*! version 2.2 fv swml abuxton 20Oct2013. *! cureregr, cure model regression or parametric cure model PCM *! main program cureregr.ado, called by _cureregr.ado which is run via predict switch * version 2.1 abuxton 23sep2007. * version 1 abuxton based on post cureregr 'postcureregtask2' * test 15sep2007 _cureregr_gen 16jan2005, draft * post cureregr calculate hazard estimate and fail density for * any model fit by cureregr, program define _cureregr_gen version 13.0 syntax [if] [in] , /// [Survival] /// [SEs] /// [Ucs] /// [Lcs] /// [Hazard] /// [FD] /// [ALL] /// [Gen(string)] /// [LEVELopt0(string)] tempvar touse mark `touse' `if' `in' `e(sample)' qui count if `touse' if r(N)==0 { error 2000 /* no observations */ } local svopt `"`survival'"' local alopt `"`all'"' local hzopt `"`hazard'"' local fdopt `"`fd'"' local sesopt `"`ses'"' local ucsopt `"`ucs'"' local lcsopt `"`lcs'"' local levelopt `"level(`levelopt0')"' local genopt `"`gen'"' local gen_n : word count `genopt' if `gen_n' == 0 { } else if `gen_n' == 1 { } else if `gen_n' == 6 { } else { di `"{err}the number of gen variables must be 1 or 6{txt}"' exit } local level_n : word count `levelopt0' if `level_n' == 0 { local levelopt `"level(95)"' } else if `level_n' == 1 { local levelopt `"level(`levelopt0')"' } if lower(substr(`"`svopt'"',1,1))==`"s"' { local fnopt0 `"survival"' } else if lower(substr(`"`sesopt'"',1,2))==`"se"' { local fnopt0 `"ses"' } else if lower(substr(`"`lcsopt'"',1,1))==`"l"' { local fnopt0 `"lcs"' } else if lower(substr(`"`ucsopt'"',1,1))==`"u"' { local fnopt0 `"ucs"' } else if lower(substr(`"`alopt'"',1,3))==`"all"' { local fnopt0 `"est_all"' } else if lower(substr(`"`hzopt'"',1,1))==`"h"' { local fnopt0 `"hazard"' } else if lower(substr(`"`fdopt'"',1,2))==`"fd"' { local fnopt0 `"faildensity"' } else { di `"{err}please, check _cureregr_gen {S, ses, lcs, ucs, h, fd, or all} only {txt}"' exit } *di `"display fnopt0:"' `"`fnopt0'"' *di `"display gen_n: `gen_n'"' if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"est_all"' { if `gen_n' == 0 /* default variable names */ { foreach Varx in S seS lciS uciS haz fd { confirm new var `Varx' } } else if `gen_n' == 6 { foreach Varx in `genopt' { confirm new var `Varx' } } } else if `gen_n' == 1 { confirm new var `gen' } else { if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"survival"' { confirm new var S } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"ses"' { confirm new var ses } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"lcs"' { confirm new var lcs } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"ucs"' { confirm new var ucs } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"hazard"' { confirm new var haz } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"faildensity"' { confirm new var fd } } /* calculate the fail density */ local pi `"(exp(-1*exp((xb(#1)))))"' local ttfunction `"((exp(xb(#2)) * _t)^exp(xb(#3)))"' local dtt = `"((`ttfunction')*exp(xb(#3))/_t)"' local lnl = lower(substr(`"`e(user)'"',4,2)) local krn = lower(substr(`"`e(user)'"',6,2)) local cfl = lower(substr(`"`e(user)'"',8,2)) *cure fraction link if `"`cfl'"' == `"01"' { local pi `"(1/(1+exp(-1*(xb(#1)))))"' } else if `"`cfl'"' == `"02"' { local pi `"(exp(-1*exp((xb(#1)))))"' } else if `"`cfl'"' == `"03"' { local pi `"((xb(#1)))"' } *kernal, distribution function if `"`krn'"' == `"01"' { // weibull, exponential in tt, dist local kr `"(1-exp(-1*(`ttfunction')))"' local dk `"((exp(-1*(`ttfunction')))*(`dtt'))"' } else