0:       :    17:  4.25%:   0.089:  2.23%: iplannetworks.net
    13: 12.87%:    13:  3.25%:   0.026:  0.67%: scoutjet.com
     0:       :    13:  3.25%:   0.052:  1.31%: 203.117
     0:       :    12:  3.00%:   0.136:  3.39%: beld.net
    11: 10.89%:    11:  2.75%:   0.022:  0.57%: 116
     0:       :     7:  1.75%:   0.072:  1.81%: 192.193
     7:  6.93%:     7:  1.75%:   0.012:  0.31%: fastsearch.net
     5:  4.95%:     5:  1.25%:   0.004:  0.10%: msn.com
     0:       :     5:  1.25%:   0.025:  0.64%: cox.net
     0:       :     4:  1.00%:   0.028:  0.70%: 136.167
     3:  2.97%:     3:  0.75%:   0.002:  0.05%: your-server.de
     3:  2.97%:     3:  0.75%:   0.006:  0.15%: 121
     3:  2.97%:     3:  0.75%:   0.006:  0.15%: yandex.ru
     2:  1.98%:     2:  0.50%:   0.004:  0.10%: 143.200
     2:  1.98%:     2:  0.50%:   0.002:  0.05%: 220.181
     2:  1.98%:     2:  0.50%:   0.004:  0.10%: entireweb.com
     8:  7.92%:     8:  2.00%:   0.016:  0.41%: [not listed: 8 organizations]

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#pages: %pages: #reqs:  %reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes: directory
------: ------: -----: ------: -------: ------: ---------
     0:       :   299: 74.75%:   3.828: 95.26%: /vdc/
   101:   100%:   101: 25.25%:   0.190:  4.74%: /vdcpub/

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

This report lists the extensions of requested files.

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs:  %reqs:  Mbytes: %bytes: extension
-----: ------: -------: ------: ---------
  298: 74.50%:   3.827: 95.23%: .php  [PHP]
  101: 25.25%:   0.190:  4.74%: [directories]
    1:  0.25%:   0.001:  0.03%: [not listed: 1 extension]

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

This report lists the HTTP status codes of all requests.

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

#reqs: status code
-----: -----------
  393: 200 OK
    7: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
 1349: 401 Authentication required
   20: 404 Document not found

