{smcl} {* version 1.0.0 06feb2025 Ben Jann}{...} {hi:isco08_3_to_oep()} {hline 2} Translate 3-digit ISCO-08 to OEP scores {title:Syntax} {cmd:isco08_3_to_oep(}{varname}{cmd:)} {pstd} where {it:varname} contains 3-digit ISCO-08 codes. {title:Description} {pstd} {helpb crosswalk} table translating 3-digit ISCO-08 codes to OEP scores (Occupational Earning Potential; Oesch et al. 2024). {title:Source} {pstd} File {bf:isco08-3_to_oep.xlsx} provided by Oesch (2025), supplemented (where possible) by 3-digit variants of the mappings in {bf:isco08-2_to_oep.xlsx} and {bf:isco08-1_to_oep.xlsx}. {title:References} {phang} Oesch, Daniel, Oliver Lipps, Roujman Shahbazian, Erik Bihagen, Katy Morris. 2024. Occupational Earning Potential. A new measure of social hierarchy applied to Europe. European Commission, Seville, {browse "https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC139883":JRC139883}. {p_end} {phang} Oesch, Daniel, Oliver Lipps, Roujman Shahbazian, Erik Bihagen, Katy Morris. 2025. Occupational Earning Potential (OEP) Scale. OSF, DOI:{browse "https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/PR89U":10.17605/OSF.IO/PR89U}. {p_end} {hline} {asis} 000 69 010 87 011 87 020 74 021 74 030 62 031 58 100 81 110 87 111 85 112 93 120 84 121 83 122 86 130 79 131 67 132 77 133 90 134 72 140 52 141 40 142 55 143 76 200 71 210 79 211 78 212 84 213 70 214 80 215 84 216 67 220 73 221 91 222 55 223 42 224 70 225 79 226 58 230 62 231 77 232 68 233 69 234 52 235 59 240 74 241 80 242 70 243 79 250 80 251 81 252 77 260 65 261 87 262 51 263 58 264 67 265 58 300 55 310 63 311 63 312 67 313 56 314 51 315 85 320 43 321 43 322 42 323 19 324 26 325 36 330 58 331 57 332 65 333 59 334 50 335 62 340 40 341 44 342 46 343 41 350 65 351 66 352 53 400 38 410 36 411 44 412 35 413 26 420 37 421 43 422 27 430 40 431 46 432 38 440 37 441 37 500 23 510 21 511 41 512 21 513 12 514 13 515 27 516 25 520 22 521 12 522 24 523 12 524 19 530 18 531 13 532 20 540 54 541 54 600 22 610 21 611 22 612 16 613 28 620 32 621 32 622 33 630 22 631 22 632 22 633 22 634 22 700 44 710 41 711 42 712 45 713 34 720 47 721 42 722 45 723 49 730 40 731 35 732 44 740 53 741 54 742 50 750 28 751 25 752 32 753 21 754 42 800 37 810 34 811 57 812 44 813 46 814 33 815 16 816 28 817 39 818 30 820 32 821 32 830 39 831 65 832 27 833 39 834 39 835 52 900 19 910 11 911 11 912 18 920 14 921 14 930 26 931 34 932 21 933 32 940 13 941 13 950 17 951 17 952 17 960 27 961 26 962 24