/* ac2 VERSION 1.0.0 21dec2002 */ VERSION 8.0 INCLUDE graph_header INCLUDE header HELP hlp1, view("help ac") RESET res1 DIALOG main, label("ac2 - Table of autocorrelations + confidence intervals") /* */ tabtitle("Main") BEGIN INCLUDE _glist_def /* graph list definitions */ INCLUDE g_cmdinit // hidden checkbox DEFINE _x _xsetbu DEFINE _y _top INCLUDE _bu_tsset TEXT tx_var _lft _top _cwd2 ., /* */ label("Variable:") VARNAME vn_var @ _ss _vnwd ., /* */ label("Variable") GROUPBOX gb_opt _lft _xls _iwd _ht18h, /* */ label("Options") GROUPBOX gb_lags _indent _ss _ibwd _ht4h, /* */ label("Number of autocorrelations to compute") RADIO rb_lags1 _indent _ss _inwd ., /* */ label("Default -- min([n/2] - 2, 40)") /* */ clickon(gaction main.sp_lags2.disable) /* */ first RADIO rb_lags2 @ _ms _rbwd ., /* */ clickon(gaction main.sp_lags2.enable) /* */ label("") /* */ last SPINNER sp_lags2 _rbsep @ _spwd ., /* */ label("Autocorrelations") /* */ min(1) /* */ max(100) /* */ default(1) /* */ option("lags") TEXT tx_lags2 _spsep @ _rbspr2bb ., /* */ label("Autocorrelations") CHECKBOX ck_gen _ilft _xls _ibwd ., /* */ label("Generate a variable to hold the autocorrelations: (suppresses the graph)") /* */ clickon("program graph_off") /* */ clickoff("program graph_on") EDIT ed_gen _indent2 _ss _vnwd ., /* */ error("Generate a variable containing the autocorrelations") /* */ max(32) /* */ option("nograph generate") DEFINE _x _ilft DEFINE _y _ls DEFINE _cx _sprb INCLUDE _sp_level CHECKBOX ck_fft _x _ls _ibwd ., /* */ label("Calculate autocorrelation using Fourier transforms")/* */ option("fft") END INCLUDE _glist_sc /* graph list scripts */ SCRIPT cmdinit BEGIN main.ck_cmdinit.hide gciopts.ck_option.seton END PROGRAM graph_off BEGIN call gaction main.ed_gen.enable call script gyxview_disable call script gciopts_disable call script gr_twoway_disable END PROGRAM graph_on BEGIN call gaction main.ed_gen.disable call script gyxview_enable call script gciopts_enable call script gr_twoway_enable END INCLUDE ifin INCLUDE gyxview INCLUDE gdropline_chlist INCLUDE gciopts INCLUDE grarea_chlist INCLUDE gr_twoway PROGRAM command BEGIN put "ac2 " varlist main.vn_var INCLUDE _ifin_pr beginoptions if main.rb_lags2 { optionarg main.sp_lags2 } if main.ck_gen { require main.ed_gen optionarg main.ed_gen } INCLUDE _level_main_pr option main.ck_fft put " " /program gyxview_output put " " /program gciopts_output put " " /program gr_twoway_output endoptions END