/* _grtvor.ado 10-5-2000 By David Kantor, Institute for Policy Studies, Johns Hopkins University. This is a user-added feature for Stata's egen command. As such, it goes in c:\ado rather than c:\stata\ado\_. This is a three-valued logic OR in an egen context. It is based on the earlier tvlor.ado, but this is now set in the context of egen; consequently, it uses egen grammar. This is part of a suite of three-valued logic egen utilities: tvnot, rtvor, rtvand, tvor, tvand. (There are also tvlnot, tvlor, & tvland. Those are earlier, less complete versions, which stand as separate programs; they are not egen utilities. These egen utilities are to be preferred.) We allow any number of input variables. For 1 var, you should get back the original, but with all "true" (nonzero, nonmissing) converted to 1. For 0 vars, you should get false (0) -- the identity element for OR. Parts of this are borrowed from stata\ado\_\_grmiss.ado. 1-31-2001: I am adding the "liberal" option. This allows a different version of the operation; it takes the OR of all non-missing elements, and only yields missing if all arguments are missing. */ *! version 2.2.1 2-28-2001 program define _grtvor version 5.0 local type "`1'" if "`type'" == " " {local type "byte"} /* default type */ mac shift local g "`1'" mac shift mac shift /* discard = sign */ local varlist "opt ex none" local in "opt" local if "opt" local options "LIBeral" parse "`*'" /* We need the row-sums of whether each variable in `varlist' is 0; 1; missing. We will count each of these; the count of missings is equivalent to egen ... rmiss(`varlist'). */ tempvar numfals numtrue nummis gen int `numfals' = 0 gen int `numtrue' = 0 /* Here, "true" does not include missing. */ gen int `nummis' = 0 parse "`varlist'", parse(" ") while "`1'"!="" { quietly { replace `numfals' = `numfals' + (`1'==0) replace `numtrue' = `numtrue' + (`1'~=0 & `1'~=.) replace `nummis' = `nummis' + (`1'==.) } mac shift } /* assert `numfals' >=0 & `numfals' ~=. assert `numtrue' >=0 & `numtrue' ~=. assert `nummis' >=0 & `nummis' ~=. */ #delimit ; if "`liberal'" =="liberal" {; quietly gen `type' `g' = cond(`numtrue'==0 & `numfals'== 0, ., `numtrue' >0) `if' `in'; }; else {; quietly gen `type' `g' = cond(`numtrue' > 0, 1, cond(`nummis' ==0, 0, .) ) `if' `in'; }; end;