*! child dialog for getcensus version 2.1.3 VERSION 13.1 POSITION . . 510 210 // Lists ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST keyword_descrip_list BEGIN "Number and percent of population in poverty; overall, by age, and by race" "Population by income-to-poverty ratio" "Characteristics of the population at various income-to-poverty ratios" "Median household income, overall and by race of householder" "Percent of households participating in SNAP and characteristics of participating households" "Number and percent of population covered by Medicaid, overall and by age" "Housing characteristics, including housing costs" "Detailed renter housing cost burden" "Detailed homeowner housing cost burden" "Median household income and family poverty status, by housing tenure" "Nativity of children, by age and parent's natvity" "Children by poverty status and parent's nativity" END LIST keyword_list BEGIN "pov" "povratio" "povratio_char" "medinc" "snap" "medicaid" "housing_overview" "costburden_renters" "costburden_owners" "tenure_inc" "kids_nativity" "kids_pov_parents_nativity" END // Main tab ------------------------------------------------------------------- DIALOG main, label("Choose a keyword by its description") BEGIN LISTBOX cb_keyword 10 10 500 200 , /// contents(keyword_descrip_list) /// values(keyword_list) END OK ok1 CANCEL can1 // Command -------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM command BEGIN put main.cb_keyword END