*! version 2.9.0 28mar2017 * From Sergio Correia's ftools package /* MS_COMPILE_MATA: Compile a Mata library (.mlib), if needed USAGE: 1) In xyz.ado: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *! version 1.2.3 31dec2017 program xyz ... ms_get_version xyz ms_compile_mata, package(xyz) version(`package_version') ... end ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) In xyz.mata: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ms_get_version xyz // stores version of the ado in local `package_version' assert("`package_version'" != "") mata: string scalar xyz_version() return("`package_version'") mata: string scalar xyz_stata_version() return("`c(stata_version)'") ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCED SYNTAX: ms_compile_mata, PACKage(...) VERsion(...) [FUNctions(...) VERBOSE FORCE DEBUG] functions: list of Mata functions from xyz.mata that will be added to the .mlib. Default is all functions: *() force: always compile the package and create a new .mlib By default, this only happens if the mlib doesn't exist or if the package versions and Stata versions disagree with what the .mlib has stored NOTE: the names of the .mata and .ado files can be different (in fact, ms_compile_mata doesn't know the name of the .ado!) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: based on code from David Roodman's -boottest- */ program _compile_mata syntax, PACKage(string) VERsion(string) [FUNctions(string)] [VERBOSE] [FORCE] [DEBUG] loc force = ("`force'" != "") if (!`force') { Check, package(`package') version(`version') `verbose' loc force = s(needs_compile) } if (`force') { Compile, package(`package') version(`version') functions(`functions') `verbose' `debug' } end program Check, sclass syntax, PACKage(string) VERSion(string) [VERBOSE] loc verbose = ("`verbose'" != "") loc package_version = "`version'" loc stata_version = c(stata_version) loc joint_version = "`package_version'|`stata_version'" loc mlib_package_version = "???" loc mlib_stata_version = "???" loc mlib_joint_version = "???" // Jointly check if the package and Stata versions are the same cap mata: mata drop `package'_joint_version() cap mata: st_local("mlib_joint_version", `package'_joint_version()) _assert inlist(`c(rc)', 0, 3499), msg("`package' check: unexpected error") if ("`mlib_joint_version'" == "`joint_version'") { sreturn local needs_compile = 0 exit } // Does the MLIB has the same version as the one stated in the ADO? cap mata: mata drop `package'_version() cap mata: st_local("mlib_stata_version", `package'_stata_version()) _assert inlist(`c(rc)', 0, 3499), msg("`package' check: unexpected error") if ("`mlib_stata_version'" != "`stata_version'") { if (`verbose') di as text "(existing l`package'.mlib compiled with Stata `mlib_stata_version'; need to recompile for Stata `stata_version')" sreturn local needs_compile = 1 exit } // Was the MLIB compiled with the current version of Stata? cap mata: mata drop `package'_stata_version() cap mata: st_local("mlib_package_version", `package'_version()) _assert inlist(`c(rc)', 0, 3499), msg("`package' check: unexpected error") if ("`mlib_package_version'" != "`package_version'") { if (`verbose') di as text `"(existing l`package'.mlib is version "`mlib_package_version'"; need to recompile for "`package_version'")"' sreturn local needs_compile = 1 exit } end program Compile syntax, PACKage(string) VERSion(string) [FUNctions(string)] [VERBOSE] [DEBUG] loc verbose = ("`verbose'" != "") loc debug = ("`debug'" != "") if ("`functions'"=="") loc functions "*()" loc stata_version = c(stata_version) mata: mata clear * Delete any preexisting .mlib loc mlib "l`package'.mlib" cap findfile "`mlib'" while (c(rc)!=601) { * Try to delete file cap erase "`r(fn)'" * Catch exception when file is read-only if c(rc)==608 { di as error "(warning: file `r(fn)' is read-only; skipping delete)" continue, break } * Abort in case of other errors else if c(rc) { di as error "Cannot delete `r(fn)'; error `c(rc)'; aborting" error `c(rc)' } * Check if the mlib file still persists somewhere (error 601: file not found) cap findfile "`mlib'" } * Run the .mata if (`verbose') di as text "(compiling l`package'.mlib for Stata `stata_version')" qui findfile "`package'.mata" loc fn "`r(fn)'" run "`fn'" if (`debug') di as error "Functions available for indexing:" if (`debug') mata: mata desc * Find out where can I save the .mlib TrySave "`c(sysdir_plus)'" "sysdir_plus" "`package'" "`functions'" `debug' `verbose' if (!`ok') TrySave "`c(sysdir_personal)'" "sysdir_plus" "`package'" "`functions'" `debug' `verbose' if (!`ok') TrySave "." "current path" "`package'" "`functions'" `debug' `verbose' if (!`ok') { di as error "Could not compile file; ftools will not work correctly" error 123 } end program TrySave args path name package functions debug verbose assert "`package'"!="" loc random_file = "`=int(runiform()*1e8)'" cap conf new file "`path'`random_file'" if (c(rc)) { di as error `"cannot save compiled Mata file in `name' (`path')"' c_local ok 0 exit } else { loc path = "`path'l/" cap conf new file "`path'`random_file'" if (c(rc)) { mkdir "`path'" } cap conf new file "`path'l`package'.mlib" * Create .mlib cap mata: mata mlib create l`package' , dir("`path'") replace if c(rc)==608 { c_local ok 0 exit } else if c(rc) { di as error "could not compile mlib file" error 608 } qui mata: mata mlib add l`package' `functions', dir("`path'") //qui mata: mata mlib add l`package' HDFE() , dir("`path'") complete * Verify file exists and works correctly qui findfile l`package'.mlib loc fn `r(fn)' if (`verbose') di as text `"(library saved in `fn')"' qui mata: mata mlib index if (`debug') di as error "Functions indexed:" if (`debug') mata: mata describe using l`package' c_local ok 1 } end