{smcl} {hline} help for {hi:ABRSQOL} {hline} {title:Quality-of-life solver for "Measuring quality of life under spatial frictions"} {title:Description} ABRSQOL is part of the ABRSQOL-toolkit that provides numerical solvers for quality-of-life (QoL) measures that are consistent with the mode developed in Ahlfeldt, Bald, Roth, Seidel: Measuring quality of life under spatial frictions, henceforth ABRS. Notice that quality of life is identified up to a constant. Therefore, the inverted QoL measures measure has a relative interpretation only. We normalize the QoL relative to the first observation in the data set. It is straightforward to rescale the QoL measure to any other location or any other value (such as the mean or median in the distribution of QoL across locations). {title:Syntax} ABRSQOL outcome wage floor_space_price tradable_goods_price local_services_price residence_population hometown_population ["parameter=value"] The following arguments are compulsory outcome QOL variable to be generated, name can be freely chosen wage Wage index, must exist in data set floor_space_price Floor space price index, must exist in data set local_services_price Tradable goods price index, must exist in data set residence_population Local services price index, must exist in data set residence_population Residence population, must exist in data set hometown_population Hometown population, must exist in data set The following parameters can be adjusted by adding "parameter=value" as an argument. Below is a brief description and canonical parameter values alpha Income share on non-housing consumtpion 0.7 beta Share of tradable goods in non-housing 0.5 consumption gamma Idiosyncratic taste dispersion 3 (inverse labour supplyelasticity) xi Valuation of local ties 5 conv Convergence parameter 0.5 Hgher value increases spead of convergence and risk of bouncing tolerance Value used in stopping rule 1*10^(-5) The mean absolute error (MAE) Smaller values imply greater precision and longer convergence maxiter Maximum iteration 10000 Maximum number of iteratios after which the algorithm is forced to stop The program will use these parameter values if you do not add an argument. You can change any of the parameter values by adding "parameter=value" as an argument. You can add as many arguments as there are parameters. {title:Example 1:} Baseline parameterization ABRSQOL MyQOLmeasure w p_H P_t p_n L L_b {title:Example 2}: Increases income share on non-housing consumption to 0.8 ABRSQOL MyQOLmeasure w p_H P_t p_n L L_b "alpha=0.8" {title:Example 3:} Increases income share on non-housing consumption to 0.8 and increases convergence parameter to 0.75 ABRSQOL MyQOLmeasure w p_H P_t p_n L L_b "alpha=0.8" "conv=0.75" You can add as many arguments as there are parameters. {title:Verion} 0.9, 10/2024 {title:Authors} Gabriel M Ahlfeldt, Humboldt University of Berlin Fabian Bald, European University Viadrina Duncan Roth, Institute for Employment Research Tobias Seidel, University of Duisburg-Essen {title:References} The complete ABRSQOL-toolkit is available as a GitHub repository. {browse "https://github.com/Ahlfeldt/ABRSQOL-toolkit":[link]} The toolkit builds on: Ahlfeldt, Bald, Roth, Seidel: Measuring quality of life under spatial frictions When using this programme or the toolkit in your work, please cite the paper. {title:End of help file}