{smcl} {* 2023july18,21} {hline} help for {hi:_gwtmean} {hline} {p 4 4 2}User-written {help egen} function wtmean(), to calculate a weighted mean. {hline} {title:Syntax} {p 6 6 2} {cmd:egen} {dtype} {newvar} {cmd:= wtmean(}{it:{help exp}}{cmd:)} {ifin} [{cmd:, }{opt weight(weightexp)} {opt by(varlist)}] {p 4 4 2} Creates a constant (within {it:varlist}) containing the mean of {it:exp}. With the {cmd:weight} option, it is weighted by {it:weightexp}; otherwise, it produces an unweighted mean {c -} the same as the egen {cmd:mean} function. {p 4 4 2} {it:weightexp} may be an {help expression} (e.g., {cmd:1/prob}); it is not limited to variables. {p 4 4 2} {cmd:wtmean} may be combined with {help by}, either as a prefix or an option. {hline} {title:Author} {p 4 4 2} David Kantor; email {browse "mailto:kantor.d@att.net":kantor.d@att.net}{p_end} {p 4 4 2} Please include {cmd:stata} in the subject field.