{smcl} {* 08NOV20124}{...} {hline} help for {hi:abg} {hline} {title:The Alpha-Beta-Gamma Method of Distributional Analysis: Intensity and Shape of Inequality} {p 4}Syntax {p 8 14}{cmd:abg} {it:depvar} [{it:indepvars}] [{cmd:if} {it:exp}] [{cmd:in} {it:range}] [{it:weight}] {cmd:, [} {cmd:gen(}{it:string}{cmd:)} {cmd: ] } {title:Description} {p} {cmd:abg} estimates Alpha-Beta-Gamma coefficients and standard-errors of Distributional Analysis (see these coefficients with {cmd:return list} ) of a {it:depvar} variable (income or wealth values for instance). The reference WP is stored here: {hline} http://www.lisdatacenter.org/wps/liswps/609.pdf {hline} The command {cmd:abg} proposes the computation of the empirical ISO values for the 19 vingtiles of the distribution stored in 19 scalars, and the estimated values stored in 19 ISA scalars. In a generated variable, it stores the ISO values for each individual. {cmd:abg} comes along with a {cmd:logitrank} command that computes for each individual her logit-rank position. {title:Options} {p 0 4} {cmd:gen(}{it:new_var}{cmd:)} must be precised by the user. {title:example} {p} {cmd:use http://www.louischauvel.org/psid9707.dta , clear} {p} {cmd:logitrank eq [fw= wgt] if ye==1997, gen(lr97)} {p} {cmd:abg eq [fw= wgt] if ye==1997, gen(iso97)} {p} {cmd:return list} {p} {cmd:logitrank eq [fw= wgt] if ye==2007, gen(lr07)} {p} {cmd:abg eq [fw= wgt] if ye==2007, gen(iso07)} {p} {cmd:return list} {p} {cmd:sort lr97} {p} {cmd:two (sca iso07 lr07 if abs(lr07)<5 ) (li iso97 lr97 if abs(lr97)<5 ) , legend(off)} {p} {title:References} {p 0 4} Louis Chauvel, forthcoming, The Intensity and Shape of Inequality: The ABG Method of Distributional Analysis, Review of Income and Wealth. {p 0 4} see http://www.lisdatacenter.org/wps/liswps/609.pdf . {title:Author} Louis Chauvel PrDr University of Luxembourg During the completion of the v1.0 chauvel@louischauvel.org