if `"`krn'"' == `"02"' { // ln-normal dist local kr `"(norm(ln(`ttfunction')))"' local dk `"(normden(ln(`ttfunction'))*exp(xb(#3))/_t)"' } else if `"`krn'"' == `"03"' { // logistic dist local kr `"(`ttfunction'/(1 + `ttfunction'))"' local dk `"((1/(1+`ttfunction')^2)*(`dtt'))"' } else if `"`krn'"' == `"04"' { // gamma dist local tt `"((_t)/exp(xb(#2)))"' local kr `"(gammap(exp(xb(#3)),`tt'))"' local dk `"(gammaden(exp(xb(#3)),exp(xb(#2)),0,_t))"' } else if `"`krn'"' == `"05"' { // exponential dist gamma shape==1 local tt `"((_t)/exp(xb(#2)))"' local kr `"(gammap(1,`tt'))"' local dk `"(gammaden(1,exp(xb(#2)),0,_t))"' } *model mixture or non-mixture, survival if `"`lnl'"' == `"00"' { local function_s `"(1+((`pi'-1)*`kr'))"' } else if `"`lnl'"' == `"01"' { local function_s `"((`pi')^(`kr'))"' } *hazard function if `"`lnl'"' == `"00"' { local function_h `"(((1-`pi')*`dk')/(`function_s'))"' } else if `"`lnl'"' == `"01"' { local function_h `"(-ln(`pi')*(`dk'))"' } *failure density local function_fd `"`dk'"' *set trace on tempvar S seS lciS uciS haz fd *if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"est_all"' { local function `"`function_s'"' local lmlfunction `"ln(-1*ln(`function_s'))"' tempvar lmlS lmllci lmluci qui predictnl double `S' = `function' if `touse', se(`seS') `levelopt' force iter(100) qui predictnl double `lmlS' = `lmlfunction' if `touse', ci(`lmllci' `lmluci') `levelopt' force iter(100) qui gen double `lciS' = exp(-exp(`lmluci')) if `touse' qui gen double `uciS' = exp(-exp(`lmllci')) if `touse' *this is code for the text dfn of function for hazard local function `"`function_h'"' qui predictnl double `haz' = `function' if `touse', force iter(100) *this is the fail density local function `"`function_fd'"' qui predictnl double `fd' = `function' if `touse', force iter(100) *} if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"est_all"' { if `gen_n' == 0 /* default variable names */ { tokenize `"S seS lciS uciS haz fd"' forvalues i = 1/6 { local tname`i' ``i'' gen double `tname`i'' = ``tname`i''' } } else if `gen_n' == 6 { /* six command given names in order */ tokenize `"S seS lciS uciS haz fd"' *set trace on forvalues i = 1/6 { local tname`i' ``i'' } tokenize `"`genopt'"' forvalues i = 1/6 { local gname`i' ``i'' } forvalues i = 1/6 { gen double `gname`i'' = ``tname`i''' } *set trace off } } else if `gen_n' == 1 { /* one of six command given names */ if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"survival"' { gen double `genopt'=`S' } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"ses"' { gen double `genopt'=`seS' } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"lcs"' { gen double `genopt'=`lciS' } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"ucs"' { gen double `genopt'=`uciS' } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"hazard"' { gen double `genopt'=`haz' } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"faildensity"' { gen double `genopt'=`fd' } } else { if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"survival"' { gen double S=`S' } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"ses"' { gen double seS=`ses' } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"lcs"' { gen double lciS=`lciS' } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"ucs"' { gen double uciS=`uciS' } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"hazard"' { gen double haz=`haz' } else if `"`fnopt0'"' == `"faildensity"' { gen double fd=`fd' } } end /* _cureregr_gen */