Add notes to text files
addnotes using filename ,data variables(varlist) text(string)
addnotes appends additional text to the end of any text file. This can be used to add notes to the end of output of commands such as outsheet or outreg which produce text files.
data will write the dataset labels to the end of the text file as "Data: dataset label.
variables(varlist) will write the {help label:variable labels} of each variable specified, one variable per line, in the format, "varname: variable label"
text(string) will write whatever is specified to the end of the textfile. This string follows the syntax for writing ASCII text to a file with the file command.
Examples: addnotes
. sysuse auto . outsheet using auto.csv . addnotes, variables(make price) . addnotes, text("Car Types are domestic or foreign")
Jeffrey Arnold Payments Studies Function, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
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