*! version 1.0.1 August 22, 2007 @ 11:40:15 *! for moving char values to dlg fields program define _char2dlg version 9 /* 1.0.1 -- need to allow invalid vars for incomplete editing */ capture syntax [varlist], char(str) dialog(str) control(str) local rc = _rc if `rc' { if `rc'==111 { syntax anything, char(str) dialog(str) control(str) } else { error `rc' } } local numVars: word count `varlist' if `numVars'>1 { /* never really gets in the way, even if varlist is empty */ display as error "How did you select more than one variable?" exit 666 } local obj ".`dialog'_dlg.`control'" local type "`.`obj'.classname'" if `numVars'==1 { local theChar: char `varlist'[`char'] } if "`type'"=="d_checkbox" { if `"`theChar'"'=="" { `obj'.setoff } else { if `"`theChar'"'=="1" | strpos("yes",lower(`"`theChar'"')) | strpos("true",lower(`"`theChar'"')) { `obj'.seton } else { `obj'.setoff } } } else { `obj'.setvalue `"`macval(theChar)'"' `obj'.setdefault `"`macval(theChar)'"' } end