___ ____ ____ ____ ____ tm /__ / ____/ / ____/ ___/ / /___/ / /___/ 10.1 Copyright 1984-2009 Statistics/Data Analysis StataCorp 4905 Lakeway Drive Special Edition College Station, Texas 77845 USA 800-STATA-PC http://www.stata.com 979-696-4600 stata@stata.com 979-696-4601 (fax) Single-user Stata for Macintosh perpetual license: Serial number: 6410544727 Licensed to: Christopher Baum Boston College Notes: 1. (-m# option or -set memory-) 10.00 MB allocated to data 2. (-v# option or -set maxvar-) 5000 maximum variables 3. Command line editing disabled 4. Stata running in batch mode . do calcRAIM . * calcRAIM 1.0.8 18sep2005 cfb . * per Bandopadhyaya and Jones, "How do they feel", prelim. version, p.7 . * 1.0.0: 24apr2005 initial implementation . * 1.0.1: 27apr2005 relax assumption of balanced panel . * 1.0.2: 04may2005 add table header, text file output . * 1.0.3: 17jun2005 deal with gaps in firm history within window . * 1.0.4: 19jun2005 refinement of code for gaps . * 1.0.5: 23jun2005 further refinement of gap handling . * 1.0.6: 26jun2005 further refinement of gap handling . * 1.0.7: 04jul2005 handle gaps with tsfill . * 1.0.8: 18sep2005 add logic for raim_d (daily) file . . // 7C15: must merge historical values of MISI into current content, patch gap > s . . set more off . . // 9204 fix memory, matsize settings . set mem 100m Current memory allocation ------------------------- current memory usage settable value description (1M = 1024k) -------------------------------------------------------------------- set maxvar 5000 max. variables allowed 1.751M set memory 100M max. data space 100.000M set matsize 400 max. RHS vars in models 1.254M ----------- 103.006M . set matsize 1000 Current memory allocation ------------------------- current memory usage settable value description (1M = 1024k) -------------------------------------------------------------------- set maxvar 5000 max. variables allowed 1.751M set memory 100M max. data space 100.000M set matsize 1000 max. RHS vars in models 7.713M ----------- 109.465M . cd "/fmwww0/repec/raim/MassInd/" /fmwww0/RePEc/RAIM/MassInd . use bloomberg_BBMXAll, clear . . * calc five-day sd of daily returns; maxwin should be set to twice window wid > th . local win 5 . . tsfill, full . mvsumm pctchg, gen(movsd) stat(sd) window(`win') end . . * get range of dates available . su qq, meanonly . local max = r(max) . // 7C15: prevent conditional from aborting . if `max' < `win' { . di as err "Inadequate data" . g int nfirms = . . g pvalue = . . // error 9 . } . else { . * housekeeping . qui { . * for each available date, calculate rank correlation . * between moving sd and returns and save results . forv i=`win'/`max' { 2. qui { 3. spearman pctchg movsd if qq == `i' 4. replace RAIM = 100.0 * r(rho) if qq == `i' & fobs 5. replace pvalue = r(p) if qq == `i' & fobs 6. replace nfirms = r(N) if qq == `i' & fobs 7. * take account of quote date referring to following day . replace quotedate = qd-1 if qq == `i' & fobs 8. }