*! v 1.0.0 PR 26Oct95. program define _jprcout /* contrast output module */ local yvar "`1'" local group "`2'" local obs `3' local L `4' local seL `5' local lower `6' local upper `7' local t `8' local P `9' local vratio `10' local Pgrp `11' local rdf `12' local rsd `13' local level `14' local skip = 8 - length("`yvar'") local fmt : format `yvar' if substr("`fmt'",-1,1)=="f" { local ofmt="%9."+substr("`fmt'",-2,2) } else local ofmt "%9.0g" #delimit ; di in gr _n "Variable | Obs Contrast Std. Err. [`level'% Conf. Interval]" _n " | (L) SE(L)" _n "---------+" _dup(61) "-" ; di in gr _skip(`skip') "`yvar' |" _col(10) in yel %8.0f `obs' _col(23) `ofmt' `L' _col(35) `ofmt' `seL' _col(51) `ofmt' `lower' _col(63) `ofmt' `upper' ; di _n in gr "Hypothesis test of contrast = 0 (L = 0):" _col(43) "t = " %7.3f in ye `t' in gr ", P = " %7.4f in ye `P' ; di _n in gr "Hypothesis test of equal `group' means:" _col(43) "F = " %7.3f in ye `vratio' in gr ", P = " %7.4f in ye `Pgrp' ; di _n in gr "Residual SD (with " in ye `rdf' in gr " df) from analysis of variance = " in ye `rsd' ; #delimit cr end