{smcl} {* version 1.0.0 06feb2025 Ben Jann}{...} {hi:isco08_2_to_oep()} {hline 2} Translate 2-digit ISCO-08 to OEP scores {title:Syntax} {cmd:isco08_2_to_oep(}{varname}{cmd:)} {pstd} where {it:varname} contains 2-digit ISCO-08 codes. {title:Description} {pstd} {helpb crosswalk} table translating 2-digit ISCO-08 codes to OEP scores (Occupational Earning Potential; Oesch et al. 2024). {title:Source} {pstd} File {bf:isco08-2_to_oep.xlsx} provided by Oesch (2025), supplemented (where possible) by 2-digit variants of the mappings in {bf:isco08-1_to_oep.xlsx}. {title:References} {phang} Oesch, Daniel, Oliver Lipps, Roujman Shahbazian, Erik Bihagen, Katy Morris. 2024. Occupational Earning Potential. A new measure of social hierarchy applied to Europe. European Commission, Seville, {browse "https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC139883":JRC139883}. {p_end} {phang} Oesch, Daniel, Oliver Lipps, Roujman Shahbazian, Erik Bihagen, Katy Morris. 2025. Occupational Earning Potential (OEP) Scale. OSF, DOI:{browse "https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/PR89U":10.17605/OSF.IO/PR89U}. {p_end} {hline} {asis} 00 69 01 87 02 74 03 59 10 81 11 87 12 84 13 79 14 52 20 71 21 79 22 73 23 62 24 74 25 80 26 65 30 55 31 63 32 43 33 58 34 40 35 65 40 38 41 36 42 37 43 40 44 37 50 23 51 21 52 22 53 18 54 54 60 22 61 21 62 32 63 22 70 44 71 41 72 47 73 40 74 53 75 28 80 37 81 34 82 32 83 39 90 19 91 11 92 14 93 26 94 13 95 17 96 27