*! 1.0.0 NJC 21 January 2001 program define _gntos version 6.0 gettoken type 0 : 0 gettoken g 0 : 0 gettoken eqs 0 : 0 syntax varlist(numeric min=1) [if] [in], From(numlist) To(str asis) marksample touse local nfrom : word count `from' local nto : word count `to' if `nfrom' != `nto' { di in r "from( ) and to( ) do not match one to one" exit 198 } quietly { /* ignore `type' passed from -egen- */ gen str1 `g' = "" tokenize `"`to'"' local i = 1 while `i' <= `nfrom' { local fval : word `i' of `from' replace `g' = `"``i''"' /* */ if `varlist' == `fval' & `touse' local i = `i' + 1 } } end