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs:  %reqs:  kbytes: %bytes:          last time: file
-----: ------: -------: ------: ------------------: ----
  101: 25.25%: 195.234:  4.74%: Jul/31/10  8:58 AM: /vdcpub/
   26:  6.50%:  41.407:  1.01%: Jul/27/10 11:16 AM: /vdc/db/dbifs4a.php
   23:  5.75%: 330.252:  8.02%: Jul/27/10 11:15 AM: /vdc/db/dbifs3a.php
   20:  5.00%:  45.315:  1.10%: Jul/30/10  2:07 PM: /vdc/db/dbifs4q.php
   18:  4.50%: 258.653:  6.28%: Jul/30/10  2:07 PM: /vdc/db/dbifs3q.php
   15:  3.75%: 212.393:  5.16%: Jul/29/10  1:35 PM: /vdc/db/dbifs2m.php
   14:  3.50%: 420.534: 10.22%: Jul/27/10 11:15 AM: /vdc/db/dbifs2a.php
   13:  3.25%:  20.134:  0.49%: Jul/27/10 11:15 AM: /vdc/db/dbifs1a.php
   12:  3.00%:  22.805:  0.55%: Jul/26/10  4:49 PM: /vdc/db/ifsa.download.php
   11:  2.75%: 170.833:  4.15%: Jul/30/10  2:06 PM: /vdc/db/dbifs2q.php
   11:  2.75%:  17.101:  0.42%: Jul/30/10  2:06 PM: /vdc/db/dbifs1q.php
    9:  2.25%:  13.957:  0.34%: Jul/29/10  1:50 PM: /vdc/db/dbifs1m.php
    9:  2.25%:  17.682:  0.43%: Jul/27/10  4:20 PM: /vdc/db/dbdot2a.php
    9:  2.25%:  10.977:  0.27%: Jul/27/10  4:20 PM: /vdc/db/dbdot1a.php
    8:  2.00%: 704.006: 17.10%: Jul/27/10  4:20 PM: /vdc/db/dots.download.php
    8:  2.00%: 114.830:  2.79%: Jul/29/10  1:37 PM: /vdc/db/dbifs3m.php
    7:  1.75%: 402.879:  9.79%: Jul/24/10  5:11 PM: /vdc/db/dbifslist2.php
    7:  1.75%:  97.946:  2.38%: Jul/30/10  2:07 PM: /vdc/db/ifsq.download.php
    7:  1.75%:  52.639:  1.28%: Jul/29/10  1:38 PM: /vdc/db/dbifs4m.php
    7:  1.75%: 141.007:  3.43%: Jul/27/10  4:20 PM: /vdc/db/dbdot2.php
    6:  1.50%:  63.960:  1.55%: Jul/24/10  5:11 PM: /vdc/db/dbifslist.php
    6:  1.50%:  10.200:  0.25%: Jul/27/10  4:20 PM: /vdc/db/dbdot3.php
    5:  1.25%: 501.080: 12.17%: Jul/29/10  1:38 PM: /vdc/db/ifsm.download.php
    4:  1.00%:   8.511:  0.21%: Jul/23/10 10:43 AM: /vdc/db/dbwis3.php
    4:  1.00%:   6.721:  0.16%: Jul/23/10 10:43 AM: /vdc/db/wi.download.php
    4:  1.00%:  43.808:  1.06%: Jul/ 8/10 10:52 PM: /vdc/db/dbdri2.php
    4:  1.00%:  36.873:  0.90%: Jul/23/10 10:43 AM: /vdc/db/dbwis2.php
    3:  0.75%:  36.139:  0.88%: Jul/23/10 10:42 AM: /vdc/db/dbwis1a.php
    3:  0.75%:  13.467:  0.33%: Jul/ 8/10 10:51 PM: /vdc/db/dbdri1.php
    3:  0.75%:   4.532:  0.11%: Jul/27/10 11:14 AM: /vdc/db/dbdot3a.php
    3:  0.75%:  42.284:  1.03%: Jul/ 8/10  9:02 PM: /vdc/db/cri.download.php
    3:  0.75%:   5.162:  0.13%: Jul/23/10 10:39 AM: /vdc/db/dbwis1.php
    3:  0.75%:   4.158:  0.10%: Jul/ 8/10  9:01 PM: /vdc/db/dbcri1b.php
    2:  0.50%:   2.275:  0.06%: Jul/ 8/10  9:02 PM: /vdc/db/dbcri3.php
    2:  0.50%:   5.410:  0.13%: Jul/ 8/10  9:01 PM: /vdc/db/dbcri2a.php
    2:  0.50%:   2.115:  0.05%: Jul/ 8/10  9:01 PM: /vdc/db/dbcri1a.php
    1:  0.25%:   2.587:  0.06%: Jul/ 7/10  1:30 PM: /vdc/db/dbmbq1.php
    1:  0.25%:   4.215:  0.10%: Jul/22/10  8:25 PM: /vdc/db/dbwdi1.php
    1:  0.25%:   7.820:  0.19%: Jul/ 7/10  1:30 PM: /vdc/db/mbq.download.php
    1:  0.25%:   1.466:  0.04%: Jul/ 7/10  1:30 PM: /vdc/db/dbmbq2.php
    1:  0.25%:   1.030:  0.03%: Jul/10/10 12:30 PM: /vdc/db/ifsadata.do
    1:  0.25%:   2.848:  0.07%: Jul/ 8/10  9:05 PM: /vdc/db/dbdri3.php
    1:  0.25%:  17.021:  0.41%: Jul/ 8/10  9:05 PM: /vdc/db/dri.download.php
    1:  0.25%:   1.635:  0.04%: Jul/ 8/10  9:05 PM: /vdc/db/dbdri4.php

This analysis was produced by analog 5.23.
Running time: 6 seconds.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organization Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

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